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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7424633 No.7424633 [Reply] [Original]

I volunteered at an urban farm/market today.

I'm so stupid for not doing this sooner /ck/. It's full of qt alt chicks, and I got to bring back a whole bunch of locally sourced vegetables at no cost. It was so relaxing, and everyone was really nice. I highly recommend volunteering for an afternoon, especially if the weather is nice.

>> No.7424638

you should plant poisonous items in the farm on the DL and see how many people succumb to your act of agricultural terror

>> No.7424647

>sharpened bamboo fence

gotta keep out those darkies

>> No.7424653

sounds dumb. i like to get my food from the store and not the floor

>> No.7424670

>alt chicks

Pick one.

Farming is satisfying hard work. Community farms are good for the community. People should listen to OP even if the girls are lame.

>> No.7424673

> at no cost

Think again bud

>> No.7424674

I grow spices at home (Basil and Chives mostly, tough a few types of pepper sometimes too). They taste amazing when freshly picked.

The idea sounds great, but I dont think it would work very well where I live.

Also, the alt crowd tends to be horrible IMO, full of hipsters and college liberals. But I could tolerate them in exchange for some nice lettuce and onions.

>> No.7424688

"time is money friend"

>> No.7424700
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this needs to be a 4chan banner

>> No.7424723
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4 hours of work. It's not just from the farm. They source it from all over the state. All non GMO, organic.

>> No.7424730

Looks like they failed.

>> No.7425082

I doubt that they're non-GMO. Almost everything we eat has been genetically modified at some point, maybe you meant non-transgenic.

>> No.7425099

I think you're inventing your own literal definition of GMO, i.e. organisms with genes that have ever been modified, which would include all organisms (through the wonder of evolution!). The commonly understood meaning is organisms with artificially manipulated genes, the same as saying transgenic organisms.

>> No.7425120

I did something similar once. I stopped because it was a shit amount of veggies for too much work when I can maintain my own garden.

>> No.7425152

I did something like this once as well. I got jack shit for it but volunteer hours.

>> No.7425166

Hollygrove market?

>> No.7425216

Yeah man! How'd you know? Strawberries give it away?

>> No.7425223

Yeah and oddly enough I recognized the plastic bags

>> No.7425234

Good eye man! I'm actually really impressed.

>> No.7425253
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>tfw buy in for a plot at the local community garden situated on a pile of rubble in the middle of a concrete jungle is $150 minimum

I just wanted to be a simple farmer tending to my crops

>> No.7425257

Something about this image makes me feel uneasy but I genuinely can't tell what it is.

>> No.7425261

If your economic position doesn't suit living in a city, I don't know why anyone would live there.

>> No.7425387

twin towers

>> No.7425418

It might be a good idea, but I'm too afraid of the plants absorbing too many pollutants from the urban environment

>> No.7425441

full of qt chicks that don't shave and are passionate about chicken rights dude

>> No.7425528

cute alt chicks are almost always psycho tumblr idiots.
it's a shame.

>> No.7425739

>what is being born in the city and still living at home

>> No.7425847

Some are vegan idiots. Some are more on the country-side of the hipster-scale, and will eat meat that would gross you out.

>> No.7425889

OP here.. I'm headed back in again this morning to go learn under a mentor farmer. I don't know what it is, but I'm really enjoying this.

>> No.7425892

Fuck off shill.

>> No.7425895

Try and get some photos of the hippy chicks, post them here.

>> No.7425899

I love it when 4chan says stuff like this.

"Go take pictures of girls and report back in."

>> No.7425917

newfag stfu

>> No.7425925

Actually those look like horse pickets so i'm assuming they're for keeping out marauding barbarians.

So this is probably in Detroit.

>> No.7425934

Not that anon but GMO literally stands for Genetically Modified Organism. We've been practicing gene modification since Mendel - probably sooner in the chingchong countries.

