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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.81 MB, 3160x1380, McDonalds-Chicken-McNuggets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7210569 No.7210569 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I love chicken nuggets so much?
No matter how healthy I try to be, these are the one type of food that constantly ruin me.
I love pretty much any type of chicken nugget.

>> No.7210589

I like the sauce more than the nuggets. And just eating spoonfuls of sauce is boring. They are the best way to consume sauce. Potatoes, rice, pasta...none of that would really work.

>> No.7210590

It has less to do with health than it does with you having the taste of a child.

Even the best chicken nuggets are basically bland animal feed, regardless of the many sauces you might be dipping them in.

>> No.7210768
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>I love pretty much any type of chicken nugget
I'm guessing you haven't tried Burger Kings chicken nuggets

>> No.7210890

Australian. Hungry Jacks ones aren't too bad. Everywhere else is better, but they're okay

>> No.7210909

>Hungry Jacks
Fucking australians

>> No.7210913
File: 93 KB, 1023x764, dinosaur_nuggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get dinosaur nuggers then you can pretend the dino is going to town on the sauce before you eat it.

In seriousness, those things are nasty, I bought a bag by mistake once, it was in the wrong position, the remainder of the bag is still in my freezer. That's a mistake I wont make again.

>> No.7210917

Chicken nuggets are just seasoned chicken. If you season them properly they can retain a lot of flavor.

>> No.7210918

>tfw you showed the qt checkout register girl your supreme level of autism

>> No.7210922

It would have been worse if I'd returned them, so I just sucked it up as a stupid mistake.

>> No.7210929

>hey guys, i love fried chicken!!!
>ain't i the quirkiest?! lol
Motherfucker, everyone loves some iteration of fried chicken or other, be it nuggets, tenders, southern-fried, pakora, tenpura or any of the other kajillion fried chicken dishes found all over the fucking world.
People like it because it's the single most delicious shit ever dreamt up by man or god. Goddamn, even vegans, Jains and devout "meat is bad!!" Buddhists want some fried muhfuggin' chicken from time to time.

>> No.7211182

the only chicken nuggets i like are on-cor chicken and cheese nibblers.

>> No.7211212
File: 66 KB, 216x183, Bell_n_Evans-Chicken_Nuggets-box3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bitches are really the best...

>> No.7211215
File: 218 KB, 1500x1125, Chicken_Nugger_Comparison_Infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7211237

An ode to chicken nuggers:

I love you chicken nugget
Crispy golden and so small
I make you twenty times a week
My kids still eat you all …

You’re great with lots of sauces
Ketchup, soy, or BBQ
Mustard, mayo, duck sauce
They all go real nice with you …

I can put you on a stick
Or stick you in a roll
I can cut you up in pieces
Or the kids can eat you whole.

You come in many shapes
So you’ll entice and seem like fun,
From dinosaurs to tender strips
You’re always #1.

I make you in the evening
And I’ll pack you in their lunch
The perfect bribe for veggies
For a more nutritious punch

You’re tasty and delicious
And it comes as no surprise
I can’t keep my hands off you
… Then you land up on my thighs.

>> No.7211266

That's a lot of autism for one infographic.

>> No.7211321

Chicken nuggets is like my family.

>> No.7211329

King Curtis, go to bed.

>> No.7211356

Some of us have to go through trials and triblulations so weak folk like you don't have to.

>> No.7211396

Wrong position?

>> No.7211427

I like Kirkwood honey battered chicken tenders I can buy at Aldis.

I have an addiction to them, yes. The other day I ate a whole bag in 4 batches.

>> No.7211435 [DELETED] 

>raised without antibiotics
Yeah, I ain't buying shit from anyone who doesn't care about their chickens. I wonder how much more those ones cost because the manufacturer didn't spend money on antibiotics.

>> No.7211440
File: 204 KB, 1279x721, GOAT_nugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want Chick-fil-a nuggets right now.

>> No.7211445

Banquet and Tyson are the only ones available here... which is best in life?

>> No.7211468

A good chicken nugget is absolute garbage, and Banquet wins.

>> No.7211469


banquest is like eating shards of glass

>> No.7211559

That was disturbingly good.

