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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7432335 No.7432335 [Reply] [Original]

Worst cooking related injury?

Did this cutting carrots while I was on mushrooms several years ago.

Don't drink or do drugs while your cooking family

>> No.7432338

I've never had anything more than minor cuts and burns. This includes working fast food and short order for 8 years of my life. Keep your head in the game. The world is a dangerous place.

>> No.7432340

did what?

>> No.7432341

Not really cooking related in a sense that me and my friend were making butane hash oil. Well the gas got ignited from static electricity because of improper ventilation. There was a huge fucking gas explosion that lasted one nanosecond. My friend was pushed to the other side of the room by the pressure and the stove was broken in middle. Luckily no other injuries expect the broken stove and my friend's beard got burned.

>> No.7432345

What the fuck is that supposed to be? I dont even see an injury

>> No.7432347

I cut off my finger tryna be rojak

>> No.7432349

How did you chop off the head of your penis cutting carrots?

>> No.7432354

Sushi chef, that knife is like touching a lightsaber.

>> No.7432364
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This one I didn't feel that much.

Wood skewer

>> No.7432366

>working at KFC as a teen
>in charge of side dishes
>macaroni comes in big frozen blocks
>blocks go into microwavable plastic dish
>microwave for like 20 minutes
>lost grip on plastic dish while removing macaroni from microwave
>it slams on edge of counter and slings boiling hot macaroni and cheese everywhere
>some gets on my hand and up my arm
>instant 2nd degree burns

>> No.7432368

you are such a pussy

>> No.7432372

Spilled boiling water on my right hand as a kid. My dad called me a baby and said I was overreacting so all I really did was leave it in an ice bath for a day and then wrap it in gauze for a while after. It hurt like fucking bitch. I had huge blisters and the skin turned grayish. The scars blend in with my skin tone pretty well thankfully.

>> No.7432375

Are you puerto rican?

>> No.7432376
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I was cutting a loaf of pumpernickel with my thumb under it. Needless to say, I sliced my thumb open pretty damn good, went in about 1/4 of an inch.

>> No.7432377

>be me
>trying to show my then girlfriend, now wife, how to open a coconut
>won't work with a hammer
>grab a machette and tell her to smack it
>she missed my about two feet and chopped my left index finger off

It really sucked and now I only have nine fingers

>> No.7432379

Post hand

>> No.7432381


>> No.7432382


That's what happens when you make copies of knives you're not supposed to.

>> No.7432384


>> No.7432387

Why is it bullshit if I'm not Puerto Rican?

>> No.7432468

Because you are a Puerto Rican

>> No.7432471
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thanks now that's stuck in my head

>> No.7432472

I burn myself almost everytime i use the oven. Either from steam or bad angle of entry. Ovens are really designed to be off the floor, the oven stove combos are death traps

>> No.7432481


>ovens are really designed to be off the floor, the oven stove combos are death traps

I never have a problem with those.

The convection oven that's at torso height, on the other hand... I burn my arms on the doors to that constantly.

>> No.7432491

sliced about 1/8" off the tip of my middle finger dicing an onion while a little bit tipsy/distracted. it bled like crazy but i didn't go to the hospital. the skin was still slightly attached, so i just wrapped it up with some gauze. the skin flap got hard and fell off after about a week and the skin regrew, so no permanent deformity.

>> No.7432493
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Using a regular blender instead of an immersion one with hot cauliflower soup.

Heat makes shit expand and the lid popped off and I had molten lava soup melting my skin off before I registered what happened. I'm so happy it healed okay.

>pic related

ill only make that mistake once

>> No.7432499

Rojak's technique is injury proof, watch him again

>> No.7432504

Here we go again....

>> No.7432506

>it healed ok
nah honey, dem titties is ruined

>> No.7432537

I don't understand what being Puerto Rican has to do with burning my hand.

>> No.7432557
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Show me what dem feet do tho

>> No.7432578



>> No.7432585

Ah yes. The old Satan's Pearl Necklace. I've heard that's popular over in LONDON

>> No.7432602

I was frying some ham, and the pan started to slide of the stovetop. Out of stupid reflex I pushed the pan back with my left hand. It got burned pretty bad, and it was a possibility that I was going to have restricted hand movement, as some of the burns were right at the joints of my fingers. Luckily, that didn't happen,and now (something like 10 yearss later) I can't even see the scars anymore

>> No.7432609

>about to cook a steak
>got a million fucking oils in the skillet heating up
>drop that muffukkin steak in there like its my new mixtape
>Oil splashes and gives me burns all up my right arm
Fuckin badass dude.

