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File: 2.78 MB, 3006x4628, oldtimeywhiskey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7420422 No.7420422 [Reply] [Original]

I bought this 18 year old Canadian Whiskey expecting something really distinct, instead I got lots of wood on the nose, wood on the palate, and some rye spiciness that lingered.

ITT: Post Whiskey's that let you down, I wanna see bourbons, Irish, Scotch, Canadian - tell me what to avoid

>> No.7420428

Seems like a good bottle to have on hand if you ever get stuck in a tree.

>> No.7420430

>not getting the crown royal

>> No.7420434

Buffalo Trace. I don't understand why it's got good ratings everywhere. It has a strange sweetness that is not really sweet. And bitter aftertaste.

>> No.7420448
File: 1.02 MB, 4959x4959, Jameson-Irish-Whiskey-Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was interested in this girl at a New Years Eve party I'd been talking to all night.

We kissed at midnight and after bringing her back to my place I drank half a bottle of this. We were going to fuck but I was too drunk to get hard.

Jameson let me down.

>> No.7420487

Manitoba fag here
Crown royal is way too sweet for most ppls taste

>> No.7420495
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This stuff is like drinking a liquid cigarette.

Did not enjoy.

>> No.7420502

>he hasn't heard of whiskeydick
It is a cruel irony of biochemistry that alcohol makes you want to reach out and touch people but similarly it puts a damper on your ability to perform.
Or maybe it's a blessing to prevent those who suffer from it from making a mistake.

>> No.7420504

Peat isn't at all like cigarette smoke.

>> No.7420513

>after bringing her back to my place I drank half a bottle of this. We were going to fuck but I was too drunk to get hard.

Don't overeat, or overindulge in any way before a workout. Durrr. Must not have liked this girl very much or have an self-control/experience. You should have been concerned about giving her a great evening, if you cared enough. Get some therapy. The irish deliciousness isn't to blame! If you repeat your mistake ever again in future, you haven't learned your lesson.

>> No.7420520

Yea, I don't enjoy it except for cooking. Adds smoky flavor to a BBQ oven/crock pot plan, where there was no smoke previously. For sipping, give me a non-smoky, non-peaty whiskey all day everyday. The irish were genius in roasting from a brick floor to prevent the peat smoke from entering it. It's irony people "with taste" treasure the less evolved method of making it. Maybe we should throw some rocks back into our milled grain again, or dirt in our filtered water, or not even bother with triple distilled whiskey at all!

>> No.7420526

>dirt in our filtered water
They literally add minerals back into filtered water, you retarded cunt.

>> No.7420605


It's a made up story you idiots.

>> No.7420618

>Don't respond to posts because they're just pretending
Just fuck off.

>> No.7420659
File: 70 KB, 800x800, aberlour-12-double-cask-42930_800px_800px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't waste $60 on this

>> No.7420710


Where did I say not to respond to them?

>> No.7420711

>buy Canadian Whiskey expecting something distinct
Triple distilled Irish/Canadian crap is just that, indistinct crap. I don't know how you could expect otherwise.

>> No.7420758

I was going to post this, but luckily I paid only $40 for it.

Pretty thinly flavored, lightly fruity and nutty, but somehow just weak. Occasionally it brightened up a bit, but it usually felt pretty flat. By the time I got down to the last 3rd of the bottle I threw caution to the wind and poured in some peated whisky and sherry and a bunch of mediocre blend just to see what would happen. The result was moderately interesting.

>> No.7420981

Aberlour's nice and all but the 12, 16 and 18 year olds are a bit of a waste of time. The 10 year old is brilliant because it's cheap as balls but really solid; otherwise save up a little more and go for A'Bunadh.

>> No.7421028
File: 1.35 MB, 1624x3000, 10yearPEAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here drink Laphroaig? Specifically the 10 year?

>> No.7421339

Drinking it at this moment. I almost always have some of the 10 around because one of the cheapest 10 year olds I can get that is consistently good. Bowmore isn't as interesting, and Ardbeg is more expensive, so lafroog is a reasonable middle ground of acceptability.

>> No.7421343


I've never even seen a 10 year old Aberlour in Ameristan. Unless it's cheap as dicks, I can't imagine it being worth it. Maybe it only really shines at cask strength due to being not so intense, so %40-43 just waters it down to death.

>> No.7421351
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, asdfdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff tastes like rubbing alcohol smells, with brown sugar added

cant understand the hype.

>> No.7421352

i like bourbon, but i find buffalo trace a shit

>> No.7421353

I used to drink it a lot, but its price has jumped way beyond its value over the past ten years. Now I get it only occasionally.

