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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7199639 No.7199639 [Reply] [Original]

Alone on Christmas Edition.

I'm just making boilermakers and hoping to forget everything.

>> No.7199654

are you drinking the whiskey mixed with beer or are you chasing each shot with beer?

>> No.7199672

I'm in a cheerful mood but also alone. I'm knocking back a twelve pack of Natty Ice. Seeing my sister and brother-in-law tomorrow briefly. I bought them a bottle of The Macallan 12.

>> No.7199675

I'm here with you

Personally, I decided to skip the middleman and just drink my whiskey straight out of the bottle

>> No.7199683

what kind of whiskey are you drinking?

>> No.7199686

An old bottle of Canadian Club I found in the back of my cupboard. It's meh

>> No.7199689


boilermaker isn't necessarily with whiskey, bud.

>> No.7199693

oh well i thought it was beer and whiskey maybe its just beer and a shot of liquor.

>> No.7199694



>> No.7199695

is Canadian club pretty cheap?

>> No.7199713

Not alone, but I'm having a drink (it's almost 2am where I live).
My brother got me a bottle of rum called "Mount Gay" for Christmas, so I'm drinking that.

>> No.7199715

Don't listen to that asshole.

A boilermaker is whiskey and beer. That is it. That is all.

>> No.7199719

Ill ive you mount gay just come here ya mug

>> No.7199724


No... It's not.


Whiskey + Beer is an American thing. I've traveled all over the world and boilermaker has a different definition in each country.


>> No.7199730

You sound like a traveling drunk male prostitute to me. I'm sure you've sucked back your fair share of boilermakers in butt-fuck Russia.

>> No.7199731
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I've got a bottle of vodka, some dirty skunk and codeine syrup. Gonna get drunk, have a monster orgasm then have a sleep that'll put SNORLAX to shame

>> No.7199737


Fuck off, kid.

>> No.7199744

I binge drink responsibly

>> No.7199749


>> No.7199764

Had some beers with ma after dinner. Now I am at home drinking straight 40 Creek.

>> No.7199892
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I poured the remainder of my beer down the drain. I can't drink anymore my kidneys are shutting down I think. Now I'm alone sober and in incredible pain.

All that binge drinking was not worth it

>> No.7199925
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/Aus/al/ck/ Reporting in.

>Bloody Mary: 2 shots of Tequila.
Shower,clean up mess from previous night.

>Beer and 4chan time.
Shit post on all threads.

>Time for a few rum's,tequila shots and moor beer.
Also put a pork roast in the oven.

>More of of all the aforementioned.
Put all the vegos in with the roast.

Which brings us too now
>10 beers,4 rum's 2 bloddy marys and all the shots.
Roast is done,not hungry,might have a few more beer's


>> No.7199927

Go to the hospital. Seriously.

>> No.7199943

He'll be all right. Anyone injured by long term alcohol consumption will know precisely when they need help. He's simply failing to hydrate properly.

>> No.7199955

go to the hospital if you think your kidneys are shutting down

>> No.7199970

had to stop drinking. came back one night this week and flipped my car. came out very lucky, no dui either. thats when i considered it a problem. its all hard on me, and i usually drink when im stressed like this so it makes it especially hard.

>> No.7199992

i took 2 weeks off and thought i was in the clear


>> No.7200076

Getting trashed at a family Christmas eve dinner . it's bueeeeeno.

>> No.7200215

I planned on getting faced but I fucking ate too much. I had 2 beers and got so bloated I couldn't think of another one. Then I got so drowsy I didn't want to hit the hard stuff. Maybe if I can grow a tail things will change.

>> No.7200219

There's always tomorrow or the middle of the night.

>> No.7200220

Is that dog dead?

>> No.7200255


I'll take it as a blessing though. And interestingly this isn't an isolated incident. It seems like if I am going to drink any more I have to skip a meal. It's almost like eating dinner is my own version of antabuse.

Not that it matters, but I went from drinking at least a 12 pk a day for over 10 years to nothing from 2012 to 2014. I've kept things in moderation since then. I think spending all that time sober my stomach shrunk and I just can't hold as much as I used to.

>> No.7200261

I'm not alone but can't drink in front of my family. I got a fifth of vodka to nurse late at night the next couple nights.

>> No.7200264

Reverse issue. Trying to maintain a grip so my 'lism doesn't fuck up Xmas day. in the house with loads of senpai coming early to do presents, cooking a big breakfast etc etc but there's a 65% chance I'll end up shattered and awake at 2AM and be a wreck tomorrow.

Can't not drink or I won't sleep at all, can't drink too much or stay up or I'll ruin xmas for la famiglia. fml
>brb first shot of Old Crow right now

>> No.7200272

Roger. Been there, done that.

>> No.7200273

That's how I am, I'll have a couple beers with the family since they're all just social drinkers, then they go to bed and I work on a bottle of vodka by myself in the basement each night

>> No.7200282 [DELETED] 
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I wish I was alone, but am stuck doing family shit.

Started drinking and cooking at 9am, and the among the dozen or so beers drunk, sampled, shared, was pic related.

>> No.7200329
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This is my first time not going home to my parents for Christmas. I'm not too sad. I'm going to get drunk, cook the nice steak I bought myself, and watch Love Actually. Gonna be sick.

>> No.7200377


yep, that's a problem. i got almost DUIed in a Mcd's drivethru and thats when i made a change
>bro cop let me walk home

if your kidneys are shutting down you'll know it but detox really sucks.


