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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 188 KB, 768x1024, amy-schumer-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7232907 No.7232907[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>obsessed with nutrition
>obese and looking like shit

why do people like this even exist?

>> No.7232912


>> No.7232913
File: 45 KB, 540x458, ff_1543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7232915

still would desu

>> No.7232925

They have retarded beliefs about the food they eat.

>> No.7232932

You shouldnt question your mother's lifestyle, anon.

>> No.7232957

Maybe the reason they became obsessed with nutrition is because left to their own devices they would become obese and look like shit. Many people who are careful about what they eat are those who would be hamplanets if they weren't, especially if they work in a business where appearance counts for a lot.

>> No.7232959

It's because of genetics you retard

>> No.7232963

Most unfunny bitch on the tv

>> No.7232998
File: 117 KB, 634x891, as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what an average woman looks like at that age.

Fuck of back to /tv/.

>sage for off topic

>> No.7233044


>inb4 a flood of anons swearing it's not true and then regretting wasting their youth on the internet 10 years down the line

>> No.7233072

John Cena put his dick in that

>> No.7233084

Because creatures like her are nothing more than mouthpieces for "the establishment". Do you think that bitch writes her own script?

>> No.7233097

John Cena could fuck a fourteen year old altar boy and it would still be more manly than anything you've ever done

>> No.7233144

she looks better than me and I'm younger and thinner. I got shit genetics so I have stretch marks. I can't even wear a two piece not that I ever go out or wear less than 4 layers over myself.

>> No.7233167
File: 312 KB, 485x579, rip_in_piss_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you claim to eat right and work out as she does? I've never had any of these problems because my metabolism has always been on point.

>> No.7233261


Post pics and you'll most likely get some helpful dietary advice.

>> No.7233279

John Cena is a fucking pussy. The Bieber of wrestling.

also Dolph Ziggler fucked amy schumer, not Cena.

>> No.7233301

nah, I am a former anorexic. I got stretch marks when I was "recovering" and now I'm on the chubbier end of average. I would look great if I ate well and worked out. She would too, but she clearly does not. The other celebrities with good bodies are clearly in that category but maybe she means to say she does that stuff moderately?

>> No.7233640

Aw shit I remember his threads about his dad's place, he was a pretty nice guy

>> No.7233667

Found a fatty

>> No.7233677

Go back to your tumblr hugbox you beached whale.

>> No.7233694

no discipline and no lifting

>> No.7234893

>proof you idiots have never seen a woman before

>> No.7234899

Since when is being average good? It's moving further and further every year with excuses like that

>> No.7234902
File: 55 KB, 600x399, genetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7234916

Because one must imagine Sisyphus happy.

>> No.7234932

The average woman could obviously do a lot better then.

>> No.7234939

Not one woman I work with is that disgusting. Where do you live? Carolina?

>> No.7235032

She's basically built a career on her disgusting figure so I guess it's a matter of maintaining the look while reducing the risks of systemic issues. Which is fucking retarded but still.

>> No.7235039
File: 392 KB, 1332x1000, ronniesburgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this picture

>> No.7235050

fuck off, either a chubby chasing loser or more likely an asspained fat bitch. oink oink oink

>> No.7235052

low test

>> No.7235076
File: 71 KB, 659x659, 1452008460707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do hypocritical liberal moon bats exist?
Not for long...

>> No.7235084

KV bro
If this website isn't nice, I don't know what is...

>> No.7235094

I guess I am too low test to fuck a pig. Human women are all I need. Have fun down on the farm though.

>> No.7235100

Have fun having sex with women who look like teenage boys, because that's what you're really attracted to, queero.

>> No.7235103

I like C cups and round asses on a girl, projecting pig fucker. Not sure why you are bringing fags up, maybe you are so high test you fuck fat guys too? Fucking pathetic.

>> No.7235109
File: 18 KB, 316x232, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obsessed with odds
>broke and up to their eyeballs in debt

>> No.7235111

>implying cup and ass size have anything to do with weight versus genetics
Enjoy your flabby titties and fat ass, anon.

>> No.7235114
File: 114 KB, 500x677, rainbow of gains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of nutrition - how legit is this pic?

>> No.7235117

On the scale of broscience, it's like a 9. Not quite a ten because it encourages fruit and vegetables

>> No.7235122

So do they not do those things, or is it the lack of legit sources?

