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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7246860 No.7246860 [Reply] [Original]

do you toast your spices /ck/? i've just recently started doing it when i make chilli and it's pretty great. i stick all the paprika, cumin and ground coriander that's going into my chilli in a dry pan and heat it til it just starts to gently smoke, then get it all out of the pan and set it aside til it's time to use it. i can't recommend it highly enough, it's changed everything.

any other dishes it's good to do it with? any tips? spices it's particularly good with? any it ruins? tell me your toasty secrets /ck/.

anon x

>> No.7246980

wrong board. /ck/ doesn't cook, we eat fast food and criticize. bet you put beans in your chili.

>> No.7246995

I toast my spices before grinding them.

>> No.7246999

yeah. surely you were taught that in culinary school?

>> No.7247002


but ive also wondered like what does toasting spices even do as opposed to non toasting other than release oils and aromatics into the pan that are just burnt off instead

>> No.7247004


Only if a recipe calls for it...

I use a lot of cumin, might try it to see if it makes any difference.

>> No.7247010

You're toasting spices wrong. The trick is to start stirring when they just begin to smoke for about five minutes, and exactly five minutes, until everything is black.

>> No.7247011

That sounds like the stupidest thing ever unless you grind a new batch for every cook. Even if you do, toasting after grinding is better. In India they use low rpm grinders so that the spices don't lose any of their potency because of the heat during the grind.

>> No.7247012

not sure if serious. i've tried different amounts of time and black tastes burned and horrible.

try it, i don't want to sound like a pretentious tv chef but the phrase 'depth of flavour' really does apply here.

>> No.7247014

In India they shit in public

>> No.7247019
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>not putting beans in your chili

>> No.7247021

I lightly toast the spices in a frying pan before I add the liquids for curry. Am I doing it wrong?

>> No.7247033

Yeah. But they also do spices better than anyone else. And it's not like I'm recommending anything revolutionary. All culinary schools will tell you the same.

>> No.7247038

You're doing it wrong by toasting rather than frying them in a bit of oil.

>> No.7247053

don't listen to this guy, he has literally no idea what he's talking about

>> No.7247056

this, after cooking the onion/garlic/ginger in the fat, add the spices and cook for about a minute. be careful not to burn them.

>> No.7247059

>But they also do spices better than anyone else

hardly i dont know why anyone would ever think this, indian food is literally just a shit tonne of everything thrown together to cover up the rancid flavor of their shit ingredients, they dont try to balance spice profiles or flavors its all just tossed haphazardly together

>> No.7247060

completely different process to toasting with completely different results in taste and smell

>> No.7247063

>taste and smell

you mean flavour and aroma, right?

>> No.7247067

those words mean the same as the ones i used, yes

>> No.7247073


>> No.7247077

really? i thought they did. what's the difference?

>> No.7247085

in the way you used them, none. he's being a dickhead.

>> No.7247091

Well memed. Your overlords will be happy with your propaganda. If you knew anything about the Indian culinary traditions you'd know how the flavor profiles are balanced. But you've had a ctm or vindaloo are a curry place, which you thought were "overpowering" and are pretending to be an authority on Indian cuisine. You've never had a kadai dish with coriander seeds and red chillies that had been ground just before making it. You've never even had a proper south Indian dhal or a Bengali fish.

>> No.7247100

>You've never had a kadai dish with coriander seeds and red chillies that had been ground just before making it. You've never even had a proper south Indian dhal or a Bengali fish.

an youre quite the authority on me life now arent ye

>> No.7247104
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>generalizing and/or refusing one of the most varied, interesting and highly regarded cuisines the world has to offer because of memes on 4chan

>> No.7247119

My post still has less implications than yours. "A shit ton of everything thrown together" reveals more than you'd want. Hell you're British, at least watch Rick Stein or Ramsay before making sweeping statements about a cuisine you know nothing about.

>> No.7247143

Well, yeah. It's fundamental.

Except I toast the whole spice and grind it afterwards.