>Love Actually

grill detected

>> No.7200381

Stop feeling sorry for yourselves. My first Christmas away from home, I laid in the muddy rain with my machine gun. We set up an ambush on a high traffic trail and waited for the enemy. Zero luck on killing bad guys and zero luck sleeping.

That was when I realized all these holidays and celebrations were just bullshit. They're mostly for kids and women.

I turned 18 in Central America doing a long range reconnaissance patrol through the jungle. What a birthday celebration, yes?

All of it is garbage. I've adjusted to civilian life trying to accommodate people I love who still get wrapped up in the holidays. It's all nonsense but if they get joy out of it, I'll try to contribute. But if I'm alone like now then fuck it. Today is just another day except I get fucking inconvenienced by stores and banks being closed.

>> No.7200396

I love this pasta. old /ck/ was best /ck/

>> No.7200410

Not a grill. Just an anon with shit taste in movies.

>> No.7200418

Thank you!

>> No.7200427

Do you live in the 70's?

>> No.7200444

Finally found the Simpson's fan.

>> No.7200457

A rarity of the highest measure, I've decided to drink tonight. Should I take your post as a hint to shut the hell up?

>> No.7200473

I well recall the 1970s. Is that a bad thing?

I remember being five years old in 1976 and watching the incredible fireworks displays.

>> No.7200498

>tfw not only am i emaciated, but also a complete alcohol lightweight
>if i drink like 2 shots worth in a drink, i already get buzzed
>can't drink more than 3-4 shots without getting drunk and risking vomiting and hungover

Even with how miserable I am, I can't enjoy alcohol

>> No.7200510 [DELETED] 


>do you live in the 70's

When I'm visiting this family, yeah, it often seems that way.

Tomorrow someone's aunt is bringing over her "famous" pistachio delight. I've never actually looked up what it is, but if you want to see a little gore before bed I'd recommend googling it.

>> No.7200514

Not alone. Had a couple of whiskeys with dinner but had to stop before I got fucked up because I gotta go the Santa thing for the little ones. Might have a beer while I'm putting toys together tonight though.

Merry Christmas guys. It really does get better eventually. You'll make it.

>> No.7200527

Good job being the Santa. Keep your beard straight!

>> No.7200534 [DELETED] 


Okay, I looked it up and it seems to be better known as Watergate salad.

It's fucking pistachio jello pudding, canned pineapple, cool whip, nuts, and marshmallows. I'm pretty sure it's served as a side dish rather than a dessert.

I really just want to stay in bed and drink my vodka and watch my shows.

>> No.7200573

when are we gonna quit?

>> No.7200575

i fucking love drinking i ain't tryna quit

>> No.7200654

I drank one shot of Glenfidditch scotch. Put one shot in a glass and added a splash of water

I am already feeling the effects of the alcohol

God fucking help me. I am beyond saving.

>> No.7200659

be careful

>> No.7200665

surely it's good that your tolerance is that low

>> No.7200670
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Vodka and V8 splash over here
I may make chicken enchiladas and bring leftovers to work tomorrow for lunch.
>tfw child support cuck for 8 more years

>> No.7200673

how is that good

>> No.7200676

more economical, mate

>> No.7200677

I've been drinking what I like to call suicider. Basically it's cider with a shot of tequila in it. Pretty good.

>> No.7200688

After I finish up Christmas visiting my family I'm going to legit try and fuck myself.


This was the most disgusting recipe I could find. It'll be perfect. I'll be downing seven of these. :D

Sorry 2016, I'ma die in my own vomit.

>> No.7200690

Means your alcoholism isn't as bad as it could be. Tolerance increases over time with excessive drinking. Why would you think it decreases?

>> No.7200698


[spoiler]I got the same problem.

>> No.7200704

no im an emaciated white faggot who rarely drinks. but my tolerance usually goes up if i drank a little even the previous weekend


but i can barely enjoy an alcoholic drink if i went to a bar or restaurant without being affected be it

>> No.7200707


my liver enzymes are elevated but kidneys are ok. you should go to the doctor.

also i'm a recovering alcoholic and i keep relapsing. my boyfriend found my vodka stash and dumped it down the drain. i'm pissed off and in pain.

>> No.7200717


hahahaha faggot

>> No.7200721

I think I might kill myself on new years.
Anyone want in?

>> No.7200723

no but i think i have an std

>> No.7200747

I'm the exact same. I'll have a bottle of beer or glass of wine with the senpai then go to "bed". Which means pounding a pint of shitty vodka, playing battlefront and shitposting until 4 in the morning.

>> No.7200854

Don't do it.

>> No.7200907

Also not depressed and drunk off OE

>> No.7200989
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I made it bros. We're all going to make it. I love you /ck/. Merry Christmas one and all

>we're all going to make it bros
>we're all going to make it

>> No.7201019

Alone and bummed myself today. I drew the on-call support short straw, and have to stay around the house today. My GF has been on a nursing contract for 3 months and doesn't get back until after new years.

Can't even drink til my shift is over. At least I get to work from home. Making some BBQ pulled pork to drown my sorrows in.

>> No.7201123

Merry Christmas you bastards. I got a bottle of champagne and opus one. Fois gras and belgian chocolates. Enjoy. btw my kiddneys are failing too

>> No.7201159

>we're all going to make it
Spoken like a true guy who just happened to make it. Some people just don't make it.

>> No.7201170

My senpai gave me a bottle of jack daniels.
I don't even have a neckbeard, what did I do wrong?

>> No.7201185
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>tfw your parents got you a bottle of Zyr for Christmas

>> No.7201206


none of us make it on purpose bro

>> No.7201221

I was nearly alone from Christmas. Was planning on ordering an Indian takeaway the night before and warming it up today. Maybe next year or the year after, have a feeling it'll happen soon.