>> No.7211571
File: 26 KB, 480x360, mcdonalds-chicken-mcnuggets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /boot/ here?

>> No.7211752


yeah. this guy fuckin knows

he knows.

>> No.7211756

What are nuggers made of anyway? They ain't got the consistency of chicken, and they sure as hell ain't got the taste.

Is it... could it be real nugger? Is that why they're so popu... oh... oh God. Oh God. Cannibal jungle savage origins. It all fits. IT'S MADE OF PEOP- oh right, IT'S MADE OF NUGGERS

>> No.7211766

That's why you should get Bell & Evans, it's actual chicken. And not something stupid like wingz that is a marketing term.

>> No.7211797

boot > bell > ball = bone

>> No.7211831

Its lightly ground chicken

>> No.7211922

Everyone has their weaknesses.

Personally I fucking love cheese. Even when cutting back I still have a hard time saying no to anything with a good amount of good and gooey cheesy mess.

>> No.7211928

It's because OP is starving.
Starving for the nuggers.

>> No.7211957

Not to throw brands out there since this thread isn't about that, but my dog reheats popeyes nuggers amazingly well. I just have to put them on the plate and he does everything else with the microwave and he puts them into a hot pocket container first so they stay crisp. When he hits the microwave with his paw it always hits 2 minutes. I don't know how. But they reheat really well for a quick snack when you are in a hurry. I can provide video also if nobody believes me.

>> No.7211961

I don't believe you but i won't watch your dumb video either

>> No.7211962
File: 233 KB, 500x385, tumblr_m9cc5dttsK1qzegz5o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the same way with cheeseburgers, to the point where they always ruined me and gave me horrid reflux.

I went vegetarian man I dunno

>> No.7212227

There's a reason why they're called "king nuggets".

>> No.7212272

they should serve nuggets with hushpuppies...anyone else tried this combo?


>> No.7212290
File: 40 KB, 500x375, 13KSRKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7212347

It's gonna sound silly but I was in a hurry and just grabbed a bag from the place which was usual for the store and the dino shit was where I didn't expect it, in fact it was in front of the normal stuff, so it wasn't as if stuff was moved. Some nigger tossed one in front of the other things, that which I'd usually get. I'm not making excuses I'm just saying I bought the wrong ones and I have nobody to blame but myself.

It's a mistake I wont make again.

They cost a lot more, a box of them in NYC was about $7.50 or so vs say a bag of tyson for like $5. The Bell and Evans ones are a lot better so it's worth it to me anyway.

>> No.7212358

To cook your nuggets, to cover them in sauce, and to hear the lamentations of those without enough GBP to afford them.

>> No.7212364
File: 16 KB, 162x152, 1342951041916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his favorite chicken nugget shape is the circle

>> No.7212379
File: 35 KB, 400x328, Mako-Conan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7212387


>> No.7213263

Processed chicken meat. Mostly the cheaper parts (scraps of meat close to the bones, for example) but some regular meat as well.

>> No.7213270

They're fucking garbage, m8.
Bring back their tendies, they were something else.

>> No.7213273
File: 56 KB, 540x387, 1448571757193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those air bubbles in fake breast meat

>> No.7213290

I want a chic fil e sandwich right now... *checks time*... if I leave now...

>> No.7213310
File: 19 KB, 281x277, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken nugger

>> No.7213652

You mean Wyngz
>the only misspelling permitted

>> No.7213761

Literally nobody on this planet has ever called them "king nuggets."

>> No.7215608

I came from /b/ and I believe I have the adequate answer to your question, dear sir.

It's because you're a nigger

>> No.7215831

They are good. I got tired of being overcharged for chicken nuggets. Everywhere you go, it's really too much for what they are, so I started making my own. I just deep fry freshly breaded chicken in panko and it's all good. I do marinate it ahead of time but nothing special. I chop up some parsley and mix it into the breading and it gives it a nice healthy looking color. Then the hard part is really deciding what sauce to eat it with.

>> No.7215979
File: 152 KB, 623x661, 1450122062944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to McDonald's the other day and got a 20 piece for myself since I hadn't eaten fast food in a long time. They fucked up my sauce (bbq instead of buffalo) and eating without the sauce wasn't as enjoyable.