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7219995 No.7219995 [Reply] [Original]

How do I acquire a taste for alcohol?

I just got hooked into this huge group of women, all of whom are into beer, fine wine, or both. The group is very large and has girls of every variety and several of them are very attractive, both physically and personality-wise. The issue is that I don't drink, I don't like to drink, and if any find out the extent of my issues with alcohol then they all will know.

How can I learn to like the taste of alcohol? So far I have had, in my life, 1 Tsingtao, half of 1 Pabst, a single sip from 5 different sampler wines, and tonight two glasses of Fireside desert port. I hated all of it. It tastes like turpentine and smells worse. How can I enjoy this?

>> No.7220001

Vodka mixed with juice.

>> No.7220003

drink rum and coke. gets you drunk like rum, tastes like coke

>> No.7220005

Will these help me like the taste of alcohol or just get me drunk?

>> No.7220016

It gets you drunk.

>> No.7220030

Yeah that won't work with these girls. They're in it for the experience, not to get drunk. I need to visibly enjoy the experience.

Do I just buy a bottle of fine wine and start drinking at home?

>> No.7220038

have you tried tipping your fedora at them yet?

>> No.7220045

Sounds like you don't need to enjoy it. You just need to get used to it so that you don't wince when you sip at it. As long as you don't wince, you can feign enjoyment.

So, yes, buy some wine and drink it at home. Your best option might be to buy terrible wine. Get the cheapest boxes you can find and learn to tolerate the flavor. Fine wine will be comparatively enjoyable after that.

>> No.7220048

You control how much alcohol you will taste. Over time you'll develop a tolerance to it and increase the amounts (I prefer V8 splash Fruit Medley as the juice)
I also hate the taste of alcohol, yet I'm 35 and already have signs of liver failure because I've been a full blown (albeit high functioning) alcoholic the last 10 years.
Be careful, friend. It's a slippery slope

>> No.7220050

order Kamikazes

It's ginger beer, lime, and vodka.

You will NOT taste the vodka. I know people say vodka has no taste when really it does, but in this cocktail, I guarantee you wont taste it.

>> No.7220060

God, these girls better be worth it. I'll go do that tomorrow then. Jesus.

Thank you for the warning. I have no tolerance for it and a poor sense of self-control so it is something I worry about. I will be wary.

Might be worth a shot (ZING), and knowing the name of what to order will look good. Cheers

>> No.7221279

Just tell them you don't like the taste of alcohol so they can all laugh at you like the little bitch you are.

>> No.7221541


Sorry, but that is not what's in a kamikaze cocktail or shot

>> No.7221548

>doing things you don't like and taking drugs for women
that's so pathetic

>> No.7221558


Maybe you should ask that the grrls.
Might be a good way to get started.

>> No.7221901

Just be yourself anon. Don't be a complete poser and force yourself to like something you genuinely don't like. Also I think if you imitate what all the girls are doing you'll basically become one of the girls yourself and they still won't want to screw you. It sounds like you're trying to auction off your manhood and move permanently into the friendzone.

>> No.7221917

i think these women, sensing your absolute lack of presence, are trying to turn you into their submissive fucktoy and share you between them like the useless fuckstick you are

just ride it out

>> No.7221919

You must get into drinking. You must love to get drunk. Drink moonshine. Drink hard alcohols, vodkas. Do not only drink once a week: drink daily. Get buzzed. Throw in benzodiazepines, various drugs. Maybe coke.

It's the same with any other drug: you forget the 'taste' and aim for the 'effect'

>> No.7221930

Drink it till you love it

>> No.7221943

damn...that's the dream.

>> No.7221963

think he was going for moscow mule

>> No.7221971
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Is this you?

>> No.7221975

try gin and tonic

>> No.7222738

Practice drinking. Pabst sucks.

>> No.7222748

Quit being a pussy

>> No.7222752

try some wheat beers.

>> No.7222761

>hopefully some girls see this post and have sex with me
yes, how did you know i'm adam sandler? AMA!

>> No.7222809

>tastes like turpentine
hmmm you might have bigger issues than girls

>> No.7222827

Just suck it up and pretend to like it, pussy.

If you pass up this -probably fake- chance to nail a bunch of these chicks, I hope that your balls fall off.

>> No.7223024

>experience significant emotional trauma
>lack effective coping mechanisms

worked for me

>> No.7223088

>I just got hooked into this huge group of women, all of whom are into beer, fine wine, or both.

How can anyone fall for this horseshit?

>> No.7223094

You like it or you don't. If you're acquiring a taste you're basically just desensitizing yourself to it. Maturity plays a role too

>> No.7223107

Don't start drinking just for some bitches desu

>> No.7223113

Don't. You shouldn't force yourself to like something, especially if a) it's as unhealthy and dangerous as alcohol and b) you're just doing it to impress someone. Drink whatever the fuck you want, and if anyone has a problem with it, they're not worth your time.

>> No.7223117

Why would you come to a website that hates you for being popular?