I'm sure it's good but 'organic' as it comes to produce is a meaningless meme, there's very little actual market control and quite frankly pesticides and plant supplements are not bad for you. MEAT products are a whole different ball game and I highly recommend organic free range when it comes to those because it means the animal ate food a living creature would actually eat and had room to move around and shit and be dumb. Produce though? GTFO out with that gahbage.

>> No.7425935

>I completely and without a shred of historical irony engage in sharecropping

>> No.7425939

Whats wrong with that? It's not like he's tied to the land like a fucking serf. And he's not taking jobs from actual farmers or even mexicans, since these small scales are entirely community driven and can really only supply the local hipster population.

>> No.7425948

Just like the twin towers in the background, trains like that no longer exist.

>> No.7425952

It dupes these people into buying produce that they think is healthier for them but guess what, when you grow crops in a city there is pollution that you cannot account for getting into your food from car exhaust, underground sewage runoff, etc.
And it ties the workers into a contract that makes them "work for discounted crops" and does not offer an actual wage.

>> No.7425955

We have places called allotments here, which are small parcels of land that people pretty much have until death.

So they are full of old geezers.

>> No.7425959

>And it ties the workers into a contract that makes them "work for discounted crops" and does not offer an actual wage.

Yes but it's an at will contract and the workers do not depend on the farm for their livelihood, comparing this to industrial share cropping is silly, It's a stupid club for stupid people but harmless.

As for pollutants, you'll get run off and exhaust in farm raised crops too. Soil can be annexed and prepared correctly to avoid it. Obviously you don't just start gardening in central park.

>> No.7425980

Look at the honker on that one

>> No.7426006

>actual market control and quite frankly pesticides and plant supplements are not bad for you. MEAT products are a whole different ball game and I highly recommend organic free range when it comes to those because it means the an
That's not right. That's wrong.

>> No.7426012


Anyway, urban farming is the future of agriculture. I work as a farming teacher and I've been working on organic farming Projects in rural schools. Very satisfying work :)

>> No.7426021
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This year harvest (for seeds).

>> No.7426040

We have one of those in my area but it's way the fuck on the other side of town. If it was some place closer, like the many unused parks/playgrounds that I could walk to I would love to do it.

A local elementary school has a garden that the teachers and students tend to all year long. At the end of the school year they plant pumpkin seeds for the upcoming halloween. Last year some asshole stole all of the pumpkins they grew like a week before halloween. It's hard to have nice things here.

>> No.7426098
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Pretty day on the farm.

>> No.7426130

language is descriptive, not prescriptive. sorry. yes all of agriculture has been about manipulating crop genomes, but GMO has come to mean transgenic organisms to the modern world. the linguistic battle is lost.

>> No.7426136

So, where does this start? I live in a pretty big hipster city.

>> No.7426173

Hi Monsanto!
You have to figure the types drawn to urban farming tend to be community activists. They see land standing unused in a blighted neighborhood and it's a chance for civic do-goodery, making fresh vegetables available to people who often don't have access to a proper supermarket. Plus it smacks if the DIY hippie aesthetic such types are attracted to in the first place.

The problem is overcoming the suspicion of the longtime neighborhood residents, who appreciate the ability to grow fresh vegetables, but fear these farms, often run by newcomers (read: whites in largely black neighborhoods) are another sign of encroaching gentrification. While there are noteworthy exceptions the arrival of urban farms in the hood is usually a sign that part of the hood is about to get significantly whiter, which translates to less affordable for longtime residents.

The do-gooders don't see this double edged aspect to urban farming. I'm typing this from an urban farm in a black neighborhood in a Southern city, and I can tell you it's pretty fucking obvious. Most of the houses around here that have been recently fixed up were bought by new (white) owners.

>> No.7426177

Looks comfy Anon. What are you growing?

>> No.7426193

Post pics of qts

>> No.7426201


i prefer to anonymously buy my food at the big supermarket. fuit and veggies are not that expensive here anyway.

