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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 355x355, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7224406 No.7224406 [Reply] [Original]

Ramen thread.

>> No.7224412


>> No.7224532

Ck hates ramen threads. Its one food poorfags can afford go figure. Personally i like shin ramyun ramen. The noodles are thicker and they have a better texture than top ramen. I like the fact that the noodles are in a circular shape so it fits in the pot more properly. I like to add cilantro at the last second. Slice in some onions and throw them in the last 20 or 30 seconds of cooking. I dont always have meat scraps to throwin my ramen but when i do its always tasty. Im not too crazy about putting an egg in the ramen. It never cooks enough for the yolk to get hard so when it breaks it contaminates the broth with thick yellow disgustingness

>> No.7225754
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Probably the best one.

>> No.7225757


fuck off faggot. ramen is king when you're in uni.

>> No.7225775

I'm sick of typing out the same list of suggestions for making your ramen into an actual meal in all these threads. So I'll just say add some vegetables and an egg to your ramen to elevate yourself out of pure poverty-mode

>> No.7225996
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Anyone ever tried this?
Supposedly it's spicy as shit
Just wondering if it tastes any good

>> No.7226006

>shin ramyun ramen
Ramyun is how you say ramen in Korean

>> No.7226011

Also. If you want to look cute around a Korean girl. Call it namyun

>> No.7226013
File: 119 KB, 960x640, Steam Punk Gentlemans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in uni

Fuck off Brit/Aus/etc fag.

>> No.7226112

Here's food for thought: type it once, copy paste it into a notepad/word doc, copy paste when said thread appears again instead of shitposting.

>> No.7226115

That picture is fantastic

>> No.7226126

It is spicy as shit but has a really nice flavor otherwise with thick noodles. Your butthole will hate you later though.

>> No.7226139

Those guys look like they're ready to oppress some colored folk!

>> No.7226159
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this shit. also the lime shrimp flavor. and shin ramyun

>> No.7226189

Am I the only one who likes drinking milk along side with Ramen?

>> No.7226407
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>reddit: the ramen

Pic related is the best instant ramen I've had.

>> No.7226438

why not crack it in while the water is boiling, and then add the noodles after so you'll get a fully cooked poached egg.

alternatively, cook the egg the way you like, then put it in your bowl.

>> No.7226441

This with some peanut butter and mushrooms added in.

>> No.7226446

Have i been doing it wrong all this time ?

I just pit the puck and spices in a bowl, then pour boiling water over it, and then put a plate on as a lid. Then come back in 5 min.

>> No.7226525
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Post some real ramen, anons. not that instant crap.

>> No.7226959

>Ajisen Ramen

pick one, then fire a bullet through your head

>> No.7227261
File: 3.97 MB, 2592x1768, Santouka-Salt-Miso-Ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based af

>> No.7227370

This is the best. You have to try it.

>> No.7227379

this looks ok, but take the time to crisp the fat on those pork belly pieces and it's many times better

>> No.7227490


Hot and Spicy is also delicious.

>> No.7227493
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These are really good if you can find them.

>> No.7228490

I'm not a big fan of this ramen. It's not soupy enough. Maybe I just need to add more water. I honestly prefer the nongshim bowl noodles.
Can someone explain the appeal of egg in ramen? I did it once and it just added this weird snotty texture.

>> No.7228492

chili is my favorite maruchan ramen. It kind of puts their other "spicy" flavors to shame

>> No.7228513


I can normally eat spicy food, but for some reason I got a pack of these noodles and they were waaaay too hot for me to eat.

>> No.7228525
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did they discontinue this? the creamy sauce makes it much more filling than regular instant noodles

>> No.7228648

Just add your own creamy suace. ;)

>> No.7228676

Love it, sometimes stop by the asian grocery store to pick one up as a reward when I finish a big project or exam.

>> No.7228689


You can order a case off Amazon.

The gf did recently and I didn't see what the fuss was about.

>> No.7228712

Anyone know of a good overseas ramen i should try?

>> No.7228744

How do I get this ramen noodles in Europe?

>> No.7228811
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I just bought some packs of ramen and chow mein. they better be good or we'll nuke them again

>> No.7228822
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Isn't this the same brand? Would these taste the same?

>> No.7228849
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Decent haul

>> No.7228866
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I tried a few different Lucky Me! brand flavors just recently and they were all pretty mediocre.