>> No.7201251

Why aren't you drinking schnapps? It's the Christmas liquor

>> No.7201287

It's sure as shit better than Canadian Mist.

>> No.7201291

Parents are being assholes, even moreso than usual. Thinking about starting to drink early now, just so I can put up with them. It's only going to get worse when more people show up, so I might as well guard myself now, eh?

>> No.7201304

Hot chocolate and peppermint schnapps. This is bae.

>> No.7201323

Are you Asian?

>> No.7201394

had like 16 beers yesterday, some whiskey shots. Woke up at 4:30 am and went to the gas station, drank 7 more beers and passed out again till 3 pm. Chugging more beer now. 5 pm

>> No.7201509

He probably will be soon, as obese as he is. You can see how his stomach has entirely callused from dragging on the ground all the time. He probably has all sorts of diabetes too.

>> No.7201570

at my alkie father in laws house 2pm. had a sip in the early morning but otherwise str8.

>mfw he puts a "shot" in front of me
>his shots=water glass of rye+ice
>her face when

imagine that scene from the cartoon where one dog looks sheepish and the other one leans in with the stank eye

Lord Bacchus give me strengh to make it to the night without fucking up

>> No.7201660

on my 7th bottle of merlot. guys i cannot fucking take it any more. i really think maybe i'll just fucking kill myself, i'm too retarded to make friends and live in rat park.


>> No.7201730

Two mimosas, two tequila sunrises, a beer, and now on to a crown and coke. This Christmas sucks.

>> No.7202039

>on my 7th bottle of merlot.
God damn, how?

I'm actually impressed if not lying.

>> No.7202048

Half a bottle a night for a fortnight. You'd be surprised how quickly it adds up. I know I've got a problem, but I feel helpless to stop myself.

>> No.7202057

>shamelessly linking to your other posts to get replies
Maybe you should kill yourself you cancerous alcoholic.

>> No.7202058

Drinking beer because at my parents house for xmas and they live in some bumfuck village so I´m bored.

>> No.7202059

Oh, I thought you meant in one day.

Meh, not impressed. I usually kill a bottle in one night + other drinks.

I drink the equivalent of an average of a bottle of wine a night in beer, wine, rum and gin.

Don't feel bad anon, you're not down the rabbit hole yet.

Unless you're paying more than $9 per bottle, then you're just irresponsible.

>> No.7202063

-.- Fucking seriously? I've been drinking average 1.5 bottles a night for about 4 years now. Come back when you get random abdominal pains in the middle of your shift and drop 2 plates.

>> No.7202440
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Anyone else actually prefer drinking alone while sitting on the computer to going out?

>> No.7202442

Not really. Sitting alone at an awesome concert or some kick ass play is much more entertaining. It's just more expensive.

>> No.7202443

How does one know if their kidneys are shutting down? I get cloudy piss the day after I drink for about the past year. Probably pissing out pieces of my kidneys. No real pain though except for little discomfort sometimes if I have to piss when I get up in the morning.

>> No.7202444

Sometimes. Until I've had about 6 and then I want to go out.

>> No.7202445

Yeah, that's improperly digested blood. You need to take a long break.

>> No.7202447

If they had jazz clubs around here I'd probably do that. Seems like a good place for alone drinking.

>> No.7202448


While I'm not an alcoholic I ran out of water this morning and was drinking wine..

I opened /ck/ and this thread was the first, what's a good bottle to give as a christmas gift? Whiskey preferred, but I'd like something somewhat unique, but tasty.

>> No.7202452

Really? It's cloudy white, not cloudy dark. Looks like miso soup.

>> No.7202454

Yes, really. Look it up. It's a common symptom, most frequently seen in the first piss of the day.

>> No.7202465

ya, I just finished my last semester of college. The first couple years I would go out to parties and bars with friends every weekend, this semester I pretended like I was busy and just drank alone nearly every weekend.

>> No.7202467

Symptom of what? Apparently high blood pressure can cause it too. I definitely have that.

>> No.7202474

>cloudy piss

you're dehydrated fool. pop some b vitamins and a couple liters of water

>How does one know if their kidneys are shutting down?

falling down, not taking a whiz for days, bloated as fuck, heart palps, sudden death

>> No.7202592

>heart palps
I had that once. Overall I don't think I'm that heavy of a drinker. I drink probably 1.5 times a week but when I do it's around 10 - 14 drinks. Then it takes me like 3 days to recover. Probably enough to cause issues though.

>> No.7202611


I hope your plane explodes the next time you get off your cock-devastated ass you arrogant yurofaggot.

>> No.7202930
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alone, but not drinking

I'd have liked to drink, but I worked today and by the time I got off all the stores were closed, which kinda sucked but I can deal.

I normally get pretty drunk most nights, but it's nice to know I can go a few nights without getting panicky or shaky. plus it's christmas so it feels kinda okay not getting hammered. pizza and netflix, going to see the family tomorrow

sorry this is a really boring post

>> No.7202942

my favourite is going for long walks alone listening to music and drinking, a drunken wander can be magical

>> No.7203268

I have an inflamed liver.

>> No.7203287


>> No.7203879
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I've hit my bottom. I've kept my life together with heavy drinking for the past 8 years but now I'm turning it around. Honestly, this will sound stupid, but Trump has inspired me. I've been listening to him and reading his books and the guy just has so much energy for life that it inspired me. I finally realize that I can be great, because it's all about ATTITUDE. You are what you make yourself. Happiness is a decision. So I'm tired of being a loser. Time to Make Myself Great Again.

