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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7424253 No.7424253 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything worse than putting black pepper on fries?

>> No.7424257

Yeah, lots of things

What's wrong with pepper on fries?

>> No.7424262

trying to make fries in the oven and having them come out like boiled cat shit

>> No.7424266

white pepper?

>> No.7424268



>> No.7424269

Maybe it's just my autism but it's fucking gross. Americans will put salt and pepper on fucking everything even if it doesn't go well with the food at all.

>> No.7424277

I hear ya. I just happen to like pepper so it doesn't phase me

>> No.7424287

Yep, white phosphorus is worse.

>> No.7424328

Ranch dressing

>> No.7424343

Seeing as how pepper is good on fries, yes.

Mayo is worse.

>> No.7424353


>doesn't go well with the food at all

there is LITERALLY no food in the world that doesn't go well with salt. Prove me wrong.

>> No.7424361


proper mayonnaise god tier you silly goose

>> No.7424367

But that's because steak already naturally has sodium

>> No.7424378


Everyone salts steak...

>> No.7424384


>> No.7424391

Cornflakes and milk

>> No.7424402


>> No.7424409


>> No.7424410
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>not putting black pepper on fries.

Fuck you and your shit taste.

>> No.7424415


You are supposed to put the pepper in your ketchup.

>> No.7424800

Wrong. It's not bad, it's strange, but very flavorful.

>> No.7424808

posting about it on 4chan.

>> No.7424809

a gigantic amount of people love black pepper on fries. it totally works. calm your autism OP

>> No.7424810

Pepper on fries is better than salt. You want a dash of salt, but not much.

>> No.7424814

Doesn't angry Me as much as people who mix Mayo and ketchup and dip there fries in that strawberry yogurt looking shit ewww

>> No.7424846


>> No.7424862

Doesn't anger me as much as people who demand that their "new and delicious condiment" be taken seriously as it's own thing and not just as a mixture of basically every condiment packet that low wage employees shove in their fast food bag

It's not nobody cares about "fry sauce"

>> No.7424863

Fuck you, it tastes delicious.

>> No.7425001

mayo on fires is good
ketchup on fries is good
mayo and ketchup on fries is good
but mixing the two? ewww look at that color
naw mate who the fuck cares, shit is delicious. im sorry you associate that color with strawberry yogurt, its better than both of the sauces individually for sure.

>> No.7425038


>he doesn't dip his fries in Strawberry yogurt

I bet you don't dunk them in chocolate shakes either.

>> No.7425063

Salt Pepper Ketchup and Hot Sauce

>> No.7425069

Dipping Soft Pretzels in Choco milk

>> No.7425092

Putting sugar on fries is worse desu

>> No.7425114

Really though, who doesn't pepper their fries

>> No.7425486


I think it's nigger pepper OP.

>> No.7425488

Now here is a nigga who has been around the block. +1

>> No.7425491


>> No.7425512

being a fagot form /a/ is worse

>> No.7425523

Vanilla ice cream

>> No.7425526

I usually just put it in your mum's pussy.

>> No.7425537
File: 179 KB, 303x311, serveimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vanilla ice cream DOES have salt.

>> No.7425562


>> No.7425577

What do you suggest OP? Since clearly you know what's best for fries.

>> No.7425581

Peppered steak is objectively awesome.
Steak and frites is objectively awesome.
Why not both at once?

>> No.7425584

Salt is good on every single fruit there is. You just can't use so much that it tastes salty. But it brings out the flavor and if there is any bitterness in the fruit it suppresses it.

>> No.7425633

>Any Asian dish that is seasoned by soy sauce

Adding any amount of salt that is noticeable ruins those dishes

>> No.7425681

Rosemary is good on fries

>> No.7425700

If you know you're an autist shut the fuck up then. That's a really retarded thing to make a thread bitching about.

>> No.7425774


>> No.7425788

Putting salt on them I gues.

>> No.7425859

just leave them in longer, duh

>> No.7425863
File: 114 KB, 570x735, ketchuphh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget the dipping sauce!

>> No.7425923

I live in France and my grilfriend's family are from belgium. We all pepper our fries.

>> No.7426061

What the fuck are those mutant vegetables in the background?

>> No.7426079

Shut up newfag

>> No.7426123

I have no idea why but I used to dip fries in my frosty at Wendy's. Shit was good.

>> No.7426158
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>> No.7426248

>fries in the oven
try frying them, silly. it's very easy to tell when they're done.

>> No.7426285

>He doesn't put rosemary on his home fries

explain yourself.

>> No.7426288

not putting black pepper on fries

>> No.7426300

I love pepper on fries but I over-pepper most things I include pepper with.

Anyways, the worst thing is when someone sprays ketchup all over their entire order of french fries, ruining all of them, and then when they go to offer you some of the soggy, cold, shaded fries.

>> No.7426302
File: 39 KB, 500x375, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, I went to find a picture and someone already made a shit image macro about it. Ignore the tumblr, this is what I'm talking about.

