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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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No.7425356 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ I've got a dillema.

I've been on a few dates with this guy and everything is going great, but now I've invited him over for a home cooked meal. The problem is he'll be meeting my kids for the first time.

So what's a nice meal to cook that's romantic and also kid friendly? I cook a mean spaghetti, but looking for something more adventurous to set the mood for later if you get my meaning.

>> No.7425357

The cum of the men who impregnated you, degenerate.

>> No.7425364

If you want a romantic meal you should get a babysitter. If you want to show him what life will be like as a cuck raising another mans kids just cook your usual slop.

>> No.7425366

Chicken Parmigiana.

Its just chicken, cheese, and spaghetti so I'd hope your kids arent too picky for that.

Its my favorite meal to watch my man make.

>> No.7425368


>> No.7425369

Damn, you're pretty good at subtlety. Trolling is a art.

>> No.7425371

me and my wife's son likes tendies

>> No.7425372

Just cook up the tins of tuna and baked beans from the foodbank you collected them from.

Call it "Romantic sexy beans and tuna casse... marry me!"

>> No.7425377

Beef Strokimoff

>> No.7425379

That looks like the trashy shit the single moms on FB post. I really need to unfriend them.

>> No.7425382
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tendies are magic. that's how i bonded with my wife's son.

>> No.7425403

Jesus you people are judgemental

4chan delete thread

>> No.7425405


criminals are much more likely to be raised by single moms, i'm scared of being murdered by their delinquent child

>> No.7425459

The correct command is DELETE THIS

>> No.7425466


>How to transition a man into a cuckold

You should be ashamed of yourself lady.

>> No.7425479


actually i believe it's "delet this" if you want to get all meme about it

>> No.7425507

I get your meaning, family. You want to hold a tabletop gaming session with your new bf with you playing Ultramarines and him playing Tau because he is such a weeb amirite gurll? The best food is going to be cheetos and dr pepper.

>> No.7425535

No, you stupid fucking twat, the origin of the meme is spoken, there's no need for retarded spelling.
Get your god damned memes right.

>> No.7425546
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I don't date or marry used goods

>> No.7425668

> a nice meal to cook that's romantic and also kid friendly?
I don't know, as I'm not a paedophile. But I know that pretty much everybody don't consider any activity including a child to possibly be romantic.

What is a babysitter?

>> No.7425682

It doesn't matter, a cuck has no standards.

>> No.7425723

i'd consider factors like whether u have to tend to kids while cooking (e.g. toddlers) or whether they'll be holed up in their bedroom instagramming (e.g. teens), and how horrifying a mess it will be if your kids are prone to getting their meal all over the table and their clothes.

If they're reasonably civilized 10-12 year olds, i'd probably go with pizza, kids can top theirs how they want, u can make a more adventurous pizza for you and your date. it also gives y'all something to do together.

>> No.7425735


I get that this post is completely reasonable but on /ck/ it just seems gay as fuck.

>> No.7425744

make a roasted chicken in the oven with some green beans, potatoes and salat... easy , fast and children love chicken... give ice cream to the kids as dessert so they memorised

mom's new friend== ice cream== good for us...

>> No.7425749

Make him a big bowl of water because he must be thirsty as fuck.

>> No.7425757
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>just seems gay as fuck.
so do you, friendo

>> No.7425759

make sure he's not using you to get to your kids, as pedophiles tend to hone in on single mothers to accommodate accessing/grooming.
don't try and upsell yourself with a showy meal, just make slightly more of what you'd usually make. Browse wifey threads and avoid the common pitfalls of trashiness if that is your usual fair

>> No.7425760

The first time I went for dinner at my wife's house, her son actually cooked us dinner. It was a really nice touch. He microwaved up some tendies and they were nice and moist.

>> No.7425766
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>> No.7425772

>babby's first day
You know where to go back to.

>> No.7425920

>implying a 5 year old can't be civilized

>> No.7425940


You've only been on a few dates and you're already inviting him over to meet the kids?!?