>> No.7235123

>that ultra desperate damage control
look, little buddy, I'm sorry I got your goat so bad. why don't you go ride your fat girls waves, that ought cheer you up! I have to go now, but I wish you a lifetime of ham beasts to get sloppy with. <3

>> No.7235136

>carcinogen removal
>estrogen removal

These sound theoretical at best. I'm not saying they don't do these things, but it'd be better to list the vitamins and or minerals involved, their specific effects and effects when combined, and then which foods contain said vitamins.
So yes, it's because there are no sources, but also because it's set up in a way to be insanely cumbersome to self-research
You'd have to look up every chemical and and vitamin in each food and compare them to their supposed effects and then compare that to the chart.
Also, I highly doubt that "all blue food" have similar nutritional profiles such that a chart like this would be possible.

>> No.7235149

Yeah it's what i thought, but it's a start to eating better
Small steps anon

>> No.7235156
File: 26 KB, 190x170, 1310418729617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nutrition isn't hard. Eat lots of vegetables, eat some fruit, lean meats, and some whole grain carbs if you're into that. Avoid fatty or sugary shit. Why do people treat it like some mystical pseudoscience?

>> No.7235158

Definitely! We're all gonna make it

>> No.7235167
File: 653 KB, 260x146, followurdraems.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn straight.

>> No.7235183

Because even though the large scale stuff is pretty settled, the exact details of how everything works are still partly unknown to science, so there's dark corners for shills and snake oil salesmen to hide in.

>> No.7235186

>Why do people treat it like some mystical pseudoscience?
Because the government guidelines that we taught kids in school starting a few decades ago turned out to be misinformation. Fear of heart disease translated to fear of fats, which tilted America's diet toward starch, and thus obesity and diabetes. Dairy is still championed as something one should consume daily instead of once in a while (if at all). Meanwhile our consumption of sugar and cheese skyrocketed, along with our portion sizes.

With so much government sponsored misinformation out there people cling to anything that sounds good, whether it's superfoods, fear of gluten, veganism, keto or whatever.

>> No.7235222

You know you've been talking to at least three different people, right?

>> No.7235313

>fat is bad meme
FUCK off moron.

>> No.7235333

He's not that far off. If you are a lardass, avoiding calorie dense foods is a good thing. Those things tend to be fatty or sugary. The evidence that fat does not necessarily lead to heart disease does not remove the fact that fat has 9 calories per gram, as opposed to 4 calories per gram of protein or carbohydrate. Or better yet, 2 calories per gram of fiber.

Fat people tend to struggle with portion control. Eating high fiber foods low in fat allows a person to eat under their TDEE.

As usual, dietary answers aren't black and white.

>> No.7235337

Saturated fat is bad for you.
>fatty in denial.jpg

>> No.7235350

Is fat bad for you if you aren't fat?

>> No.7235388

Evidence suggests that saturated fat has a far lesser impact than previously thought.

I'm sure it will be rethought time and time again, but the most recent studies have shown very little correlation between dietary fat and blood cholesterol levels.

It will take some time to corroborate, and be introduced into federal guidelines, but /fit/ has been all over the medical journals on the subject for about a year.

If you are fat, you need to avoid calorie dense foods. Energy consumed should be less than energy expended. High fiber, low fat foods like vegetables help you feel full without being calorie bombs. so... yes?

>> No.7235560

If I win the 300 million dollar lottery I bought some tickets for I'm paying all his medical expenses and saving based Ronnies.

>> No.7235571

Forgot to add I'd accept sexual favors from his mom if she feels she owes me something.

>> No.7237285

you're not Vonnegut

>> No.7237310

the average person in 1st world countries is overweight. not being overweight puts you in the minority. stop oppressing me with your jelly rolls and yeast creases.

>> No.7237322

>>7235560 I never buy in, but when I saw what it was up to I went out and got one...

>> No.7237326

When did Will Ferrell get a sex change?

>> No.7237344

Nah, in fact some fat is essential. Really the issue with fat is it contains a little over double the calories of protein or carbs per gram and eating a ton of it can cause plaque buildup in your arteries depending on type. Unsaturated is the healthiest since its shape doesn't stack well and therefor has trouble forming plaque, saturated is worse since it does stack well but since we've evolved since we first started eating meat we have enzymes that handle it pretty well. Trans fats are the enemy atm, they're man-made unsaturated fats shaped like saturated fats. They stack as well or better than saturated fats and we don't have the tools to break them down well.

>> No.7237352

>Why do people treat it like some mystical pseudoscience?
because people are too lazy to put in the hard work and instead search for some non-existant miracle cure when all they have to do is run a few miles a week and not eat like shit