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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7401183 No.7401183 [Reply] [Original]

What did you eat today, /ck/?

Post it and let others judge.

>> No.7401211

so far? 2 Screwdrivers a few bowls and about 10 cigarettes. I just put rice in the fridge though, so I'll have that later today

>> No.7401220
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An apple
A glass of pure apple juice
A Chicken and Mushroom Ginsters slice (with salt & vinegar, brown sauce and pic related)
A glass of whole milk
A Chicken and Mushroom Ginsters slice (with salt & vinegar, brown sauce and pic related)
4 Fox's Golden Crunch Creams
A glass of pure apple juice

Planning to make a Thai Red Curry (chicken) and rice for dinner.

Usually would've been something like this >>7401211 until a few weeks ago when I quit drinking and smoking. I'm a little bit jealous.

>> No.7401378

Yogurt, Banana, Coffee

lamb's lettuce salad with cherry tomatoes and parmigiano/iberico (spanish cheese), dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar

fuet, iberico, spanish omellete and bread for starters with beer, paella and red wine for main

today was a good day, think I am going to finish all this with a nice glass of whisky

>> No.7401388

Today's the day iclean out the fridge.


Peanut butter on rye and one granny smith

Tandoori skewers to use up some chicken and beef i have left over from the weekend. With some greens, cherry tomatoes, and whatever dressing i have in then fridge.

>> No.7401394

>nut bar
>noodle dish
>shitload of water

>> No.7401414

Bowl of oatmeal

>Cheeky lunch

Mustard soup with leek and bacon bits
Beef burger with cheddar, bacon, onion, lettuce, tomato

>Late night snack
Old Amsterdam cheese

>> No.7401415
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Oats and milk with sugar
Half a Beef and Stilton with Pickle sandwich
Ring sugar Donut
Baked Chicken Sunday Dinner with Spinach, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Mashed Potato.
Lots of Tea and Coffee.
Came to around 1700kcal so it's not that bad.

People are such fucking fussy eaters it's pathetic, cannot add any spices or seasoning to stuff because "it's just messing" Best I can do it put a few Garlic cloves in the baking tray for the Chicken

>> No.7401420

2 eggs

Chickpeas, red capsicum/pepper, zucchini, and okra fried with curry leaves. Coconut cream stirred through.

Half a fillet of barramundi.

>> No.7401423

>Mustard soup with leek and bacon bits

That sounds really good.

>> No.7401428
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made chicken porridge with leftover chicken stock and rice, got enough for tomorrow too

>> No.7401430


( I wish ;_; )

>> No.7401437

that'd make you gay fella

>> No.7401439

but what if I still like girls

>> No.7401445

Looks tasty as fuck. Breakfast?

You'd still be a fag.

>> No.7401448

that'd make you a degenerate bisexual. Back in my time, we'd stick to one side of the street

>> No.7401449
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But what if he wears a skirt and is locked in chastity?

>> No.7401455

that's ok
I'm ok with that

I do wear a skirt sometimes
I'd wear a cage but that's way out of my wallet range

>> No.7401460

Go stuff something up the butt and make me a sammich.

>> No.7401461
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>> No.7401470

ok to the first part
nah to the second

I'd trap for well cooked food tho~

>> No.7401493

breakfast lunch and dinner, my friend

>nah to the second
shit tier

>> No.7401495

Chocolate Lucky Charms for breakfast

A couple hours later a bowl of spicy chicken ramen (I wanted to clear my sinuses)

A little bit later I ate a PB & J sandwich while I made a batch of chili (for work lunches all week)

Going out to dinner in a couple minutes (this is why I only had a PB & J for lunch)

Gonna have 2 chorizo burritos and some beans and rice

When I get some I'll probably have some ice cream, then a cup of decaf before I go to bed

>> No.7401500

buy me a cage, and I'll happily do that

>> No.7401512

I wanna blow a raspberry on your tummy

>> No.7401522

Peanut butter toast (2)

Hummous and crackers

Ribeye steak (1)
Baked potato (1)
Grilled asparagus (5)

>> No.7401538

nah thatd be gay

>> No.7401540

lol wtf are you 12?

>> No.7401543
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/a/ what are you doing in /ck/, you are drunk go to bed

>> No.7401545

not if I wear a skirt

>> No.7401549

Maybe he's just gay.

>> No.7401551

ok but u cant touch my balls

>> No.7401560


>> No.7401561

Fags have too much self respect to eat like that.

>> No.7402482

bowl of oats
pickled herring
some medium-hard cheese
another apple
and like 5 cups of coffee

>> No.7402502

>self respect

>> No.7402510

Bowl of porridge
3 beers
Bowl of pasta and tomato sauce

>> No.7402513

for lunch, Ramen noodles, no, none of that Top Ramen or stuff like that, it was ramen you get next to the sushi stand at groceries stores and home cooked.

For dinner, I had dried tomato and meat balls spaghetti with some mini-bococcini on the side.

>> No.7402522

One-egg omelette with two faux-sausage patties and a matcha latte.
Black bean burrito with sharp cheddar and salsa.
A millet-black-bean patty (leftover beans from lunch) with arugula and more millet with parmesan cheese.

Then a handful of sunflower seeds and 3-5 chocolate yogurt pretzels.

>> No.7402590


lacto-ovo vegetarian detected

>> No.7402597

Pescetarian, actually. Thought it would be fun.

>> No.7402600

> Breakfast

Black coffee and nicotine


Peanut-ginger-curry noodles with red cabbage and onion, crispy fried tofu threads, red bell pepper, corn, and fried chickpeas

Leftover borscht from last night


Leftover taco stuff (minced tofu fried with black beans, minced onion, mushroom, and garlic, minced red pepper, and "chorizo" style TVP with fuckloads of taco seasoning)

Grilled daiya cheese sandwich

Random veggies in a pseudo tzatziki sauce

5-grain cereal (just like rolled wheat and oats and flax and stuff) in soy milk

>> No.7402601


Lacto-ovo seems to pointless though - like outwardly saying that animal agriculture is bad, but then going and basing your diet on animal products, just sort of self-defeating. Like someone bitching about capitalism over Starbucks.

>> No.7402613

Well, some people are vegetarians because they think it's healthier for them, and some are just grossed out by the specific idea of eating an animal that used to be alive without caring to boycott the industry.

