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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7219096 No.7219096 [Reply] [Original]

The word taste is synonymous with subjectivity.

There are some things that are near universally despised, such as poo poo and burnt food (there's a biological basis for most things that are universally unappealing)

There are some things that some people like and others dislike, like oysters or offal (this can be down to personal preference)

And then there's the weird social taste patterns. The most glaring I can think of is doneness of red meat. Black people hate anything below medium well done. Now presuming that the factors that lead to this are either social, genetic or both - could it be that it's illogical to assert that rare - medium rare is an any more correct way to prepare a steak than burnt leather levels seen in the black community?

>> No.7219122

>well-done is the same as burnt leather
but not when it's chicken or pork right? you know in japan some places serve rare/raw chicken? why do you eat burnt leather chicken OP?

>> No.7219141

You are seriously bored.

>> No.7219147

Babies love poo from birth. It's familiar to them. It's comforting.

Parents teach them to avoid it. It's social, not biological.

>> No.7219153

>universally despised
>not enjoying the mix of light carbonization and Maillard reaction of thoroughly toasted bread

>> No.7219214

>caring what black people want
sweden please

>> No.7219846
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> universally despised, such as poo poo

Speak for yourself.

>> No.7219851

shut up

>> No.7219856

yeah, shut up

>> No.7219872


Tanjeer my boy, shut up.

>> No.7220225

>but not when it's chicken or pork right?

Why would you think that? People are always talking about chicken and pork being dry, which is what happens when you overcook them. They should both be just barely done.

>> No.7220265

>Black people hate anything below medium well done
I'm sorry you have never met any black people.

>> No.7220619

A: "I've tasted rare steak and still dislike it."
B: "No you haven't. Everyone prefers rare."
A: *cooks and eats rare steak in front of you, no possible room for doubt it's still bloody and gelatinous throughout*
A: "It's not that good. I would cook it a little more."
B: "No, you can't like something I don't like! That's impossible! You must have done it wrong!"
A: "What proof would convince you?"
B: *cooks even rarer steak, which A eats*
A: "Meh. I really don't like my steak done this way."
B: "Why are you lying? My way is the only correct way!"
A: "I don't know what to say. We just have different tastes."
B: "No, YOU have BAD taste! My taste is right, and you're an inferior person!"

>> No.7220661
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>there are some things that are near universally despised, such as poo poo

Fun fact: In a recent study they found that about 78% of all tested Indian street foods contain horrifying amounts of feces. This is because in India, they wipe their butts with their left hand (that means literally wiping and also a fair amount of scratching).

Thus, your statement about the universal despise for poo taste is incorrect. Indians are in fact used to it since their foods would taste very different if prepared in sanitary conditions.

>> No.7220677

Enjoying your steak well done is a sign of social status. If you only order it well done, it's typically not because that is your subjective taste preference, it's because you grew up in a low socio-economic environment and didn't eat steak that often. Such as blacks and poor whites.

>> No.7220691

Sort of.

Growing up lower class, you can only afford lower grade meats. People cook the shit out of them because they are scared of the low quality meats making them sick.

In my teens when I worked in chain restaurants I'd often see lower class people order cups of hot water to put their silverware in to "kill germs".

The things you do when you don't have health care.