>> No.7425946

She needs that gaping hole to be filled by a man.

>> No.7425947

In her heart I mean.

>> No.7425977

Inviting them over early in the relationship to meet the kids lets you both know if he's willing to put in some effort. He could spend one evening with the kids, and decide it's time to run. It's better to know this early before you get too attached.

>> No.7425987

1) fuck you for exposing your children to him and making him act like a father to all these kids he doesn't even know
2) Chicken Marsala. Cheap. Tastes great. Not hard to fuck up. Shows some sort of actual experience in the cooking world.
Also make sure to bang your boyfriend extra hard so your kids will have to cover their ears with double layers before they can manage to go to sleep coddled by the grunts of some random guy and the whore-ish moans of their mother.

>> No.7426032

Yeah but having your kids constantly exposed to random men while growing up is not healthy either.

>> No.7426046

It's not like she's talking a constant stream of random hookups. Most people that have aged enough to have a few kids, aren't out trolling bars and bringing home whoever they meet. Most likely it's someone that they met, and got to know slowly before ever deciding to date them. Usually a coworker. It's obviously not something she's done often, or she wouldn't be here asking advice.

>> No.7426049

yeah but she's asking for cooking advice.
not dating advice.

>> No.7426050

when you fuck around you don't invite them to meet the children each time before... most if them dont want to meet them.either so I do it when the children are out of the house

>> No.7426051


You don't think that she'd have asked for cooking advice in a similar situation in the past?

>> No.7426053

she did is she's just an attention whore.

>> No.7426056

But my original comment was a response to someone offering dating advice.

And besides, if it was something being done often, they would have a plan that would be easy to pull off, that they would use on every new man. My family is loaded with single moms. I guarantee you that once they have something that works, they're not deviating from it. Too busy of a life.

I'm going to suggest lasagna. It's not hard. But it looks like it takes some skill. If kids will eat spaghetti, they'll eat lasagna. Prep time isn't too much worst. Just have to factor in cooling time for the noodles, and the bake.

>> No.7426058

Between the single mother and the bitter virgins the levels on insecurity in this thread is fucking palpable.

>> No.7426063

What's with all the cuckposting lately? Patchwork families have been acceptable for decades now.

Has everyone gone full niggnogg?

>> No.7426072

No amount of good cooking will make up for having to take care of another man's seed.

>> No.7426078

If you're inexperienced with dating and women the idea of entering a relationship with someone who has enough prior experience to have a family( despite that fact having kids isn't any actual indicator of a lot of experience) can make you feel very insecure in your abilities. Insecure people tend to lash out at representations of themselves in that situation.

So every man who enters a relationship with a women with children is, in their eyes, just as inexpreiriencef, nieve and pitiful as they feel they are, and so worthy of ridicule.

>> No.7426087

Inb4 "it's biology bro"

>> No.7426094

Dam reddit is on every board. I thought they are just on/tv/, /v/, /b/, /mlp. Please leave my /ck/

>> No.7426097

"Raise my children and I'll make you eggs on toast."
Seems like a sweet deal to me.

>> No.7426099

/ck/ is the most reddit board on 4chan.

>> No.7426102

The word 'cuck' has lost all meaning due to persistent misuse, just ignore it.

>> No.7426108
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>my kids
>I cook a mean spaghetti

>> No.7426115

How do you non Latins write Spaghetti in singular form?
The correct word is "spaghetto", but I only always see the plural of it

>> No.7426126

Spaghetti is a dish or ingredient. It is plural by default. Singular usage is "a piece of spaghetti" or a "spaghetti noodle". Similar to "rice", or a "grain of rice".

>> No.7426148
File: 20 KB, 436x432, 292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beatifully meme'd, mon cheri

>> No.7426156

Well now you got me thinking if OP isn't a subtle pedo

>> No.7426181

Nearly all foods are child friendly. Unless you are trying to raise picky man-children feed them whatever you eat.

>> No.7426319

Read >>7426115
And stop acting like your heritage matters. Italy a shit.