Most vegetarians I know that are lacto-ovo intend on transitioning to veganism and/or admire vegans but either live with family who provide meals that they don't want to be TOO picky about or just aren't that level of conscientious, figuring that boycotting the meat itself is sufficient since the eggs and milk don't necessarily entail death (even though the industry almost invariably entails both, unless it's one of those super-hippie farms with free-range eggs for a $1+ apiece).

>> No.7402627

That all sounds really delicious. Did the borscht go well with the curry noodles? And how does the Daiya taste?

>> No.7402634
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Oatmeal with rice milk & brown sugar
Leftover bison burger with ketchup, mayonnaise & mustard on homemade bun
Oven roasted chicken with steamed carrots and potato salad
A whole lotta black tea with powdered milk & sugar, couple bowls here 'n there and a few glasses of sweet tea

>> No.7402660

Canadian bacon for breakfast then some homemade fried rice for lunch and dinner

>> No.7403925
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a banana
bowl of leftover gumbo
glass of oat water
some fruit and nut

I'm living the life

>> No.7403938

Scrambled egg on toast
Some of those sweet chilli walkers crips, and two mini chilli pork pies
Chicken and pork egg fried rice, (made myself from a bunch of leftover stuff), Sweet 'n' sour Pork (leftover roast pork + uncle bens sauce), with some fresh sweet chilli noodles stir fry.

>> No.7403956

I've eaten 200g of pasta, 200g of chickpeas, 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Stock cube for seasoning. K

>> No.7403968

so far:

cup of coffee, black
bottle of water
small serving of cheese tortellini
a bite of parmesan cheese
a few gummi bears

>> No.7403981

OP's mom's pussy

>> No.7403992

mon puce is that you?

>> No.7404003

How did you cook all the veggies? stir fry?

>> No.7404008

I forgot to eat because I got up late for work. I've been hitting my vape with an apple pie ala mode juice, and it's kept my mind off of real food. It's now 2:15 PM, and I set the rice cooker up with some white rice. Going to warm up some leftover chili and put rice in it.

>> No.7404194

Three big mugs of black coffee and four pieces of sugar free gum

I'm confident that I'm gonna be shitting liquid after dinner tonight

>> No.7404210

That looks very interesting. Been boring myself shitless nuking porridge oats with ginger and cinnamon powder.

>> No.7404315

Bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Plain bagel
A rice krispie treat
A meatball sub
5 bottles of water
Will make spaghetti for dinner

>> No.7404331

2 "State Fair" brand frozen corndogs
1 entire handful of Skittles
1 slice of cheddar cheese
1 peach cirtus-flavor "Fresca"

And I bet you think I'm joking.
I'm dead serious.

>> No.7404356

Do you only eat processed food?

>> No.7404361

Oui ma puce that's me

>> No.7404387

jar of applesauce
ham and bean soup

>> No.7404396
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The apple wasn't processed. The onion, bell pepper and chicken breast in the Thai curry weren't heavily processed either, as far as I know, but the curry paste was out of a jar and the coconut milk was out of a can. Fish sauce was out of a bottle too, and the white rice was "easy cook."

I do eat a lot of processed food, I guess. Not as much as some ITT, and I did make a chicken salad and dressing from scratch the day before (well, it had black olives out of a jar and spinach out of a bag which are obviously processed).

I think I usually manage to strike a reasonable balance between natural and processed foods, yesterday (Ginsters day) was a bad example.

Today I've had:
A glass of water
2 Thai Red Chicken Curry tortilla wraps (same curry as yesterday but in wraps)
1 mug of coffee (white, 2 sugar)
About to get a glass of cranberry juice (pic related).

Planning to make fried rice (cooked yesterday and refrigerated) with bacon, egg, pineapple and other veg for dinner.

>> No.7404405

Macaroni and eggs

Hot choco and graham crackers

Poor college student. Its typically my meals, with rice and chicken for dinner.

>> No.7404408

2 cups peach yoghurt
2 pitas with shawarma
a big bowl of chicken tikka masala
a clementine
some crisps

>> No.7404415

white rice and beans with lime juice, salt, and go chu jang
gala apple

>> No.7404427

2 cups of Scottish breakfast tea
Water water water
Leftover potatoes au gratin
A handful of purple grapes

>> No.7404440
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2 bbq lean pockets
1 microwaved cheese tostada
chicken breast and corn

>> No.7404578

Raisin bran
Cheez its

>> No.7404584

Try out chicken porridge, I can eat it literally every day and not get bored of it.

heres a recipe, you can just throw everything in the pot like i do if you're not too fussy
its good for 2-3 days after, just add a bit of water each time you reheat and you're good to go


>> No.7406142

2xboiled eggs
black coffee

large garden salad
Grillled snapper
corn on the cob
jasmine tea

minute steak
broccoli and chick pea salad
grilled capsicum with garlic

2oz of bourbon

>> No.7406150

>minute steak

So was the steak cooked in 1 minute or just really tiny?

>> No.7406165

Both obviously.
Do you even cook?

>> No.7406169

No, I just come here when I'm high and can't afford to get pizza delivered. Why do you ask?

>> No.7406175


well today you will learn something bucko

>> No.7406181

>a minute or so on each side

So it's actually a two minute+ steak?

>> No.7406215

Have another bong

>> No.7406217

Hehe thanks for the link anyway anon, you're pretty good :)

>> No.7406229

subway roast beef on italian herbs and cheese with salt and vinegar chips

half of my leftover rolly polly turkey wrap
and a mini can of pringles

plus some diet coke and a few ciggies
college life is real nice

>> No.7406263

Black tea with dried black currants
Two A&W Sausage 'n' Eggers with tomatoes instead of sausage
Ancient Grains Cheerios with skim milk
Earl Grey tea with skim milk
Few bites of a baguette
Baked tofu with stir-fried kale and snow peas on basmati rice
One very small red velvet cookie
Slice of bread with peanut butter

>> No.7406278

Three potatoes worth of hash browns, chased down with some milk.
Nothing except some water at work.
A melted cadbury egg.
Blackened cod with tater tots and steamed broccoli. Also with a glass of milk.
Blueberry bagel half with another glass of milk.