>> No.7223156

If you /can/ lay off the booze, just don't get into it. They'll respect you more for being your own person.

>> No.7223175

OP here.

See, it's not as easy as simply saying "I don't drink" and still hanging out with them. Not only do many drinkers not enjoy spending time with non-drinkers (there was a thread about this on /ck/ very recently), it's also really weird to show up to a /wine tasting/ and not drink wine.

Being my own person is great and I am, but being an individual in everything is ridiculous and childish. Part of growing up is learning to play by society's rules, whatever society that is.

>> No.7223198


elephant shit

>> No.7223222

what kind of samplers did you have? do you prefer white or red?

>> No.7223228

Does your father know you're a cockblocker?

>> No.7223232

Big winefag here.

Maybe try starting off with Ice Wines, Moscato, Spumante (semi-sweet prosecco basically), low alcohol Rieslings, and finally White Zinfandel and/or Pink Moscato. These are all incredibly sweet wines which may not get you a whole lot of respect (maybe the Ice wines and Rieslings depending on quality) but will help you get into wine as a starting point. Barefoot and Yellowtail offer tons of different options and they're very cheap.

From there go with juicy, lush, red-fruit driven California Pinot Noir and "buttery" Chardonnay. If you want to drop a bottle on them that they'd probably like, Rombauer Chardonnay is pretty popular and it's a classic Napa Valley Chardonnay.

Also if you don't enjoy being drunk, wine is a great way to go because it's absolutely acceptable to spit it out after you taste it.

>> No.7223234

>recommending barefoot

>> No.7223272

Yes, very cheap wine that's been engineered to taste the exactly the same every year that has mass appeal, it's so distributed that OP could reasonably find it anywhere. Plus it doesn't sound like he really cares much about the wine anyway, he just wants to get laid, so why waste the money?

If he's actually sincere about liking the taste of wine, then I would recommend picking out a bunch of $10-$15 bottles from different regions. Compare Bordeaux or Cotes-Du-Rhone reds to Napa/Sonoma red blends, Willamette Pinot Noir/Chardonnay to Burgundy Pinot Noir/Chardonnay, New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc to South African Sauvignon Blanc, etc, etc. Find a local wine shop and tell him you're interested in understanding the differences in the terroir of each region.

>> No.7223281

OP here again, I am actually interested in developing a sophisticated palette. This is an excellent catalyst to do it, but at the moment my goal is just to be able to stomach the taste and smell.

You've got some insightful comments so I'll give your program a (s)whirl. I live in the Willamette Valley so I'll aim for that one especially.

>> No.7223282

if you recommend trash Op's just going to end up associating wine with trash. he's better of buying something that's going to be a few bucks more even if it may be more complex than his pallet can comprehend at this point. Honestly he should just go to a fine wine store and talk with one of the som's they usually have on hand and ask for some more specific advice based on his experience and taste.

>> No.7223292

>I live in the Willamette Valley
I was drawn to this thread because I do too and anticipate more and more invitations to wine taste with friends (who work in the god damn industry). I live in the heart of Oregon wine country but have absolutely zero palate for any of it.

Resources are abound but the question is where to start.

>> No.7223328

Fair enough, I underestimated him.

Nice to see some wine country folk here, I'm from Sonoma myself. As for getting a better palette, go out and start tasting at every winery you can. Not sure how it works there, but if you worked in hospitality or were in the industry you got to taste for free, so definitely try to make friends with someone in the industry. Otherwise, go on tours or make appointments for private tastings. They're generally a bit more, but in my experience I ended up learning a lot more about the wine because the host will take you more seriously and can answer questions better than your average tasting room joe--not always the case but out of 50+ wineries I've been at, the best were private.

Taste, taste, taste. Buy 6 Chardonnays each made slightly differently--i.e you can make Chardonnay unoaked, stainless steel, new French Oak, American Oak, concrete egg, does it undergo secondary maloactic fermentation through natural process or added in malo. Reading doesn't help much unless you're studying to become a Somme, but if you're in the heart of Oregon wine country just go to wineries, taste, and ask a bunch of questions. Questions about how the taste of this particular wine relates to its specific winemaking process. If I know a wine has undergone maloactic fermentation, it'll have a buttery and viscous quality to it and it won't be acidic so I also expect a fruit driven flavor (compared to the minerality you get with french whites).

>> No.7223340

You sound like a child

>> No.7223345

You sound like an element of the rotten core that is decaying our culture into an ineffectual quagmire.

>> No.7223364


stfu shitposter

>> No.7223373
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>being this low self confidence

With such a shitty attitude you might as well not attend.

>> No.7223376

Urging conformity is childish?

>> No.7223394

why does he break eggs like that?

>> No.7223397


>> No.7223399

You sound like a pussy

>> No.7223406
File: 2.88 MB, 640x360, a_nightmare_in_cheese.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is very childish, actually. Think about it.

>> No.7223412

that is essentially chilaquiles, not great, but not atrocious either.

>> No.7223419

Maybe in the midwest but not in any civilized part of the world.