I've enjoyed the sad times spent with you al/ck/, but it's time for me to move on. Best of luck to all of you, and God bless.

>> No.7203883

what a retard

>> No.7203905

Dude I used to love being alone on christmas. Make oyster stew, drink beer, and play Vidya.

>> No.7203917
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>mfw it is exactly the type of rhetoric that helped Mussolini gain support form a nation suffering from humiliation and depression

>> No.7204107
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>Love Actually

pick 1

>not watching Love Actually on repeat while on a bender during this time of year

i shiggy diggy

>> No.7204124
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my chest

>> No.7204172

>been drinking a shitton because Christmas
>basically partied all through the 24th and 25th
>finally got home very early in the morning today, was planning to begin recovery process but I felt completely fine after a four hour nap
>hanging out, getting some things done
>fuck it, I'm gonna have just one more beer
>the INSTANT the last drop passes through my lips my body switches modes from "nah dude we're cool" to "PURGE"
>ten minutes later I'm puking and having beershits at the same time
>was planning on seeing Star Wars with family tonight
the puking has stopped but I still need to get up to take a shit every 20 minutes
the ring of fire is bright tonight

>> No.7204182
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>the ring of fire is bright tonight

do you have a choice? i hear the movie isnt even that good, i was let down by jurassic park.

>> No.7204198

I already saw it with some buddies last week, can confirm it sucked
it's a family outing though, don't really care if I enjoy the movie, that's not what matters

>> No.7205159

>take off 9 days for Christmas because I'm American and we don't take time off
>smoke retarded amount of weed because it curbs my alcoholism
>back to work on Monday, like I give a shit
haha time to get fired

>> No.7205211
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Just some shitty beefeater gin.
I had company on christmas, but she left today for what will probably be forever. She was just an exchange student here for a semester, and now she's in a plane going thousands of miles away. was only with her for a couple months but since we both knew she was leaving we sorta sped everything up. The gin was hers that she couldn't finish before she left.
>Even my liquor reminds me of her.


>> No.7205263
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I buy a pint of vodka from the drive thru liquor everyday after work, realistically how fucked am I? I know it isn't healthy but it isn't that bad......right guys?

>> No.7205271
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>going through a pint of vodka every day
jesus fuck
beer maybe, but vodka?

>> No.7205283

depends on how quickly you drink it, really. If you're having a gulp every hour and never really getting trashed or drunk then it's relatively okay. If you're drinking it in the span of an hour you're fucked. Either way you're weird, why would you do this?

>> No.7205296

Alcoholic here. And not of the recovering variety.

I go through a little more than that (not quite a fifth but close, maybe about 20oz) errday plus some wine. If I stop abruptly, I get that spiky feeling of withdrawals within four hours, it's been this way about three years now. You may want to get regular checkups to see how bad you're beating up your liver. Mine is holding up better than average, but that probably won't last forever. So, yeah, get that checked out.

Other than that, if it's not cutting into your personal life, fuck it. We functional drunks are a fine bunch, just stay the fuck out from behind the wheel when you know you don't need to be there.

>> No.7205312

It isn't really that much. A pint is a small bottle.

It helps me sleep and get comfy. I like to work hard and get my shit done and get comfy as fuck at night.

Liver fine and I'm done driving drunk. I don't have a sip until after I take my shower, slip on the p.j.'s, and settle into a comfy blanket of vidya, news, shitposting, tv, and reading books.

>> No.7205324

>Liver fine and I'm done driving drunk. I don't have a sip until after I take my shower, slip on the p.j.'s, and settle into a comfy blanket of vidya, news, shitposting, tv, and reading books.

Ah hell. Do your thing then, man. From the sound of it, you don't even go through withdrawals if I'm correct, so I wouldn't worry about it. People who don't drink habitually will be critical of it, that won't change. But if you're not hurting anyone and you're happy, don't worry about the bullshit.

>> No.7205337

>why would you do this?

Not the guy you quoted, but the answer is because getting tipsy feels good as fuck.

>> No.7205354

I'm not currently going through withdrawals when I quit, but I am in a relapse. I am very much happier with my controlled drinking as opposed to total abstinence (hell) and total dependence (worse than anything ever. EVER.) Drinking a little allows me to relax, think about my day, fall asleep, and not wake up hungover. So far I've been able to control it.

>> No.7205455
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here's my 25.
>couldnt get up without 3 shots of herbal liquor
>go to toilet, decide to fall in bed again
>tiny rest in vodkabottle makes me get up
>because I left the window open overnight and it was cold everywhere, I made me a pot of grog and 4 eggs for breakfast
>have several hours until I have to be at other grandma's house
>drinking yellow madeira, which has been a present from someone and must be put away, directly from the bottle until I get tired
>sleep till noon
>chartreuse with a lot of water while cooking (we had burgers for christmas)
>glass of medium sherry while paddies were sizzling.
>two glasses of vermouth, sparkling water and a slice of lemon for aperitif.
>half a liter deluxe lager beer, during the feast, after that a multivitamin pill with grapefruit lemonade and southern comfort
>over at grandma's house drinking shots of ramazotti with grandma and the other folks, a vodkashot with my uncle and anisse and caraways with my granddad
>back home drinking a large glass of ice cold gin tonic using blue saphhire, after that one with hendricks, after that tranquery
>brother comes, we drink several shots of fruit spirits to prepare for the evening gettogether and meal like mirabelle, raspberry, cherry and kalmus
>glass of white wine while eating
>then we always try several herbal liquors for digestion
>brother 1, I and brother 3 drinking dry martinis playing cards
>somehow suddenly I am at home (must have walked) fell in bed

moar details on the drinks man

>> No.7205543

christ, that's some fever dream shit right there
never understood how people can stand drinking that much booze, I like a good stiff drink but even at christmas I'll usually just stick to a couple of beers and maybe a glass of wine

>> No.7205586


Good on you, don't listen to those drunken fools who responded to you; model greatness, and Trump possesses it in abundance.

