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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 983 KB, 1280x853, beet-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7222345 No.7222345 [Reply] [Original]

what does /ck/ do with their pic related?

I've never had them except canned, and I found them awful that way. I know there's a lot of health benefits to them and I want to try my hand at a preparation I enjoy, but no one in my family cooks with beets.

how do you do them yourself? raw, grilled, baked, breaded? what's the best recipe with beets you've ever had?

>> No.7222360
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Roasted usually.

>> No.7222382
File: 2.22 MB, 3935x2766, 6a0120a8551282970b01901ee05043970b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 eggs
2 (15 ounce) cans whole pickled beets, juice reserved
1 onion, chopped
1 cup white sugar
3/4 cup cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 pinch ground black pepper
2 bay leaves
12 whole cloves

Place eggs in saucepan and cover with water. Bring to boil. Cover, remove from heat, and let eggs sit in hot water for 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from hot water, cool, and peel.
Place beets, onion, and peeled eggs in a non-reactive glass or plastic container. Set aside.
In a medium-size, non-reactive saucepan, combine sugar, 1 cup reserved beet juice, vinegar, salt, pepper, bay leaves, and cloves. Bring to a boil, lower heat, and simmer 5 minutes.
Pour hot liquid over beets and eggs. Cover, and refrigerate 48 hours before using.

>> No.7223599

and this yields... beet-flavored eggs and beet-flavored beets? why eggs and beets in a bowl together? they look really stunning but I don't know how I feel about pickled beets.

roasted from fresh? from that picture I'd guess you treat them a lot like potatoes?
what seasonings and spices do you find work well on them? I know I could google around for recipes but I trust the taste of this board better than something from allrecipes.com

>> No.7223628

Diced raw beets with diced fetta.
That's it.
I'd eat it by the bucket if I could.

>> No.7223641
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I like beetroot fried rice.

>> No.7223644

In burgers.

damn that looks good

>> No.7223649


You boil them then you can do whatever. usually I make a salad with some vinegar, onion and little mayonnaise. You boil them, let it go cold and dice it up with the above. Quite nice actually. As a kid we ate them boiled and then with potatoes.

>> No.7223685
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I like a good aussie burger with beetroot and egg. Not so enthusiastic about people who add pineapple.

>> No.7223700

>roasted from fresh? from that picture I'd guess you treat them a lot like potatoes?
I parboil them whole, skin on, then roast, then peel (optional).

>> No.7223713

Throw some walnuts in there next time and some balsamic. I could eat that all day every day.
Pickled is my favorite beet prep though

>> No.7223722

hello ausbro

>> No.7223734

My mother uses beetroot in chocolate cakes. You can't taste it but it does add something extra.

>> No.7223752

All these answers and no borscht. You people sicken me.

>> No.7223768

>raw, grilled, baked
Yes. Also boiled. You should have just tried something. It wouldn't have mattered how you cooked them, they would have turned out fine. Less talk more action next time, OP.

Don't forget to eat the greens, btw. Boil or steam them if you find them too bitter.

>> No.7223773

Pickled beets are 10/10

>> No.7225731

I usually just boil them. Or pickle them.

>> No.7226319

I don't have the money to just go experimenting with food. I'm on a minimal amount of food stamps and I'm a big stickler about eating 'good' food that isn't drowned in sugar, salt, mayonnaise, msg, etc.

I just wanted some good suggestions.

now that you say that, I've actually heard about people doing that before. something about the alkalizing effects of beets doing something tasty to the chocolate. that's a great idea because I'm a chocolate fanatic.

do you use the juice from pickled beets or cook down fresh beets? that does look kinda good especially with the green onion.

>> No.7226392

I looked through this thread specifically to see other people's borscht recipes.
It's one of the best stews imo
Super easy too
Shame no one is posting it.

>> No.7226442

The beets don't take on the egg flavor and vice versa. They both take on a sweet/sour flavor.

>> No.7226448

ding ding ding, we have a winner

>> No.7226578

the other week i had some really weird borscht. it was a meat stock with beef sour and sweetened beets. small amount of other vegetables, beef and pork and SHAVED ICE. at first i was fairly wtf but it was hot and in the end it was pretty good

anyone here beet sugar?

>> No.7226598


My mother boils them for a few hours, unpeeled, and then lets them cool, peels them, then jars them with plenty of garlic and the water they boiled in with.

>> No.7227854

Wrap in aluminum foil with olive oil, garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper, then roast til you can put a fork through. Delicious but also makes it look like you're pissing blood later, so look out for that

>> No.7227872

Alright, what does she do with that?

>> No.7227893
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>> No.7227936

>juice from pickled or fresh beets
Neither, really. You can use the canning liquid from tinned beetroot, chopped up boiled beetroot, shredded fresh beetroot, the leftover pulp from juiced beetroot and all sorts of things, so long as it's beetroot. That one was made with the liquid from a tin of beetroot. Besides onion greens, there's also, IIRC, coriander leaves. You can see a bit of chopped red chilli in there, too, if you look closely.

The sweetness of beets goes especially well with fish which is, IMO, a classic combination.
That plate of beetroot fried rice was part of a rice plate meal which involves rice (usually plain but stir-fried or scented is fine, too) and two to five side dishes, usually curries. IIRC, that night's rice plate had yard long beans in egg curry, mushroom in curry gravy and quick carrot coconut curry and the whole thing served with chilli/garlic paste.

More recently, I had beetroot fried rice as a rice plate with pan-seared homemade fish tofu and stir-fried jackfruit.

Have you ever heard of a borscht made with seafood instead of landmeat? I like a beetroot soup with noodles and various seafood.

>> No.7228074

>Cubed pickled beetroot, fry in clarified butter
>celeriac + mash potato
>brine shrimp and mussels, fried in garlic and chilli
>button mushrooms
>seared salmon fillet
>white wine sauce

Fucking based af

>> No.7228110

slice em pickle em and put them on burgers

roasting is fine as well

>> No.7228123

Pickled with a bit of sugar added. I can just sit there and eat them like that.