>> No.7426228

I always feel that the quality of air has to do with the quality of produce, plants breathe too, not sure if there are studies on that though. When I return to college from staying at home for a while I really notice a diference in the air quality

>> No.7426406

As opposed to farms in Mexico, where the workers literally shit in the fields. That's where E. coli contaminated food comes from. I'd like to know how my vegetables are grown, thank you.

>> No.7426413

Really neat.

>> No.7426421

Yeah, this guy is right unfortunately, but this place is a nonprofit built on cheap land flooded by Katrina. It's in the hood.

>> No.7426433

He's not monsanto. Monsanto guy sucks hard, is super aggressive & gerrymanders sidelines and goal posts to suit his needs/convictions in every conversation & argument I've read that he was involved in (never personally gotten into it with him).

Anon is being anal, but technically correct...

>> No.7426621

So is the one I'm posting from. You're not on France St, are you?

>> No.7426816

I volunteered once at one of those

the weather ended up cucking me and it started to rain an hour into the stuff

There were only hipster cucks there (brooklyn) and they only let me bring back 2 pounds of shit(there was only carrots and potatoes ) since there were alot of guys there

fuck you op you fucking liar

>> No.7426843
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cuck cuck, you sound like a chicken

>> No.7426987

Harmful chemicals are bad if they are absorbed. If they stay on leaves and are washed with water, should be OK.

Fun fact : Since plants (mostly) breath in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, pretty much the opposite of cars and humans, they can grow better in urban places than in the country side. Kinda ironic.

>> No.7427001

>non GMO
The biggest meme of our generation

>> No.7427005

>hipsters make garbage land nobody was using productive
>the lazy, useless people who did nothing to maintain that land finally fuck off

So it turns out that hipsters are good for something and community gardens have literally no drawbacks!

>> No.7427011


>> No.7427055

In neighborhoods that were blighted because they were mostly poor renters under landlords who had no incentive to maintain their buildings you may be right. If property values are going up poor people (especially renters) generally have to find another place to live.

But that isn't the case in post Katrina NOLA. Here you had people who owned their homes outright, bought and paid for. Then a natural disaster hit, and they were relocated with the promise of disaster relief aid to rebuild. The disaster relief money was never paid to them, and what little money they made was spent paying rent on the homes they were relocated to. Instead of getting promised aid to fix their properties up those properties get sold out from under them at tax auctions. That's what's happening in the 7th and 9th Wards of New Orleans. The combination of a natural disaster and failure to properly distribute relief money is leading to paid for homes being sold out from under families who lived here for generations. And the people buying them are white kids snatching up a bargain on a fixer upper. They have no idea their gain is a direct result of others' tragedies - others who just happen to be poor and black so the government doesn't give a shit about them.

That's appalling. Because we're not talking about lazy people who didn't maintain their neighborhoods. In this case it was poor homeowners who got the shaft through the mishandling of a natural disaster. There is simply no excuse for that.

>> No.7427161

id raj the shit out of right

>> No.7427174
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I made a shittake, Bok choy and lentil soup out of my produce I brought home today.

>> No.7427210

Nice. I made kale and potato soup for lunch from the Portuguese kale growing at the urban farm where I'm staying.

>> No.7427211

This guy is right on the money

>> No.7427234

It would be nice to have more discussion about growing your own food. Herbs are easy and don't require space. In our home we grow:

>sweet persian lemons
>Hawaiian guava

At one point we had a plum tree and tomato vines (that we had to cut down because they grew like weeds despite our best efforts to neglect them). We also get the spillover from our neighbor's grape vines that have draped over the fence.

I can vouch for rosemary being stupid easy to grow, same with mint, chives and tomatoes apparently.

>> No.7427252

>and I got to bring back a whole bunch of locally sourced vegetables at no cost.

You quite clearly spent time there which you could have been working.

>> No.7427255

>white people literally volunteer to become mexicans

wow haha

>> No.7427259

>muh relief money

Part of responsible home ownership is insurance. Too bad those people had to learn it the hard way.

