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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7201637 No.7201637 [Reply] [Original]

What /ck/-related gifts did you receive today?

>> No.7201639

I didn't get any gifts, not even ck related

>> No.7201647

I got a bottle opener in a cracker then everyone made passive aggressive remarks about my alcoholism.

Ah Christmas.

>> No.7201652

Sounds like you need some enablers!

>> No.7201671

a bottle of bruery oude tart

>> No.7201673

You got that many Christmas presents? Are you ten?

>> No.7201678

Some pretty useless "herbs" scissors and a lobster kit thing as a useless tomato knife thing. All of which will probably live in the back of a cupboard somewhere for the foreseeable future.

>> No.7201685

I'm NEET, so...

>> No.7201698

Got me a chef's knife, a deba, cast iron pan, and a set of stainless pots and pans.

I've moved out recently, so I've finally got decent options besides non-stick.

>> No.7201701

I'll buy the herb scissors if you'd be willing them sell them below retail. A good friend of mine thought they sound neat, and I wouldn't mind making a gift of them.

>> No.7201707

the herbs scissors I already promised someone, sorry.

>> No.7201711

that's a good haul

my dad gave me a tart pan, I gave him some bamboo spice containers and spherical ice cube tray for his whiskey

>> No.7201712

Is that armarila or whatever any good? I've seen it around on the internet, but comes off as drinking a Starbucks alcohol or something.

>> No.7201722

I got caviar

I don't have a non-reactive spoon though so I haven't tried it yet

>> No.7201732

have a chopstick?

>> No.7201746

Got a suitcase, some ramekins, a book about whisky (without remarks about my alcoholism), and some aftershave.
Gave myself a new camera flash intending to make a little studio setup for food pics.

I'm just glad it's over, really. I don't really hate Christmas but I stress about having days where I don't get to choose myself what I'm doing.

>> No.7201749

Nice, I like that ice sphere idea. The knives I got are mad cheap, soft metal from Thailand, but I'm glad for it, as I'm a rookie when it comes to sharpening, and they're something I can treat like hell a bit while I work on my chops.

>> No.7201757

>I stress about having days where I don't get to choose myself what I'm doing

I guess that's what it is, really. I'm glad I was able to do all the Christmas cooking this year. Establish some control within a forced interaction.

Well, thanks anyway. By the way, what in the heck is a lobster kit?

>> No.7201781

It's very good. Similar creaminess as Baileys, but with less of an alcohol taste and more complex flavour. The aftertaste is especially nice.

>> No.7201825

Bottle of Zyr and a Skerton.

>> No.7201828

Baileys is hardly alcohol tasting, its like liquid, creamy sugar.

>> No.7201846

Big bottle of Disaronno liqueur. What should I make with it?

>> No.7201852

Drink it straight or mix it with tea. Shit is legit.

>> No.7201854

Amarula is actually really tasty. It's a cream liquor, so you can't really expect to force yourself to get drunk off it, but it's really nice to have half a glass over crushed ice when you get back from an exam or a shit day at work or something.

>> No.7201860
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I know, but it still has a slight alcoholic taste as it goes down your throat. Chambord, on the other hand, barely has any.

>> No.7202015

>non-reactive spoon
Good meme potential with this.

>> No.7202366
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Lobster kit:
4x garlic butter cups and holders
4x shell crackers
4x spiky forks things

Pic related

>> No.7202764
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The person who gave it to me doesn't even know me that well, but always gets me an inexpensive gift that that has more thought put into it than the things the few people I'm really close to get me.

>> No.7202769

That's a smug looking cat.

>> No.7202954

I recognise that Kmart wrapping paper and the Kahlua sale

>> No.7203010

A month of blue apron dinner deliveries every saturday. There's enough food per delivery for 3 days from what I understand.

The ingredient quality isn't bad, plus for me it's free. Can and most likely will adjust the food with my own spices and such.

>> No.7203035

Drunk off Chambord.