>> No.7205858
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it's me.
It comes with time and dedication. Also runs with the family, as everyone of them wants to drink some of theirs with me. Most important is: You must not drink "booze". You must drink only the finest liquors and therefore sustain another part of your life which enables you to be that free in terms of alcohol.
imho an alcoholic drink is "good" not only for the taste but also for the particular mixture of alcaloids in it. It harms me less than cheap bum bottles. imho you shouldn't drink to get wasted at all. So what you are doing, having your beers and a glass of nice and tasty wine is the golden way to go, CHEERS and praise you!

>inb4 alcohol's a drug, drugs are bad
what are you looking for in an al/ck thread?

>> No.7206537

No it doesn't. What's the point of being alive if you can't think as deeply as you usually can?

>> No.7206546
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Picked up a bottle of this shit at the store.
Time to get fucked.

>> No.7207094

Getting tipsy all the time doesn't. It's being sober most of the time that makes being drunk more fun

>> No.7207263
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Drinking because my Packers are getting fucking embarrassed

>> No.7207722

dude I know that stuff and it's way to strong to enjoy. to me it is more like a medicine. despite its relatively low percentage of alcohol (usually 39% with the orange or 32% with the green label) it is a very strong herbal essence only to be used after a hearty, fatty and heavy meal. You can mix very nice cocktails with it though. Here's a recommendation, although it has a special taste:
4cl fernet branca
20cl bitter lemon
ice cubes

You can use it a rubbing alcohol for your grandma, too.

>> No.7207735

fernet with coca cola is amazing

>> No.7209092

>Anyone else actually prefer drinking alone while sitting on the computer to going out?
yeah. my social anxiety gets much worse when I drink something

>> No.7209723

umm yeah i think tonight is the last night i can still get william faulkner'd and still feel alright for new years desu

>> No.7209732

>william faulkner'd
>completely snockered

I get it! clever use of dat dere Cockney rhyming slang!

>> No.7209767

I don't want to make a separate thread for this, but I want to ask - does anyone else get a sore throat and swollen tonsils after drinking more than a little bit of wine? Doesn't happen to me after drinking whiskey or beer, only after having more than a couple glasses of wine.

>> No.7209944

Just a lurker passing by, but I have my words to share; I don't know you lads and ladies, butI wish every single one of you a happy christmas and a happy coming new year.

>> No.7209956

It's not Cockney rhyming slang at all you Hampton.

>> No.7210091

on my third bottle of cider ttoday. pleease help?

>> No.7210104

Same guy. I'm only 21 and I get heart pains amd n hear voices when I try to stop. I don't want to rely on alcohol to feel good. O need advice.

>> No.7210201


sorry, not getting this one at all.

>> No.7210628
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>drinking most of the day
>run out of booze
>walk to gas station for more
>checking out with just beer and chips
>worker says "I can see this probably won't end well, but thats not my place to say"
>depressed the rest of the night

>> No.7210636
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got a gift card for xmas so I'm about to try this shit out.

>> No.7211585
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This thread seems kind of depressing.
I bought some grocery store eggnog on the cheap since its past Christmas and had a carton mixed with vodka.
What's something better I can do with it? I have 2 litres of regular flavour eggnog left.

>> No.7211606

i mix my eggnog with fireball and rum chata

>> No.7211635
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In the span of year I went from "I'll never drink heavily, lol" to 7+ drinks just to feel the buzz you want. I used to be able to say "at least I don't feel the urge, lol" to feeling upset when there isn't enough alcohol in the house to get drunk.

Both my parents are alcoholics and most of the members of my family are alcoholics (the men dangerously so), I don't know why I thought this would end any other way.

Hearing voices when you try to quit seems like something you need medical intervention for.

>> No.7211648

>that there feel when just cut back on drinking heavily
I can finally feel a buzz again from a 4oz pour of 80 proof.
Not feeling like a pathetic alcoholic makes spending every holiday alone without any loved ones a little tiny bit less painful anon.
Trust me.

>> No.7211672

For starters, don't quit cold turkey if you're really deep into the alcoholism. You'll get really sick after a few days and then probably pick drinking back up to ease the pain
You're probably just paranoid thinking your head voice is a hallucination.
for your heart, I'd recommend checking your vitals (pulse and bp) regularly after visiting a physician to get a baseline physical examination. If you're having some actually bad shit happen (sharp pain in left arm and chest, palpitations/arrhythmia, super high/low bp, etc), then you need to go to the nearest hospital and/or rehab center or you will probably die pretty soon. It's probably just paranoia, though, if you haven't been drinking heavily for a pretty long time.

>> No.7212793

>Tfw always a light weight

>> No.7212920

>I don't know why I thought this would end any other way.
Cause free will is the most popular fairy tale in human history.

>> No.7213201


>> No.7214788

Man...I got wasted and messaged my s/o a lot of embarrassing shit last night. She doesn't seem to be acting any differently, but holy shit reading it when I woke up was straight up humiliating. I don't even think she realized I was drunk either, which makes it even worse. It's like I'm a completely different person when I'm drunk.

I need to start putting locks and shit on my computer and phone so I can't use them when I'm drinking. Every single time I get drunk to the point of blacking out because I can't control myself.

