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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 31 KB, 354x236, kol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7425126 No.7425126 [Reply] [Original]

Kolaches? I heard most niggas don't know what these are. I'll tell you what they are, it's the best thing to eat for breakfast.


>> No.7425136

I used to get them every single day, they're cheap and fucking delicious

>> No.7425144
File: 7 KB, 240x140, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get them at QuikTrip made fresh, not bad.

>> No.7425164
File: 142 KB, 232x302, rock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yea you can take your pancakes and your donuts and your lucky charms and your soft boiled eggs, and your poptarts, shine em up real nice, turn them sum bitches sideways and stick em straight up your candy ass. KOLACHES MOTHERFUCKER

>> No.7425273

The food is what I miss most about Texas (and, you know, the family and such).
Kolaches? Best.
Mexican food? Best.
Barbecue? Best.

>> No.7425275

That literally doesn't tell me what they are.

>> No.7425284
File: 404 KB, 342x342, 1405808115083.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's a sausage roll.

>> No.7425307

>posts a picture of klobasniky
>calls them kolaches


>> No.7425313

Are you future me? Because I was just about to write a fucking identical post.

>> No.7425316

Technically a real kolache is a sweet pastry with fruit filling. But at least in Texas when people think of kolaches they are generally thinking of a slightly sweet roll with various savory fillings, sausage or ham and cheese being the most common.

Collates are fucking based btw.

>> No.7425317

op's link says:
>A Kolach (plural kolache, also spelled kolace or kolacky /kəˈlɑːtʃi, -tʃki/,[1] from the Czech and Slovak plural koláče, sg. koláč) is a type of pastry that holds a dollop of fruit, rimmed by a puffy pillow of supple dough.

no sausage mentioned

>> No.7425318

No, it's not just a sausage roll. The sausage kind are VERY popular, but originally they had fruit fillings, poppyseed filling, or farmer's cheese filling. I fucking LOVE poppyseed kolaches. Those are top tier. Apricot is also fucking awesome.

>> No.7425326

Texas is the same size as like 5 states. That's like being proud of being a Californian.

>> No.7425328

Goddamned fucking autocorrect

>> No.7425331


>> No.7425536

looks like a shitty sausage roll.
as in the English kind, not a sausage in a bread roll.

>> No.7425595

When I lived in Texas I ate a lot of kolaches from Shipley's, mostly the jalapeno and ham. Great hangover food...

>> No.7425599

man those look mediocre, probably taste alright, but the pastry in the wikipedia article looks damn good

>> No.7425679

if you are implying we are as annoying as califags ill shoot you right in the dick son

>no mention of spicy sausage cheese and jalepeno or boudin kolaches from Buckee's

>> No.7426100

bucees is overpriced memery.
>muh clean bathrooms
>muh fudge

Why the FUCK is it so popular

>> No.7426125

texan narcissism is twice as annoying and five times as common as any califag or NYCfag's "flyover" memeshitting, don't kid yourself.

>> No.7426133

>califags actually believe this

>> No.7426140

Ham and Swiss when I can get them, its just Swiss and shredded bacon

>> No.7426150

Sounds like a californian trying to take heat off themselves

>> No.7426176

>this is what C.U.C.S. actually believe

>> No.7426385
File: 34 KB, 500x332, hotdogbun1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Chinese hot dog buns. I used to love them as a kid but then the bakery started to use smaller and shittier sausages.

>> No.7427077
File: 7 KB, 225x225, Quagmire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7427116


That's not a "real" kolache, honestly though kolaches are dank.

>> No.7427119
File: 4 KB, 250x191, 1352293272597s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7427122

Because its the one road stop that you can look forward too, you communist pig!

>> No.7427290

This is what we have in D.C.

>> No.7427320


This is what we have in Kansas City. Shit is so good.

>> No.7427327

The grating generic lack of commitment to high quality ingredients at midwestern food restaurants/bakeries like this grates me so hard. Its not that damn hard to buy a can of whole sour cherries, reduce them with sugar and herbs and make a better quality cherry pastry

>> No.7427836

Fine, Universe, I'll go to the fucking kolach place. Before two weeks ago I'd never heard of the things buy I guess I'm never going to stop hearing about them until I go eat some now.

>> No.7427845

The Universe must love you, kolache is great. The best ones are the savory ones like sausage, ham and cheese or boudain. What makes them so good is the bread is usually sweet, not as sweet as a donut but its sweetish. It goes so good with a savory filling.

>> No.7428721

So it's a shitty version of the sausage roll.

>> No.7428728
File: 14 KB, 270x271, Really - Mark - Peep Show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot dog

>> No.7429517

its actually an improved version stay mad you bitter faggot

>> No.7431435


These look a hell of a lot better than sausage rolls. Now I must find them.