Sorry anon.

>> No.7228867

The garlic duck one is my favorite.
Extra Hot chow mein is next up

The big shin ramyun isn't as good as I thought. Sapporo Ichiban brand is okay, I'd rather Mama or Lucky Me stuff

>> No.7228870

i tried this brand last week from advice on /ck/... my stomach was fucked for two days.

>> No.7228883

the chinese one in the middle you will regret buying.

>> No.7228885

I was drunk last night and mixed ramen with chicken dumpling soup I had made earlier, it was delicious

>> No.7228895
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My time has come...
Im the Ja/ck/ of Ramen

>> No.7228901
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Am I the only one that prefers the soup version?

>> No.7228908
File: 1.58 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-04-07-24-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noodles: These are one of the best noodles Ive had the privelidge of eating. Running at around 4mm, these are the thickest of the 짬뽕 ramen packs that have been recently released. These great thick noodles are incredibly chewy with lots of curves that hold some soup and oil. Bringing all the flavours to your mouth with every slurp.
Veggies: cabbage, laver, red pepper, dried squid. An interesting combination that rehydrated quite well. The squid and laver brought lots of seafood flavour but did not overpower the broth. The squid pieces were fairly large and the chewy meat was welcome inbetween bites of noodle. The cabbage was in nice large pieces that truly satisfied. I enjoyed the red pepper for bringing a different texture, and a touch of its natural flavour.
Broth. Boy we have a winner here. Dominant flavour is liquid smoke. A tad overwhelming but brings you to smoky heaven. Good amount of spice works well with the smoke. The squid flavour lends itself really well.
A seafood flavour fest that has you craving more. Tastes a bit like 닭발 in the best way possible. Not oniony or peppery or garlicy. Just a chili pepper spice with support by the smoky flavour.

>> No.7228909

1. Shin Ramyun
2. The one from Indonesia (top left)
3. Mama duck flavor

I did mine on the stovetop with boiling water instead of microwave. I think that makes a difference with the final result

>> No.7228930


Made the mistake of buying the Nissen stuff once, it is fucking rancid.

I have totally gone off ramen, it is really salty and just tastes awful.

>> No.7228933

I've never been one to actually like ramen.
The closest I've gotten is the Yakisoba Cheddar garbage.
Any tips to at least stomach it?

>> No.7229138

how should i prepare meat for ramen?

>> No.7229156

I like to put a slice of bacon in with the water boiling, then add the seasoning packet. Haven't tried other meat.

>> No.7229263

They're pasta you plebeian. Noodles aren't even a thing, where did it come from?

>> No.7231056

>he lives in a place where they call university school

>> No.7231063

the're pretty spicy, the spiciest noodles I have ever had. Everytime I get a 5 pack the korean cashier always asks me if I know what I'm buying. If you don't like/can't handle quite abit of chili avoid them.
if you add bok choi and chicken to it you've got a real decent meal

How does shin ramen black compare to the original? I can't find any and it costs way too much to get them imported to Aus.

>> No.7231065
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I prefer the black label version. It seems to have a better flavor while not being so spicy your asshole puckers from just smelling the seasoning like the red label one.

Also if you can't handle the spice eat this soup with a Dewshine Mountain Dew. The flavors don't really go together but it's not awful and the drink kills the heat instantly

>> No.7231747

Picked this up today at the supermarket on your recommendation. This shit better be good anon

>> No.7231751


I bought a bunch of these the other day, so they're still out there.

>> No.7231759

>expensive ramen
>expensive mountain dew
How much neet bux do you get a month?

>> No.7231776

No, they're not. Also, the authority found an excessive amount of lead in that thing

>> No.7231841



"flavor enhancer"

>> No.7231850
File: 34 KB, 409x566, Euro_Shopper_Noodles_with_Chicken_Flavour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the same company that brought you ES: The Drink

>> No.7231860


Can always just add milk or heavy cream

>> No.7231910

Personally I like picking up a roasted chicken from the store and using the meat in the ramen cuz I'm too lazy to cook a whole chicken. Scallions, some enoki mushrooms, splash of soy sauce. Good shit.

>> No.7231914

Thanks anon. I was feeling nauseous and this was the post that made me puke. I feel a lot better now, so thank you for that.