>> No.7406285

nothing, I got up too late to want anything before lunch
onion rings and chicken buddy burger from A&W.
leftover japanese curry, extra spicy golden curry cubes with a nice quality cubed beef, carrots, daikon, onions and potato. on top of rice
>snack and drinks
2 cups of coffee and 2 cups of tea (1000 word essay due tommorow). 1 of those reese stick bars, and handful of smokey chipotle crispy minis. a lot of water

>> No.7406291

Domino's leftovers all day and with chicken for dinner

I already regret my decisions

>> No.7406544

3am: vodka, orange juice
12pm: bland crackers
9pm: vodka , orange juice

>> No.7406550

Avocado pudding (avocado, cacao, nut/seed butter, stevia), black coffee, toast with pate, Greek yoghurt and cranberries

Chicken peanut soup

Mackerel ceviche, toast, peanut butter

>> No.7406590

>wake at 1930
>eat 1 stick of string cheese, 1 Apple, and 8oz chocolate almond milk
>5 cups of coffee between 2000 and 2100
>around 2200: a good cup and a half of shrimp pomodoro
>0000: a wrap consisting of 1 cup chicken, seasoned with garlic powder and salt and a cup of fresh spinach
>0100: 4 asprin
>0300: 8 tortilla chips and a red bell pepper
>0500: 4 asprin again
>0700 (projected): 2 egg omelette with spinach and 1/4 cup mozzarella cheese, served with 1 cup blueberries and a plain English muffin.

hopefully I'll be asleep by noon.

>> No.7406641

What physical and mental conditions are you trying to manage?

>> No.7406648

7:00 am wake up
7:01 am eat pussy
7:01 pm stop eating pussy

>> No.7406651

Sounds like a cunt of a day

>> No.7406693
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>> No.7406924
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Made it just now came out pretty good but I used porridge oats instead.
Pak Choi
Sesame seed oil
Soy sauce
Spring Onions
Egg mixed in at the end.
Definitely make it again.

>> No.7406956

a piece of rye bread with pb
soya quark
an orange

leftover mashed potatoes
a fried egg
an apple
a piece of rye with pb

pan fried chicken
roasted swede and broccoli

+coffee and dark chocolate

>> No.7406967

Oatmeal with some whey protein mixed in
Coffee (2-3 cups throughout the day)
A chipotle double steak bowl (fucking yum)
8 oz grilled salmon with a serving or two of broccoli

>> No.7406972



Arvo tea



I weight 49 kg.

>> No.7406980

Oat porridge with a banana and some raspberries.
Lamb steak with spinach, pumpkin, and cucumber.
A handful of peanuts.
Few scoops of vanilla ice cream.
More peanuts.

Plus about a litre of water and three double espresso shots.

>> No.7406981

fuck i hate british people

>> No.7406986

Australia you cunt. Brits have shit coffee, I make mine on a proper machine. Their tea sucks too.

Also how do I tie a noose?

>> No.7406991

so a brit with better teeth, stupider words and more restrictions on what you can jack off to. either way, the only acceptable non american anglosphere people are canadians.

>> No.7406992

ill do yesterday cause i haven't eaten yet today

peameal and side bacon with gruyere and grilled peppers on a kaiser

half a hotdog

half a poutine

half a weed cookie


>> No.7406999

What restrictions? The one's they say they're going to enforce?

Buddy all they care about right now is CP and terrorism.

I agree with you though, this country is fucking cancer. America is worse IMO, most of Europe is cancer infested with Islam, Africa is don't even, South America is why would you and I fucking hate gooks.

My choices are canada or iceland, but my family is here.

>> No.7407003

6 slices of whole wheat bread with turkey breast
6 slices of whole wheat bread with turkey breast
Brown Rice
Haricot Verts
Quark with oats

>> No.7407032

1l of coffee, unless I get the shakes it's not enough.

Cheap uni lunch of chicken and rice.

Pasta with melted cheese, veggies and random edible mushrooms all mixed together.

>late evening snack
8 small beers and a little vodka.

>> No.7407064

A pint o' half n' half water to pink grapefruit juice.

About to go fry up some smoked dry cured bacon on some granary and a cup of strong coffee.

I mean shit it's almost 4pm here and I just woke up.

>> No.7407109

Breakfast- Two hard boiled eggs dipped in shrimp sauce.
Lunch- Two bananas
Snack- 5 baby dill pickles, 1/4 cup of kimchi, crackers and taziki dip.
Dinner- Lemon basil turkey soup with rice noodles. I had two bowls.
Drank lemon water all day but ended up caving with a glass of watered down ice tea. I'm trying to quit vodka and liquid calories.

>> No.7407255

lol thats soo much bread wtf.

u a runner?

>> No.7407298


A cup of green tea
a bag of nik naks(potato chips)
a chicken tikka sandwich
some coleslaw
3 jamie dodger biscuits

Later for dinner ill be having steak with peppercorn sauce and chunky chips

>> No.7407330


I play soccer and I have to pick up running again, haven't ran in 2 months. Work out every day though. Went from 115 kg to 70 kg. Now on a controlled 'bulk' to 78 kg. That post was around 2750 kcals

>> No.7407570

>bread with some cheese and salami for breakfast
>bits of ananas and pomelo throughout the day
>lentil soup and kung pao chicken with jasmine rice for lunch (rice was undercooked so i left no tip)
>pan fried salmon with some sauteed spinach for dinner
>some pickled cheese after that to just top up on my transfats
>right now munching on some roasted peanuts in shell

>> No.7407627
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Nik naks are maize based you bellend.
Also what flavor were they?

>> No.7408166

oh i dint know that.They were hot n spicy btw

>> No.7408186

Activated Almonds

>> No.7408284

Bowl of cheerios
2 granola bars and a 2 fig bars

Haven't had dinner yet, but plan on making 'Asian' style beef, broccoli, and rice.

>> No.7408322

Simple. I like it.

Here's mine:
1 liter of cold water, 1 multi vitamin, 2 garlic supplements
2 cups of tea
1 medium-well cooked steak, two large servings of salad, comprised of spinach, avocado, goat's cheese and bacon, 1l cold water.

