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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7247131 No.7247131 [Reply] [Original]

Which foods don't sit well with your tummy, cu/ck/s?

>> No.7247138


canned pasta sauce gives me the heart burn, not much else does for whatever reason.

>> No.7247139
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Milk, cheese and ice cream.
It gives me the shits and makes me cramp up like someone just punched me in the stomach.
I eat it anyway though because fuck my weak ass genetics.
I'll continue drinking milk and eating cheese till it either kills me, or my body adapts.

>> No.7247140

mnt. dew and muffins

>> No.7247147

is there a way to check if you're lactose intolerant?

>> No.7247152

I always feel horrible after eating cranberries. I know I'm allergic to it, but I rarely have it, but when I do, it's hell for that bowel movement.

>> No.7247153

Lay off dairy for a month and see if it makes a difference to your farting, stool quality, and tummy pains. Then reintroduce it to your diet and see whether you return to the way you were before.

>> No.7247154

drink some whole milk, do you feel cramps or have a serious case of the farts? you may be lactose intolerant

>> No.7247155

Usually by the colour of your skin.

>> No.7247157

a whole bag of haribo or such

>> No.7247163

Carl's Jr spicy chicken sandwich. I love them, it sucks that they ruin my stomach every time

>> No.7247167


No idea why it used to be fine then about a year ago whenever i eat one i feel like i ate a whole crave case.

>> No.7247169
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>tfw you love eating jalapenos and other spicy shit even though you know whats going to happen to your asshole later

>> No.7247170


>> No.7247179

Alcohol, actually. I don't know if it's a genetic thing or not, but I usually don't like drinking that much because of it.

>> No.7247182

non honey nut cheerios. every time i feel like i've been stabbed.

>> No.7247192

Bud light wrecks my stomach and bowels

>> No.7247194

this is true

>> No.7247195

Hard alcohol.
I can do beer and margaritas and other 'bitch drinks' all day, but as soon as I smell the alcohol in rum or whiskey, my body involuntarily dry heaves for some reason

>> No.7247200

>my body involuntarily dry heaves for some reason

it's because you're a pussy

>> No.7247204

Anything that's really greasy tends to give me indigestion.

That's it really.

>> No.7247216

I love overly spicy food but I don't eat it because it makes my stomach bad and my asshole burn and honestly the feeling of a good clean fiber-rich poop is better than the taste of the spicy food

>> No.7247218

probably a mental association with sick or something, you'd need more exposure to unlearn it

>> No.7247223

Eggs and hot dogs sometimes

>> No.7247700

canned chipotle peppers, smoked for extra pain ;(

>> No.7247712

Pizza or any other food with tomato and cheese. Spaghetti is fine for some reason.

>> No.7247722

I don't usually have a lot of ring sting problems, but really spicy foods often fuck with my GI tract. Actually, a lot of it probably has to do with what's in the spicy food. Tomatoes, for instance, really wreck my insides. I'll never stop eating spicy food or tomatoes though, they're too good.

>> No.7247740

Eggs after a night of drinking

>> No.7247741

Coconut milk. Makes me immediately shit water.

>> No.7248134

Medium cooked capsicum, raw and thoroughly cooked is fine

and coffe makes me a bit weird if I have it too often

>> No.7248164

Milk and cheese is suicide for my ass.

>> No.7248193
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Everything, but I don't eat fast food.

I'm approaching my thirties but there's honestly nothing that I can't eat. I snacked on garlic triscuits and topped them with a shitload of tobasco sauce. The bottle was gone afterwards.

>> No.7248198

Milks and ice creams. I'm pretty lactose intolerant, but cheese isn't so bad for some reason.
rocky road ice cream is so good though, it's nearly worth the weird cramp diarrhea

>> No.7248219

Anything with lots of carbs like pasta. Pizza too if I eat too many slices. I get bloated and thick saliva.

>> No.7248526

chorizo gives me loud, foul smelling farts worse than any other food does.

>> No.7248535

Everything sits well with my tummy.
Not everything sits well with my heart.

High blood pressure and high cholesterol. A burger or a single slice of pizza will send my heart rate to 100 and my blood pressure to 190. It's salad, niacin and cardio for me for the next 6 months. Happy New Year.

>> No.7248542

Liver if I eat more than a couple of bites of it. Sushi if I eat more than one roll.

>> No.7248709

Potato chips of all sorts make me feel like shit after eating them. Used to eat them by the bagful as a kid and never had a problem with them at those times though.

>> No.7248748
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>ate 4 jalapenos this week
>had diarrhea every single day despite normally shitting once a week

>> No.7248752


>> No.7248762

raw chillies. they go straight through me in about 45 minutes. sucks cos i love chillies

>> No.7248792

I don't think that's even possible.

>> No.7248813

this, a beer or two in and i get the most sour, nausious wave take over. ive tried drinking beer, cider, and hard alchohal on a full stomach, and it makes me sick every time.

its like my body skips the fun buzzed/drunk part and goes straight to hangover/sick

>> No.7248856

tostios queso dip made me shit paste all day yesterday

>> No.7248986

Most Asian and Mexican style spices and sauces and heat in general. Can't really handle anything above Taco Bell creamy jalapeno sauce. Am I missing anything?

