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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7418900 No.7418900 [Reply] [Original]

whats your go-to pizza order, /ck/?

>> No.7418902
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>> No.7418907

dude there is a coupon for a Large Brooklyn 10.99. holy fucking shit what are you doing. don't buy pop from these places either you can get a 6 pack bottles of whatever you want for llike 4 bucks.

>> No.7418909
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>spinach and feta in a pool of buffaque and smothered with anchovies

I'd eat it.

>> No.7418917

You didn't think this through, mane.

>> No.7418919

that's a pretty nice house

>> No.7418920

OP you are one of the dumbest humans

>> No.7418923

At least it's too late to send him any more 'za.

>> No.7418925


Who cares?

What would you even do? Send him a bunch of pizzas with only double anchovies?

>> No.7418928

>What would you even do?
this. what are you gonna do?

protip: there's nothing you can do

>> No.7418929

im not dude who posted his house but i concur, nobody is gonna le epic prank him anyway so who cares

>> No.7418930

And some solar panels, a few Jehovah's Witnesses, etc

>> No.7418935

OP I just ordered a Brooklyn Large and a Large Pepperoni for 30.49

you are getting ripped off by the jew man look at coupons and don't buy pop from establishments

>> No.7418936

enjoy your dick cheese

>> No.7418937

>16' pizza, triple everything, about 5x daily salt content
>diet coke
Nice troll thread OP.

>> No.7418938

Where do you live?
I wish Dominos was open here right now.

>> No.7418940

we should hang

>> No.7418941

Whoever lives at that house, he's attempting to have them punished - all in a thinly veiled plot on /ck/

>> No.7418944


Not everybody thinks like that all the time; some people actually like to enjoy their food once in awhile.

>> No.7418946

Then why the diet coke?
Regardless, take a look at those ingredients. Take a look at that list, think about every single one, the way they go together, all the inclusions and exclusions. Just take it in, absorb it. And then tell me what kind of person, if they exist, enjoys that pizza more than a regular pizza.

>> No.7418950


My dad was addicted to caffeine free diet coke for most of my childhood (as in you wouldn't see him without a can in his hand), but when we went out to eat he gave two fucks about ordering healthy options; he just liked the taste.

>tell me what kind of person, if they exist, enjoys that pizza


>> No.7418951

>implying that address isn't the one of some kid /pol/ is trying to raid for stealing political signs from houses

>> No.7418956

Bacon, chicken and pineapple.
All time favorite.

>> No.7418959

meat lovers

>> No.7418969

Tomato sauce, cheddar, mozzarella, prosciutto, basil leaves

In that order

>> No.7418972
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When you put pineapple on your pizza willingly

>> No.7418973
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pepperoni, mushroom, and sausage from a local joint

>> No.7418986

>he just liked the taste
So he wouldn't have ordered that pizza.

>> No.7418991


>people like things that i don''t like

>> No.7418996

>objectivity isn't possible

>> No.7419007

Because they are closed-minded picky eaters scared of trying anything a remotely different way. You develop good taste pretty quickly if you just try things, and I don't particularly mean exotic things. For instance, try not smothering your savory food in sugar and see how much more you enjoy the salt and fat. Then, try less salt and see how much more you enjoy the individual flavors.

Anybody who can be bothered to do this wouldn't order that pizza, and anybody who can't doesn't belong on a board about food and cooking.

>> No.7419010

>he read Atlas Shrugged
you got meme'd, boy

>> No.7419021


Are you actually trying to say that OP's pizza would appeal to a picky eater?

As far as I can see, the only thing wrong with it is too much sauce, everything else I could see going together, despite individually being "eww" ingredients to most children.

If you want a picky eater see,


>> No.7419024
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I didn't

>> No.7419026

grilled chicken. pineapple, jalapeno, bbq sauce

>> No.7419046

Being a picky eater doesn't necessarily mean that you will only eat a small variety of ingredients, it can also mean anyone who will only eat their food in a certain way, i.e. full of sugar despite it being a savory dish.

I've seen the kind of people who eat food like OP, and the way they fetishize it, and they are definitely picky eaters.

