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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 600x610, CXUNh5cWAAElsE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7209270 No.7209270 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: school/college food

>> No.7209293

Which part of the UK is that pic from?

>> No.7209302

Those guys have the most explosive style vests.

>> No.7210049


Fucking Arab terrorist

>> No.7210053

Bust out the ramen

>> No.7210116
File: 241 KB, 962x988, 25C3DF2E00000578_2957301_Balanced_diet_Italian_children_get_pasta_fish_two_kinds_of_salad_a_2_1424244473415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a few for ya.

>> No.7210119
File: 218 KB, 962x912, 25C3DF2A00000578_2957301_In_Finland_lunch_is_mainly_a_vegetarian_affair_of_pea_soup_carro_a_1_1424244473399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7210123

these aren't real so don't bother

>> No.7210126


Those are school lunches?!!?!

>> No.7210131

Someone has a very creative mommey.

>> No.7210140

some kid got famous from shaming their school by taking pictures of their shitty looking lunches and posting it on the internet.

This inspired another person to make these pretty pictures of "school lunches from around the world", despite the fact that none of these came from a school lunchroom.

I hope someone posts the Greece and Brazil ones, because 80% of the people in those ENTIRE countries aren't eating as good as that picture suggests.

>> No.7210148

I think the best part about this is that every Finn I know absolutely fucking hates soup.

>> No.7210154

strange how italy and finland both have the same shitty disposable trays

>> No.7210156
File: 216 KB, 600x399, Gordon_Commons12_4996[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I eat better at college than I do at home

>> No.7210165
File: 228 KB, 962x977, 25C3DF1900000578_2957301_South_Korean_children_tuck_into_broccoli_and_peppers_fried_rice__a_6_1424244473592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7210172
File: 206 KB, 962x941, 25C3DEFE00000578_2957301_Unhealthy_meal_Children_in_the_US_get_fed_popcorn_chicken_with_k_a_7_1424244473610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel clappers

>> No.7210202

>dat american

jesus christ seriously, americans? this is why you're country is obese, you start feeding them garbage young. I thought Amerifat was a wealthy country? Why can't they afford to feed their students to the same standards and quality as Europe?

>> No.7210203

I'd like to eat out those cunts. FFUUUUUUUCK

>> No.7210211


>> No.7210215
File: 135 KB, 1200x720, John-Oliver---HBO-Last-We-012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for this shit
All country's school lunches suck

>> No.7210219

As a European I can already tell you you're lying, or just in denial.

>> No.7210223

Post your school lunch then. Let's see that beef wellington, roasted potatoes, fresh green beans, and just picked apple.

>> No.7210331

Your entire post screams self-hating American. I honestly don't get it. Every other civilized country in the planet has it as shit or shittier than us and somehow you still find a way to consider yourself and your countrymen as below the same people you should feel sorry for.

>> No.7210841

Does anyone go to UTD?

I'll be attending in the fall, and apparently the campus food is pretty terrible, and fairly unhealthy

>> No.7211191

Not so subtle b8

>> No.7211354
File: 170 KB, 1150x2048, 12022481_10205191618982058_6884364123797935081_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside, dipshits.
Here is a picture of an actual school lunch, from a high school in a flyover suburban city in a flyover midwestern state.
We are allowed unlimited fruits and vegetables.
I ate all of it.

In b4 underageb&, I'm a teacher.

>> No.7211376


Are those tendies?

>> No.7211378
File: 49 KB, 500x351, ND8Uc9M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Michelle Obama. You worthless twat.

In all seriousness, I haven't tried my campus' food yet. I've just been buying groceries and not eating on campus. I live in an apartment off campus so I don't really need a meal ticket. But when I eat with friends in the meal commons or whatever it's called, the food looks like High School garbage tier.

You know, breadtangles of pizza, scoops of potato-like substances, etc. Nothing that I want.

>> No.7211403

do you do nice poops?

>> No.7211413

how old is this meme?

>> No.7211455

yeah, spicy chicken tendies. they were meh.

>> No.7211458


>> No.7211485

Shame its probably all gmo..but still nice compared to my h.s in the projects school lunch

>> No.7211523

Decent vodka (smerinoff/sky when it was on sale) and cheap cuts of meat from Vallarta (Mexican superstore) were my go to when I lived at cal state LA. People who had the meal plan paid more for food than I did and I ate steak or pork every night.

>> No.7211540

Why do they hate soup?

>> No.7211597

Fake. You're only allowed two sides and they can't be of the same type. The nuggers are the only real part [not including the ketchup]

>> No.7211600

Scratch that. They put too many nuggers on the tray

>> No.7211609


most everything is gmo you fucking weiner god dammit bananas wouldnt exist without being gmo REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.7211612

>cook pork chop for the first time on new george foreman
>few hours later my stomach hurts like fuck
I realize this is an odd place to ask, but stupider things have been posted and its food related.
Is it safe to take ibuprofen? I think I have food poisoning.

>> No.7211626

Well you are going to end up vomiting it back up anyways if you actually have food poisoning. Might want to try and get a meclizine down instead if you have any. I'd recommend you go make a fuck huge thing of gatorade or water so you can stay hydrated while you vomit and shit your brains.

>> No.7213165

>being in school after noon
>eating lunch at school
>everyone eats the same shitty prepared food like a gulag camp
>not eating delicious homemade lunch everyday
what kind of schools are you people going

>> No.7213950
File: 218 KB, 277x386, 1432181652533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7214734
File: 51 KB, 1152x514, aww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm italian and I've never even heard of anybody here eating that kinda stuff for breakfast, let alone eat it myself

>> No.7214796

What my old high school will be serving on Monday when classes start up again:

• breakfast: hashbrowns and locally sourced eggs (scrambled)

There's also a cereal bar, orange juice, milk and soymilk available.

• chicken noodle soup
• choice of pasta in blush sauce
• pasta shells with choice of meatballs, sausages or TVP balls
• fish tacos
• veggie pizza
• salad of locally sourced arugula
• balsamic-glazed chicken and mozzarella sandwich
• ham and cheese sandwich on whole wheat or white sandwich bread
• veggie sushi with locally sourced veg

There's also a salad bar, fresh fruit, apple juice, milk and soymilk available.

What the sister school will be serving (they're more liberal, so Mondays are Meatless Mondays™ there):

• broccoli, bread sticks choice of pasta with choice of red or white sauce and/or something from the pasta bar
• doesn't specify exactly what it is, just that it's "chef's special," so whatever vegetarian thing he decides to make that day (likely homemade veggie burgers)
• salad of locally grown spinach

>> No.7215897

Shut the fuck up. I'm not him, but genetically modified means modified through modern genetic engineering methods not selective breeding or some shit. I'm not trying to defend anyone's position but don't spout this shit as if it was the same thing.

>> No.7215906

My schools lunch was better than that, and I know from my time in other countries that their school food is not great. I'd even go as far as to say English school food is worse than American food. These photos are basically just propaganda, since everyone in the media business knows that going "hey, COUNTRY that we inhabit sux compared to other countries" sells like mother fucking hotcakes.

>> No.7215919


joke's on you, here in germany we didn't get any school lunch at all :^)