>> No.7251287

Pretty much any dairy product
>muh lactose intolerance
Also, for some weird reason, corned beef does not agree with me

>> No.7251336

Anyone else here get gassy af from bananas?

>> No.7251339

yes, go to a doctor, fucking moron

>> No.7251397

white people food

>> No.7251684
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Anything fried that ends up soaked instead of crisp and dry.

I fry stuff a lot so I'm getting the hang of it, but sometimes I still fuck up, usually ending up a day-long ache.

>> No.7251692

Are you opening them the proper way?

>> No.7251695

Any sort of heavily processed chip, like fritos, lays, pringles and especially doritos will make me feel generally unwell until I get it out of me.

>> No.7251700
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They make dairy free ice cream and cheese you retard. Im lactose intolerant as well. You can also buy lactase enzyme pills to help you process dairy but its 2016 retard, go to whole foods.

>> No.7251701

You poor bastard. You're missing an entire dimension of flavor and experiences. There's Thai spicy, there's Mexican spicy, there's Japanese spicy. And then all the myriad of associated flavors.

I'm sorry to hear that senpai. I hope you can one day experience these things.

>> No.7251846
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Pic related. I have no problem with beans or spicy food but the damn chemicals send my ass into a fit of rage.

>> No.7251856

I'm sorry to inform you that the substitutes are nothing like the real thing.

>> No.7251858


I once ate like 4-5 bananas a day for 2-3 days in a row, and I ended up with the worst, pure liquid, diarrhea of my life for a week.

>> No.7251915

With my own coffee, I can down a whole pot and feel fine, but with supermarket coffee, one cup will destroy my insides and make me shit internally

>> No.7251986

corn tortilla makes me want to vomit. i can eat corn, i can eat flour tortilla. but god damn corn tortillas make me fucking sick

>> No.7252020

Right now, anything that has any substantial amount of fat in it, or is hard to digest. (gallstone induced pancreatitis reporting). But, I'm having surgery soon, don't know exactly when yet.

>> No.7252024

Same, never thought I'd find someone with the same opinion.

>> No.7252037

Lou Malnati's deep dish. It's good but it fucking goes right through me, every time. Must be the sauce...

>> No.7252045

blame your incompetent ancestors and stop trying to eat white people food

>> No.7252053

Cream of mushroom soup from Campbells.


>> No.7252654

Peanuts for some reason give me a pain in my chest when I eat them by themselves, but things with peanut butter doesn't affect me.

>> No.7252674

Cheap hotdogs like oscar mayer make me burp hotdog for the next 4 hours, followed by 8 hours of farts that smell like hotdogs.

Good all-beef hotdogs like hebrew national are fine though.

>> No.7252683

I somehow developed lactose intolerance in recent years.

It became pretty clear the day I drank a whole liter of milk, then spend the entire night with diarrhoea.

Also I found beans produce gas too, but it's not not as bad and might be caused by inadequate cooking time.

I still miss and crave milk though.
Where is my calcium mr skeletal

>> No.7252693

Me too. I think it might be due to some antibiotics I've taken over the years. I've tried re-introducing the proper gut bacteria via yogurt, but it hasn't really taken.

But even if you or I have problems drinking milk, the good news is yogurt shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.7253032

i've noticed yogurt has little effect indeed.
Cheese seems to be ok in small quantities as well.

Also I think I saw lactose-free milk somewhere, I might try it.

>> No.7253047

Clams. I don't eat them anymore, but every time I had them I'd experience significant gastric distress within 45 minutes of eating them.

>> No.7253050

If you are
Lactose Intolerant
Gluten Intolerant
Spice intolerant

REMINDER that you are a genetic failure; a subhuman. You should kill yourself immediately, as there is no saving you.

>> No.7253076

Had a lot of raw minced half-half meat because I couldn't for the pan to heat up.

10/10 farts.

>> No.7253082

>white people food

Which 'white people'? Racist.

>> No.7253083

Being an irredeemable edge lord is also grounds for your removal from the gene pool. You know what to do, untermensch.

>> No.7253084


Not only i am genetically superior, because my body efficiently chooses to stop making lactose past childhood, but I also have a more fulfilling and useful existence than you ever will.

>> No.7253085

Well good thing you didn't mention shellfish allergy.

Cannot eat ANYTHING shellfish related, unless I want to stab myself with an epipen

>> No.7253565
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Ice cream - I poop a lot after ice cream

I used to be gay - I was afraid that after grabbing milkshakes with this guy I would poop all over him but I did okay - immediately after I shit for like twenty minutes

Kind of miss getting plowed

>> No.7253569


they used to be my fave and then they started giving me mad heartburn, pukes and shits

feels bad

>> No.7253580
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>but I also have a more fulfilling and useful existence than you ever will.
Do elaborate.

>> No.7253587
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>I used to be gay