>> No.7432610

I opened a pull-tab can and cut my finger to the bone with the edge.

>> No.7432618

>This guy I worked with at McDonalds dropped a piece of paper into a vat of oil.
>He reaches over and grab it out without thinking
I was told this story by numerous people on multiple occasions.
>Apparently the skin came off his hand like a sock

>> No.7432645

Pan was in the oven at 500 degrees Farenheit and I put it at my station, then turned around then turned back and grabbed it. It was a full on grip too.
Worst burn ever.

>> No.7432860

Holy fuk, that's pretty savage if true

>> No.7432876


How fucking hot is McDonald's oil?

I've dipped my hand almost up to the wrist in a 350 fryer and it was just a little red for a day.

>> No.7432906

>be 8
>want to help mom in the kitchen
>'fine, peel potatoes'
>no peeler
>hands me the sharpest paring knife in existence
>potatoes are wet
>hands are small
>peel for about 10 seconds before knife slips
>slice off chunk of my index finger
>mom's yelling
>i'm crying

Not my worst but it was my first.

>> No.7432909

no you didn't

>> No.7432921


Yes, I did.

Maybe McDonald's employs are too stupid to immediately pull their hand out when they realize it's in hot oil?

>> No.7432922

I cut clean through the webbing between my thumb and index finger when I was wiping knives off with a fucking paper towel. I gripped it the wrong way and slid it through the blade. I have a pretty cool scar there, though.

>> No.7432927

McDonald's puts HFCS into its frying oil so it basically becomes napalm if it gets on your skin

>> No.7432928

Like I said I've only hear the story

Also 375 or 425 stick out in my head but Google probably knows better.

Also I call bs on you

>> No.7432932


That explains it.

>> No.7432962
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One of the worst was probably when I was slicing cabbages and I sliced a little bit off the tip of my finger, blood splattered all over the kitchen.

Another was when I was really young, about 6, or 7 years old and I wanted to make fries, so I heated up a bunch of shortening in a huge cast iron frying pan. I got it too hot and then dropped the potatoes that I just cut into it. Hot grease flew all over the kitchen and me, got some in my eye, and all over my hands and face. I screamed and ran away and my mom came in and was like, "Whut?"

More recently I dropped some oil from my workplace on my foot.

>> No.7432963
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Spilled boiling water on my stomach.
It stayed red for a few days, then blistered, then after about two weeks I shed a really thick amount of skin.
Shit was nasty.

The water wasn't even completely boiling at the time. I should have listened more when people say to be cautios with hot water, I did'nt know how wrong it could go. Hands down the worst pain of my life.

>> No.7432967
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>> No.7432987

you're bullshitting, if your hand was wrist deep in fryer oil at cooking temperature it was in long enough to cause serious damage

>> No.7433001

>That explains it.
no it doesn't. the water from hfcs would make the oil pop and splatter, and the sugar would burn.

>skin came off like a sock
sounds like a line from the sopranos that someone repeated for dramatization of a boring story

>> No.7433010 [DELETED] 

Burnt the fuck out of my forearm once pulling a rack of stuff from a high temp oven. That took about 4 months to completely heal up, and looked really fucked up.


>> No.7433013
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>> No.7433021


Believe whatever you want to believe.

It was a quick in and out, which isn't the same as grabbing a 500 degree pan and having your skin stick to it.

>> No.7433039

>Be sous-chef
>last 2 tables are on the pass
>next is potato
>Chef de cuisine place the potatotray on the edge of our pass
>it falls
>last potatoes in mise
>reflexgrab that tray barehanded
>195° oil all over my hand and underarm
>plate the remaining courses
>go to bathroom, commence skin removal seance.

>> No.7433040

You can't just fucking dip your hand in hot oil. I was cleaning the fryers at Popeye's one night, they'd been off for about half an hour so they'd cooled a bit, and a glob of it splashed up and onto my hand. Hurt like a mother fucker. Been about six years since it happened and, looking at it now, the scar is almost completely gone, but you sure as Hell ain't sticking your hand in hot oil and coming off with "a little redness." Anyone who has been burned by oil knows that's pure fuckin' bullshit.

>> No.7433072

We used to deep fry our fingers at the first restaurant I worked at. We tried to see how long we could keep them in for. Yes, we are all retarded.