>> No.7231936

oh man, where do I get that? That looks good.

>> No.7232061
File: 73 KB, 599x502, LOOK AT THIS FUCKING CAT!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best kind of Ramen that you can buy in Canada? Maruchan is $80 for a single bag here to get it shipped from the US.

>> No.7232119

I just went to that exact ramen shop yesterday
I'd say it's the best tasting ramen around, but it could be a little more appealing.

>> No.7232130

tell us

>> No.7232273

>Japanese style
>the runes literally say Chinese 3 flavoured

>> No.7232541
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Making something else for dinner tonight but will update tomorrow if this threads still around nigga

>> No.7232553

Friend brought some back from Korea. They're fire but delicious

>> No.7232557
File: 53 KB, 500x336, sunramenshoyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive posted this in every fucking ramen thread ive been in... Is best for fried instant.

Best instant is fresh and refrigerated.

>> No.7232871

Is there a flavor difference between chicken and roast chicken ramen? I've never really been able to tell

>> No.7232874

Does anyone know of any low calorie ramen that's available in the UK?

>> No.7232879
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Who /mamanoodle/

>> No.7232903
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I have some leftover turkey from Christmas that I've been shredding and making pho with, it's pretty good.

>> No.7232919

buy a spiraliser and make noodles out of vegetables. instant ramen is just flat carbohydrate, there's no real way to make it 'low calorie'.

>> No.7232938

Are those vegetable noodles then cooked like regular ones, or how does it work?

>> No.7232948

Only ramen in my cabinet.

>> No.7232952

More salt in the roast one probably

>> No.7233535

This is god tier. Add a drop of sesame oil and it's perfect

>> No.7233543

I like this brand. The duck/garlic one is good. That particular spicy shrimp they carry at walmart so it's easier to buy. All the packets piss me off, I want to get every unhealthy bit out of them.

>> No.7233775

>3 Chinese flavor ramen
>japanese style ramen

>> No.7233918

Ramen threads on here are basically like if you were to have a "pizza" thread and only post frozen pizzas

>> No.7234017

i get the shrimp one at walmart too anon also i find that if you add a little of the broth to the packet with the paste it gets the stuff out more

>> No.7234315


how the fuck is the soup concentration shin ramyun's fault?

also you're supposed to drop the egg in and let it soft boil, why would it be snotty unless you made it that way?

>> No.7234707

It's funny because there is a frozen pizza thread right now. People don't always give a complete shit about nutritional value or culinary expertise over what they personally like, shocking I know

>> No.7235816


>Bring water to boil
>Put noodles in pot
>2 minutes in crack egg
>2 minutes later add bok choy
>1 minute later it's done, egg is cooked.

It's not fucking wizardry.

>> No.7235839

I'm trying to make from scratch ramen at home. Can I use some kind of extruder to make the noodles instead of rolling and cutting them?

>> No.7235840


>$1.25 per pack is expensive for a meal.

You can get a 4 pack for 5.00 at any decent Ajumma ran asian grocery store.

>> No.7235845

>boil water
>really get that shit rolling
>crack egg into water
>turn down the heat to medium
>let it go for 4 minutes
>add in noodle brick
>continue as normal

I like mine hard/soft boiled, for at least an actual bite of egg rather than shreds of tiny egg slivers.

>> No.7236822

At the lack of a response, I did some experimentation this afternoon with a ball of generic egg/salt/flour/water pasta dough.
>potato ricers don't work with dough
>cookie dough extruders don't work with dough
>mandolin slicers don't work with dough and it's a fucking mess
>i'm not even sure why I tried a blender, but it didn't work and i had to re-knead everything
>sticking dough between two plastic cutting mats and putting something heavy on it to flatten it didn't work, but i learned that flour is my friend.
>cutting flattened dough with a pizza cutter didn't work, inconsistent as fuck
>flouring a single plastic cutting mat and rolling dough flat with a floured rolling pin and then cutting it into little strips with a long straight edged knife did work.

I bought a hand crank meat grinder / pasta extruder about an hour later. Not bad for a first try.

>> No.7237059

Update, shit was baller
Probably not gonna have it again for a while but it was pretty damn good. Had almost like a spicy taste but not super strong at all. Very tasty

>> No.7237519

Watch that like, one video. 16,000 noodles I think it's called. It's about rolling your dough in a lot of flour and cutting it in half.

