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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7237283 No.7237283 [Reply] [Original]

What are /ck/s favourite spices?

>> No.7237304

Careful! Last time someone made this thread, the sperglords came out of their parent's basements because anons were replying with "salt" and "oregano" which are "minerals and herbs, you dumb fucks". Let's not trigger the sensitive souls.

>> No.7237305
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>> No.7237309

i really like garam masala.. i go all over the map with that shit

>> No.7237316

Mint. Sooo refreshing.

>> No.7237318

Strictly "Spices?"

Black pepper, Cumin, then probably paprika or some kind of ground hot pepper

>> No.7237346
File: 122 KB, 640x691, 2012-dodge-challenger_100369570_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jalapeno powder
>garlic powder
>black pepper
>onion powder

what else would anyone ever need?
(other than salt, of course, but i don't think that really counts as a spice)

>> No.7237347

That's too bad. People will get offended over everything.

Wise choice

Love this as well, I use it frequently. Do you make it yourself?


You can list herbs too, I personally don't care. Great spices you listed. Work wonders in nearly all entrees.

>> No.7237349


>> No.7237358

No, technically speaking salt is not a spice. However, some folks consider it to be one.

Great powders listed btw, I wish jalapeno powder was easy to come by in my town.

>> No.7237369

Curry because I'm an unoriginal fuck

>> No.7237376

Thanks senpai, the only downsize to jalapeno powder that I've found is that it clumps pretty badly. It tends to show up during the summer with grilling related stuff, in my experience.

>> No.7237387

Ah clumping, had that happening with a few of my own spices. One way you can stop that from happening is by adding a couple dried beans or some bits of rice. It worked wonders!

>> No.7237394

If it gets the job done!

>> No.7237413

Smoked paprika
Curry powder

Favorites are paprika, salt and pepper.

I fucking love garlic but I always put too much and get the runs so I don't use it a lot

>> No.7237433

Garlic is neither spice nor herb. It's essentially just a very flavourful vegetable.

Great list, with some nice herbs thrown in. Smoked Paprika is fantastic, I love it traditional Hungarian dishes.

>> No.7237439

Turmeric. Not great by itself, but is part of some great combinations and adds a nice color.

>> No.7237445



>> No.7237464

Have only had Sumac in it's spice form once. I really wish I could find it around here. I wonder if the common Sumac around here would be suitable or if it has to be the Middle-Eastern species complex.
Unique answer.

>> No.7237474

I personally really enjoy the aroma of turmeric. Can notice it in some indian dishes, and you're right, adds a great and delicious looking colour.

>> No.7237485



>> No.7237494

Thanks! Another one to add to the cupboard!

>> No.7237502

I go for the rhus vernix sumac

>> No.7237534

Thanks for the advice.

>> No.7237690

Cumin, cayenne, and chilli powder make up my south-west / Tex-Mex profile used with any protein.

Garlic, and ginger are my go-to flavors for Asian inspired meals.

Basil, oregano, and rosemary flavor my Italian inspired meals.

>> No.7237705

I really, really like this post.

Though I don't know what "tex mex" means so I'm gonna assume it's meat and potatoes.

>> No.7237768

>Though I don't know what "tex mex" means so I'm gonna assume it's meat and potatoes.

Tex-Mex is basically a blend of northern Mexican food and native Texan foods.

Fajita's and refried beans are an example.

>> No.7237772

Grains of paradise, get on my level

>> No.7237785

Oh, I see. Thanx.

>> No.7237856

Ha beat me to it kind of, it's inferior to korarima but in a pinch it's fine in mitmita

>> No.7237923

I used it in some dish I made years ago, can't remember what it was called but the taste of it stayed with me for some reason

>> No.7239829

Black pepper

>> No.7239849
File: 64 KB, 475x475, SZEGED-HUNGARIAN-PAPRIKA-MILD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't know what I was doing with my life before discovering this.

>> No.7239904


Although, is cocoa a spice?

>> No.7239908

Of basics? Salt and pepper.

>> No.7239911
File: 52 KB, 550x367, 1433014271195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cumin and/or paprika go in just about everything I cook.

