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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7206697 No.7206697 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7206708 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.7207530

This whole "memefood" thing is part of why I rarely come to /ck/ anymore. Nothing but cancer and circle jerking.

>> No.7207536

Thank you for your stellar contribution.

>> No.7207570


>memeal orel

>> No.7209306

>flyover state

>> No.7209315
File: 2.00 MB, 214x193, 1375720526892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm mad because bacon, my favorite food, is a memefood and no one takes me seriously when I use it in everything anymore.

>> No.7209324

same. this is the first time I've been here in months.

first load of ck
>meme food

fuck this shit.

>> No.7209334

>calling things "memeX" because they're popular
You should probably head on over to /mu/ soon to have dank bants about shitty bands that totally (in your mind) deserve to be selling out more venues than the local Denny's.

>> No.7209339

People using the word "memefood" are just adding to another vein of the dumb, arrogant, gloss-over shitposting attitude that people use here. It doesn't actually say anything about the food, and disregarding the people who talk about "memefoods" is hilariously snooty in the most juvenile way possible.

My theory is that it's just the way they downvote things. They can't handle a forum where they have to think and type out every message, so they listen for buzzwords to spam when they have negative feelings, just like some redditor hamfists the downvote button instead of trying to tell them that they're wrong.

>> No.7209347

>posting in a shitpost thread.

>> No.7209350

People using the word "memefood" are just adding to another vein of the dumb, arrogant, gloss-over shitposting attitude that people use here. It doesn't actually say anything about the food, and disregarding the people who talk about "memefoods" is hilariously snooty in the most juvenile way possible.

My theory is that it's just the way they downvote things. They can't handle a forum where they have to think and type out every message, so they listen for buzzwords to spam when they have negative feelings, just like some redditor hamfists the downvote button instead of trying to tell them that they're wrong.

>> No.7209351
File: 16 KB, 427x382, 1340674277928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this buttblasted over shitposting.

>> No.7209352

People using the word "memefood" are just adding to another vein of the dumb, arrogant, gloss-over shitposting attitude that people use here. It doesn't actually say anything about the food, and disregarding the people who talk about "memefoods" is hilariously snooty in the most juvenile way possible.

My theory is that it's just the way they downvote things. They can't handle a forum where they have to think and type out every message, so they listen for buzzwords to spam when they have negative feelings, just like some redditor hamfists the downvote button instead of trying to tell them that they're wrong.

>> No.7209357

People using the word "memefood" are just adding to another vein of the dumb, arrogant, gloss-over shitposting attitude that people use here. It doesn't actually say anything about the food, and disregarding the people who talk about "memefoods" is hilariously snooty in the most juvenile way possible.
>My theory is that it's just the way they downvote things. They can't handle a forum where they have to think and type out every message, so they listen for buzzwords to spam when they have negative feelings, just like some redditor hamfists the downvote button instead of trying to tell them that they're wrong.

>> No.7209358

>My theory is that it's just the way they downvote things.

Actually that makes a lot of sense, this shit became more and more popular with reddit spilling over to 4chan.. so yeah.

>> No.7209360
File: 20 KB, 236x354, the face of autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look, it's this shitposting again. sage in all fields and hidden and such.

>> No.7209427

I'm a redditor and you are absolutely correct. Since we can't downvote here I just spew memeing accusations over everything I disagree with.

>> No.7209448

I hope you reported.

>> No.7209458

"Meme" is a codeword for "things I don't like" and everyone knows it

>> No.7209466

I hate how in the last few years 4chan has become obsessed with the word meme. Everything is a fucking meme nowadays.

>> No.7209488

Nice meme post

>> No.7209498

Nice meme reply

>> No.7209509

Lol meme

>> No.7209672


>> No.7209679

Whatever you say cucklord

>> No.7209680

Pronounced, "Meem."

>> No.7209683

Calling food 'memefood' is the real meme

>> No.7209688

The word mayday is referencing reddit fags and other of their ilk who mispronounce the word meme, that is what makes it mildly humorous.

tl;dr welcome to 4chan newfaggot.

>> No.7209691

It's called newchan, 4faggot.

>> No.7209699


>> No.7211257

it hasn't always been called "memefood" here but /ck/ has always been against stupid food trends. Why should we like something because it's some 'popular' trend that will die off in a few weeks to a year or two. Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's good or worthy of an intellectual discussion.

>> No.7211342

>Pronounced, "Meem."
Why do the English have to bastardize the American language?

Sometimes I wonder why we even let them use it.
It was perfect before we gave it to them!

>> No.7211416

shibbolethed a memefooder

>> No.7211422

lmao I can't believe this thread I made is still up

>> No.7211424 [DELETED] 
File: 631 KB, 1023x766, 1449449651190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hur dur muh disease ridden shitskin food
go back to sucking nigger cock

>> No.7211450

The amount of salt in that image is palpable. It's bigger than any of the other ones

>> No.7211466

Is salt a memeseasoning or a memegredient?

>> No.7211588

Personally I'm learning all the memes on this board so I can start shitposting with it.

My endgame is to get steak declared a memefood

>> No.7211633

"Meme" is a codeword for "things I do like" and everyone knows it

>> No.7211736

Nice cuckmeme

>> No.7211767

so, memefood is anything that has been popular for ages and still is?
thanks for clearing that up

>> No.7211798

>getting upset over word that means nothing
why are you such a fucking faggot
I use the word all the fucking time purely because it actually still riles up autists like you
It means literally fucking nothing how on earth do you get mad at something like this

>> No.7211995
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>people think I'm greentexting the word memefood but I'm actually greentexting shitty memefoods

>> No.7212099
File: 147 KB, 649x947, meme bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, memefood is any food that is being shoehorned into dishes where it doesn't belong, because it is popular at the moment. Bacon perfectly fits that description. Also applies to the names of dishes or their preparation. See also:

calling any vaguely asian sandwich a "bahn mi"
calling mayo with other shit in it "aioli," especially if it doesn't have a trace of garlic
making sure to point out a dish was made in a cast iron pan
practically anything stuffed with cheese
frying things in duck fat
wagyu sliders
putting a fried egg on things like pizza

I enjoy all of these things in a way but I'm going to have an aneurysm if I see one more burger with "sriracha aioli"

>> No.7213571

Sriracha has garlic in it though

>> No.7213575

Someone should mix everything meme-y into one giant, deconstructed dish.

>> No.7213639

isnt the act of Deconstructing a food item itself a meme-technique in cooking with chef's now

>> No.7213678
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>he consumes meme foods

>> No.7213686
File: 40 KB, 217x400, sriracha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7213705

if it's done in a thoughtful and creative way, I wouldn't quite say so.
If it's because they're too lazy to actually make the meal it's 'deconstructing', then yes.

>> No.7213746

No i was more thinking like those cooks on food game shows like Cutthroat kitchen who love to excuse not making the item the challenge told them to make use words like.

I made my interpretation on a deconstructed and asian french fusion inspired spaghetti and meatballs. when literially presenting an unwrapped wonton with slightly cooked beef (obiously being called beef sushi inspired by a french tartare) with siracha on it cause it looks red like spaghetti sauce.

>> No.7214803
File: 31 KB, 500x441, SaltShaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7214807

most memefood ever

>> No.7214833
File: 615 KB, 900x596, bigstock-Himalayan-Pink-Salt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like using pink salt because it makes me feel fancy :3

>> No.7214936

Burgers with a fucking fried egg on top are the shit.

>> No.7215534

It's pronounced meme
which would be pronounced the same as meem
but meem isn't a fucking word, and doesn't need to be