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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7238518 No.7238518 [Reply] [Original]


Motherfucker I will throat your slit

>> No.7238555

what's wrong with mouthfeel you delicate little flower

>> No.7238559

>hating on umami

then what do you call it?

>> No.7238568


>> No.7238570

You should consult a doctor about your anger problems. Being angry all the time is bad for your heart.

>> No.7238571

>then what do you call it?


>> No.7238603
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>sous vide
>old fashioned
>oven baked
>parmmeggiano reggianno
>x is maymay food

>> No.7238606


>> No.7238612

Crumble cook

>> No.7239035

These are shit.
There's nothing wrong with mouthfeel you turboautists

>> No.7239039

I fucking hate the word worcestershire sauce.
Can't even pronounce that shit.
I also dislike the word "rustic"..sounds too hipster-ish.
Don't get me started on "softserve". Just fucking call it ice-cream, ffs.

>> No.7239169

The fuck are you on about? Soft serve ice cream is soft ice cream, not just normal ice cream. It's extra soft so you can lick it from a cone.

>> No.7239179

>can't say rustic
>can't say artisanal
Should I just call my bread 'sloppy'?

>> No.7239186

Who the fuck ever says that? I have never heard anyone use this term outside of fantasy novels and role-playing games.

Appropriate for alcohol reviews, not for anything else.

You could try describing the bread using actual descriptors that apply to the bread in question. "Rustic" and "artisinal" convery absolutely nothing useful.

>> No.7239188

>Someone on chopped doesn't get to plate the entire dish
>They try to bullshit that it's deconstructed

Every time

>> No.7239225

>I hate words because I can't pronounce them
Why don't you learn English

>> No.7239408

Boy you guys are going to hate it if "kokumi" ever catches on.

>> No.7239418
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>> No.7239457

Just say fucking texture like a normal, non autistic person

>> No.7239480

It's become commonplace to behave like a pretentious ass.

Get used to it.

>> No.7239520

How often to you hear that word used outside of the context of trying to sell you a dessert?

>> No.7239530

it's extremely common in communist propaganda
But I suppose most people aren't exposed to that anymore

>> No.7239563

Nice grinds my gears

>> No.7240698
File: 320 KB, 506x421, 34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umami is a bullshit word when round eyes use it.

>> No.7240720

Because it's a hamfisted, superfluous word for the texture of food in your mouth and only douche nozzles really use it.

>> No.7240726

>umami is a bullshit word.

>> No.7240727

Says the roundeye

>> No.7240931


I hate when I see recipes for "homemade apple pie" or "homemade yogurt." The recipe is for apple pie or for yogurt which you can make at home or anywhere else in the world. Homemade is not an ingredient, a recipe, or a technique. It is a buzzword that people use to boost their egos. Don't even get me started on "homemade" sandwiches

>> No.7241106
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i actually love mouthfeel

rabbit fur has a wonderful soft texture.. but a horrible mouthfeel

i dislike sickly sweet... makes my tum tum feel no no

>> No.7241116

Similar to worst-er-sheer
Maybe you're retarded?

>> No.7241479

Savory is a feeling.
Umami is the scientific name for the taste, I shit you not even my biopsych text calls it that in the taste chapter.

>> No.7241498

It's different, you cock. Saying "texture" makes you sound like a 4th grader who wandered into a proper dining establishment.

>> No.7241508

nothing wrong with those other than the maymay food you autist

>> No.7241509

It's the scientific word for the taste of glutamate. Just like salty is for salt, sweet is for sugar, sour is for acid, and bitter is for the tears of all these faggots complaining about umami.

>> No.7241511

Lol why you all so angry

>> No.7241512

>a classic dish but with a TWIST
>my take on an ol' favorite

>> No.7241526

I mean, if you're straight up gonna shake the damn game up, sure, you get to call it your take. But if all you're doing if just adding carrots or mushrooms to chili con carne, or swapping out rice for some paleo shit, bitch, that shit so basic EVERYONE all bin there before.

Add char siu to mac n' cheese, or cover beignets with crack, or stuff taco meat into a steam bun or curry in a donut, THEN we'll talk.

>> No.7241939


Jesus christ? Is that an actual thing? It sounds like a Newspeak word.

>> No.7241947

So the nips have invented another name for savoury then?

>> No.7241948

Why not just delete this whole retarded /b/-tier dumb fucks thread. And all the other childish I-hate-X bullshit too. Nothing of value.

>> No.7241966

Not a wine drinker then?

>> No.7241971

>hubby licked his plate clean
>we're pregnant so we're eating healthy for baby
>lashings of bacon

>> No.7241976

Not really. I'm not a fan of the sour, sulphury taste.

>> No.7241980

Yeah, and for some reason the scientific community decided that's what it's called now, making them all sound like a bunch of weeaboos.