>> No.7427265

I believe /out/ has what you're looking for. They do home garden threads very often.

>> No.7427277
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thanks for the tip anon

>> No.7427342

I agree with you, but natural disasters are another matter. And relocating under the promise of disaster relief only to have your house sold out from under you is a fucking bait and switch, resulting from government negligence.

We're talking about responsible homeowners no one gave a shit about during and after a natural disaster because they were poor and black.

>> No.7427667

This is why I, as a Mexican, oppose 'apple-picking' autumn activities.

>> No.7427687
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>Since plants (mostly) breath in carbon dioxide
>carbon dioxide

>> No.7428931

Bill Nye agrees.

>> No.7429226
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i love how there is absolutely no onus on the homeowner in your mind. my childhood home was destroyed by a hurricane but guess what there was no relief money but the house was rebuilt through insurance payments and hard work.

>> No.7429263

>4 hours of work
>40 euro minimum wage
>10 euro max worth of food
This really isn't a selling point, fair enough if you enjoy it but don't pretend like getting some meager scraps is a positive

>> No.7429269

>We're talking about responsible homeowners

A responsible homeowner has insurance against natural disasters. It's especially important in this case: if your home is near or below sea level in an area known for hurricanes then it's beyond stupid not to have insurance against that.

>> No.7429273

>qt alt chicks
I think you mean "insane women who look about average but I'm still a virgin and want to get my dick wet so they're practically supermodels to me"

>> No.7429278

He keeps rattling on about them being poor and black, of course he doesn't expect them to have any responsibility for anything.

>> No.7429281

Yeah, if only were like you banging hotties every night

>> No.7429292

I sexually Identify as a Chad. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of going over to Stacy's and dropping hot sticky loads on total tens. People say to me that an autistic becoming a Chad is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m gonna make it brah. I’m having a plastic surgeon install a ripped body, yolo tattoos, and a thundercock on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Chad Thundercock” and respect my right to have unprotected sex with Stacy and impregnate needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re mirin'cunt and need to check your normie privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

>> No.7429362

The point is they were relocated by the government after the disaster with the promise of relief that never came. Say your entire neighborhood was flooded, and government agencies told you they'd temporarily get you to someplace else dry until things got sorted out, at which time relief aid from what was federally declared a disaster would be available to help you rebuild. FEMA is there telling you this shit. You'd have no reason not to believe it, especially when your house is under six feet of water and full of toxic mold.

Most of us here are white middle class kids. If this had happened in a white middle class neighborhood FEMA would have delivered, because it would have been one hell of a national scandal if they hadn't. But because they were poor and black no one gives a shit. I shouldn't even have to point this out. A white girl goes missing and there's an Amber Alert. Report a black boy missing and see if you can even get the cops to investigate.

They don't think it be like it is, but it do, indeed.

>> No.7429382

>You'd have no reason not to believe it

How so? The government tends to screw up most things it does so I'd certainly be wary. I'd be especially wary if I was a minority with a history of being fucked over by the government.

>> No.7429385

4 hours of work is $80 to me, I could buy shit ton more veg with the money, you've lost the plot kid.

>> No.7429399

>I'd be especially wary if I was a minority with a history of being fucked over by the government.
Agreed, but if you had no other options in the middle of a disaster you'd be stuck with it. And the very fact that you can casually make a statement about there being a history of minorities being fucked over by the government (and it's still happening) ought to be cause for outrage, because that's a damned shame.

>> No.7429599

>grew poppies in our community garden
>old ladies didn't know what they were and loved them because the flowers are really pretty when the bloom

worth it

>> No.7429624

>Agreed, but if you had no other options in the middle of a disaster you'd be stuck with it

How is that relevant? We're talking about supposedly "responsible homeowners". A responsible homeowner has insurance and a "rainy day fund" in the bank. Such a person would not have "no other options".

>>...ought to be cause for outrage...