>> No.7408329
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>A bowl of steel cut oatmeal with a splash of milk and a spoon of blueberry jam
>Two cups of coffee with milk

>One cup of coffee, black

>One cup of Darjeeling tea

>Rye & oat bran crackers
>Caramelized onion hummus
>One cup of Darjeeling tea

>1cm thick slice of goat cheese with honey
>A swig of ruby port from the bottle

>Bowl of rice with soy sauce and sambal oelek
>Two falafel with tahina
>A pot of nice gunpowder green tea

Throughout the day
>3L of water

>> No.7408347

Shredded Wheat with Milk
A gummy vitamin and Water
Baked Chicken and Rice plus Water

repeat for the next 7 days a week

>> No.7408356

>a swig of ruby port from the bottle
You mean sucking cock right?

>> No.7408390

1:40 AM
>150g chicken salad sandwich with green onion

10:30 AM
>Coffee with artificial sweetener and 1 tbsp cream

10:45 AM
>Leftover homemade pizza slice with sausage, pepperoni, salami, onion, green bell pepper, mozzarella, and crimini mushrooms

1:08 PM
>Coffee with artificial sweetener and 1 tbsp cream

3:03 PM
>Coffee with artificial sweetener and 1 tbsp cream

5:30 PM
>4 chicken sausages

7:43 PM
>1 kinder egg

>> No.7408396

update: i had steak and i think i have given myself food poisoning i cant stop shitting and its coming out liquid and i got excruciating stomach pain.

>> No.7408401

Coke and Cinnamon Rolls w/ cream cheese icing

Burger and Fries with 2 snickers for dessert, large Sprite

Mountain of chicken nuggers with a selection of sauces, onion rings, and a Diet Pepsi.

>> No.7408415

Brekkie: PBJ with apricot jam on white bread. Coffee with SCM.

Lunch: Fishfinger sandwich with mayonnaise and a mixed lettuce salad with parsley leaves in it.

After work snack: chilli dog on a slice of onion rye instead of a bun

Dinner will be pasta with a quick tomato sauce. Not sure if I'm gonna do it with onion or garlic but probably garlic.

>> No.7408480

Breakfast: Stirfry with shrooms/broccoli/onion/chicken/oister sauce
Lunch: Skipped
Dinner: Slow roasted pork in buns with pickled red cabbage/onion and cracklings.
Snack: A piece of banana with coffee cake at a meeting

>> No.7409340


>leftover curried chicken, basmati rice, and naan bread.

>pasta primavera

>> No.7409349

Chicken nuggets from burger king also I plan on going to Applebee's tomorrow and I've had just about everything on their menu except for their burgers and want to know what they're burgers are like

>> No.7409540

A soft boiled egg and a piece of toast, some OJ, a bowl of microwavable noodles, a smores poptart, a tea, and a bowl of pasta stuffed with rice and cheese.

Had a boxed brownie and some cookies recently too. Warned up the brownie in the microwave so it was actually edible. Was a knockoff cosmic brownie, dollar store shit.

>> No.7410070

Lots of puff pastry

>> No.7410082

Poached Weisswurst with sweet mustard and Ayinger hefeweizen and pretzel
Cabbage and artichoke pierogi
Cabbage and mushroom pierogi
Corn tortillas with chihuahua cheese and peppers
Rye bread with onions and braunschweiger and more German beer.

I don't understand why I'm not fat.

>> No.7410139

2-3 cups of tea throughout the day
grilled chicken breast with some baked beans for dinner
will have a banana and slice of brown bread for lunch at work

usually a large dinner followed by a load of beer at the weekend

>> No.7410241


>> No.7410744

7am Two glasses of alkalised water with apple cider vinegar, then a smoothie of blended alkalised water, organic spirulina, activated almonds, maca, blueberries, stevia, coconut kefr and two organic, free-range eggs.
8.30am Sprouted millet, sorghum, chia and buckwheat bread, with liver pate, avocado, cultured vegetables, plus ginger and liquorice root tea.
12.30pm Fresh fish, sautéed kale and broccoli, spinach and avocado salad, cultured vegies.
3pm Activated almonds, coconut chips, cacao nibs, plus green tea.
6.30pm Emu meatballs, sautéed vegies, cultured vegetables, plus a cup of ginger and liquorice root tea.
8.30pm A homemade coconut, carob, blueberry, goji and stevia muffin, and a chamomile tea.

>> No.7410797



why eat spinach when you can eat something less nutritious and only 4 times the price!

>> No.7410817

>3 weetabix with semi skimmed milk
>cup of coffee

Morning break
>cup of coffee

>Pasta salad with tomato and feta
>Chicken caesar wrap
>Packet of Skips

>another banana
>green tea

>> No.7410835


>2 cups of coffee

morning break

>cup of coffee


>chicken or roast beef sandwich on rye with whole grain mustard, preserved jalapeños, and black pepper

afternoon break

>cup of coffee


>seared vegetables
>white rice
>seared pork or chicken

i drink a lot of water throughout the day and never drink coffee after 3pm

>> No.7410845
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>> No.7410918

3 meatballs
stick of Colby jack cheese
3 egg American cheese omelette
thick cut pork chop with peach apricot glaze

no real meals. I just eat when I'm hungry but a lot less than usual and pound water all day. been dieting and lost 12 lbs since last Saturday.

>> No.7411403

I only eat once a day and it's usually just protein and like 80 calories of vegetables, and that's if I eat. I'm cutting on PSMF.

>> No.7411408

For breakfast I had poached eggs on toast with mayonnaise. Lunch was a turkey sandwich with Munster and mustard on whole grain white with a mixed salad w/ tomatoes, jalapenos and pretzels. Afternoon snack was a can of tuna. Dinner was a homemade buffalo marinated baked chicken with a bleu cheese broiled crust. My gf left a Cadbury almond chocolate bar at my campus apartment so I ate the whole thing. This is why I don't buy sweets.

>> No.7411451

two slices nuked 2-day-old pizza, plain

one valentines chocolate, almond nougat

one glass blue raspberry lemonade kool-aid

one glass water

one mug black coffee

Its 7pm, gonna have beef chow-fun for dinner and couple beers.

>> No.7411548

3 blueberry hungry jack instant pankakes, a leftover piece of tonkatsu, a package of japanese instant ramen, and a couple mandarin oranges

>> No.7411553

> chicken or roast beef
do you not remember?