>> No.7427437

Maybe not table salt, but vanilla ice cream goes pretty well with sea salt.

>> No.7427442

Damn dude chill out, it's not even a big deal. Give the guy a break. No one forced you to read this thread

>> No.7427450

I never understood why someone would do this. It's like they're trying to inconvenience themselves

>> No.7427457

if you're eating with a fork, it's more convenient. It also means you don't need to clear a portion of the plate or have a separate dish just for sauce.

>> No.7427466

>if you're eating with a fork, it's more convenient
>eating french fries with a fork

>> No.7427467

>eating french fries as your entire meal
>not as a side
Also, greasefingers.

I will concede that shoestring fries are impossible with a fork though. You need to use a spoon for that.

>> No.7427475


>hurr i hate all this pepper on my fries
>pepper is too spicy
>all they need is a mix of ketchup and mayo

fuck off. pepper is good on anything that isn't sweet. pepper is a god-tier spice. pepper is a cornerstone of the culinary arts. pepper belongs. you're a pleb faggot.

>> No.7427481

I prefer chopsticks just to make things even more "convenient"

>> No.7427488

Unless you lost world war two, you don't use chopsticks.

>> No.7427554

Apparently salt on ice cream was popular in certain regions of the US back in the 1900s.

>> No.7427562

It makes it taste more savory.

>> No.7427577


china uses chopsticks

>> No.7427586

That is, without a doubt, the most uncultured thing I have EVER read on 4chan.

>> No.7427590


>> No.7427596
File: 34 KB, 500x364, im so fucked up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what a weaboo looks like

>> No.7427642

>Ooh, he disagreed with my statement! I better call him a redditor! That'll prove my statement as truth!

Fuck off, you uncultured basement dwelling waste.

>> No.7427644

>that's uncultured!
It's whining and it belongs on reddit, just like you.

>> No.7427645

Underrated post

>> No.7427706

You being an uncultured piece of shit is my opinion. No whining about it.
Go back to your mother's tit, you brain devoid aspie.

>> No.7427721

it's called a beefsteak tomato you faggot

>> No.7427920
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 1453428166907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not putting black pepper on fries

>> No.7427925


>> No.7427961

Im more of a salt n vinegar kinda guy but when it gets into potatoe wedges, cayyene and s n p an duck oil in de oven. >>7427488
Eating potato chips while writing a letter/paper, use chopsticks. Doing important typing things on your labtop? Use chopsticks. Think and imagine

>> No.7427968


>> No.7428623


Milk and coins

>> No.7428625

>using chopsticks
>when you could be using tweezers
just think. You don't even need motor skills.

>> No.7428717

in spain snails are eaten "a la llauna" which is mostly salt

>> No.7429102

Yeah? What are you going to do about that? Back to tumblr, legbeard.

>> No.7431389


What a dumbass

>> No.7431403

Ketchup mixed with mustard > ketchup mixed with mayonnaise
Just sayin'.

>> No.7431469

yes, not putting black pepper on fries

>> No.7431558

putting my dick in your mom's anus

>> No.7431562

What are you a Chink or something? Fuck off, no one wants you here.

>> No.7432195

Soy sauce is liquid salt

>> No.7432285
File: 63 KB, 500x375, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7432487

There is something worse than putting black pepper on fries. Putting Carolina Reaper pepper the worlds hottest pepper on fries. I dare not do it!

>> No.7432654
File: 68 KB, 500x485, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7432664


>> No.7432677

>I lack the proper motor skills and hand eye coordination to use chopsticks so let me just scream MURKA and hope no one suspects anything

>> No.7432731

Came to post this.
And this.

Seriously what's wrong with you people. Savory herbs to really well with potatoes.

>> No.7432746


>Anyone arguing with this

Either the food already contains enough salt, or it can be improved by the addition of salt.

There are many foods that taste better with just a bit more salt, with the rule of thumb being that once you actually start tasting the salt, you've added too much. Obviously that doesn't apply to foods where saltiness is central to the taste.

>> No.7432756

Normalfag, pls go and never come back here.

>> No.7432779

Tertiary syphilis

>> No.7432782

I associate that color with this liquid I saw coming out of my cat once.
It smelled horrendous. After a visit to the vet though, we got it resolved.

Ketchup and mayo used to sound similarly gross, but thinking of their individual flavors, I don't think they'd mesh together that badly.

>> No.7432785


Right? I mean fuck flavor.

>> No.7432837

what a faggot

>> No.7433619

>Americans will put salt and pepper on fucking everything
That's actually a human trait, not an American one.

>> No.7433634

>Americans aren't humans.
You said it.

>> No.7433659

You shut your fucking cunt mouth

>> No.7433663

Ketchup, if the french fry needs ketchup it is a shitty french fry. Ketchup destroys any preexisting flavors and makes it all taste like shit

>> No.7434502

jesus. im sorry to hear that

>> No.7434689

Letting women vote.