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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7434157 No.7434157 [Reply] [Original]

Made some weeb soup w/ nice noodles.
ingreds related.

remember to always eat weeb food with chopsticks or your no good.

pic , the setup.

>> No.7434158
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>> No.7434163
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Add the ginger into the pot when you start to cook the noodles.

noodles are tomato infused. They are the best type of spag'

Don't worry, meat is coming.

>> No.7434170
File: 1.15 MB, 783x581, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add your portaballonis and weeb packets from shin ramyun black.

>> No.7434179
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And we are done.

I small pot tiny cooked the steak.
(oil in very small pot, high heat to start sear each side, turn, turn, turn heat down, lid on at all times; same thing as sous watering but better)

Lets eat baby ^_^

>> No.7434193
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It's an improvement on my last raymun in pic related.

>> No.7434249

your ramyun looks like shit and shin ramyun is korean. so is the word "ramyun".

>> No.7434263

fuck off non weeb

>> No.7434273

fuck you nip here

>> No.7434280


mean to reply to


>> No.7434284


pick one. picking both is failure.

>> No.7434315

Show me your soup then; you probably don't even know how to boil water.

>> No.7434343
File: 150 KB, 960x960, 12651037_102083078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the guy you're replying to, but your effort is awful. incoming good looking ramens (and that are closer to authentic than that slop)

>> No.7434346
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>> No.7434347 [DELETED] 

>fried egg on ramen
>even burnt the fuckin egg

>> No.7434348
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>> No.7434354

i like my yolks runny and white a little crispy on the edges.

(i could probably drop half of it on the floor and it'd turn out more 'authentic' because i'm not using tomato spaghetti and shitposting that i'm a weeb)

>> No.7434359 [DELETED] 

then it's not authentic you fagster

>> No.7434361


>> No.7434371

no shit. i said " closer to "
>reading comprehension

>> No.7434377

says the person boiling their mushrooms with tomato pasta with korean seasonings and calling it funyuns.

>> No.7434389 [DELETED] 

you're delusional. theres nothing more authentic in your dish than his. you're using SEAsian style rice noodles ffs. u r a faget.

>> No.7434393


Are you seriously saying packaged ramen noodles are better than barilla? hahaha. I would take ops anyday over any of that shit you posted. ops meat looks really good too imo.

>> No.7434398

>using chinese noodles is just as bad as using american-italian tomato noodles
barilla is shit tier tbqh.

>> No.7434411 [DELETED] 

You're an idiot aren't you? He's right, you might as well call it chinese noodle soup. Chimps are closer to humans than they are to gorillas. For all you know, his italian pasta is more authentic than your """""""""ramen""""""""
It ain't even remotely close to la mian or ramyun.

>> No.7434421

>might as well call it chinese noodle soup
i'm ok with that. that's a lot closer to japanese food than OP, which was the entire point.
>defending tomato spaghetti from a weeb.
are you daft?

>> No.7434433 [DELETED] 

It's just that you're insufferable and thinking your dish is superior when it's actually worse.

>> No.7434441

it was almost certainly better (i dunno, boiled mushrooms may actually be awesome when paired with raw spinach. i'm gonna assume that is not actually the case)

>> No.7434448

Uh.... the mushroom sips up all of that flavor from the flavor packs and tastes really good.

"raw spinach"
Ok now I know that you have no idea what you are talking about.
spinach takes about 10 seconds to cook fully when pressed down into hot water / soup.

I also never said my dish was ramyun. So just please fuck off ^_^.

>> No.7434469

That steak.... why can I never get my steak to look like that.... fuckkkkkk

>> No.7434473

>the mushroom sips up all of that flavor from the flavor packs and tastes really good.
fucking christ, here's a free cooking lesson. mushrooms are already a watery fungus, portobellos especially, and even more so since it appears that you washed them clean. cook the existing moisture OUT of them first and then reconstitute it in your soup and it will taste infinitely better and a fuckton less watery.
>spinach takes about 10 seconds to cook fully when pressed down into hot water / soup.
rofl no

>> No.7434523

baitiest post I've seen on /ck/ in over a year.

>> No.7434546

Barilla is the best dried pasta.

t. an Italian

>> No.7434548

Also incase you think I was agreeing with you; because you are mental, so you probably do. I wasn't. Spinach absolutely does cook insanely fast as OP said. 8rd your comment on mushrooms made me LOL.

>> No.7434688

>yfw /ck/ is this stupid and probably not trolling you
child, that is not hot water. it's nowhere close to boiling and, since op is taking the time to layer stuff on top, move it to rest on top of a chair and finally take multiple pictures of it, close to the point where it's getting tepid.

leafy greens are great to dip into boiling water for a quick flash and then shock in ice. or just a dip into boiling water and then into one's dish. personally, i prefer a nice saute for a few minutes, but that's neither here nor there. what op did and said is nothing like that. what op made was soggy leaves.

it's trash. i'd rather have ronzoni than that shit 10/10 times (although i'd rather just make it fresh, it's stupid easy)

>> No.7434700

>buying into fresh pasta meme
you're just too much

>> No.7434705

ok, thanks for letting me know i'm being trolled again. have a good night.

>> No.7434713

>(although i'd rather just make it fresh, it's stupid easy)

You Americans are very cute.

>> No.7435287

Enjoy your raw meat faggot


>> No.7435327

how fat are you be honest

>> No.7436487

not fat