>> No.7237623
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hopefully someone can answer this soon.

I usually buy maruchan ramen, and I went to asian market to buy
>pic related

and it came with this paste packet, do i add that while I am cooking the ramen or after?

>> No.7237627

All the times I've gotten a paste packet, It's to be added with the seasoning packet after you pour the boiling ramen into the bowl.

If you're microwaving it, microwave the noodles in water first, and as it comes out, put in the seasoning packets.

vegetable packets are added before cooking.

>> No.7237633

I didn't know you're meant to drink the water like a soup until last week

>> No.7237640

i usually did that but it seems the brand i bought tastes like shit, i guess im use to maruchan and nissin, any other brands i should try from the asian market? it seems like these noodles don't absorb the flavoring.

>> No.7237648
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>> No.7237649
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>so spicy your asshole puckers from just smelling the seasoning like the red label one
seriously m8
red label is hardly spicy at all
maybe it's because i'm a spic

>> No.7237653

You're a guy who buys habaneros from the supermarket. No commercial food is as spicy as a habanero. You have to find specialty stuff after that, and you get used to it, you build up your tolerance.

>> No.7237654
File: 60 KB, 385x500, 1430431109673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came to /ck/ for a Ramen thread
>it's the top thread when I open the page

>> No.7237659

i ate bad ramen and threw up once

>> No.7237677

>dat little packet of fat that comes with it

Shits the best instant ramen on the market

>> No.7237746

>hungry as fuck now

I wish it wasn't 1:30 in the morning so I could go buy some.

>> No.7237767

Absolutely delicious, quite spicy though.

Goes wildly well with wok fried chicken.

>> No.7237775


>Not adding chilli to your Shin Ramyun

Please. Extra chilli, a squirt of lime juice and a hearty bit of pepper is what it's about. Goes great when you're hungover as well.

>> No.7238040

>not buying the SHIN BLACK SPICY version
Way to stay a pleb.

>> No.7238045

Walmart should be open

>> No.7238053
File: 2.59 MB, 1440x1110, Screenshot_2016-01-06-01-35-55-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brand though. Top Ramen, Maruchan or Sapporo?

>> No.7238061

maruchan all day

>> No.7238086
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>> No.7238088
File: 61 KB, 500x500, also good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also mmmmm

>> No.7238101

Judge all you want, but as long as it's not seafood flavor, I think it's good. Plus, it really helps flush my digestive system out. Gives me the most amazing shits ever. Like, if you feel constipated, it will clear the fuck out of your system.

>> No.7238105

this is a great idea anon i should start doing this

>> No.7238219

I like Sapporo

>> No.7238279


Man, you don't want to fuck with those guys. That's le steam team. Word says they were the most fearsome gang of the Victorian era.

Left to right:
Reginald Smoker - You might think he got the name from the cigarette, but he actually got it in prison. They say he could smoke cocks so fast he could literally vaporize them.

The Bear - Smoker's best friend and personal muscle. Loves to cuddle and break necks.

Doctor Dingleberry - Even without his eyes he can peer into the souls of men.

Count Pennytits - No one knows where he came from. Can stretch his limbs farther than stretch armstrong and take the form of a canadian warbler.

Jeremiah Wellington the Third - They say he's the reason the British took over India. Gets the jump on enemies by camouflaging himself in piles of shit.

The Accountant - Jewish.

Le Operateur - He's so damn good with a gun that they banned HIM in Britain.

Gideon Gravy - Master mechanic and chef. Can also take the form of a canadian warbler.

>> No.7238313
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>> No.7238421

>implying the nips didn't steal everything from the chinese and made their own version of it

>> No.7238434

I like packed ramen but it's one of those foods that really leave a heavy unhealthy aftertaste.

>> No.7238453

>please fuck off back to /a/

>> No.7238525

Top Ramen usually. Thinnest noodles. Maruchan has thicker ones. Sapporo Ichiban I don't have enough but they're okay.

>> No.7238530

You probably spent quite some time writing all of that. I bet you thought it was funny, too.

>> No.7238564
File: 1.23 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20150924_174906524_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Postin a pic from my recent travels around japan.

Real ramen is fuckin good shit, especially as a set meal. I miss it.