But we always battered them first. If you build up enough of a coating you wont feel it for a few seconds.

>> No.7433091



>> No.7433093

yes chef

>> No.7433114

fucking hell, where did you work?
were you on day release or something?

>> No.7433141

The Temptation restaurant in Boca Grande FL. It's been so long since I've worked there I don't mind telling you. I was a teenager when I worked the fryer station.

People also got drunk on the line pretty often. Our head chef put the ticket spike right through the middle of his hand one night.

>> No.7433198 [DELETED] 

How many dicks did you have to suck to get a job at that shithole?

The Temptation? hahahhahahaa

>> No.7433230

Fumbled taking a pan of bacon out of the oven and doused my entire hand in bacon grease.

I got most of it under lukewarm water within seconds, but I still have a burn on my arm that looks a bit like an elephant.

>> No.7433236

nearly losing a finger, countless burns from taking pizzas out of the oven, and one time I was so fatigued I almost turned on the garbage disposal while my hand was in it.

>> No.7433248
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>> No.7433347

Literally just wanted to show us your tits

Kill yourself

>> No.7433361
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>> No.7434412

>quick in and out
>magical fairyland where hand wasn't still covered in hot oil

Sure thing.

>> No.7434417

Guy i worked with spilled stock into his boots (why hes wearing boots in a kitchen i dont fucking know) but 3rd degree burns all over his feet because we can't get his boiling hot boots off in time. WEAR CLOGS

>> No.7434544

leidenfrost effect

>> No.7434560


Tripping Rules:
No weapons.
Don't touch your penis

>> No.7434567


if your hand is wet you can stick it into a vat of molten lead, dumbass. as long as you're quick you won't feel anything

>> No.7434572

my sides lad

>> No.7434573

I've got the standard rows of hot saute pans on my inner arms, and I cut myself to the bone one time on my left thumb. Pretty standard stuff

>> No.7434574


what the fuck is wrong with you, you seriously got fucking issues babe


thaaat's more better

>> No.7434586

Worst I've done is grated a finger.

>> No.7434598
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I've had a few burns and cuts here and there, but the worst shit I've seen was when I was 18 about five years ago working at Subway. Did a shift with a co-worker and while prepping food, she accidently dropped her hand into the force of the tomato she was slicing.

Needless to say it was the bloodiest shit I've seen. Never seen human bones like that. Had to close the store once I called the ambulance and the manager. Never seen that girl since but I heard she wanted to sue, but didn't suceed.

>> No.7434634

That's nothing, I spilt a ramen cup on my groin. Luckily my cocknballs were spared but jesus christ that's about the worst place to have blisters. Was worried about infection too.

>> No.7434642

Mangled my finger with a serrated knife about two hours before I went on an eight hour plane ride. I just wanted to eat before I flew across the entire country.

>> No.7435074
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Cut it 12 hours ago.

>> No.7435076

boiling water spill onto bare foot. ended up with a giant blister that covered the entire top of one foot. no more cooking in bare feet.

>> No.7435079

Dude, worst spot to knick.

>> No.7435090

my worst injuries while working in a kitchen were when I spilled my hot coffee on my hand while I was taking a smoke break and then when I slipped walking home after a work party being drunk as fuck.

everything at work is little cuts or burns that never amounted to much

>> No.7435093

>Literally just wanted to show us your tits
>she isn't even showing tits
shut your mouth you fag

post tits you ho

>> No.7435095

I would have fainted, I can't stand seeing stuff like that.

funny enough I have my first aid ticket. Got it while I was unemployed because it looks good on resumes but in any situation the skills I'd learned would be required I'd be uselessly sitting down or laying on the ground doing my best not to faint while trying to put the situation out of my mind :^)

>> No.7435100

The more I stare into that belly button, the more it stares back at me...

>> No.7435109

Faggot liar. If it were true you would have posted a picture. Now admit you lied or post a time stamped picture

>> No.7435156
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You are small time. Try missing a cleaver swing

>> No.7435208

>she isn't even showing tits
do you mean nipples? you aren't very smart

>> No.7435422
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I once was drunkenly opening an avocado and cut the inside of my first pinky knuckle. the cut itself want bad but I guess I hit a tendon because my second knuckle wouldn't respond to my commands for like 3 years. I counted it as a loss but I eventually regained control

>> No.7435430

Wow! Titties!

