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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7201228 No.7201228 [Reply] [Original]

>recipe says to add a dash

>> No.7201229

>recipe says to add a pinch

>> No.7201232
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>recipe says to add an arbitrary amount instead of a certain quantity

>> No.7201237

>>cooking with a friend and they tell you to add "some" of an ingredient
Don't fuck around I can and WILL fuck this up

>> No.7201238

>cooking with friends

>> No.7201239
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>recipe gives a specific amount of something but several steps involve the ingredient with no specified amounts

>> No.7201242

>recipe uses volume measurements

>> No.7201244

An arbitrary amount can be specific.

>> No.7201247

>recipe says to add 2 "glasses" of water

>> No.7201271
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>recipe calls for an ingredient in the instructions that wasn't in the list of ingredients

>mfw I dont have that ingredient

>> No.7201273

A pinch is actually a real measurement bruh.

>> No.7201277


>Run into food at full speed.
>Shit goes flying everywhere.

>Try to pinch soup.
>It just drips out of my fingers.

How do I do this right? I want to make delicious food but these directions are just too advanced.

>> No.7201338
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>Not having these measuring spoons
>Being on /ck/
>Not being able to freehand a recipe

>> No.7201357

You like whatever it is? Add a tablespoon.
You're not sure? Add a teaspoon?
Don't like it at all? Skip to next ingredient.

Try a very scant quarter teaspoon in place of a pinch; even that's probably too much, though.

>> No.7201359

Find these where, please?

>> No.7201413

>being too insecure to use 'just the right amount'

What seems to be the problem sissy faggots? Did daddy use the belt on your ass when you fucked up the carbonara again?

>> No.7201417

>being such fucking autists that they need exact measurements

I have to be super fucking precise and specific at work, but when I cook I usually do everything by eye(except baking obviously) and it turns out good. Fight me fuckers.

>> No.7201442

Oh yeah what's it standardised against? Is it region specific? Take this with a pinch of fuck you.

>> No.7201444

>not using exact measurements in all aspects of life
Sloppy desu senpai.

>> No.7201467

a u t i s m

>> No.7201504
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>recipe requires ingredient
>sub recipe is required to make this ingredient

>> No.7201549

>turns out good
No it does not

>> No.7201552

amazon has them, as well as most cooking supplies stores.

>> No.7201554

>believing the exact measurements listed in a recipe will meet your taste standards

Bitch, please.

Trying to tell me something needs A clove of garlic? A clove? Yea, FUCK YOU, I'm using 4.

I decide how much of what I'm putting in my dish, not a recipe written by some dumb fucker that doesn't share my tastes.

>> No.7201631

What do the two smallest say?

>> No.7201641


Dash, pinch, smidgen, drop, tad...

>> No.7201659

>recipe calls for 1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon
>put 1

There's a reason why people say "season to taste". Different people have different tastes. Like this guy said>>7201554

>> No.7201661

That literally means you're a bad cook.

>> No.7201669

>following recipes to exact measures
>not knowing how to use your senses to make food taste right

>> No.7201677

If you wish to make a stir-fry from scratch, you must first invent the universe.

>> No.7201681
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>used to be quite autistic and obese
>thought that a 'dash' meant a dash on the computer
>would make a dash on word on my laptop, tip it onto its screen and line the dash with the ingredient then put the exact amount in
>tried to 'cheat the system' but having font size 40 with anything that needed a dash of sugar so the dash would be larger and the food more sugary
>did the opposite with any healthy ingredient

>> No.7201684

>the placebo affect I get from making my own food means it's good!!!!

>> No.7201686

Holy hell, the autism level is off the charts.

>> No.7201691

>Taste is subjective
>"I'll call it a placebo effect, like we're dealing with medicine"

Do you actually believe recipes are necessary to make good food? Where do you think these recipes come from, on-high?

>> No.7201727

Stupid joke, shut up.

>> No.7202154

>requires organic kosher salt

>> No.7202198
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>add 1 organic ____

>> No.7202290

What >>7201273 said
A pinch is the amount of some grainular/powdered dry ingredient that you can hold between your middle and index fingers both pressed up against your thumb.

>> No.7202297

But what if you don't have thumbs?

>> No.7202306

Those measurement spoons are a literal joke gift in real kitchens but you are right about how they shouldn't need a recipe. It's honestly the best way to spot the redditer/shitty house wife, just look for the people asking for recipes, or who say something looks tasty

>> No.7202316

>a dash of olive oil

>> No.7202320

>all fingers are the same size

>> No.7202328
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>recipe says to mix some stuff in a pan and boil till it's reduced to 1/x of an amount
Nigga how am I supposed to tell how much that is?

>> No.7202336

>season to taste

no fuck you

if I'm following a recipe. there's a very good chance I don't fucking know how it's going to taste or how much spice it needs

put a specific goddamn amount, if someone's "tastes" are different they can take the initiative to adjust it their own damn selves

>> No.7202348
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>people who think recipes should be like formulas

>> No.7202353

putting too much cinnamon in a dessert might be okay, but if you were making a savory dish that used cinnamon it would be pretty overpowering

>> No.7202359


>telling me how I should enjoy my food

I'll eat raw cinnamon sticks if I want to fag

>> No.7202380

This, desu senpai.