I agree. But that's not relevant to the thread so I didn't mention anything about outrage.

>> No.7429658

>A responsible homeowner has insurance and a "rainy day fund" in the bank.
A middle class homeowner would. We're not talking about middle class people here. We're talking about poor people for whom simply owning a home and paying it off was the fucking dream. They didn't have the money to do much more than that.

You don't see urban farming in the middle class part of town; you see parks maintained by the city/town. Because the rest of the real estate is too valuable in those places. Urban farms only pop up in neighborhoods nobody gives a shit about, populated by people nobody gives a shit about.

>> No.7429662

>qt cicks
what popeye and olive there
come on

>> No.7429670


In my opinion a person who buys a home but does not have it insured (especially in an area known to be prone to hurricanes) is not a responsible homeowner. It seems that you and I are discussing different groups of people entirely.

>> No.7429847

When your house has been wrecked in a federally declared disaster at least some of the clean up and rebuilding is on FEMA. FEMA failed these folks, and no one gave a shit. That's my point.

>> No.7429862

rebuilding the infrastructure is on FEMA, not private property.

yes these people got fucked over by nature but beyond giving them shelter and food for a few weeks for things to get back to normal they don't deserve shit

>> No.7429885


Herbs are not spices ya dingus

>> No.7430019

>Most of us are white middle class kids
Speak for your self

>it cos we wuz black an shiet
You sound like a bad parody of a bleeding heart liberal

>> No.7430502

>bleeding heart liberal
I don't know. Maybe I am. Never thought about it. I'm just a guy who has had it pretty easy by virtue of being a well educated white kid from a reasonably well to do family. So when I see poor people getting shit on just for being poor it pisses me off, because it isn't right. And being poor and black can be a double whammy.

>> No.7430634

This is the same retard that complains about blacks moving into white suburbs after they were priced out of the city. I hope you get culturally enriched.

>> No.7431107

Then BUY property, gentrification raises prices. You wanna be posting on a Peruvian dot painting board forever?

>> No.7431143

I own two properties, and am on the verge of buying a third. I just hate to see others less fortunate than me fucked out of the property they had to struggle much harder than I did to buy in the first place.

>> No.7431190 [DELETED] 

>look up local urban farms
>all in nigger neighborhoods
yeah, i'll pass. i'm sure they're all tended by fat nigresses.

>> No.7431201

you're a fucking idiot. i hope you get the urge to visit your poor nigger pets in their neighborhoods and get shot simply for being white.

you must be an anglo to be this big of a retard.

>> No.7431212

>tended by fat nigresses.
More like neo-hippie chicks and beardy dudes, with a few locals hanging around because the local drug dealers don't control the gardens. The locals don't even know what to do with the vegetables, because grandma cooked shit like that, and she passed.

>> No.7431219

I've lived in the hood most of my adult life, because with rising property values that's where you buy. Of course by the time I sell it's no longer really the hood anymore, and I'm on to the next hood. Been doing this for 20 years. It's a matter of predicting where the hipsters will go next, which isn't that hard. Just find a neighborhood that never had a proper coffee place and now suddenly does.

>> No.7431223

i highly doubt that, friend. why don't you buy some property in west chicago, and live there too?

and by the way, hood means >90% black, not a place where you see more than one darkie walking around in a given day.

>> No.7431232

I live in NYC. My experience over the last 20 years:
Fort Greene
Lower East Side
South Brooklyn

So my hoods have been more Latino than black. But I am scoping out NOLA at the moment.

>> No.7431247

>So my hoods have been more Latino than black.
top kek

like i said, come back when you live in a >90% neighborhood and lets see how quickly your attitude changes. if you even think that latino and black neighborhoods are comparable then you're in for a surprise.

the only people i know that don't dislike blacks are those that had the fortune of not having to deal with them in excess. anyone who isn't retarded if given the choice between a black neighborhood, or one that can be anything but guaranteed not to be black will choose the latter.