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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 356x356, tenderloin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7239041 No.7239041 [Reply] [Original]

Why is pork tenderloin so cheap?

It's so lean and delicious, yet i can get one for less than 3 quid at the supermarket. Yet a beef tenderloin of the same weight will cost... well, a hell of a lot more.

>> No.7239065

cows take more resources by weight to produce than pigs.

>> No.7239086

That doesn't really explain much. Consider the relative difference in price between different cuts of both cows and pigs. At my local supermarket the lesser cuts of beef cost around $4-5 per pound. Tenderloin is easily $20/pound--roughly four to five times the price of the more common cuts. Most cuts of pork, on the other hand, costs about $2-3 per pound, with tenderloin being only slightly higher.

The fact that cows are more expensive to raise than pigs explains why beef is on-average more expensive than pork. But it doesn't explain why that same muscle commands a quadrupling of the price in beef yet no major change in pork.

>> No.7239087

Once you get to high school, they'll explain supply and demand to you. Enjoy the second half of 8th grade.

>> No.7239092

Supply and demand

>> No.7239094

>>supply and demand
No shit.

The question is *why* is the demand for beef tenderloin higher than that for pork?

>> No.7239096

Think about it for 5 seconds, dummy. How old are you?

>> No.7239103

filet mignon is the ultimate meme meat, thats why its so expensive

>> No.7239117

Because pork tenderloin is shit.

>> No.7239119

Jews and Muslims

>> No.7239126

>Because pork tenderloin is shit.

How so? It's tasty. It's tender. It has all the same qualities that make beef tenderloin desirable.

...or is this some bullshit where people insist on overcooking the crap out of their pork and thereby think it's bad? That's just bad cooking not anything wrong with the tenderloin.

>> No.7240108

Beef tenderloin is shit too though. It's just that you ignorant fear-gripped carnists have weird hangups about meat where you can discern anatomical features.

Remember that throughout the aspiring middle class, frequent beef consumption is a way of showing that you've "finally made it" (much like possessing the largest flat-screen television humanly possible).

Also, beef is perceived by carnists as being safer to eat rare, and eating rare meat is how the average carnist reveals that he is a man or woman of culture (sic). In the carnist way of thinking, pork and chicken are very dangerous to eat raw. This may have something to do with the carnist's religious devotion to purchasing from shit-tier shitmeat purveyors such as Perdue or Smithfield, and their intense hostility to eating quality meat from humane farmers (a form of vegan extremism).

>> No.7240113

>beef tenderloin is shit


>> No.7240115
File: 21 KB, 452x523, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7240145

Good question OP. Trader Joe's sells a tenderloin for like $5, and that's dinner for like 4-5 days. It's pretty convenient for a poor fuck like me.

>> No.7240152

Huh. Looks like a penis.

>> No.7240160
File: 56 KB, 616x462, CQ_Chopped-judges-composite_s4x3.jpg.rend.snigalleryslide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your presumptions are convincingly constructed and you do a good job of portraying pretentiousness.
All of that would've satisfied anyone, but the trip takes all of that and elevates this bait into something very sophisticated and exceptional.

>> No.7240164

Chicken liver is more nutritious, easier to prepare and tastier than chicken breasts, chickens also yield like 30x more breast than liver tissue, yet chicken breast is 3x more expensive.

Supply and demand, senpai.

>> No.7240176

Tips on prep?

>> No.7240193

Heat butter in pan, cook sliced onions in butter, add chicken liver and fry for three minutes at the very most.

For maximum quality, soak the liver in milk for twenty minutes or more beforehand.

>> No.7240199

Sometimes it's about the potential of meat, like how skirt steak used to be pretty cheap before it became a meme meat and price soared.

>> No.7240210

good luck getting it not to be a dry piece of meat and cooking it thoroughly.

>> No.7240216

It really is dead simple. Sear on all sides, 20 mins at 375, rest, make pan sauce, carve, serve. And you want to go for rosy pink in the middle.

>> No.7240242

>$2-3 per pound

I'm paying nearly 8 dollars a pound for the cheapest cuts here in Alberta. Cow is far, far more again.

>> No.7240426


The bait is strong in this one

>> No.7240448

Yep. Quickly cooking it at a high temperature and not going past medium is the key to a moist and tender pork tenderloin.

Anyone who cooks pork tenderloin past medium or tries to slow cook it needs to get their shit slapped.

>> No.7240452


>why do people prefer one thing to another?

How the hot frothy fuck should we know?

>> No.7240704

sous vide, finish with sear.

>> No.7241839


sear each side for 3 mins in a pan
finish off in the oven for 15 mins
let it rest for 10 mins

so juicy and tender and slices through like butter

>> No.7241856

isnt it bad to eat organs all the time? pretty sure i heard this on a king of the hill episode

>> No.7241864

Do your research /b/ro there's a beef shortage at the moment, well in fact its more demand meaning beef prices have risen 50% , you'd know this if you weren't a cheap peasant buying grain fed rubbish from big chain supermarkets , there's an alternative shop that sells meat called a butchers, save up your dole money and maybe one day you could buy a butchers sausage and chat about the topic of beef prices, till then enjoy your hormone, steroid induced tenderloin pork, mass farmed and slaughtered for cheap plebs like you

>> No.7241872

Here in Europe, the sanctions against Russia have caused a fall in pork exports to Russia, so as a result domestic pork meat is cheaper than usual here.
I don't know if the US pork market is affected by these sanctions, but that's how it is here.

>> No.7241914

America's number one most reliable source for nutritional information

King of the Hill

>> No.7242543

As someone who has watched a lot of King of the Hill, I can't remember organ eating to be featured on the show

but that guy is totally thinking about vitamin A poisoning

>> No.7242790



>> No.7242841

yeah ok. what the fuck is a butcher?