>> No.7238579

Are the rumours about ramen being coated in some waxy shit that you can't digest true?
Or is it fine

>> No.7238715

no idea what youre talking about

it's fine

>> No.7238896

Drive then nigga

>> No.7238900


>> No.7238913

I fuxking love those silver packs. I like the orange one too which is pork and the duck wasnt bad either. Is too bad theyre so small

>> No.7238921

They're flash fried in palm oil and probably contain 50% fat, you can digest that though.

>> No.7238939

I'm pretty jealous you can buy Sun noodles locally.

>> No.7239028

frozen pizza doesnt have a 70 year history that makes it its own culinary "thing" in itself.

>> No.7239050


This. I bought some Shin Black, I can't go back. It's that fucking good.

>> No.7239054


Where do I find this??

>> No.7239090


>> No.7239297

>cooking the noodles for the full 5 minutes
Enjoy your mushy noodles.

>> No.7239313

>open at that time
someone is a southern fag.

>> No.7239321

I'm pretty sure the South is the only place you might find a Wal Mart that isn't open 24 hours.

>> No.7239329

That's the exact opposite. Only places open that late at night are Diners and Mickey D's

>> No.7239346

Anyone actually tried to make ramen?

>> No.7240869
File: 471 KB, 800x600, bestnoodles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'mma a pussy faggot who can't take their heat. Just ordered a variety box the other day.

>> No.7240996

I tried cooking ramen without the flavor packet and instead used a gravy mix pack so that I could have delicious poutine ramen. It was the worst thing ever.

>> No.7241464
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>> No.7241486

Mouth went numb and eyes watered somewhat after eating.

It's a little spicy I guess. Had worse though so can't complain. Great stuff.

>> No.7241545

are u a a fucking newfag?

>> No.7241876



Columbus, Georgia. All Walmarts open right now.

Live on Fort Benning currently. The South is a shithole btw.

>> No.7242003

Does most of the sodium in instant ramen come from the seasoning packet?

>> No.7242009
File: 36 KB, 450x450, k2-_1c548c94-1300-4a94-ba63-34cda2d85dc2.v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is probably my favorite, followed by Shin Ramyun. Usually add some frozen shrimp near the end of cooking.

>> No.7242021

Yes. Try the Spicy Chicken Samyang. It doesn't have a soup so has minimum sodium. >>7225996

>> No.7242183

where do you live? if you live in a major euro city, there's gotta be a small korean supermarket, and you can def get one there.

>> No.7242192
File: 1.34 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20160105_161032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This with eggs has been my daily lunch as of late

>> No.7242214

instant ramen is poison

>> No.7242229

These are still at Wal-mart.

>> No.7242235

The Thais do it right.

>> No.7242237
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>> No.7242366

>Columbus, Georgia.

>> No.7242385

you over boiled your noodles, anon. i feel bad for you.

>> No.7242569
File: 57 KB, 540x540, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to have pic related with four eggs, and a cup of rice in the soup after I eat all the noodles. It's going to be grand.

>> No.7242590
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I love you, cup ramen-san!

>> No.7242970
File: 84 KB, 500x676, habanero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think ramen noodles have egg in them

>No commercial food is as spicy as a habanero.
maybe in whitebread america

>> No.7243004

just tried it the other day, fucking delicious.

>> No.7243232

fucking implying anyone would laugh at that. Go back to cracked you fucking hack.

>> No.7243239

As an American, I'm placing you under citizens arrest.

>> No.7243638

top tier raman, my mates mum used to own an oriental shop and supplied me with boxes of these for mad cheap

>> No.7244062
File: 152 KB, 284x362, KetchupShoop__21532.1411269554.1280.1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ketchup flavored
>from Pakistan

>> No.7244073

this looks shooped

>> No.7244273
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>> No.7245693
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Obviously never had

>> No.7245700

Got some in my pantry. Yeah, it tastes good. Real good. All things considered it's not like unbearably hot. Probably would make Joey make WOO-WOOOO! noises though. It will however make your shits later... Very interesting.

>> No.7245710

I've been trying to find a pack of that. Does this brand bring it?

>> No.7245734

I bought one of these on a whim the other day and the cheese sauce was savory as fuck. Would definitely eat again.

>> No.7245764


>> No.7247094
File: 13 KB, 343x251, oh my fucking god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two grams of sodium per serving

I shouldn't be eating four of these a day, right?

