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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 178 KB, 600x399, turkey-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7204449 No.7204449 [Reply] [Original]

Why is sliced turkey the most popular type of cold cut sandwich meat? I once worked for a deli and half of the sandwiches we sold were oven roasted turkey. I don't dislike them but to be quite honest, are they really that good?

>> No.7204455

>the most popular type of cold cut sandwich meat

I'm guessing you didn't offer liverwurst?

>> No.7204461

>are they really that good?
no, people just think it's healthy

>> No.7204463

>are they really that good?

people just like boring, bland shit

it's why McDonald's and CBS are so successful

>> No.7204467


> i don't dislike them but to be quite honest, are they really that good?

You know how I know you're a teenaged faggot? You end sentences with question marks. That's how. My 12yo daughter does this, it's infuriating. Your entire generation has nothing but niggers as role models hence the retardation.

On topic of the thread. Turkey is cheap, easy to prepare and everyone is familiar with it as opposed to sweet/hot cappicola, mortadella, hamon, prossuitto etc etc etc...

>> No.7204469

It's the best cold cut. Roast beef is only good hot, ham is only good on occasion and is too sweet for constant consumption, chicken breast has less flavor

It's either turkey or shit like salami and pepperoni, my favorite sandwich is cajun turkey and some nice strong swiss

>> No.7204471

>eating cold cuts on any kind of regular basis

>> No.7204472

what sort of punctuation do you think questions should be ended with!

>> No.7204475


I fucking hate kids who end their sentences with exclamation points.

>> No.7204483

What the fuck else would you eat for lunch. Sandwiches are for lunch, hot meals are for dinner, eggs are for breakfast

>> No.7204485

Those damn kids? why are they always ending a question with a question mark!

>> No.7204486


You know how I know you're a teenaged faggot? You end sentences with exclamation points. That's how. My 12yo daughter does this, it's infuriating. Your entire generation has nothing but niggers as role models hence the retardation.

>> No.7204506

>What the fuck else would you eat for lunch
Soup? Curry? Felafel? Noodles? Chinese? I have a hard time believing so called "lunchmeat" is a good thing to eat on a daily basis.
>Sandwiches are for lunch, hot meals are for dinner, eggs are for breakfast
If you're a factory worker from the 1950's.

>> No.7204515

not a meal, thats for sick days
who eats this
if you live in new york city
not a meal

>> No.7204523

It sounds like your options are pretty limited, and your idea of what foods to eat when is even more so. Glad I don't live wherever you do.

As for your "not a meal" lines, since when is crappy lunchmeat an everyday meal? That sounds like colon cancer to me.

>> No.7204540

You don't get colon cancer from turkey, that's vegan propaganda

The only things acceptable to have for lunch that are not a sandwich are sandwich like things such as wraps, but not tacos because that's a dinner

>> No.7204547

That may be all your mommy packs you for lunch but, when you get older, there is a whole world of food to explore.

>> No.7204548

>The only things acceptable to have for lunch that are not a sandwich are sandwich like things such as wraps, but not tacos because that's a dinner
We live on entirely different planets.

>> No.7204561

Hamburgers are ok as an occasional special lunch because they are a sandwich

I follow the rules

>> No.7204598

>I follow the rules

>> No.7205355

More protein and B vitamins than Ham and Beef. That's why I buy it, anyway.

>> No.7205385
File: 63 KB, 653x381, sammich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer cold cut chicken.

Chicken, turkey bacon, a slice of provolone, tomato, romaine, a shmear of mayo, lil salt and pepper.

>> No.7205903

>Why is sliced turkey the most popular type of cold cut sandwich meat?
>sliced turkey
>the most popular...sandwich meat

Since the fuck when?

>> No.7205930
File: 991 KB, 2048x1536, lunchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've making my sandwiches recently with a couple slices of ham and one slice of pickle & pimento loaf.

I only get plain sliced ham, as most black forest or honey ham is way too sweet.

>> No.7205954

>most popular
Only it isn't.

>> No.7205982

why are you taking photos of your sandwiches, dude...
also, it's spelled 'luncheon'. i bet you're american huh.

>> No.7205987


>thread about sandwich meat and sandwiches
>why you post picture of sandwich

>> No.7205993


>filename not in english
>i bet you're american

>> No.7206020

>Tfw the grocery store near me has actual huge turkey breasts that they slice up for lunch meat
>Pretty reasonable amount of sodium
>Tastes awesome
>My lunch every day for the past 2 years is that turkey on toasted Everything BagelThins with either Provolone or Cooper Sharp cheese and Spicy Mustard

Im boring as fuck

>> No.7206048

because its cheaper than roast beef and better than ham and chicken

>> No.7206075
File: 86 KB, 333x500, 1449416699817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Beautiful sandwich. I've never had pickle and pimento loaf but it sounds delicious.

Who here /olive loaf/?

I'm ostracized for enjoying it

>> No.7206081

what the fuck are you talking about, mcdonalds is salty as you are

>> No.7206082

This is /ck you'd get ostracized for enjoying anything.

>> No.7206107

>Im boring as fuck
You're not alone. I have a buddy whose stock lunch order wherever he goes is a turkey sandwich and a cup of coffee. I traveled across the country with this guy, and it didn't matter what city he was in or what the regional specialties were. New York, Philly, Atlanta New Orleans, Chicago, Austin, LA, San Fransisco - every fucking day he had a cup of coffee and a turkey sandwich for lunch. Of course it became a running joke.

>> No.7206112

/thread. Chicken is worst deli sandwich meat. I'd rather eat bologna

>> No.7206114

Jesus, im not that bad. Usually I pack my lunch every day so its my two little dinky sandwiches, but if I am traveling, getting take out- or going out (which all happen rarely) I will order something else.

I just fell into that routine of making my sandwiches before bed.

>> No.7206313

I hate the roast turkey lunch meats.

The Mesquite Smoked Turkey and the Cajun Turkey are pretty good if you can find them.

I generally prefer a good quality roast beef.

Sometimes I'll get a sandwich that is a combination of roast beef, ham, and mesquite smoked turkey.

>> No.7206335


You know how I know you're a teenaged faggot§ You end sentences with periods© That's how¢ My 12yo daughter does this, it's infuriating£ Your entire generation has nothing but niggers as role models hence the retardation$

>> No.7206343

Kill yourself.