>fuck tonne of sauce, need muh oil and fat
>seasoned tomato sauce not good, need sugary bbq and hot for the heat
>mozarella not strong enough for me
>anchovies for dat salt

>> No.7419086

Half Cheese Half Pepperoni
I always order it because if you're eating somewhere new, it's the perfect pizza test
If their pepperoni is shit, they have bad toppings
If their cheese is shit, they have bad pizza

>> No.7419095

>I always order it because if you're eating somewhere new, it's the perfect pizza test
smart. I'm going to do this from now one. Gotta find myself a good place around my new place

>> No.7419103

My nigga. Except add either ham or bacon depending on mood.

>> No.7419115

Why don't you just order a dessert?

>> No.7419133

pepperoni and onion

>> No.7419134

Whatever frozen pizzas are on sale at the store.

>> No.7419135

Because I wanted 'za, retard.

>> No.7419146

Why does everyone think bbq sauce is inherently sweet?

Have people never had anything other than SBR and the like that are 2/3 HFCS?

>> No.7419165

Then why did you order a cheesecake?

>> No.7419170

>Why does everyone think bbq sauce is inherently sweet?
Nobody thinks that, but these kinds of BBQ sauce are. They're on the same level as ketchup.

>> No.7419171

Show me a cheese cake recipe that calls for those ingredients pls.
Party cheese salad is as close as you'll get.

>> No.7419173

You're right actually. Most cheese cakes don't have that much sugar.

>> No.7419174

Kebab, pepperoni, bearnaise

>> No.7419209

Hawaiian. Not memeing, pineapple is a patrician topping. Up there with 'chovies

>> No.7419219
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>not adding avocado and sriracha to your pineapple anchovy pizza

>> No.7419236


>> No.7420488

sounds tasty!

>> No.7420517


>> No.7420521
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One 'za
Extra 'cha

>> No.7420715
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>Diet anything

>> No.7420717

wasnt this from the sign thief's thread last night?

>> No.7420784

That sound fucking vile m8. Try adding pineapple next time

>> No.7421621

OP is retarded, but he has shown me that Dominos carries anchovies. I had no idea

>> No.7421680

fuck off forced meme pizza painter

>> No.7421706

I always j ust get XL cheese p izza from my local place for $6.

>> No.7421714

Are dominoe's anchovies any good? I've only ever used store bought ones on a pizza

>> No.7421716

good choice

>> No.7421727

My local doesn't. Food around here sucks because people only like bland garbage.

>> No.7421872

I got a sausage, chili. red onion, red pepper pizza 2 nite.

>> No.7421880

is that your real address?

>> No.7421964

What game is that from?

>> No.7422376

depends. I always load up but I've ate at some dominos locations that were absolute shit. Fortunately I live near one that is ok most of the time

>> No.7422658

pineapple and tomato. reminds me of a girl that will never love me

>> No.7422695
File: 1.43 MB, 1359x816, dominospepe_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Domino's Pan Pizza, Bacon and Feta.

Top Pizza.

>> No.7422719

Pepperoni is objectively shit tier no matter where it's fucking from. Garbage.

>> No.7423729

>i don't like things and must express to everyone that i don't like this thing!
ok, what is a topping that you like on your pizza?

>> No.7423787
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>> No.7423863

hamburg and onion. bonus if the hamburg is crumbled and the onions are diced.

>> No.7423864

It's better in a hot Hamburg sandwich than on pizza.
Those things are GOAT.

>> No.7423867

Not him but it is pretty overrated. Good salami is definitely better. I prefer chorizo and bacon too.

>> No.7423879

Tomato, pickle, andouille sausage, lettuce, and aioli mustard on think crust pizza. Also mozzarella or whatever cheese. It's basically a poboy turned into a pizza

>> No.7423880

Hawaiian with mushrooms every time.

>> No.7425568

i wish i could like mushrooms on pizza but I can't. I like them on other things pls help

>> No.7425783

Little caesars?