>> No.7239931

I dunno, I'd get kinda pissed at someone who said "salt." It's kind of like answering "what's your favorite thing to do first thing in the morning?" with "wake up."

like, no shit, fuckface. now answer the goddamn question.

>> No.7239947

garlic salt

>> No.7239948

>small euro section of my supermarket has giant bags of paprika
Hungarians fucking love that shit.

>> No.7240660

What can you put cinnamon on that isn't porridge?
I've tried it with carrots and pumpkin but both tasted like bum butt.

>> No.7240664

chili powder

>> No.7240676

Chinese soup, curries, stews, mulled wine, rice pudding, that sort of thing. You just have to be careful with it.

>> No.7240710

So pretty much just Asian dishes and I suppose that's because their flavours are so strong that the cinnamon doesn't over power them and become the dominant flavour.
Food for thought.

>> No.7240711


I sprinkle some in my coffee.

>> No.7240718

Interesting. Will sprinkle on my next cappuccino instead of chocolate. Thanx.

>> No.7240760

Yeah, for a soup I'd crack off maybe two thumbnail sized pieces of bark at most. I think there's a difference between whole and ground cinnamon's strength too.

>> No.7240775

Dragoon babyyyyyyy

>> No.7240780

I just found out it's called Tarragon in English, apparently.

>> No.7240988


You know your spices. I love this one, even the smell doesn't bother me really.

>> No.7241018

Thyme / Basil / Dried Parsley - for my carbs

Paprika / Cumin / Turmeric - on my proteins

>> No.7241747

it can be used in tomato sauce (helps to cut acidity)

>> No.7241756

Ginger and cayenne.

>> No.7242156
File: 114 KB, 554x554, turkish coffee and turkish delight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cardamom. Incredible in coffee and pairs well with both sweet and savory flavors. You can make cookies and cakes with it or use it to season beef. Its very versatile.

>> No.7242180

Really nice in rice pudding too.
A+ choice here, anon.

>> No.7242205

Pretty much everything said already

I use Salt Free Tony's Chachere for Cajun dishes

I found the salt was way way too much in the regular mix so this lets me season Cajun dishes like a mother fucker and keep it from being too salty

>> No.7242217

>Cardamom. Incredible in coffee

Acquired taste I guess, found it rather off-putting, like mixing tea and coffee.

>> No.7242220

>put some cummin

>> No.7242228

where do you get it? no store ever has it

>> No.7242232
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1200, Coffee-Turkish-Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see how cardamom in coffee would be an acquired taste, its kind of herbal in flavor. Which can be a strange addition to coffee. But if you're into that sort of thing its goat.

>> No.7242248

Coriander is a spice I like to use a lot. Caraway, juniper, and basil.

>> No.7242282

cinammon + banana is one of the best combinations I ever tasted.

>> No.7242297

Oregano, with anything.

>> No.7242351

my most popular spices
ground cumin
thyme (fuck I'll include not spices if i want)
smoked paprika
garam masala

>> No.7243160

I feel like garam masala shouldn't count either.

>> No.7243189

cumin definitely, such a delicious spice. cayenne and paprika powder are also great

absolutely despise caraway and anise, the weird sweet taste is really not for me

>> No.7243205

is there a huge difference between smoked and unsmoked paprika? I've always bought the regular kind.

>> No.7243284

I agree, or curry powder.

People often do not realize that these are combinations of spices and not a unique singular type of spice.

>> No.7243289

ground chili

>> No.7243384

Cinnamon for sweets, paprika and red pepper for mostly everything else.

>> No.7243404

Ground Ivy
Sweet Clover

All pretty essential to my cooking

>> No.7243626

Ground Ivy, I've never heard of this as a spice.
What do you use it for? What is the taste like?

>> No.7243843

It tastes like mint with strong earthy and pepper-like undertones when used fresh. The mint flavor tends to give way to the pepper cooked or dried. It goes great in stews, with lamb, chicken, and fresh makes a great tzatziki. I'm also fond of using it with sweet potato.