>> No.7247103

You shouldn't be eating any of those any of days

>> No.7247106

I don't know why they tell you to add the seasoning last, do it first and it cooks into the noodles.

>> No.7247110

Then you end up with shitty water.

Ramen isn't tradicionally cooked with all the spices, so they're allocated to the broth. But whatever.

>> No.7247130

Mix a tiny bit of the spice packet and build it up per preference.

SO and I tried to man ourselves through it and ended up chucking the whole thing. Don't underestimate the spiciness.

>> No.7247964

Just get whatever cheap shit you can find. Maruchan is like 12 cents a packet, 20 for the cup version

>> No.7247969

Japanese use Chinese characters for different words than what they mean in Chinese.

>> No.7248034

Anyone got an opinion on best ramen in seattle? I've been going to Samurai noodle and it's pretty good

>> No.7248082

I actually really like samurai noodle, I don't even care.

I heard Fu Lin is amazing.

>> No.7248907

top ramen is shit with awful thin noodles
maruchan best

>> No.7248909

Instant ramen connoisseur.
I'm impressed.

>> No.7248920

>real ramen

Don't get me wrong-- I love their gyoza or chahan set as much as the next guy, but their ramen is only a slight step above cafeteria level.

Gotta go with the random local joints... best places are the ones that don't serve paper-thin pork cuts.

>> No.7248922

hmart if u have one near u~

>> No.7248926

overboiled noodles taste better than normal noodles

>> No.7248927

fuck you, thin noodles are way better. They don't get mushy like the thick ones. They cook quicker. You can snap the brick in half more cleanly.

Rice noodles are absolute worst behind Maruchan

>> No.7248930

i didn't know it was possible to have taste this shit. you must be eating them wrong

>> No.7249211
File: 18 KB, 204x247, wai wai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shits great. spicy as hell

>> No.7249220
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I just bought a 16 pack case of this for $17.17 at Amazon. It was a reorder. I enjoyed them quite a lot last time.

>> No.7249260
File: 190 KB, 884x716, dang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought i'd see the day someone else would talk about Wai Wai, my home currently has an entire box of it and maybe some vegetable ones in the cabinet.
They're good, the company puts flavour in the noodles themselves, and other spice packets.
I personally like eating them raw because i don't like eating thin noodles, if they started selling their noodles as thick as shin ramyun it would be great.

>> No.7250043
File: 280 KB, 541x750, 4372727xun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best is Nissin Soba noodles Classic flavour, no contest

>> No.7250280

Please kill yourself.

>> No.7250318

>this post pissed people off

>> No.7250520

The only way to eat ramen is boil water break the maruchan picante chicken shit into four blocks and let it cook for like 2 or 3 minutes that's all it takes. Dont put seasoning in while it cooks you have to drain the water then put seasoning on just the noodles. The noodles are disgusting when you cook them too long they get too soft and slimy and gross as fuck my way is the best way ever

>> No.7251010

I don't have a picture, but our local asian market carries fresh/refrigerated Sun ramen. They had three flavors, and I got the shoyu and tonkotsu flavors. Literally, the best ramen I've ever eaten.

>> No.7251034
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>soybean paste flavor

>> No.7251076

You know it's extra authentic--they just translated it directly into english. They don't know that Miso is a word hipsters love.

>> No.7251079
File: 44 KB, 522x488, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spicy as fuck. Good flavor. Even the Korean guy I know thinks they are crazy spicy.

Pic related are delicious. Comes with some sesame oil and an dehydrated egg block that cooks into the soup. Also good are Ottogi Ramen Bokki bowls, unfortunately the price for the bokki on amazon has doubled and I can't find another supplier

>> No.7251350
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>> No.7251432
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>> No.7251462



except I don't break the noodles

>> No.7251465


Making a "broth" is newfag af

>> No.7251704
File: 18 KB, 250x250, Ko-Lee-Instant-Noodles-Curry-Flavour-250px[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never really ate that much noodles but yeah when i picked Ko-lee mainly because they were the only halal in the store.

>> No.7251905

Are there any ramen that comes close to real ramen?

Is real ramen hard to make?

>> No.7252104

I found one of these in the back of my pantry the other day. Haven't had one in what feels like years.