>> No.7426865

canadathony nospanktano has some words

>> No.7426900
File: 250 KB, 800x558, rev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, thanks for the advice I guess guys. Some of you might even know my oldest, here's a picture of him that made him laugh a lot, which is nice because he has some learning difficulties.

>> No.7426913

Pics or you're a liar, you grape lookin' slut

>> No.7426921

>implying a five year old can be civilized

>> No.7427012

If you raise them right, indeed they can be.

>> No.7427226

Ever thought to ask him what he might like?

Geez he's not a mind reader

>> No.7427243

almost had me there desu

>> No.7427279

No, /vg/ clearly is.

>> No.7427415
File: 65 KB, 285x276, very sad frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hilarious, but I cant stop imagining what if shes not shitposting

I cant stop seeing a crying 25 year old who is wondering why her beloved /ck/ has turned on her for saying she had children and is not married

>> No.7427505

Even if she isn't shitposting she probably knows about /ck/ and is less befuddled and more exhausted.

>> No.7429028

> won't somebody please think of m'ladies feelings!

That's you, cuck.

>> No.7429040

This, sadly. First hand experience, MomOP please don't date

>> No.7429065

I'm 40. I have a girlfriend of 15 years. Neither of us is religious, and after doing some number crunching, we would pay more in taxes if married. The house is mine, much of the furniture is hers. We divide the bills evenly, blah blah.

Neither of us has really wanted to have kids, and there is a history of birth defects on her side of the family, which thankfully, she was spared from.

Now that my career is more or less on track, and I have disposable income, I have pondered adopting a child. If I pursue this, I will be raising another man's seed.

With all of the unwanted children already alive in this world, and the obvious problems of overpopulation and resource scarcity, does it really make sense to breed for the sake of spreading your genetic material. You're chilling on 4chan after all. Is your seed really worth spreading?

>> No.7429073

just get a surrogate instead of adopting.

there's absolutely no benefit to adopting. the kids are spawned by human trash, why the fuck would you want to invite that into your home?

>> No.7429079

And again we come back to leaving one more kid in foster services.

I'm a firm believer in nurture over nature.

>> No.7429086

I dunno, you can tell pretty early on if a kid is fucking stupid or not. No amount of care is going to make it non retarded.

>> No.7429110

Yeah. If I adopt, It will be a 4 or 5 year old. Old enough to have it checked out for the obvious problems. I might even foster for a bit until I get one worth adopting. Hard to say right now. We're getting into the planting season pretty quick, so this will be out of my head until I start wishing for an extra set of hands again. My friends with kids have it so much easier when it comes to weeding and chores. And overall, the time with the kids seems enriching.

>> No.7429311

>overpopulation and resource scarcity
These are both myths you cuck. If you adopt not only are you raising another mans seed but you are raising a child who never got good prenatal care and is therefore less likely to achieve greatness or even have an average IQ.

>> No.7429316

>I'm a firm believer in nurture over nature.
Any geneticist will tell you that intelligence is 80% genetic, so why even bother with human trash?

>> No.7429346

>romantic and also kid friendly?

I think this tells us everything we need to know. Are your kids half-black, by any chance?

>> No.7429368

I'm an avid cuckposter and I'd have no problem dating a single mom

I do it just to rile up autists such as yourself

>> No.7429608

I'm confused. Is this the cooking board or the cucking board?

>> No.7429695

This is 4chan, threads derail every now and then.

That's not true.
Even if it were, my superior IQ didn't stop me from having a shitty life. I'd rather not pass my addiction "gene" (quotes because not a single gene and it's not black and white, but addiction has genetic factors.)

>> No.7429762

this is /ck/ buddy boy

cu/ck/s only

>> No.7430488

Decided to just get a babysitter so he can meet the kids before hand then take him to his favourite fried chicken place as a surprise.

You guys are aseholes.

>> No.7430492

>That's not true.
>I have never taken a genetics course in my life as I dont understand Biochemistry but I can assure you that you are wrong and I am right because I feel it to be so.
Good post, cuck.