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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 753x502, ratatouille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7226364 No.7226364 [Reply] [Original]

I just found out this board exists. Been getting into cooking classic french dishes. Lately I have found a fun activity for me and my mom when I visit her house. I cook for her and she buys the ingredients. I tell her what to buy exactly to the tee. I cook the meal and she doesnt mind cleaning. We eat great. Lately been making French dishes as it's not something I'm used to cooking. I will post what I've cooked and am looking for my next dish to cook.

Mom doesn't want escargot. I want to cook that so bad but she doesnt want it.

First french dish I made was Ratatouille. will post the other two dishes I cooked with oc photos.

>> No.7226371
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x1836, french onion soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next thing we made was french onion soup. Perfect meal when you're talking about getting over a hangover and a divorce, making it the most important dish in French culture (haha). Anyway this was some cheesy buttery oniony goodness and was actually extremely hearty despite no meat. Mom was a bit worried with no meat but was totally amazed how it turned out. I also found out real quick how well thyme works in a soup and its distinct taste. Good stuff.

>> No.7226373

That sounds like a really great bonding experience, OP.

You should make coq au vin!

>> No.7226377
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x1836, coq au vin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dish just got better and better the more we ate it. Coq Au Vin. The broth is literally 75% wine and the rest chicken broth. Chicken is cooked, salted, peppered, accompanied by fresh thyme, butter, flour, and HOLY SHIT WAS IT GOOD AS FUCK. This is my result. The chicken just cooking slowly in a 350 degree oven covered in the wine came out absolutely perfect.

Anyway thats all I've cooked so far. I want to cook something else for her but not sure what to make.

>> No.7226390

you read my mind as the following dish. the coq au vin was fantastic.

>> No.7226393

Where do you live, OP?

Depending on what ingredients you can get I may recommend a thing or not.

>> No.7226397
File: 16 KB, 480x360, tacoflavoredkisses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to cook something else for her but not sure what to make.
tacos, obv

>> No.7226398

I live in the US. Florida specifically. Sometimes can find certain things in odd markets though.

>> No.7226400

That ratatouille looks pretty dank, think I'm going to try to make some. Never done French cuisine before.

>> No.7226403

I want to stick to french dishes. Something nice that mom and others would like. something different too, not what you find in the USA.

>> No.7226413

Tacos are French, dumbdumb. C'est vrai.

>> No.7226424
File: 48 KB, 668x400, c2145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, my next question would be, do you like clams?

>> No.7226425

I love clams.

>> No.7226428
File: 77 KB, 640x400, burrsnap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone loves clams

>> No.7226432
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you get a sec could you post the recipe? Thanks looks good family. Also this is what I made tonight (on right is Yams)

>> No.7226433

Ok, so in Spain we do this really simple dish called "Almejas a la marinera". It's not really a 1 dish kind of food (previous pic kind of related), but if you want I can translate a recipe.

>> No.7226545
File: 88 KB, 800x533, IMG_4223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know thats not french but that looks good enough to try. found this recipe and it looks fantastic.

>> No.7228438

>Mom doesn't want escargot.

I never understood this repulsion for this dish. It's perfectly fine to eat shellfish and crustaceans but god forbid you eat a mollusk that lives on the earth rather than the sea?

>> No.7228443

I've had escargot multiple times, it's not that gross. It just tastes mostly of the garlic, parsley, and butter it's served swimming in.

And yep I also love to eat sea bugs.

>> No.7228446

Probably because unlike clams and mussels, that you can get fresh as alive at even the shittiest grocery store, she knows you're gonna be opening a can of slimy fetid snails that haven't been alive since before Russia annexed Crimea.

Canned meat is just kind of off putting to most people, I'm sorry if you can't understand this and have to posture and make everything be about your super-duper adult taste buds that can HANDLE even the most unappetizing trashfoods.

>> No.7228794

Snails are good, if they are fresh. Canned ones are disgusting, but if you don't have access to fresh snails at least get the frozen ones. I live in France with a french waifu for several year so I can say that I have gathered some knowledge of french cooking. Here is a rare blog that has correct french recipes in english. Keep in mind that french cuisine is so good because the respect and the taste of ingredients, so don't get that tasteless shit.
> http://mimithorisson.com/my-recipes/

ps. coq au vin calls for rooster, not chicken, and the difference is very big.

>> No.7228859

Forgot to say, even though the recipes say often that wine is "optional", in France wine is NEVER optional.
Things that you should always always have:
>bottle of red
>bottle of white
>some cognac (or brandy)
>ingredients for a bouquet garni

If you have wine that's gone old, keep it for cooking, it will serve still long in cooking after the taste has turned too vinegary to drink.