>> No.7421356


>i can't handle higher proof liquor

you probably think absinthe tastes like rubbing alcohol with black twizzlers added

>> No.7421364
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I really like the Aberlour tho...

Pic related is what kinda surprised me in an unfortunate way. I eventually got used to it, but the first 4-5 times was...eh...

>> No.7421371

Mastersons rye next time, op.

>> No.7421387

101 is great for the price m8

>> No.7421396

It does. You're meant to water it down before consumption to bring out the other flavors.

>> No.7421400

No you're not

>> No.7421407

I rather like that. Their more expensive single malt is also good, but I don't particularly like their single grain.

>> No.7421409

ok, buddy. I'm sure there's at least one alcoholic thread kicking around here for people like you. This thread's about taste.

>> No.7421456

Nice bait

>> No.7421459

100% my thoughts on their range also, we should bang whilst drinking the single malt

>> No.7421460


I actually like the taste without watering it down... gets rid of the burn.

You're also "supposed" to add a sugar cube, which I don't really get...

>> No.7421476

scotch snobs and hipsters cant admit to liking it because of the redneck stigma and it doesnt play to the "small batch, single barrel, ye olde fake label and made up fake prohibition history marketting".

I dont care if people dont like it, I just laugh at the pretentious faggots that think they have some magical insight into what tastes good, which is fucking subjective anyway.

If you really want to know what you like, do a blind taste test, its the only way to know for sure, and it will suprise you.

>> No.7423396

Someone can dislike something you like, without disliking it due to being a snob. People just have different opinions and tastes, champ.

>> No.7423415

it's not the most spectacular bourbon but it has a really solid price/quality ratio.

>> No.7423419

Is Jameson good otherwise though?

>> No.7423435

Different Anon I think Jameson is one of the best Flask Whiskey's. Easy to just gulp down during a round of golf. Beyond that it's meh.

>> No.7423450

Without whiskeydick for normies NEETs with social anxiety disorder would kill themselves even more frequently.

>> No.7423452

Highland Park 12. It wasn't gross or something but it wasn't worth the price. Definitely not buying it again.

>> No.7423465

I've had two bottles of this. The first was excellent. The second was barely half as good. I didn't buy it again for that reason.

>> No.7423593
File: 21 KB, 512x512, henry-mckenna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a bottle of this because a lot of bourbon forums memed "don't let the secret out" and "hurr this is garbage don't buy it ;)". It was rancid and I only use it for cooking now. WT101 and Four Roses Single Barrel are far superior.

>> No.7423803

Could you miss the point anymore, pal?

>> No.7424178

Not as much as you apparently are.

>> No.7424955

>I like to be a contrarian faggot on the internet for my own amusement, please validate me

>> No.7424968

>drinking Crown Royal over Alberta Premium or Forty Creek

Do you even Canada

>> No.7424972

It's Wiser's you fucking idiot, what did you expect?

>> No.7425061

>drinking rum from a local distillery

It sucks, it tastes like apple brandy.

>> No.7425086

Its not something to get excited about, but it is something good to have on hand for everyday drinking,

>> No.7425090
File: 73 KB, 1000x1000, rogue-dead-guy-whiskey-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Dead Guy Ale, but the whiskey is awful. Not aged nearly long enough and extremely harsh. Ended up just mixing most of the bottle with Dr. Pepper so I couldn't taste it. Sorry Rogue, but most of your beers aren't very good and none of your spirits are good.

>> No.7425229

Yes, that is exactly what I hear when I read your posts.

>> No.7425457

>Liking something thats popular
>being contrarian
Pick one

>> No.7425467
File: 15 KB, 215x500, Canadian-83-Whisky-500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking anything other than pic related
wow lad

>> No.7425468

>for one month
Jesus, sorry for your loss anon.

>> No.7425514


Interesting, I really like the Aberlour stuff. I wouldn't pay £43 for it though, you can normally pick up the 12 year old for £20 - £25 ish and the 10 year old for £18 - £22 here depending on the offers that week.

At that price point it is unbeatable, for example Johnny Walker black label is £20 - £25 in most supermarkets and you would need to get shit like Bells or Famous grouse to get below £20 so its a no brainer.

I think it is very nice in its own right, but personally I prefer Islay stuff.


The Talisker Skye stuff is different from the normal 10 year old. Haven't tried it, but the 10 year old is very pleasant.

>> No.7425533

You're just upset you've been exposed as retard getting butthurt over absolutely nothign

>> No.7425547

Yeh thats it, nailed it.
Can we talk about my personal feelings now, I really need a friend to talk to and you obviously understand me more than most people.

