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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7432219 No.7432219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many of these can you eat? Can you eat a whole case?

>> No.7432225

are those.. steamed hams?

>> No.7432229

It's white castle you little whore

>> No.7432235 [DELETED] 

Looks awful.

>> No.7432332

Britfag here, never got the chance to try white castle but i'd love to someday. As for how many.. maybe 4-6 normally (not sure how small they are), and triple that amount when stoned

>> No.7432353

You call them steamed hams despite the fact they are obviously grilled...

>> No.7432356

You'll be underwhelmed.

>> No.7432357


Have you never been to a white castle? Their burgers are not grilled in the traditional sense. The patties are cooked on top of rehydrated onions; the meat is cooked by the steam rising from the wet onions. There is no flame involved and the meat never touches the griddle. That's the defining characteristic of white castle.

>> No.7432402

Ne'er been t'white castle sir.

>> No.7432411

But you can already get all the flavorless, greasy food you want in Bongland...

>> No.7432415

I've only ever had the frozen microwaveable ones before. How do they compare?

>> No.7432417
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>> No.7432420

most I've eaten was 9.

>> No.7432442

Think I've eaten like 8 Krystals in one sitting, with fries. Southeast goat. Might try it eat more this weekend

>> No.7432562

flavourless? maybe. greasy? no.

>> No.7432631

I wouldn't eat that shit. It's all bread. I like a minimum 60/40 bread to meat ratio or else it's just a giant carb bomb. Fuck bread

>> No.7432650

How's that 'tism workin' out for ya, 'sperglord?

Yes, I can eat a whole case. Not a whole crate, though I'd like to try.
Jalapeño-cheese sliders with bacon, please.

Decent sub when you can't get the real thing. Say the real thing is 10/10 (not in quality but in being itself), the frozen ones are about 8.5/10 or so. 7.5/10 if you're very particular about having jalapeño-cheese and bacon on every slider.
I miss the fried clams.

I also have the Aurora Borealis at this time of year at this time of day in this part of the country localized entirely within my kitchen, but no; you may not see it.

>> No.7432722

>Steam grilled.

How does dat even work?

>> No.7432734


They put onions on a griddle, then the patty on top of the onions. The griddle cooks the onions and the resulting steam cooks the patty.

>> No.7432741

White Castle bread melts in your mouth

>> No.7432775

Prepare your anus whenever you get the chance to eat these

>> No.7432777
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like this

>> No.7433646

Whats the holes for?

>> No.7433660

the holes were spurred on by early burger joints trying to cook shit faster and faster

less meat = faster cook times and reduction of cost

>> No.7433671


>> No.7433674
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I live near one of the oldest white castles(in queens ny). The place is littered with junkies, poor black families, ghetto highschool kids. It's still my favorite burger place. I think I can get 20 down.

>> No.7433676

there is nothing gross about flour salt and fat cooked in an oven, coated in preservatives and frozen to be steamed back to life later
melting in your mouth

>> No.7433904

I don't like onions unless they're put through a food processor first

>> No.7433916

what they does with them onion after though? i never see onion on the slider burger so they just throw them away or what?

>> No.7434045

Cook more burger

>> No.7434053

I've only eaten white castle a few times because the closest one is like 4 states away so I've never tried to gorge myself but I do have a krystal in town and sometimes when I wake up really hungover I go get a dozen cheese krystals with extra mustard and onion and a side of chili cheese fries and just demolish it.

>> No.7434054

I've never eaten white castle burgs, and I hope to never eat them.

>> No.7434061

white castle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> krystals

>> No.7434066

There was a point in my life where I could have eaten probably half.

Just one, maybe two, and my heart would shoot through my mouth.

Years of great eating has finally taken its toll.

>> No.7434087

Yea I think so too I just wish they were closer so I could eat them together and really compare

>> No.7434090

If i'm high i'd kill them all

>> No.7434129


The inner city ones are always the best people watching spots. It's the same that way in Chicago.

I remember once years ago I had to go someplace on park on the street where there was only meter parker. I didn't have any chance and my smallest bill was five dollars. Fortunately, there was a white castle across the street. I got the bonus of getting a few burgers and getting correct change but I was definitely the only white person there.

>> No.7434137
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I usually get 8

Pic related from last night...

>> No.7434165

I can eat seven or eight sober.