>> No.7241984

>Culinary terms/words you hate
none, because I'm not cripplingly autistic

>> No.7241987

Umami always meant savory
umai (tasty) + mi (flavor) = the distinct flavor of MSG. the Chinese also call it xianwei, meaning fresh flavor, and they call MSG weijing, meaning flavor spirit or flavor energy (Chinese wei is the same as mi).

this is all probably some weeaboo shit you don't care about, and that's fine. just know that the culinary community decided to take this word because it was widely applied in a cuisine that favors MSG not simply as a spice or condiment, but as the primary flavor for a large number of dishes. savory would not be ideal, since many dishes could be described as savory with or without MSG, and often the word savory just applies to prepared dishes which are not sweets, which does not apply well to non-prepared foods with MSG (who the fuck ever calls ramen savory?). I'm sure we have the means in the English language to develop a word that captures the essence of umami flavor, but we have failed to do so and umami is now in vogue. if you don't like that, take it to the fucking culinary institutes and give them all a better word yourself you piece of garbage.

>> No.7242012

>You could try describing the bread using actual descriptors that apply to the bread in question.

"It's, uh...bready? And, um...round-ish. Made with white flour."

Yeah, that's an improvement. Quick thinking, that man.

>> No.7242019

"mouthfeel" sounds like something an obese would say, along with "polish off" and "the wife/hubby"

>what is preparation, texture, flavor, color, presentation etc
You sound like a dumbass if "I-It's round and bready!!" is the only way you can describe food without buzzwords

>> No.7242023
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The term veg.
Just fucking say vegetable

>Soup of the day is turkey veg
>kill yourself

>> No.7242024

"what's french bread"
a fairly airy bread with a crispy exterior
"what's italian bread"
a bread with a slightly crispy exterior that quickly gives way to a fluffy interior
"what's banh mi"
a ridiculously crispy bread that flattens as soon as you bite into it, requires strong jaws to tear through, and may tear your tooth lining from it's sheer firm crunchiness.

shit, that was so hard

>> No.7242045
File: 1014 KB, 500x269, of-course.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's only one type of bread made in France
>There's only one type of bread made in Italy

>> No.7242047

>preparation, texture, flavor, color, presentation
>not buzzwords
>rustic, artisanal
>suddenly, buzzwords

Perhaps you could supply us all with some sort of dictionary so we all know what normal English words you personally consider to be "buzzwords", and then we can all avoid using them so as not to trigger you?

>> No.7242051

no fucking shit. I'm just telling you how to describe a bread. this is what you get at grocery stores anyway, I'm pretty much describing "crusty Italian bread" and baguettes.

>> No.7242056

Rachel Ray is the best descriptor desu senpai

>> No.7242062

I've heard a different interpretation of umami. It isn't savoury, but the combination of flavors into a single moment you experience with your mouth. Japanese whisky can be umami.

I thought it sounded bullshit until I noticed the way they use it in practice. It's part of that chingchong philosophy of uncovering the ultimate version, the paradigm, the pinnacle, the essence of a dish.

Scientifically it means glutamate but in practice it means something like the result of knowing how to fucking cook.

>> No.7242083

in Japanese it literally means tasty taste. Japanese cuisine isn't about the blending of flavors to create a complex flavor, it tends to be about simplicity and flavor purity. in cuisine as art, the leading idea is wabisabi. in soul food, the principle is basically a history of being a mountainous island with nothing but sea greens and fish around.

in Chinese the word means "fresh flavor." There are words in both languages that can be used to talk about blending or combining flavor, but these words have no such complex meaning. Japanese will eat sea greens by themselves all the time, and they are umami. Japan is not a Stephen Chow movie.

>> No.7242120

>Organic, grass fed beef

Gets me every fucking time

>> No.7242126
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>Savory is a feeling.

>> No.7242127

I don't get what stuffing organic grass into steaks does for the texture anyway.

>> No.7243339

the thing that always get me is when people throw unnecessary adjectives in the titles of food.
nigga don't tell me how to feel about your food

>> No.7243344
File: 40 KB, 406x455, kejakejakeja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sounds too hipster-ish
Being this insecure

>> No.7243348


>> No.7243349

If you watch Jiro Dreams of Sushi, Jiro's son describes umami as that "ahhh" feeling of satisfaction you get after tasting something top notch.

>> No.7243712

>craft brew

>> No.7243722

What about Sam's famous homemade hot dogs?


>> No.7244417

Jiro's son is also a great shame to his family

>> No.7244428

"Texture" is only one aspect, though. It does not encompass temperature, acidity, or weight. It only has a partial relationship to density, chewiness, and moisture.

Mouthfeel means mouthfeel. "Texture" is a very rough analogue for what it means.

>> No.7244536

you just made me hate "oven-baked".

what the fuck else were you going to bake it in, a dumpster?

>> No.7244738

Umami is a way to describe an aspect of ingredient that contributes to the savoriness of a dish.

Mouthfeel is an aspect of flavor. Red wine has a dry mouthfeel (usually).

Rustic basically means rough and shoddy chopped.

Only marketing terms kind of annoy me, like artisan, gourmet, or decadent.