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File: 251 KB, 640x918, wild-turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7427735 No.7427735 [Reply] [Original]

I'm falling out of love with whiskey. It just tastes like alcohol to me now, even though I've been getting good shit and using proper glassware.

What do?

>> No.7427737

name some of the supposedly good shit youve been getting

>> No.7427739

maybe this is the time to stop drinking

>> No.7427740

By good shit I mean decent.

Wild Turkey 101, Maker's Mark, Dickel No. 12

>> No.7427753

drink something else

>> No.7427771

So you've had a small amount of okay bourbon. There's much more to whiskey than that.

>> No.7427777

Why don't you, uh, give some examples so OP can learn and you can sound less like a pretentious fedora.

>> No.7427783

not him, but have you tried o'douls?

>> No.7427784
File: 2.67 MB, 1836x2674, 20151217_140657-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis shit rite here, OP
is good

>> No.7427787

Also the moment you smoke whiskey you might as well just shit in the barrel

>> No.7427803

>Irish whiskey
it's made out of potatoes or something?

>> No.7427809

It's aged for a minimum of 3 years, isn't smoked, and made essentially the same way you brew an ale before they toss in the yeast

>> No.7427821

Stop drinking. It's all downhill from here.

>> No.7427830

Well what do you think of them?

Try different shit. Rye, Irish, Scotch, smoked bourbons, Japanese if you're half the weeb we all know you are.

>> No.7427834

I think they taste like rubbing alcohol.

How is rye? might grab a bottle of that next

>> No.7427843

All three of them? Take smaller sips. Try them with a bit of water, or on the rocks if you want neckbeards to yell at you. Try them in cocktails (old fashioned; Manhattan).

Rye is close to Wild Turkey and Dickel. Spicy, bright compared to bourbon's sweetness.

>> No.7428040

Because it takes no time for OP to do a little googling and learn about all the sorts of whiskey that exist, Mr Projection.

>> No.7428042

People come on /ck/ to discuss shit. Perhaps you should try another board.

>> No.7428065

As another anon said, don't start with it neat, you'll be overpowered by the alcohol taste. There's nothing wrong with adding a little water - or an ice cube or two if it's a warm day.

Takes away the burn and actually unlocks more flavour from the whiskey.

All the experts add water when tasting whiskey. You want good mineral water though, not tap.

>> No.7428085

Why don't you discuss something other than your disapproval of me, then? You're hardly discussing the topic. Take your own advice. I'm happy to do what I like, but hold yourself to your own standards at the very least.

>> No.7428097

Just take a break from whiskey, this will happen from time to time as your palate changes, Ive been drinking whiskey for 10 years and sometimes go off it for a few weeks at time.
Sometimes taste variance can be day to day or weeks or even months.
Try some aged rums, maybe some brandies, mit it up.

>> No.7428100

switch to rum, it tastes better

it always tasted better

never really understood the tendency of most liquor drinkers to go for whiskey... doesn't taste bad, but RUM

>> No.7428135

Congrats, you grew out of it.

>> No.7428145


does this mean that he's naturally progressed to scotch?

>> No.7428149

Scotch is still whiskey, anon.

>> No.7428182

any recommendation for something around $20?

>> No.7428238


well yeah, but not what one usually t hinks of when they talk about whiskey. or what they crave when they crave whiskey.

>> No.7428278

When an american craves something its bourbon
when an irishman craves something its irish whiskey
when you crave something its cock

>> No.7428313

happens to me too sometimes OP, you just gotta change it up. Go try some tequila/rum/gin then come back to whiskey. I get burnt out too when I try so many whiskeys.

>> No.7428378

Look, if you're only willing to shell out $20 for hard liquor, yer gonna get shite that ain't worth drinkin. Save up and blow it on a bottle of the top shelf liquor. Don't down it like you would a cheapy, and savor the damn taste. Stop drinkin' like a goddamn college fratboy and man up for gods sakes.

>> No.7428468

>never really understood the tendency of most liquor drinkers to go for whiskey
It's mostly a meme, people just follow it and don't look elsewhere because apparently "whisky is the ultimate beverage", so do you want the ultimate beverage or have a "girly drink"?

Rhum is mostly ignored, and even then those that know about it generally ignore all about rhum arrangé. They also tend to ignore wine, and hypocras equally. And they ignore cremant just because there's champagne.

This new generation has its tastes tailored by movies and TV, don't expect it to actually have taste.

>> No.7428487


>> No.7428503

>muh whiskey

I think you got your fedora upside down.

>> No.7428960


Whisky drinker here. But also a rum drinker, which I spell without the H because I speak English and I'm not some fedora tipping faggot pretending to be patrician. I also have great loves for gin and fernet branca.

My stepfamily is German, so I grew up celebrating births and marriages with sekt. So sekt is what I drink. My taste in wine is plebian anyways - off-dry aromatic white varietals like riesling, gewürztraminer, and muscat are my name. And rosés. Easy wines.

I know this might come as a shock to you, but liking something doesn't preclude a person from liking other things.

>> No.7429095

>I know this might come as a shock to you, but liking something doesn't preclude a person from liking other things.
That's great because we weren't talking about you.

>> No.7429105

Cruzan for straight for with juice
Kraken if mixing with coke

>> No.7429150

I prefer rhum

>> No.7429623

Kraken is a meme

>> No.7429943


you would drink cruzan neat but not kraken?? dafuq

>> No.7429973
File: 421 KB, 1200x1600, kraken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kraken is real and great

>> No.7430433

kraken is GOAT, a couple weekends ago i was drinking it with steve and we got so drunk lol