>> No.7426138

Margherita (basic tomato+mozzarella cheese) with onions and tuna, both of them added before cooking

>> No.7426149


>onions and tuna
>on a margherita

>> No.7426263

Dude you should try it

>> No.7426271

fresh mushrooms? a lot of places use canned ones which are soggy and bland.

>> No.7426275


You must be a fat fuck if you order an xl pizza and diet soda

>hurr umma eat over a full day worth of calories. Better get diet soda.

>> No.7426280



>> No.7426283

from just any random place? 1 large Veggie Supreme (or whatever the place calls their pizza with all the vegetables on it), and 1 large Mushroom, Olive, and Pepperoni.

If it's a speciality/gourmet/hipster pizza place, I'll order which ever pizza I can get that has the most kinds of mushrooms and white sauce. There's a place near me that has what they call their "Tuscan" pizza, that has 4 kinds of mushrooms, white garlic sauce, fontina, parmesan, and fresh thyme, which I always order when we get pizza there.

>> No.7426588

this could be the issue. I eat them in dishes at work where I know they're fresh and enjoy them

>> No.7426607

What the kind of subhuman garbage is "white sauce?"
My roommate insists that "white sauce" is the only acceptable sauce for pizza, which I had never seen another person eat in my entire life in Clapistan. He also tries to imply that eating "red sauce" is somehow not normal.
He calls every sauce with tomatoes "red sauce" like its some sort of official term. Once, he said he wanted me to make some homemade "red sauce" so he could try it and confirm that he is, in fact, a genius who could never be incorrect.
>yeah sure. You don't care what's in it at all, though, as log as its red?? Seems weird
He hasn't brought it up since.

>> No.7426624


>he hasn't brought it up since

I was going to say something before that last bit.

Why rant about a roommate and then pretend like you won some kind of an argument, or stood up for yourself when you obviously didn't?

>> No.7426645

I guess it doesn't make sense in terms of the /ck/ story
He's my cousin as well, and pretty much everybody I know would describe his personality as "snarky know-it-all faggot"
And the faggot part has nothing to do with his sexuality, it's his bitchy demeanor which is clearly unfit for his age.
So yes, I was very proud to shut him the fuck up in real life, but indeed it was not particularly thread-relevant.

>> No.7426655
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The only time it's okay to order from pizza chains is when they have a sale. Also,
>ordering soda
do you hate money, OP?

>> No.7426663

Classic french cooking
Faggot, go back to >>>/tv/

>> No.7426799

pineapple, blue cheese and ham

>> No.7426868
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>> No.7426880

Pepperoni and jalapeño

Sometimes add tomato

>> No.7427007

I always have black olives. I don't care what else is even on there. I've even gotten just olives and cheese before. I usually go for olives, sausage, onions and tomatoes.

>> No.7427024

delivery driver here. make sure to mask your orders properly. nontippers always order specific things that can alert your driver to not be fast with the delivery.

if your order is one of the following, it may be spit in and cold when it gets to you

> meats pizza
> ordering a sprite or any fruity drink
> well done pizzas
> no pizza at all on the order
> several orders of wings or any order of wings without bleu cheese as the dipping sauce
> near minimum order deliveries

>> No.7427046

alfredo sauce or garlic parmesan sauce or whatever
red pepper flakes
pan crust

>> No.7428090

>And the faggot part has nothing to do with his sexuality
you must be new here

>> No.7428128

This is why I don't let useless faggots like you drive me my food, or make my pizza. I tip well, 20% if you're on time, higher if you offer better service, yet you fuckers try this shit? Fuck that. I'll proof my own dough, thanks.

>> No.7428130

Hawaiian with Pepperoni and Black Olives.

Chicken Pesto with Bacon, Feta, Fresh Basil, and make it a Sicilian.

>> No.7428159

if you take a long time to deliver the food you should expect a lower tip. are you actually this retarded? you probably are considering you deliver pizza for a living

>> No.7428218

>Cinnastix and/or cheesy garlic fingers
>Driver instruction: "pick up an everything ww mucho barb, hot, for big tip and toke" (mucho burrito ~= shittier/less cancerous canadian chipolte)