>> No.7411859

4 cups of work-provided Flavia coffee packets

reheated enchiladas I got off some crappy mom-blog

6-pack of a local IPA and a couple PBR tallboys

>> No.7411944


remember what?

also canafag. i buy my meat from the hutterites.

>> No.7411966

2 slices of lfetover buffalo chicken pizza for breakfast (thick crust, ranch base, mozz, meunst, prov, and cheddar, with this thick garlicky "carolina reaper" hot sauce

leftover ribeye with two over easy eggs

pepperoni and meatball flatbread - two slices with feta and marinara and pepperoncini and the other two pieces with provolone mayo tomato and lettuce

>> No.7411988

Portabello mushroom burger with swiss cheese and stirfried mushrooms on top (got from a food truck)
Curried tofu with veggies basmati rice.
Banana and 3 Ferrero Rochers

>> No.7411992

>I start the morning off at 4:00AM with a light beer and couple shots of gin
>I pass out and wake up just to run straight to McDonald's where I get a sausage mcmuffin, hashbrown, large diet dr.pepper, and a sausage biscuit. I also refilled my diet dr.pepper
>I then head to work where on my lunch break I have a small cheeseburger with everything and a side of medium onion rings with ketchup and mustard. I also had two large diet cokes during my work.
>I come home and take more shots of dry gin
>I decided to get a steak burrito from chipotle with a large coke zero
>I am now at home where I drank a 24oz lite beer and have taken multiple shots of gin
>I plan to drink shots into the night and sleep...

>> No.7411998


I don't understand

>> No.7412071

>shitty breakfast sandwich with croissant, egg white and chicken sausage, banana, coffee with a bit of creamer
>two cafe rio steak tacos, a la carte
>two tamales (1 chicken 1 pork) from a booth at the farmers market
also got fresh eggs, potatoes, asparagus, carrots and asian pears. all yuppie organic.

>> No.7412130

For breakfast, i had a bowl of store brand golden grams with a bowl of whole milk i steal from my work
lunch was a piece of "flat bread" which is really just a piece of yeastless pizza bread i use, spread with a bit of pesto and dried tomatoes and feta
dinner for me is a meat sauce, using a tradional french ingrediant rather than a italian. this served over a small plate of penne, and topped with some of the left over feta from lunch
my drink is a cheap ass' margarita which is equal parts jose silver and tang, with a bit of agave syrup and lime juice from one of those little lime shaped bottles

how do?

>> No.7414031

When I have cereal or coffee I use semi skimmed goats milk.

05:30 - 3 Shredded Wheat with blueberries, 2 slices of wholemeal toast (dry). Coffee (White no sugar)
08:20 - Apple, Orange, another coffee
13:30 - Apple, Orange, Bottled Water
15:30 - Oatibix, Banana, Coffee
17:30 - Greek Yoghurt (Small Tub), Grapes, Blueberries, 2 slices wholemeal toast, Chai Tea (No milk or sugar)

I was planning on making a stew with some turkey and veg for supper but I can't really be bothered. Probably just watch Netflix and fall asleep.

>> No.7414042


a roasted chicken thigh over couscous stir fried with mushrooms spinach chickpeas and peas


cheese with membrillo and i might have some tomato soup or a smoked salmon sandwich later

currently having a beer

i work in the afternoon/evening so i usually just have brunch and dinner

>> No.7414115

A glass of water with some lemon juice to help me keep it down.
Free school lunch. THANKS SOCIALISM
Fries and meatballs
A banana and orange pop

>> No.7414119

Breakfast of plain yogurt and water
Lunch of salmon with lemon garlic buttersauce and water

>> No.7414147

Porridge with blueberries and almonds
Leek and goat's cheese omelette
Chilli and rice
Oranges, banana
Blackberry and ginger dark chocolate

>> No.7415301

>Did the borscht go well with the curry noodles?

Actually, yeah. I had the borscht cold and mixed in some Follow Your Heart sour cream and fresh chopped chill, it was sort of like a dessert and cut right through the spiciness of the curry.

Daiya tastes good once it's melted, I wouldn't recommend eating it plain/cold though. It melts best if you introduce some extra moisture (e.g, put it on a burger in a frying pan, put the lid on, and drip water around the sides)

>> No.7415521

Add pork chop and broccoli for dinner with bottle water

>> No.7415789

'Carbanora' with four egg yolks, 2 tbs of butter, seasoning, and grated Parmesan.
2 burgers with lettuce, tomato, onion, cheese and a sauce mix of BBQ, mayo, ketchup, and mustard, along with potato chips

I was pretty fat today but I've been having pretty minuscule meals lately and I've been hungry.

>> No.7417467

>wheat puffs
>soda bread
>nashville kfc 2 pcs
>mac n cheese
>2 biscuits
oolong x2 diet soda x3 water

>> No.7417483

>Dessert Pear
>Steak and Chicken with carrot and sweet potato mash with fried onions and mushrooms
Fun day of cutting

>> No.7417498

Brekkie: a slice of coconut cake.

Lunch: sliders and a tomato salad.

After work snack: carrot salad.

Dinner will be mushroom and beef bacon risotto with smoked gouda instead of parmigiano. Also a spinach salad.

No coffee today because I dropped mine this morning and I'm too cheap to get a second cup.

>> No.7417509

Chimmy detected

>> No.7417512
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(breakfast) rhubarb bio yoghurt, coffee, hazelnut biscuits, cherry chia smoothie
then i barfed with a migraine
(second breakfast, in the dark so i could take painpills) a bag of sweet/salt popcorn and a small packet of cashews
(breakfast before work) plain nori onigiri
(lunch) chicken wings + bread roll
(dinner) chicken pie, roast potatoes, green beans and carrots

>> No.7417513

Breakfast - granola and milk
Lunch - leftover kidney beans
Dinner - fried egg on toast

I don't eat any snacks, just drink green tea

>> No.7417727

A piece of raspberry chesse danish

>> No.7417832
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>trying to lose weight
>have some broccoli for dinner
>dad posts this on facebook taken outside my bedroom a few hours later

i give up

>> No.7417835


>> No.7418145


>> No.7418157
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>> No.7418181

Woke Up - Ate a crumpet
Went to college - Drank a rockstar
Got home - had a box of thorntons chocolates (free from WHSmith)
Had two chicken chargrill rolls
Had a 2l bottle of fanta
had 3 muller corners (strawberry)

im slightly overweight and poor

>> No.7418189

Is that Brocc vacuum packed or some shit?