>> No.7214793

No, but my fucking hemorrhoids seem to flare up after a night of heavy drinking. I blame that on it dehydrating me though.

>> No.7214800

i feel you man, waking up and remembering the embarrassing shit you did/said while drunk is the fucking worst. And it all seemed so sensible at the time. Then the shame makes you wanna drink again just not to feel so bad.

>> No.7214802

Why I deleted Facebook

>> No.7214887

Some shit that helped me drink a lot less:

>kill your stash. No liquor in the house
>change your commuting routes so you don't pass any shops with liquor
>join some club with regular activities or whatever keeps you from sitting alone at home
>calculate what you actually spend on Booze/month
>If you have the urge to drink. Just drink some water

>> No.7214898


thanks but I'm not a pussy ass wifu pillow doll spooning faggot.

>> No.7215003


When I drink I usually watch one of the same 4 movies over and over again. One night it was Jurassic World and when I woke up the next morning I vaguely recalled romping around the house roaring and emulating Abominous Rex noises.

Not the kinda shit 26 year olds should be doing.

>> No.7215214

Has anyone noticed their liver getting bigger/inflammation on their right side?

>> No.7215272 [DELETED] 

What's the last warning signal I have to look out for? Like "the next drink will kill you" type? I don't want do be sober but I don't want to die either. I just want to drink until it's not possible anymore.

>> No.7215288


>If not for my alcohol I would buy a waifu pillow and pay for it by sucking dicks

Well if it works as a deterrent for you

>> No.7215294
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Bought a tiny 100ml bottle of Jack to drink for Lemmy.

First time I've ever had Jack. Nothing special, but it's smooth. I can see why he liked it.

>> No.7215321

i picked up my first botle of vermouth today. it's pretty delicious

>> No.7215896
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Almost New Years bump. What's the best way to conceal your drinking? Or at least discreet drinking tips?

>> No.7215925

look, the heart pain is probably just heartburn. but if it scares you mentally and bothers you enough physically, cut back. it's not rocket science.

every day doesn't need to be a party. and that goes out all posters in this thread. you're missing some major elements of life if every day has to be celebrated with alcyhawl.

>> No.7216462

I'm attempting college, I wake up at 530 to go power wash a local business lot and get off at 9am i essentially make enough to eat enough and drink all day until i pass out.Jimmy Buffett knew what he was talking about

>> No.7216756

drink discretely, not discreetly
works much better

>> No.7217420

I'm extremely worried that I may have done lasting damage to my body with alcohol. I have such a fucking addictive personality and I wish I never got started on this shit.

>> No.7219089

Feels like you're finally doing what you've always wanted to do, only to remember the next day that it's actually one of the things you wanted to never ever do.

>> No.7219133

My thread still exists... I'm alone this holiday too.

>> No.7219866

We all are, Anon, even those of us at parties. Stay as well as possible under the circumstances, and let's try to survive 2016 together.

>> No.7220107

Drinking fat tire ale and fireball whiskey (pls no bully).

Happy current year.

>> No.7220208

So I was fairly certain my drinking was starting to fuck with my organs. So I stopped drinking basically forever. Gave it one last go for new year's, kinda hoping shit doesn't jettison out of my body or I don't wake up dead.

>> No.7220252


This doesn't belong here at all, fuck off with this shit asshole.

>> No.7220259

I'm sorry NYE wasn't all you hoped it would be, but you need to stay in /pol/ where you're not annoying your betters.

>> No.7220843

How new can one person be?

>> No.7220849

Found the faggot

>> No.7221555
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The gf argued at me all night last night, the only time we spent together all night was in anger. It wasn't because of drinking, but I drank to make myself feel better and at least get away from the bullshit mentally.

Hours of sitting there in silence while she made up scenarios and strawmen about shit that never happened. I don't know what's worse at this point, my addiction to her or the booze. It seems like she's damaging my mental state more than the booze.

Ended with a physical and her sleeping in another room. I should start drinking and driving again just so I can get away. Happy new year.

>> No.7221981

Alcoholic here, but I'm getting better. I've cut down from 6 bottles of wine to only 4 per night.

I don't sleep as well though.

>> No.7222009

No, you should just drop the bitch. That sounds miserable. I've been there several times. It's not worth it.

>> No.7222018

I disagree, if he's getting sex out of the deal and it's not costing him any money, he just needs to stop being such a little bitch. Going too long without sex is bad for men, and acquiring the sex from a stranger involves risk and some cost.

I don't know what "ended with a physical" means but I assume it means he took her temperature anally with his pee-pee. Seems fine. Just don't let her call you at work and it's all good.

>> No.7222025

Yeah we're into year 6 of being together so it's not the first time. Not even the first time she's pulled this shit on a New Years. Worst part is, without getting into too much detail, she just started up bitching and didn't stop. Nothing even happened. I'm sure you know what that's like.

Things truly do not change. And yes, it is very miserable. Miserable, boring, stressful, and... boring. Having a delicious Hemp Blonde Ale right now though while we sit together in silence on our computers. Outside perspective is good, so thanks. All relationshits are the same.

I don't even want to give her the satisfaction of an orgasm, not even to mention that sex with her is over-done and boring at this point. I know exactly what to expect. The sex isn't worth the mental destruction, at all. Have you not been through something like this?

"Ending with a physical" means she finally stopped being passive aggressive and got full aggressive and started hitting me in bed, so I held her arms, head, and chest down on the bed while she thrashed and screamed. Then she went off into the other room. Physical violence is the only thing she actually responds to.

>> No.7222034

>I should start drinking and driving again just so I can get away.
Don't do this. Trust me. Breaking up with her is much cheaper.