>> No.7425580

Its a solid Islay scotch, really smoky and has the briny taste which lasts a very long time.
It's not really in my budget to have on me at all times, but its something I always look forward too. I think Lagavulin is better in terms of "Islay"ness but it costs far to much imo.

>> No.7425586

Sorry don't talk to butthurt faggots lmao

>> No.7425601

Literally every whiskey except for Johnnie Walker Red, of which I had no expectations.

>> No.7425673

Jesus christ

>> No.7425894
File: 575 KB, 1944x2592, Heaven_Hill_Bourbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related never disappoints and is $10

>> No.7425919

I bought a bottle of Knob Creek cask strength that I'm not overly impressed with. It has a hot alcohol taste and It just tastes out of balance. Not sure how people normally drink this but I normally drink whiskey neat or maybe with a small dash of water, this seems like it'd be better with a couple of icecubes.
Booker's goes down way smoother and it has a higher abv.

>> No.7426322
File: 89 KB, 975x650, liquor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tastes like rubbing alcohol smells

How about you drink more whiskies? That's a characteristic of any high proof liquor

Absinthe is actually illegal where I live, its fucking ridiculous.

>> No.7426395

>actually illegal where I live
where do you live? most of the developed world repealed their absinthe bans. in America, it's been legal since 2007

>> No.7426403


It's legal, but it's one of those things where the regulations make it not quite the same.
The absinthe that I buy here has no thujone in it, so it really has less of the effect for which its known.

>> No.7426409


But thujone doesn't do anything. It's not psychoactive, and never was. The only thing psychoactive about absinthe (even the "good old stuff") is the alcohol.

>> No.7426426

As having tasted the true kind as well as what we get here, thujone gives this kind of feeling akin to a LOT of caffeine for a buzz.

That's just the feeling I got from it, anyways. I did sample them a few years apart

>> No.7426432

this >>7426409

all the talk about the "Green Fairy" and hallucinations likely comes from impurities and poisons in cheap absinthes of the late 19th century and the fact first hand accounts come from people on the edge of stupors

all in your mind, anon

>> No.7426435


then go chew some sage leaves and be blown away. Sage (the herb) contains much much much more thujone than even the "good old absinthe".

>> No.7427896

I'm not that huge on whiskey but is scotch supposed to have that sickley sweet flavor? I like bourbon and irish whiskey.

Tried a few like Johnny Walker red/black, Chivas and something I forget. They all have this sweetness I don't care much for. Are they all like that?

>> No.7427902

>not sickly sweet
u wot

those aren't great scotches or anything (well, i like Black desu), but I find bourbons and irish whiskys to be sweeter than scotch by and large

>> No.7427915

It might not just be sweetness, it's this flavor that I just don't like. I guess other whiskey might be sweet but it doesn't bother me.

Basically, does all scotch kinda taste similar? Just want to know if I should give up on it and just stick to other whiskey.

>> No.7428254

No, different regions = different tastes.
If you haven't already, try Islay scotch, but there's also Highland/Speyside/Lowland/Island that all have different flavours.
Obviously, each distiller is also different, but I find Islay scotch to be the most distinct because of the smoke.

>> No.7428259

Fucking love teeling, senpai

>> No.7428399


Forty Creek, Alberta Premium, and Collingwood are all better than Crown.

>> No.7428415


They dumbed down the flavour profile on the Talisker 10 a few years back. It's sweeter and not as smoky anymore. It's very disappointing, actually.

Talisker used to be my favourite, but now I prefer Laphroaig or Lagavulin.

>> No.7428427


You know what? A lot of people would shit on you for saying that. Like, "why post if you don't even like whiskey." I'm not one of those people.

If you've tried a fair selection of different whiskys of different styles and ages, and found nothing you enjoy, then I say your opinion is a fair one. Life's too short to for bad booze. Find what you enjoy, and drink it.

My girlfriend hates whisky. She's tried almost everything I've offered and just doesn't like it. And she's a professional cook, so she's willing to taste nearly anything edible or drinkable at least once. She prefers rums and tequilas. And I say lucky her, because very good rum is a hell of a lot cheaper than very good whisky. Unless that whisky is Canadian and says Alberta Premium on the label.

>> No.7428429
File: 89 KB, 1150x1150, doubleblack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on the double black?

>> No.7428438

whiskey is literally the biggest meme drink, might as well dip nutella covered bacon into it

>> No.7428442

double meme

>> No.7428444


Cask strength whiskies are meant to be watered down to the taste of the person drinking them. Alcohol at high enough levels can make your palate numb to the subtleties and nuances of the whiskies flavour.