>> No.7203248
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>> No.7203263

I got a crock-pot for uni

can't wait to use it Tbh

>> No.7203266
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I got this, its alright i guess

>> No.7203270
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Got a new blender.
I don't eat fruits or vegetables.
When I opened it my dad sang me a small poem that went 'Son you are curvy, but please don't get curvy, make some fruit smoothies, and lose those boobies' and everyone was having a jolly old time.
What are some good chocolate blender recipes? I can get some good at least.

>> No.7203275

lotta coco powder, milk easy

>> No.7203278

maybe you should take your dad's advice and stop being a fat fuck

>> No.7203279

This. Don't take it as words of discouragement, because any loving father knows that they don't want their kid to die before them.

>> No.7203283

>I don't eat fruits or vegetables.

What do you mean, you don't eat fruits or vegetables? Do you not know what either of those things are? What do you eat?

>> No.7203344

several bags of whole mexican chilis, dried
ancho, chipotle, mulato, morito

about 10 of each- what do I do with all these? my uncle said to toast them whole before soaking them in warm water, ditching that water and then soaking them again to soften them.
but what should I use them in, soups, beans/rice, enchilada sauces?

>> No.7203349
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morita*, mullato*

>> No.7203615

Got one of those kitchen aid stand mixers and a food dehydrator.

I'm trying to go /fit/, wat do?

>> No.7204737

Get on my level
>go to restaurant supply store
>buy $6 knives
>throw them away when they get dull
>knives just as sharp

Knife sharpening can be a handy skill to have, but expensive high quality knives are a total waste. Industrial equipment gets you 80% there and it's cheap enough to be disposable.

>> No.7204757


If it were really cheaper to buy a new knife then how come my kitchen sends out our restaurant supply tier knives to get sharpened once a week?

>the guy who sharpens knives in the back of his van at any farmer's market anywhere only charges $5 to sharpen a chef's knife

>> No.7204769
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>> No.7204775

Because it's a kitchen that uses their knives at least 10x more than a person in their home would.

>> No.7204801

Not that guy, but I knew a guy that did this and is still doing it as far as I know.

The funniest part about it is seeing what he considers a fruit or vegetable and how it makes him freak out.

Peanut Butter sandwhich: fine.
PB & J: eww fruit (when jelly is just fruit flavored sugar gloop)
Mustard: fine because no vegetables just seed
Ketchup: eww vegetables (but really sugar gloop)

People like that are suffering from some kind of childhood thing that they never got over. It's more like a psychosis than actual legitimate taste thing, because they're also really easy to trick.

>> No.7204841

This guy, who's like 25 at the time, had never had a drop of alcohol in his life. He'd always complain about having to smell peoples beers at activities (movie nights, d&d, lan parties). He was always a bitch about it, and would say weird shit like he was trying to make fun of people who were drinking. By this time, we'd known him awhile, so we knew why. One night, this other friend goes

>You know, alcohol is what bacteria poop out after they eat the sugar in the plants. So, really, drinking alcohol is kind of the same as meat and dairy.

He opens a beer, drinks it, and from that point forward he drank beer like everyone else as if he always did and had never been a cunt to anyone about it.

>> No.7205468

If anything that comment should have made him stop eating fermented dairy products, not suddenly be alright with eat yeast waste.

>> No.7205511

Got a cast-iron pan, a rolling pin, one of those brushes and some Tullamore Dew.

>> No.7205528

Sadly the only thing I got that is even remotely /ck/ related was a gift basket which I then gave away to my immediate family, everything else is strictly /g/ related and boring.

>> No.7205640
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My dad got me a weeby teapot and tea cup. I like it so far. There's a strainer in the pot so that makes loose leaf 10x easier.

Pic related next to my other gifts

>> No.7205650

ray mears is the shit, nice

>> No.7205688
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Here's the bottle of wine we had with dinner last night. By far the most expensive thing I've consumed. I wish i knew more about wine.

>> No.7205690

Fear not, anon.
I also got a soda stream two years ago and converted it to allow CO2 into my nipple fat.

>> No.7206269

I got a coffee percolator (the ten sided metal ones), an electric rice cooker and a 5l Le Creuset stockpot. I was fucking chuffed.

>> No.7206479

Stop posting on /ck/ Carl