>> No.7222039

So finish quickly and leave her unsatisfied, how is that hard? Unless you have some kind of disorder you should be able to get off much quicker than her.

You get a psychological boost from sex even if it's bad sex, that you can't get from masturbation. Use the boost to line up another woman on the side, then if this one is really unbearable, break things off with her once you've got the new one ready. It's what they do to us, so there is no reason to feel guilty about this.

>> No.7222060

I get what you're saying, and don't disagree with you at all. Like I should just use her for my own mental well-being and ego boost type uses. With anyone else that would work, but fucking her is not a trophy. It's not something to feel good about doing. In fact, I always feel pretty shitty after fucking her, like I just made a promise to her with my dick. The whole "sexual currency" idea, I don't feel good about it for whatever reason. I used to be in a bunch of bands so I can always get back into that and use it to meet girls as well, I got the sex thing down p good.

kek yeah you're right. very pragmatic.

>> No.7222075

Christ, just drop that cunt already
I can say without hesitation that feeling lonely is way better than being in a relationship with crazy, especially bad crazy

sex may give you a boost, but if that boost is cancelled out by the misery of just living normally then what's the point

you have to find strength from something else
take up a worthwhile hobby, buy a cheap beginner's model kit or something and build it, or if you really like beer start homebrewing and see if you develop a passion for it (buddy of mine was in the exact same situation, he started making his own beer and it completely changed his life because he had something he could really get into)
eventually you'll find somebody that you'll naturally click with, but you CANNOT let your life revolve around somebody other than yourself unless you genuinely love them

>> No.7222094

Very good advice man, thank you very much. I hope I'll have the courage to let this be the last time I get bullied in my own home by a fucking girl. She does need to go, she's lost all respect and resorts to violence. Her own personal mental problems are something I, apparently, cannot influence or change. Depression and stupidity, mixed with just being a fucking female in general is a storm of crazy. She was sober the whole time too, doesn't even drink. Where's the fun in that?

>> No.7222157

any time
something people don't seem to realize is that humans have an innate need to be passionate about something
a lot of people are mistaking that for loneliness or depression and get stuck in a shitty relationship or start drinking or other crap like that as a result
the people that do figure it out are often called geeks or nerds for some reason (culture is all kinds of fucked up right now), but let me tell you those geeks are the happiest people out there and commonly the most successful
so go out, find something you like and fucking master it
you'll get such a huge boost to self esteem that you'll start carrying yourself differently, people will start respecting you more and you'll start attracting familymakers instead of cheap whores which is what you want in the end when you're ready to settle down
the absolute hardest part is getting started, once you're over that cliff you're home free
we're all gonna make it bruh

>> No.7222421

drinking away the loneliness with some delicious honey jd

>that feel when desire to cook always when drunk
>have literally nothing in my fridge
>have some instant pasta sauce that is boiled with water
>considering to boil it with tomato juice instead for shits and gigles, how bad can it be
>no minced meat or onions

send help
nevermind, send gf

>> No.7223766

Who /dryJanuary/ here? How's it going? Failed already?

>> No.7223772

That's not true. You're just projecting your own needs on the entirety of humanity.

>> No.7223779

Yer a dick.

Needed to here that, man.

>> No.7223796

>Yer a dick.
No, giving false advice just because it feels good to say is the dick move. Someone following that advice and discovering that he's been led astray is going to fall into a deeper depression than ever.

>> No.7223797

meh. buy the ticket, take the ride

>> No.7223859
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I've got about a quarter of this left, should I chug it?

>> No.7223864

not cloudy enuff

>> No.7223876

I can't make it cloudier

>> No.7223889

>Fiver from Morrisons

>> No.7223894

unbelievable value

>> No.7223904

well now I've got no cider

>> No.7224105

Has any one here had hair loss associated with their drinking? I used to drink a fifth of vodka every day for about half a year, but cut back hard core in 2015. To the point where most nights I don't drink at all, or if I do, is not more than one drink.

I had my liver functions texted back in March, and they were fine. Had an ultrasound done in June and was told there were no signs of any liver problems. Since that point I've continued to cut back, but within the past couple months I've developed some alopecia (spotty hair loss), and I'm worried it might be related to my old bad habits :(

Help. I need some peace of mind. I'm so proud of the progress I've made so far. I feel pretty healthy besides some digestive issues that the doctor thinks is related to my gall bladder, and I've never heard of hair loss associated with alcoholism, but I can't help but be scared.

>> No.7224130

Not a doctor here, but if it were related to the drinking you'd probably be noticing a lot of other bad stuff, too. I wouldn't worry.

>> No.7224140


You're way too stressed anon, pour yourself something strong, and make it a double.

>> No.7224160


you aren't alone. I'm an alcoholic and bulimic and I've noticed my hair thinning. It made me incredibly paranoid.. I've since straightened out my bulimia, and toned down my alcohol use drastically. People tell my hair is fine and my paranoia is probably due to excessive alcohol consumption.

>> No.7224171

You're both not alone there either. I've been a heavy drinker for quite sometime now. I used to have INCREDIBLY thick hair and the have just noticed it starting to thin (people have told me they noticed it a while ago, but I was in denial). The thing is hair loss from alcohol is indirectly related because of your body losing a lot of nutrients that keeps your hair healthy. You're starving your body, basically malnutritioned.

I've actually looked up shit about it to hell and back, have spoken to my doctor and other ex alcoholics who have told me their hair has thickened up since quitting and getting a healthy diet/taking the right vitamins (like B supplements, folic acid, zinc, magnesium etc).

