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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7431236 No.7431236 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of the paleo diet?

>> No.7431246

its good if you go around with a club and beat stuff all day.

>> No.7431254

I'm basically pic related but less wrinkly and with trim hair so yes

>> No.7431923

It is not a diet.

>> No.7431932

>What does /ck/ think of the paleo diet?
seems to mostly be followed by people who have some kind of feeling of inferiority. a lot of fat people go on the paleo diet because it offers them some kind of social group, feeling of power and lastly control over their eating habits.

there's no reason to stop eating dairy unless you're allergic. there's no reason to completely avoid refined sugar unless you can't moderate yourself. and it's funny that they say to avoid beans/legumes, but nuts and seeds are okay because beans and legumes are seeds.

also it's good if you want to scam fat/insecure people out of their money by having them constantly read your blog/buy your books, i guess.

>> No.7431948 [DELETED] 
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simble ebin

>> No.7431958

>does /ck/ think paleo diet?

No not really.

>> No.7431976

It's based on flawed logic bordering on religiosity. The whole premise is that humans cannot discover new food sources without adverse health consequences. The only reason a certain subset of plants and animals are considered edible is because of hundreds of thousands of years of trial and error and passed-down knowledge.

>> No.7432026

>there's no reason to stop eating dairy unless you're allergic. there's no reason to completely avoid refined sugar unless you can't moderate yourself

it's not a long term thing so you're right, but if you're trying to lose weight it's a lot easier to just completely cut out refined sugars. same with dairy but almond milk is a fine short-term substitute.

either way keto > paleo. when you boil them down tho it's really just eating meat and as much vegetables as possible w/ minimum carbs. when done right, ofc you will lose a ton of weight

>> No.7432092

>its good if you go around with a club and beat stuff all day.

Well, I do sit around and beat 'something' all day...But I ain't using a club.

>> No.7432096 [DELETED] 

>The term diet implies weight loss
This is why people like you are faggots and should not be allowed to voice an opinion via the internet.

>> No.7432107

A friend got two copies of the Paleo Fiet book and gave me one. It was not a bad read, but I still eat dairy, drink milk, have beans and peas.

Its a good lifting diet, but I need my post workout oatmeal with whole milk and a spoonfull of peanut butter in there.

>> No.7432127

It's a diet scam tailored for men.

>> No.7432132

not interested in being constipated for the rest of my life from lack of fiber.

>> No.7432237

It's a silly notion to think you can imitate the diet of paleolithic man with products of modern agriculture systems. Are you living with tribes in africa or south america that are still semi-nomadic and subsist on hunting and gathering? No? Then you're not eating anything close to a "paleo" diet.

>> No.7433288
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Just look at the difference between a wild strawberry and a store-bought one. There's next to no chance you're getting food like it's found in nature.

>> No.7433312

I think you're going to get gout.

>> No.7433320

basically complete memery espoused by stupid hippy looking girls with fucking coloured dreadlocks or undercuts,tribal tatoos, septum piercings and nike airmax and only drink buckwheat granola spirulina detox shakes who won't eat bread because it's not natural but will shovel ketamine up their nose on a daily basis until they piss jelly.

The focus on actually getting some fucking red meat, saturated fats and actual healthy vegetables instead of sugary meme fruits is good I suppose

>> No.7433337

In my experience, most paleo diet people are douchebaggy dudes who are into weightlifting

>> No.7433351

It wasn't bad and I was able to lose some weight on it without having to kill myself at the gym

fiber one bars were my cheats because I was pretty plugged up

>> No.7433357

into memelifting maybe, any men I know that shite on about it are topknot wearing squat-rack curlers or P90X memers

But I still think it's a reasonably decent diet the premise is just dumb as fuck

>> No.7433367

Paleo is nonsense. There is very little evidence that paleolithic humans ate what the paleo diet proponents claim we did.
However, cutting out refined flour, sugar and processed food is a good place to start for a diet.

>But I still think it's a reasonably decent diet the premise is just dumb as fuck

That's it, anon. The diet itself is almost certainly good for you. The basis behind it is ridiculous.

>> No.7433371

>what does /ck/ think of anything that isnt tendies

You already know the answer.
This paleo diet thing is people at least trying to mimic what our ansestors ate. So it ends up being a form of a low carb diet, no processed foods. I dont really see a problem with that. A lot better than eating nothing but sugar and junk foodeveryday like lots of people do.
I ate as "paleo" as I could for 12 days. I was trying for 2 weeks but I was starving at the end of the 12th day and my only option was eating something processed. I did it just for the hell of it after reading a bunch of bullshit about it.
The first few days sucked because im addicted to caffine, but after that it was fine. If I had the money and means of eating like that whenever I want, I would do it for months probably.

>> No.7433579
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Prior to farming and gardening.
Always on the move.
Lucky if you find 'any' food.

To do this justice;
Each day flip a coin. Heads you found food ,tails you didn't meaning you FAST that day.

If heads flip again. Heads you found some fruit and vegetables, tails you found, hunted and killed an animal. For fruits/vegatables spread it throughout the day whenever your hungry. Meat (no salt knowledge, no fridge) eat a BIG meal like a large steak or a whole small chicken.

Zero caffeine, zero sugar.

Lots of daily cardio like P90X or Tai Bo + running.

>> No.7433650


It's just another low carb diet.

>> No.7433672

Why would you have a diet of people who lived up to 20 years?

>> No.7434967


>> No.7435002

fucking gay

>> No.7435003

there's a reason they only lived to 30 back then

>> No.7435021


Lel enjoy your deprecated diet.

Personally I went full protero, I get to eat all the cyanobacteria i want and a cheeky trilobite every now and then if I haven't met my calories goal.

>> No.7435070

If you don't live the paleo livestyle 1:1 you will eat enough, make sure you don't freeze, seek medical attention if needed and don't fight wolves and bears.

>> No.7435077

>eating trilobites
>not gorging on gluten-free all-you-can-eat edicaran biota

>> No.7435080


>im retarded

>> No.7435198


dont be shy, tell us what you really mean

>> No.7435329

Funny, I've lost over 80 pounds and haven't been to the gym once since I started losing weight. Any diet where your calorie intake is below your TDEE will cause you to lose weight; no exceptions.

>> No.7435355

If you can lose eighty pounds without working out then you actually should be working out. You're obviously obese and as you drop the fat you'll need to tighten your skin back up. Otherwise you'll look like fast bastard at the end of that Austin powers movie.
Just Saiyan.

>> No.7435450

It's dumb. if you really wanna go healthy and don't care about taste; go vegan

>> No.7435458

There's plenty of fat vegans, though.

>> No.7435459

Diet >>> Exercise wrt losing weight. And with regard to loose skin, it has far more to do with water consumption and nutrients than "filling" out. There is absolutely zero chance you can fill your baggy skin with muscle, muscle mass is not so easy to come by as that notion implies.

For the record my weight has fluctuated by nearly 100 lbs over a year (multiple times) and yet I don't have any problem with loose skin, but I drink tons of water and when I'm losing weight eat a nutrient dense diet. And I'm not even young (30's) so it's not like my skin is just naturally fresh and springy or anything.

>> No.7435462

Eat a bad vegan diet and you'll get fat. Eating a good vegan diet is key, i believe.

>> No.7435463

lmao there is nothing healthy about veganism. Vegetarianism? Sure you could argue that, but veganism? Nope.

>> No.7435468

Why not just eat a healthy normal diet, then?