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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7431868 No.7431868 [Reply] [Original]

>he's never tried hot dr pepper on a cold winter day

>> No.7431873

>Drinking soda

>> No.7431879
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Good retort


>he never has small indulgences every few weeks to keep himself from going literally insane

>> No.7431883

>needing sugar treats to keep yourself sane
Are you 12?

>> No.7431887

>needing deprivation and pain to feel authentic

are you an edgy 10 y/o?

>> No.7431890

>finding your pleasure solely in food
You must be an obese 8 year old

>> No.7431896

>not acknowledging one of the finest pleasures in life

are you an oblivious 6 y/o?

>> No.7431897

When you eat on a strict diet it helps to occasionally have a small cheat meal or snack to keep your mind from constantly drifting off the path of the diet you're on.

Also have you faggots seriously never tried hot dr pepper?

>> No.7431904

I like hot choclit and cold choclit milk so I probly would like hot Dr p.

>> No.7431906
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>finding your pleasure solely in food
>pleasure solely in food

>> No.7431924
File: 1.98 MB, 213x221, 1442847615519-pol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's never tried putting cheese in his burger patties

>he's never tried a peanut butter and mayo sandwich

>he's never put chocolate sauce on his meatloaf

>he's never eaten blue rare steak

>> No.7431938

thanks for reminding me of my favorite video

>> No.7431939
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Everyone knows cola is supposed to be cold!

>> No.7431953
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>he's never had wonderful iced flat cherry Mr. Pibb

>> No.7431956
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In 2007 my high school had a malfunctioning vending machine that would always drop 2 Dr Peppers for the price of 1.

For about a month, the cooling mechanism also went out, which resulted in piping hot drinks.

>tfw I've had many a hot Dr Pepper

>> No.7431957
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She's such a sweet pea.

>> No.7431964
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>the machine never malfunctioned to spit out delicious hot pepsi

>> No.7431971



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