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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7434121 No.7434121 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, so I know many of yall shop at Costco. It just so happens that I work at one as a "sales advisor" aka sample person. It's a pretty weird job, but not a bad one. Ask me anything!

>> No.7434144

Do you cum in all of the samples?

>> No.7434146

why are you sampling olive pits?

>> No.7434148

In your opinion, what's the best thing to buy frozen food wise??

>> No.7434150

What country are you based in?
Are you instructed to stop greedy customers from taking too many samples?

I ask because I am one of these people

>> No.7434155

My friend said he started that same position at $15 an hour and after 6 months is making $17.50 an hour (California), + a certain percentage of whatever he sells. Was he trolling me or is that how much that position makes?

>> No.7434166

god dammit i wish these people would die

>> No.7434318

Is there a limit on how many samples a person can take? Do you have to enforce a limit or something?

Any funny stories?

>> No.7434323 [DELETED] 

do you judge me if I take more than one and don't buy that product? or do you not give a shit

>> No.7435075
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Sorry for the delay in answering your queries.

>> 7434144 No, I don't cum in all the samples. I mean, how could I? I only have so much cum per day.

>> 7434146 Those "olive pits" are really just little pieces of beef hot link cut at an angle. Pretty tasty, but they didn't sell well. $10.99 for a pack of eight sausages. Bullshit.

>> 7434148 As far as frozen foods, the best thing to buy really depends on what's currently on sale. Although there is one item I'm consistently willing to pay full price for - Sukhi's Potato Samosas!

>> No.7435098

>> 7434150 I'm in the U.S. - Texas to be specific. We are, in fact, instructed not to stop anyone from taking any number of samples. There is no limit, so don't worry. Sometimes the person preparing the samples will be unable to keep up with the demand, especially when theres more than a few minutes of cooking involved. That's the only "limit", but of course they'll catch up eventually.

>> 7434155 When I was hired here in Texas they told me up front that everyone starts at $11.50 and that there are NO raises and NO commissions. I'm only speculating, but it sounds like your friend might work for Costco itself and not Club Demonstration Services, the company I work for. Either that, or there are just different rules about how people have to be paid in CA. $17.50 in CA is not a surprising hourly wage seeing as it's a very expensive state to live in.

>> No.7435103

Your new is showing. Just hit their reply number to reply. Green texting makes u look like reddit. Smh desu SENPAI.

>> No.7435107

what the hell

>> No.7435111

really no raises? do they promise upward movement or something?

>> No.7435213

are you trained in food safety? how long will a sample sit out before you toss it? have you had any fat people stories?

>> No.7435226 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 477732678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All we care about is fat people stories and pictures of fat shoppers. Now start delivering or so help me god I will start spamming this faggot thread with every pepe in my arsenal.

Also, learn to 4chan
>sideways picture
>not knowing how to use green text
>not knowing how to reply to posts
>being a fucking ass clown

Better yet, just kill youself you pathetic sample cuck

>> No.7435249

What's your favorite part of the job? What's your favorite thing at the costco food court? Does this job put you in a good position to steal from costco? And if so, have you nabbed anything good?

>> No.7435261

What if a retarded person managed to escape their tard guard/handler and started going nuts on your samples, eating everything. How would you handle that situation?

What if someone started shooting up the place? Are there procedures in place for that or would you just stand there with your thumb up your ass?

>> No.7435283

One time I met a French guy giving out samples at Costco. He gave me some delicious Gruyere cheese to try. My girlfriend and I talked to him for a while because he was funny and interesting. My girlfriend apparently got his number while I wasn't around and fucked him.

I got cucked by Costo. Fuck you, whore. Costco deserves to be burnt to the fucking ground.

>> No.7435299

How is what it put out on sample decided?
I would hope its a bit more to it than 'ay according to our spreadsheets this product doesn't have good enough turn over'

What is the pay like?

Why is it always an old woman that does your job?

Are you permitted to sneak a sample or three?

Why don't you offer more dino nugget samples you faggot? I like free dino nuggets.

>$17.50 in CA is not a surprising hourly wage seeing as it's a very expensive state to live in.
Cost of living is only an issue in the population centers. The majority of the expense of living in cali when you don't make stupid housing choices comes in the form of massive taxes on everything.

>> No.7435305
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I'm cringing all over.
They called this thread an AMA for fuck sake.
OP can fuck right back off to Reddit but I'm sure he/she/zhe wasn't welcome there either.

>> No.7435368

>>7435305 op don't listen to these preteen cyberbullies. These self proclaimed "channers" tend to get upset when they see a professional (such as yourself) interfering with their safe place

>> No.7435401

God damn could you be any more obvious? We all know it's you, OP. Now get back to work you wageslave cuck or I'll trace your IP and get your bitch ass fired

>> No.7435412

People who earn a decent wage?

>> No.7435505
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>> No.7435525

Holy shit are U a gril?!?!?!

>> No.7435546

How do they determine what the sample person sells?

>> No.7435997

Wow great thread OP. Thanks for answering all of our questions. Faggot

>> No.7436612
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No, they don't promise promotion. That's just the way it is. I don't consider the job a permanent solution, so I'm ok with it. It's a nice starting wage for an easy-as-fuck job. I'll get something better within the yeat and never look back.

>> No.7436618


>> No.7436649

Of course I'm trained in food safety. That is, I have passed a test a 'tard could ace and presented the certificate to my employers. Personally, though, I take more care than most. I'm always sanitizing every utensil and piece of equipment before, during, and after serving food with them. I'm not afraid some outbreak of foodborne illness will be traced to me, I've just worked in a lot of restaurants and I have a conscience.

>> No.7436685

Rudest customer you've ever encountered?
Do you ever sneak samples?

>> No.7436709

Hey at least you're working

>> No.7436751
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My favorite part of the job is socializing with my coworkers. Yes, they are mostly a bunch of old ladies and I happen to be a young man in my late 20's, but still...they're a cut above anyone else you might encounter on a typical day at Costco. They all have a very good sense of humor, which is an essential part of the job and an essential part of being a human, if you ask me.
I'm sick and tired of the Costco snack bar, but if I have to eat something of theirs, it's the pizza. Combination: the one with sausage, pep, onion, etc. Most days, I bring my own lunch and supplement it with sample foods.
I don't really get opportunities to steal from Costco. I mean, most of their products are in bulk, so it would be very hard to pocket anything. All the products we sample are paid for...if I notice toward the end of the day that all the cheese they provided me with isn't going to be sample-able before my shift ends, I definitely put some in my apron pocket if it's good shit like Brie or Camembert or Wenselydale.