>> No.7418209

shit son



>> No.7418430

8 am. The same sandwich I have every morning, griddled ham cheese and scrambled egg on a bagel.
11 am. I heated up some shitty frozen fries. They were Kroger brand crinkle fries.
1 pm. Half a bag of Kroger brand salt and vinegar chips. They tasted like plain chips and I felt ripped off.
3 pm. Seventeen cookies. Five soft peanut butter cookies. Five cinnamon bun Oreos. Seven red velvet Oreos.
10 pm. A bagel with cream cheese.

Aside from the breakfast sandwich what I eat in a day is almost entirely based on what I happen to stubble upon in my house or out around town. I have zero schedule for eating and it has made me incredibly unhealthy.

>> No.7418446

11am- vegan boxed Mac and cheese. Actually wasn't half bad.
6pm-vegetables and chickpea coconut curry
9pm-a mango
1030pm-a head of romaine with balsamic

>> No.7418465
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This guy fucks.

>> No.7418479
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Vegetable egg drop soup+slice of Canadian bacon and protein shake for brekky.

Broccoli and olives for lunch

Chicken wings, salad, moar vegetable soup and protein shake for din din.

>> No.7418503

Still up and I just walked across the street to get some coffee because reasons and wound up coming back with one'o'dem Little Debbie banana flavoured marshmallow pies and a Drake's coffee cake, as well, and ate them.

>> No.7418513
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Breakfast: toast with peanut butter, cup of hi-caf tea

Lunch: nana's leftover pot roast made into hash

Dinner: cheesy mushroom omelette

>> No.7419911

breakfast: golden nuggets and a black coffee
lunch: mayo, cheese, onion and pepperoni sandwich and a black coffee
don't know what I'm going to do for dinner.

>> No.7419918
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a pint of vodka

>> No.7420025

That's not that much vodka. 1040 calories isn't even enough to sustain a sedentary, small-framed person.


>> No.7420100

Breakfast: hot cocoa and croissant
Lunch: big plate of pasta with amatriciana sauce
Going out for dinner probably so no clue yet

>> No.7421317

Brekkie: oatmeal with prunes, pecans and a drop of vanilla essence. Also coffee with milk.

Lunch: pasta and beans with tomato and garlic.

Mid-afternoon snack: an apple.

Late-afternoon snack: gas station special—hot dog with nacho cheese.

Dinner: tomato risotto. Also spinach salad with homemade vinaigrette.

>> No.7421323
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Delicious sushi.
This was my dinner today.

>> No.7421333

> oatmeal made with blueberries and almond milk. A cup of coffee

> stiry fry with prawns in it, another cup of coffee, some of mums birthday cake

> chicken cooked with dates and capers, broccoli and cauliflower couscous.

> another two cups of coffee throughout the course of the day

> gin and tonic

>> No.7421616

Fucking vegans.

>> No.7421625

>cooked salmon
>copious mayo
>cheese or butter on salmon
>fucktard sauce on shrimp
>pouring soy sauce over all servings
Fuck you, I'm mad.

>> No.7421631


>> No.7421649

pot of coffee with half and half
two oatmeal cookies
shitty chinese buffet
homemade falafel and tzatziki
cucumbers marinated with acv, s&p, red pepper and brown sugar

tried to drink a little vodka but that shit sucks and makes me ill upon lip contact

>> No.7422112

Have faith anon.

Also, keep reading /fit/. They'll give you the willpower to keep it up.

>> No.7423517


Cooked salmon sushi is actually pretty great. Don't knock it until you try it.

>> No.7423529

way to ruin good ingredients, faggot

>> No.7423531

don't give up
your old man is just jealous

>> No.7423540

> breakfast
four eggs, sunny side up, toast, leftover tomato juice from last night
> lunch
tuna melt, tuna/corn salad
> din-din
isn't here yet... I have no clear idea what I will eat. probably a pan-fried something with cauliflower puree, if I'm reading the signs right

>> No.7423548

Half gallon of water and a grilled cheese sandwich

>> No.7423592

Cooking it ruins the texture and negates the entire point of sushi. They only sell it as a way to use older fish.

And seriously whoever made that should be shot. Look at those cuts. Look at how the masago and onion is just haphazardly scattered across the plate. Big dollops of mayo? And processed cheese slices? Seriously what restaurant was that?

>> No.7423677

3 cups of fresh coffee
2 tramadol, 2 ibuprofen, 1 decongestant
3 cups of fresh coffee
Leftover chinese takeaway
chocolate digestives
1 tramadol, 1 omeprazole
Bottle of cava
chicken satay skewers
Bottle of cava
Tropical redbull
Bottle sauvignon blanc

>> No.7423683
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>Your almonds aren't even activated
>Coconuts aren't homemade

gb2reddit, plebtier/10

>> No.7423694
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Hot sausage poboy (9.99 for 30 inches at my local deli) and 3 bags of Doritos.

>> No.7423734

Essentially one giant salad, half for lunch and half for dinner, and I'm so full I cant eat anything else.

An entire chopped cucumber
250g chopped radishes
175g spinach leaves
300g sugar snap peas
200g chicken breast
1tbsp Low cal mayo

+ 450g Skyrr as dessert
6 cups green tea

>> No.7423743

the chocalate sounds pretty incredible, is it a local thing?
I've never heard of anything like it.

>> No.7423748

8oz salmon fillet
Paprika Sausa
Roasted Cauliflower
Strawberry Banana Protein Shake
Pot Stickers

>> No.7423751

2 cheese and mustard sandwiches, 2 oreo's and 2 energy drinks

I need to sort my shit

>> No.7423752

He's not saying 'homemade coconut', he's saying a homemade muffin with coconut being one of the ingredients. It's grammar.

>> No.7423759
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Big fan of Weight Watchers Ambassadors, are you?

>> No.7423783

I always thought u were a grill for some reason..

>> No.7423797

Different burger here: I thought NZ was the tits when I went. Probably way too expensive for me to ever afford moving there tho

>> No.7423922

4 Wheatabix with Milk and half spoon sugar
4 egg white Omelette with Spring onion and 4 Bananas
8 Wheatabix with milk and sugar

>> No.7423926

r u a dutch?

