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File: 188 KB, 1600x1200, mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7433723 No.7433723 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make good sandwiches without mayo?

I'll eat more vegetables, I'll cut sugary drinks, but how the FUCK do you survive without mayonnaise?

>> No.7433742

Try some vegan fucktard style stuff like hummus or avocado

>> No.7433750

use butter

>> No.7433756

This actually works pretty well.

>> No.7433764

this is just as high calorie and tastes worse

ill look in to this

>> No.7433775

There is literally nothing wrong with mayonnaise.

>> No.7433803

There's literally nothing wrong with mayonnaise or fat in general.
I literally eat as much fat as I can, can't stop losing weight and feel like I have enough energy to impregnate every breedable female in a 50km radius.

>> No.7433811


Even if you are dieting, you can allow yourself some indulgences. As long as you are not eating a whole bunch of sandwiches for every meal, you can get away with a little mayo.

>> No.7433826
File: 15 KB, 300x300, miracle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love mayo so maybe I use too much of it. I'm trying to cut calories, not necessarily fat.

Maybe I should switch to this crap even though I don't remember liking it.

>> No.7433828



you don't need to be 100% NO FATS EVER with your diet meals, you're supposed to have some

if a little mayo helps your sandwiches that much, just include it, just put less

>> No.7433840
File: 27 KB, 573x637, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>miracle whip

>> No.7433874

Count callories if you're losing wieght, and just work an amount into your diet.

>> No.7433889

The success of a diet actually hinges on giving up the little things like mayo on bread. Cheese is also a big no-no

refried would work as a spread.

>> No.7433891


thats the simplest and most guaranteed way but hardly the most effective

given that he's cut sugary drinks too i imagine the basis of his diet is cutting calories and not particular macros anyways

>> No.7433897

Vegemite or similar

>> No.7433900

that's disgusting

>> No.7433903

how can you not like the tangy zip of miracle whip?

>> No.7433921
File: 134 KB, 308x381, 1455974284126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.7433925

Flavored hummus makes for a nice spread, get some moisture on the sandwich

>> No.7433932 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 600x600, mapleleaf_ezeesub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use dijon or pic related

>> No.7433943

I prefer that on my pizzas, it's disgusting on sandwiches

>> No.7433949

If you're really that desperate to cut out 50 calories just use less and cut some other shit instead. Mayonnaise is basically fine, sure it's fairly calorie dense but that shouldn't be a problem unless you slather every meal in the stuff

>> No.7433990

>50 calories of mayo
bro i use like 200 kcals worth of mayo on each sandwich

>> No.7434351 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 265x300, 1456864443025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheez whiz

>> No.7434386


you can still improve your diet without going low-calorie. avocado is actually really fucking good for you.

>> No.7434436


Lots of mustard

>> No.7434503

Be better off giving up the bread than the mayo 2bh

>> No.7434510

The success of a diet hinges on your ability to do math

>> No.7434514

Nope. Just eat less.

>> No.7434601

I like the wholegrain mustard type.

>> No.7434646

I fucking hate mayo and have never needed it. The most I'll do is put a dab of mayo in with some ketchup, mustard, and BBQ sauce to dip fries in.

I honestly never got the 'moisten your sandwich' thing. If you have fresh veggies or a tomato, then you don't need any food lube. Even without it, it's not like sandwiches are dry. I've never felt the need to make a sandwich wet unless we're talking pulled pork, sloppy joe, hamburgers, etc. I feel it was just a meme, like you saw your parents do it so you did it, and now if you have it without it, it feels dry.

>> No.7434670

The key to weight loss is to not enjoy it.
Droping fat is a function of the reaction your body has to disgusting food. Your stomach will encase any bad tasting food with a thin layer of fat so it can get out of your body faster (this is why we store so much fat in the belly area.)

>> No.7434678

Literally this.

>> No.7436096

God you dumbfucks make me mad.
>durr fat doesn't make you fat
But do you honestly believe soy and empty calories are good for you? Jesus fuck, if you're going to troll get some knowledge you retarded fucks. You think you can eat 200g sugar, 100g protein powder, and 80g of lard and be healthy? Now watch as they sperg and nitpick that example, fucking amateur hour on the cooking board.

>> No.7436119

I actually don't like mayo anymore. It always makes me feel "disgustingly sluggish" for lack of a better term.

>> No.7436125

Anything can make you fat, but if you're eliminating items from your diet for the sole purpose of weight loss, fats should hardly be the primary contender.

>> No.7436132

I used to use mayo ten years ago. Then I just stopped. It wasn't hard. For salad applications oil and vinegar (or lemon juice) is superior, and you don't need much. For sandwiches I usually lean on Dijon mustard, because it's fucking delicious.

Once you stop expecting your food to be blandly greasy you'll find very few situations really call for mayo. I don't even use it in tuna salad anymore - I just buy tuna in olive oil, drain off most of it, then mix the tuna with chopped onion, parsley and capers. Much more flavorful than the tuna in water + mayo combination, and satisfying in smaller amounts.

>> No.7436136

You could make an aïoli. Close to mayo, but different.

>> No.7436137

If you eat a typical Western diet cutting down on fats and simple starches would be a pretty good way to lose some weight, especially if you replace them with vegetables high in fiber so you don't feel hungry.

>> No.7436230

weth a hent of pesto ay ole ee

>> No.7437336

I do it all the time. The best sandwich spread is, objectively, roasted red pepper hummus.

>> No.7437358

Just make your own mayo, it's easy as fuck.

The only unhealthy thing about store bought mayo is the cheap oils they use.

>> No.7437397


why all the hate? i love miracle whip.

>> No.7437403

I heard it tastes like goblin cum

>> No.7437437

Tell me about goblin cum. When did you first come to taste it?