Here's your (You)

>> No.7435461

nice tits bby u want sum fuk

>> No.7435469

Sorry cant see the scar, too distracted

>> No.7435476


>> No.7435493
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work at a thai resturant. workin the wok. hot oil splashes out the pan and fucked my shit up. skin falls off and everything. put some neosporin on, get a bandaid and slip on a glove. Finish dinner service

>> No.7435509

I'm getting really sick of you underage faggots that think replies are some form of currency

>> No.7435537

>opening a coconut with a machete
jesus fucking christ, really?

>> No.7435618

>spilled stock into his boots (why hes wearing boots in a kitchen i dont fucking know)

>> No.7435623
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Try putting your hand through a meat saw.

>> No.7435650


When I was little I was wearing sweat pants tucked into my socks one time and had a massive wet shit that ended up going down both legs and filling both socks.

It's not exactly the same, but still, WEAR CLOGS.

>> No.7435709

I don't know about the guy you're replying to, but I'm Brazilian, and machetes are commonly used to open coconuts around here. Specially if you're opening young, fresh coconuts for their delicious water.

>> No.7436453

>molten cheese burns
Fucking hell, just imagining that. You should have jew'd KFC hard for their greasy shekels for that workplace injury.

>> No.7436455


>you fuck up
>time to sue your employer

I don't even

>> No.7436527

Could have easily been an unsafe workplace environment.

>> No.7436591

>Apparently the skin came off his hand like a sock

Oh my god I just retched

fuckin hell, do people not know to never fuck with hot oil?

>> No.7437120
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Prepping veg at work pissed off and not paying attention. Taught me an important lesson in not blocking with your fucking fingers.

>> No.7437195


>not using a butcher's gauntlet


>> No.7437197


>using anything but a butterknife to slice an avocado

so many retards ITT

>> No.7437227

I did this exact same shit to my thumb cutting lemons before opening the bar at work.
literally every time I went to cut lemons after that, people would stop by every 5 seconds to ask if I was doing alright. fucking jesus.

>> No.7437267
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Fucking citrus cuts oh god

>> No.7437281


nice bait until this

>> No.7437284

>accidentally slice hand cutting peppers

>> No.7437532
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does cleaning a pint glass count?

>> No.7437544

you're telling me, it was so fucking awful. stung like satan's papercut for the entire day even after going to the hospital and getting painkillers. my nail ended up mostly falling off too even though I only cut a bit of it off like the other anon's picture. seven stitches. that shit was so painful, but 3 years later you can barely see the scar.

>> No.7437547
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year l8r update

>> No.7437550

>cutting poblano peppers
>goin real fast
>one of the seeds flips up and gets in my eye
>immediately react by putting my fingers in my eye to dig it out

I learned a lesson that day.

>> No.7437594

was the lesson that you were too slow?

>> No.7437602 [DELETED] 
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nahh...mate gotta wear sick glasses while cooking

>> No.7437603

Worst injury while cooking would be me spilling boiling hot water on my chest when I was 8-10 I think.

>> No.7437629

Great advice, OP. I always make sure to cook my family sober. Lets you savor all the little flavors.

>> No.7437638
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gotta be safe, if you don't want to end up sorry

>> No.7437943

That hat makes him look like such a fucking moron. Turned me off from fitted hats forever.

>> No.7438298
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Ouch ouch ouch

>> No.7438623

All kitchens are.

>> No.7438654

I like how he makes a conscious effort to look as brain dead as possible

>> No.7438693

I didn't do it on purpose, I spilled a pan.

>> No.7438756

>year ago
>first time making caramel
>after stirring it, tried to clean spoon with finger
>really hot caramel sticks to middle and index finger
>got 1st degree burns

not the horror story of losing a finger or severe burns, but it still hurt

>> No.7438784


dont smoke bb

>> No.7438812


Can he not shut his fucking mouth ?

>> No.7438819

he must be ever vigilant for big boy biting

>> No.7439013

Making a marinade for chicken - First time working with fresh chilies and scratched my nuts without thinking.

Shall not be repeated.

>> No.7439083

I had a science teacher who cooked something cheesy in the oven and fell into it face first. When she came back to school she looked like Two-Face

>> No.7439101

jesus christ anon, is that just an exaggeration or was it really that bad?

>> No.7439612

>fell into it face first
How does that even happen?...

>> No.7439655

>Don't drink or do drugs while your cooking family
We're catholic, I have to drink if we're cooking in family.

>> No.7439704
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