>> No.7424063



Enjoy getting stabbed and never getting justice because the guy said soory in court so they let him go.

>> No.7424240

2 sunny side up eggs, 2 slices of ww toast and a sausage patty
A 24 of Molson Ice
A dozen homemade crab ragoons and a 24 of Molson Ice

>> No.7424270

Roasted chicken leg, potato/zucchini/onion/bell pepper saute, some white rice, honey oatmeal cookies for dessert, cup of coffee
Not sure yet

>> No.7424507

Brekkie: coffee with milk and a doppelkek.

Lunch: cap cai and white rice.

Mid-afternoon snack: slice of frittata with a piece of flatbread.

Late-afternoon snack: two pickled eggs.
>it's a particularly eggy day today
Dinner: meatloaf and stamppot with onion gravy.

>> No.7424530
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Breakfast was boiled egg and a bagel with cream cheese

Lunch was pic related

Dinner was turkey sandwich with mashed potatoes and leftover french fries

Snack, had a bit of peas with some rice I had left in my rice cooker the night before.

>> No.7424594
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2 bowls of rice krispies
nasty coffee with grounds in it (all my filters are fugged up)

turkey sandwich on toast
celery w/ spicy hummus

"dadsketti" made by gf's dad who is in town for a few days
dublin dr. pepper

>> No.7425702


>cooking ruins the texture

o i am laffin

>> No.7425715

What the fuck is that thing in the bottom left

>> No.7425801

I didn't have breakfast because I woke up a little before noon today.

Coke zero and a sausage

Oatmeal and green tea

Also, a bunch of Fisherman's Friend and a couple of cigarretes.

>> No.7425878

>Bread with mayo and salami x2
>Bread with caviar, cheese and cucumber x3
>2 liters of coffee
Didn't sleep tonight and had a shrink appointment
I feel like an amphetamine addict

>> No.7425882

Looks like poached chicken

>> No.7425893

So far, a glass of water, a mug of black coffee, and several hits on my mouth fedora. Think I'm going to boil some pasta for lunch to use up some leftover bolognese.

>> No.7425907
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It's finally pay day so I treated myself to this on my lunch break. for breakfast I had a flat white

>> No.7426346

1 French Onion Laughing Cow
1 Queso Laughing Cow
1 White Chocolate Raspberry Quest Bar

I hate my life.

>> No.7426361

three tylenol, five teddy grams and half a bottle of woodford reserve

>> No.7426369

You sound like my kind of woman: Completely unable to feed herself.

>> No.7426547

egg and cheese sandwich with orange juice
cobb salad and a root beer
not sure yet, maybe I'll get some thai

>> No.7426576

Lunch was indeed the leftover spaghetti Bolognese.

I ate enough that I probably won't do dinner tonight. Maybe some chips and salsa while I catch up on my DVR'd programs. My house guest is being permitted time with his kids this evening at what is quickly becoming his wife's house, so I don't have to worry about spoiling shows for him.

>> No.7426889

I ate some leftover potato chips for breakfast.
That made me feel really shitty.

Cooked a bolognese for a couple of hours and had that for dinner. That was good.
That's it so far.

>> No.7426953


Brekkie: oatmeal with raisin, dried cranberry, almond and pecan and flavoured with powdered cardamom and almond essence. Also coffee with milk.

Lunch: lima beans stewed in veg juice (off brand V8) in a wrap/burrito thing with smoked Oaxaca cheese.

After work snack: having a cheese and mixed berry pastry ATM. Also another coffee with milk.

Dinner will be pasta with broccoli.

>> No.7426972

Yesterday was

Two cinnamon rolls. No, they weren't giant sized.
A banana and a bite of another cinnamon roll
A cheesy chicken and broccoli gnocchi bake.
Bowl of neopolitan ice cream

Bowl of leftover spaghetti and three meatballs
Bowl of chips

Haven't had dinner yet, but it's going to be homemade sloppy joes.

>> No.7426981

Nothing, I was in a rush to get to class
Nothing, I lost track of time and was in the library until like 3:15-ishipaya
Just finished eating now. I figured now was a better time than any to finally dig into the cantaloupe sitting in my bathroom

>> No.7426983

I just know how to read anon.

>> No.7427140

No breakfast

Turkey Reuben
Veggie Sticks
A pickle

Pasta with some bacon and Brussels sprouts in it

A lot of water

>> No.7427142

cup of fruity pebbles
four peanut m n ms
oolong tea
>dats it mayen

>> No.7427163

An orange, some almonds, and a breakfast sandwich from the office cafeteria

Couple hot dogs and leftover rice from the night before

More hot dogs and potato chips because I'm fucking lazy

>> No.7427336

>pasta and broccoli for dinner
Strike that. Decided on quick fakemeout pilaf.

Carrot, 1 large
Onion, quarter of 1 large
Butter, 1tbsp
Caraway seeds, a small pinch
Cumin seeds, a larger pinch
Chilli, dried, if/as desired (I used half a lantern chilli)
Green cabbage, dried, a handful
Veg stock, 1 cup
Rice, plain, day-old, 1 cup
Salt, if/as needed

Peel and grate carrot.
Thinly slice onion.
Put onion, carrot and butter into a pan and set to high heat.
Sauté until it just starts to brown; meanwhile, powder the spices and chilli.
Add the spices, stock and cabbage and toss about until reduced in volume by about half.
Add rice and toss about to evenly distribute and heat through.
When rice just starts to stick to the pan, off the heat and serve, adjusting salt as necessary.
Makes 1 meal-sized serving or two side-sized servings if you're gonna have meat or beans alongside.

It's one of my favourite quick meals.

>> No.7427343

>turkey reuben
no! you can't add substitute for turkey and still call it a reuben, that's not how this works. you're just as bad as those chicken chili motherfuckers!

>> No.7427369

Not that Anon, but isn't it called a 'rachel' when you sub turkey in for corned beef?

>> No.7427373

no but shit like that really gets my goat, it reminds me of those chics who comment on recipies,
>I substituted x,y.and z.
>it turned out horrible, this recipe sucks

>> No.7427387

>NUH-UH!!!! NUH-UH!!!!
>it's NOT called a rachel if you swap turkey for corned beef!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!