>> No.7202393

>add one pinch of milk

>> No.7202397

>unironically autistically complaining over sheeple memerecipies
>on a vietnamese coconut opening board


>> No.7202400

>I don't know how it's going to taste

Oh shit, did you try maybe fucking tasting it?

>> No.7202416

Recipes are a reference. Like it's great to look at them if you haven't made a dish before or you need a refresher on the process. But by and large, cooking doesn't refer to knowledge of dishes, it refers to knowledge of ingredients. If you know what happens to things when you get them hot, and you taste as you go, which every professional chef does (and smell, see, hear, etc.), you can make a tasty dish out of almost anything.

Usually I'll pull up a few recipes, note some differences (more oil in this one, different spices, etc.) and working from there, the lot of them is just a rough guide. Comparing recipes will let you notice outliers too, like "wow, this one is asking for 4 times as many carrots, wtf," and you can note that that recipe probably isn't portioned very well.

Your carrots, onions, celery, etc. is all going to vary in size anyway, so the amount of oil or spice that they want you to use isn't like precisely calculated. And densities of spices and herbs, etc. will always vary too. If they want three tablespoons of oil, then plan on doing just under a quarter cup or so, but mostly just use your eyes.

>> No.7202417

>taste the food
>if it needs more seasoning, then add a little seasoning
>taste again
>repeat until food is properly seasoned
Was that so hard?

>> No.7202418

Unless you're doing classical French technique (and even then it's not science) or baking (which should always be distinguished from cooking), measurement doesn't usually matter at all. I run a kitchen, and the only thing I ever measure is my soup base. The rest is done much better visually.

>> No.7202484
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>2 and a half eggs

>> No.7202887
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>recipe calls for 851g graham cracker crust
>provided recipe yields 567g graham cracker crust

>> No.7202925

>season to taste
>it's raw meat

>> No.7202966

>cooking is a hobby I do now
>post on fb inst tmbl...
>omg lol at these quirky things sort of related to my new hobby [until next week]

>> No.7202973

>unironically using meme measurements like grams

>> No.7202977

This is why you don't put too much. If you need a specific measurement to tell you what's too much cinnamon, you suck at cooking.

>> No.7202981

The only thing that really, really matters in recipes is when there is a specific cook time you need to know or a chemical reaction that needs to happen in an exact way.

>> No.7203015

I'm trying to think of an example of what you mean. You mean like for browning meat or sugar temperatures for viscosity and stuff like that? That takes some practice because no recipe is going to account for every oven, burner, pot, or pan variables. A lot of ingredients vary drastically in quality, too, like yeast viability, hard or soft water, spice potency, etc, so I see all recipes as guidelines. A tried and true recipe for one person might come out very lacking for another person despite faithful reproduction of steps, and it takes trial and error to find ones that work for you, or some knowledge about what the recipe is trying to guide you towards in the first place in addition to overall cooking know-how so you can make good adjustments.

>> No.7203029

Regarding cook times and reactions, I'm thinking about something like making a roux or poaching an egg. Technical things, as opposed to tossing stuff in a saute pan. Recipes are good for that if you don't have any real training. Laboring over whether to add a half teaspoon or a teaspoon of salt, however, is idiocy.

>> No.7203116

>recipe says to add a bushel

>> No.7203128

Do you faggots not taste your food like cooking?
How? You just finish the whole process and then taste the food in the end? Or when it's served?
That's called being a shit cook.

>> No.7203147
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Mfw millenials think cooking is chemistry

>> No.7203251

>You like whatever it is? Add a tablespoon.
>You're not sure? Add a teaspoon?
>Don't like it at all? Skip to next ingredient.
This is pretty much how I started out making waffles and ended up with crepes.
"Fuck Baking powder! I don't need that shit! More Egg!"
It was also how I found out Crepes where what I really wanted.

>> No.7203253

Hold on let me just taste test this pork chop here. lemme just get a good ole lick on in that thing *LAGGLELAGGLELAGGLELICKLPLURPSMLUTCH* Needs more salt.

>> No.7203254

>you don't taste raw meat, uncooked cake batter and raw potatoes?
>LOL shit fag cock ass

>> No.7203267
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>> No.7203296

Fuck you uncooked cake batter is great

>> No.7203328

>cooking your meat
>not eating cake batter
>not biting in your raw potatoes like they're apples
It's like you don't even want your daily vitamin intake.

>> No.7203446

maybe you should watch it while you are cooking

>> No.7203508

>don't taste their food
>blames recipe
stick to hot pockets cucks

>> No.7205518

You're literally retarded if you can't tell approximately how much salt does a piece of meat needs. Congrats

>> No.7205521

what fucking recipe calls for a pinch of soup

>> No.7205530
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>recipe makes use of obscure or expensive equipment
just fuck me sideways

>> No.7205550

>Add some potatoes to the pot.

>> No.7205563

>Not being able to put in a pinch of olive oil

>> No.7205641

use your dick

>> No.7205644

Or, you know, baking

>> No.7205647

and they'll have more time to learn than you have left to live

>> No.7205669
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>ITT: Casuals Crying

>> No.7206900
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It is. I bet you measure your ingredients by volume instead of by weight.

>> No.7207087

>recipe calls for cheese

>> No.7207305
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>Recipe calls for Kosher salt