Keep adding water in small amounts until you find the dilution that works for you. Cool room temperature spring water with a poor dissolved mineral content, or distilled water.

>> No.7428448

>keep adding water to your meme until satisfied with the amount of meme

>> No.7428450


Bottles of surviving pre-ban Pernod absinthe have been tested and found to contain less thujone than many commercial absinthes today. Low thujone levels are historically accurate and traditional.

>> No.7428451
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>> No.7428461


Every commercial product is a meme, every recipe is a meme, and every traditional food is a meme. There is literally nothing in terms of food or drink that isn't a meme.

Also, pointing out that something is meme is quite possibly the shittiest of shit tier memes.

Have a good evening.

>> No.7428509


its just a meme its overly smoaky to the point of stupid

just get normal black label

>> No.7428554
File: 94 KB, 540x720, rum_kra3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my rum drinkers at? I was a Morgan's pleb for years until I stumbled on this. Two shots worth has me floating on the warm sea.

>> No.7429467

>stumbled upon Kraken

i miss being 18

>> No.7429630

Yeh this stuff is great, me and my friend steve drink a lot of it

>> No.7429642

say hi to steve from me

>> No.7429649
File: 330 KB, 1200x1600, gu9pg9p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7429677


>> No.7429690

That actually looks a lot like steve

>> No.7429692
File: 98 KB, 960x1280, cq5dam.web.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


often touted as being a decent budget blend.
raymond carver used to put away a bottle a day.... so it must be good.

tasted like budget vodka with a hint of "whisky" flavouring.... .disgusting. much worse than famous grouse, grants and other low-tier blends. nasty.

isle of skye 8 and black bottle are good budget blends

>> No.7429699

Kraken, every Canadian whiskey that isn't Forty Creek, JW Black. Balantine's is the worst cheap blended scotch I've ever had, I soldiered through like a true alcoholic, but that stuff makes JW Red or J&B Rare taste high class. I had a bottle of Iceberg vodka that tasted pretty fucked up.

>> No.7429723

Monkey Shoulder, thats a budget blend that there is no shame in drinking, despite the meme name and bottle

>> No.7429727

I dont understand all the karken hate, its really good and the bottle is bretty gud desu familia

>> No.7429729


Nah, it's not all that good. It's just new and trendy thanks to advertising to the young crowd and the fancy bottle.

What other rums have you compared it to, or was Kraken all they had at the college party you tried it at?

>> No.7429733 [DELETED] 

Why is it a meme name?

>> No.7429760

I don't like any spiced rum, but Kraken is especially bad. Only aged 1 - 2 years so they overly spice it to try to mask it.

>> No.7429770


Not that guy but to me, anything I can sip on straight is "good" and kraken is extremely smooth. Pyrat XO is good for the price but a little sweet. The only high end I've ever had, I think, is Zaya, and that stuff is the nectar of the gods. I buy a bottle once or twice a year.

>> No.7429795

Have any of you tried Woodbridge reserve?

I bought a pint last weekend and didn't like it, but I'm a pleb and don't know what's considered good whiskey.

>> No.7429837

Such a sharp wit

>> No.7429843

Because its gimicky, and dont give me that gay merketting story

>> No.7429845

Yeh but you should try it in a shot

>> No.7429851


I drink everything neat, which is why I don't like Kraken. I would rather spend my money on a proper aged rum that doesn't taste like someone emptied their spice rack into a bottle of vanilla extract.

>> No.7429852

I agree Kraken is very smooth, steve thinks so too.
All the haters here cant handle it because its popular

>> No.7429856

But shots are neat?

>> No.7429861


I don't care for Kraken because I don't like spiced rums.

That being said, I'm not a fan of the super-aged rums either. At that point they don't really taste like "rum", they taste more of the barrel. At that point I'd rather have brandy or whiskey.

I like dark, unspiced rums that taste of sugarcane and molasses. Gosling's is one of my favorites. I like Appleton as well.

>> No.7430817


>isle of skye 8

P. good, one of the few cheap blends with a touch of smoke. But only a touch. I found a bunch of bottles of this marked way down on the bottom shelf somewhere and bought them up, didn't regret it.

>> No.7430900

What kind of whiskey should i get, friends?

>> No.7430938
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Avoid picture related and Barcley's. Personally I enjoy Glenfiddich.

>> No.7430999
File: 2.36 MB, 2988x5312, vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, meant to say woodford reserve

>> No.7431204

That's you being a retard and drinking too much