>> No.7427916

are you me?

>> No.7428191
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Breakfast was a soyrizo, egg, onion, and rice breakfast burrito with habanero hot sauce poured in.

Dinner was curried teriyaki tempeh cheddar melt with garlic, arugula, and avocado on homemade whole wheat bread. It was so fucking good.

>> No.7428435

Breakfast: tuna, 2 tbsp greek yogurt, baby spinach on rye bread

Lunch: mixed beans, celery, onion, grated carrot, tomato, garlic in saucepan



dunno about dinner

>> No.7428500

>1 cup of oats with diced banana

>100g of basmati rice and 200g of grilled chicken breast with homemade fajita seasoning

>200g of grilled chicken fajita and 200g of black bean salsa

>1 scotch fillet and a cup of broccoli

I'm gonna make it

>> No.7430680

Brekkie: coconut cake and coffee with milk.

Lunch: brought a slice of leftover meatloaf and some onion gravy in a burrito-like wrap thing I made and a salad from home with me this morning.

After work snack: stopped in a snack shop on my way home and grabbed a bag of cherry-yoghurt-covered pretzels and had a handful. They're really fucking good.

Dinner: shitty pad thai. I fucked it up, accidentally adding too much sugar and forgetting the noodles too long, so it was both too sweet as well as too mushy.

>> No.7430708

Today so far:

>2 giant cups of Scottish Breakfast tea with fat free half and half
>One giant cup of Pu Erh tea, plain
>Lunch: giant green salad with romaine, spinach, carrots, avocado, pickled beets, celery, green olives, cucumber and red onion
>Afternoon snack: plain greek yogurt with some dried cherries and oatmeal mixed in
>Lots of water
Haven't had dinner yet, but it will be
>Malaysian style curry laksa (just finished making the laksa paste from scratch, smells pretty great in here).

>> No.7430715

minus 90 points out of 100 for using the word "brekkie", which leaves you with a 10/100

Otherwise, you did alright.

>> No.7430725

>malaysian laksa
Isn't that sort of redundant? Do other countries (not counting SG because SG is just Malaysia 2.0 with $$$) even make laksa?

>> No.7430751

Coffee, a banana, some almonds and pistachios. A can of V8.
Chicken alfredo penne with broccoli and carrots. Sadly not homemade, just a frozen thing I picked up on sale.
2 fried eggs. Spinach + arugula salad with goat cheese. Steamed sweet potato with garlic butter and peppers.
Protein shake with greek yogurt, almond milk and whey powder.
More nuts, Coke Zero. Maybe some veggie straws if I get hungry again later.

At 1500kcal, 8pm.

>> No.7430752

Where's Activated Almonds guy

>> No.7430759

>Didn't have breakfast, but I would have made scrambled eggs if it were up to me
>Large plate of pasta with heavy cream
>A bunch of savory teatime snacks which all consist exclusively of white flour, water, salt, and beef fat
>Two servings of chicken schnitzel, one serving of mashed potatoes, a small piece of sausage
>Oh, and I had a piece of bread with dinner

I'm fat

>> No.7430784

Well.....now I have to add 2 Cara Cara oranges to the list. I was super hungry and didn't want to wait until dinner. Meh.....

>> No.7430972

A cereal bar (can you explain why kids love the taste)
A cheese stick
Some chicken nuggets with bread and hot sauce
like 20 of those eggrolls that look like they're made of condoms, dipped in a peanut-curry sauce
Some garbage mexican salad shit

>> No.7430989

Egg sandwhich. 2 eggs and swiss on a whole wheat bread. 4 cups of coffee that was sipped throughout the day.

>Chicken salad on a roll, a bag of sour cream + onion chips and some Orange Seltzer

a large bowl of Shrimp Scampi w/ linguine. Small salad w/ balsamic dressing

Wasabi and Soy sauce almonds, 2 servings

>> No.7430998
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Nothing for breakfast except water because I'm a fuck and woke up late

Two servings of some chicken stir fry I made which ended up pretty bomb (use thighs and sambal oelek makes shit 100x better).

Some banana whey BROTEIN

I'm probably making some scrambled eggs for a snack in a bit.

In retrospect I learned how to make both stir fry and scrambled eggs well from you assholes. Thanks fuckers.

>> No.7431035

2pm - turkey and ham sandwich on potato bread with mayonnaise, mustard, and provolone. Potato chips on the side

7pm - beef/lamb hamburger on a whole wheat bun with mayonnaise, avocado, and onion

also had two Dr. Peppers and an IBC Root Beer

>> No.7431040

Decided to try out a cabbage and tomato salad with italian dressnig.

Surprisingly good.

>> No.7431054

must be close to payday

>> No.7431117

-Breakfast: Greek yogurt with fruit on bottom, and a banana
-Snack: Fiber One Bar
-Late Lunch: Spicy hummus, spinach, and blue cheese in a sun-dried tomato wrap
-Snack (?): Glass of V-8
-Dinner: Half a small frozen pizza topped with Canadian bacon
-Late night snack: Other half of small frozen pizza

>> No.7431182
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A cup of instant coffee
Stale popcorn from yesterday
A peanut butter sandwich
A cup of tea
Black cherry pop
Canned chili and tortilla chips
Another cup of tea

What I'm at so far. Might heat up some spinach in a bit so I can get some greens.

>le poorfag face

>> No.7431199

Two cups of black coffee
I might have some Hommus on toast or something. I'm pretty hungry.

>> No.7431205

Water to help hydrate myself after the Coke and beer from last night

Bread bowl from Panera. Pleb tier but I was in a rush and simultaneously ate and finished an accounting practice exam

Kobe beef Salisbury steak with onions and shrooms with homemade gravy served over jasmine rice

>> No.7431211

frosted mini wheats with banana slices

lasagna and BBQ potato chips

>afternoon snack
spring roll and Girl Scout cookies

Jaipur vegetables and rice

pear and apple tart

>> No.7431218
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>Kobe beef Salisbury steak

>> No.7431318

Some roast beef, a chicken, a pizza

>> No.7431363

Ehh it was on sale. Wish I could have found some better shrooms desu

>> No.7431400

No what did you have this morning?

>> No.7431427
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Egg porn