I've been trying my best to quit, but it's hard as we all are aware. I've cut down considerably though and am working on cutting it out completely. It's just not worth it, not to me anymore.

>> No.7224309

How would "Do something and be good at it" ever lead someone astray and into deep depression? It's pretty basic, yet logical advice.

>> No.7224378

>cycle through different liquor/grocery stores per day
>the clerks still manage to piece it together and make comments about my drinking

>> No.7224533

I am lying to myself that they think that I buy all my food and hygienic produts at some big supermarket chain and that this is just the closest location for random stuff.

[spoiler]they know ;_;
and they are all girls

>> No.7224892


Thanks, guys. I'm >>7224105

I've cut my drinking down A LOT over the past yea and it's one of the things I'm most proud of. But the paranoia unfortunately creeps into my life more than I'd like to admit. I've been using these threads as a bit of therapy for awhile now, and it's posts like your own that let me know there are other people out there suffering too. I appreciate it.

>> No.7224912

good for you for cutting down. I too noticed my hair thinning while I was drinking. I developed schizophrenia too and wished I had quit sooner.

>> No.7224917

25 and massive hair thinning here. You circlejerking AA support group negroes should migrate to a new thread, you are killing my buzz to tell you the truth

>> No.7225099

short term memory loss is the worst man, I think it's affecting me more than I can notice too

>> No.7225134
File: 346 KB, 400x300, CUbZJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a bad f/ck/ing day anons. About done a fifth and found out my ex in engaged.

Hold me, fellow degenerates.

>> No.7225148

Seeing that on facebook made me deactivate my profile couple of weeks ago. I just couldn't hold it in.

>that feel when its been 3 years now
>that feel when you used to cook with her
>that feel when she is posting pics with her current shithead faggot boyfriend like she used to be with me
>that feel when you are deep down glad for her but at the same time she is happy and you are drinking whisky at 1am alone

I feel you anon. Believe you me, I feel you. We are all gonna make it. We have to.

>> No.7225157

>its been 3 years now
wew lad

>> No.7225160


Dude, fuck you. You just described my feelings to a "T". Its almost been 3 years and my eyes are watering.

Cheers, bro.

>> No.7225161

Well, we had a short reconnection that lasted two months last year. She wanted to move in, I didn't because it would require her to miss out on a massive, super important job oportunity. 6 days later she has a new boyfriend.

I know.

>> No.7225538

Is evan williams any good? I saw a fifth of it going for $10 (quite cheap for whiskey in my area). How does it compare to, say, jack daniels?

>> No.7225550

It's better than Jack Daniels despite being the "knockoff"

>> No.7225551


you ruined my evening... i tried not thinking about the ex..

>> No.7225552

thoughts on Honey Jack Daniels?

>> No.7225553

It taste like they aged it in cedar barrels

>> No.7225555
File: 29 KB, 640x600, Sushi-Cat-Halloween-Costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best bang for your whisky buck. It's personally the go-to when I'm low on funds but want a liquid lobotomy.

>> No.7225564

I don't really like sweet, syrupy shit

>> No.7225623


have a drink and embrace the circle jerk

>> No.7225633




>> No.7225638

sorry anon ;_;

>> No.7225639

Get over it, whiny faggot

>> No.7225643

Living the sweet kissless virgin lifestyle here. Don't even feel like drinking.

>> No.7225678

living your life like a little fish in an aquarium is both a blessing and a curse.

>> No.7225777

>3 years
Holy shit dude. And I thought I was bad taking a year to get over my ex.

>> No.7225787

It's not that you don't want to get over it. You try hitting on girls, you trying putting yourself out there, but somehow nothing seems to work. And then at some point 3 years later when you are lonely and drunk and depressed, she just happens to be that one last most recent person in your memory. The fact that you still have major feelings for her is merely unfortunate.

>> No.7226057
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>> No.7227199

is it bad that I start drinking as soon as I wake up since I had couple of days off for holidays? Going back to work tomorrow so I just want to milk this ;_;

>> No.7227228

If it's worth milking, it's worth milking well.

>> No.7228724

Is that considered expensive in the US? UK spirit prices are shit

>> No.7228949


It has been about three years since I broke up with my ex as well. It took me a while to get over her, the dreams etc stopped over a year ago and I don't think about her any more.

I cut all contact and to be honest even if I did meet her I would hardly know her, so I guess you could say I am over her.

However the late night loneliness and seeing all my friends in happy relationships when I have had nothing more than a one night stand in that time have been starting to get to me.

It is like I can't get past casual shit and onto a date or something with women any more. Shit sucks.

>> No.7229226

Its conflicting as fuck, starts fucking with your mind after a bit. Are you repulsive, or are just all the chicks fucking batshit insane and retarded, or both. Someone loved you once anon, there must be another person out there for you.

Chin up.

>> No.7229239

as long as you are actively working to improve yourself, you will find another woman. if you aren't actively working to improve yourself I sincerely encourage you to start.

>> No.7229249

shouldn't concern yourself with other people so much. if you aren't happy by yourself, you aren't going to be any happier with someone else.

>> No.7229251

Probably the dumbest thing I ever read.

>> No.7229287

is it really though. instead of learning to adjust, he's just falling apart because he can't deal with being alone. he could be enjoying life, but he's obsessed with stuff he doesn't have. work on your problems.

>> No.7229292

Adjusting is fine and all, but if you are claiming that you can be truly happy alone you are either a sociopath or a "sour grapes" kind of person who never really experienced true love. Maybe you fucked some chicks and have a flingy cunty gfs, but never true love.

>> No.7229314

are you really posting in an alcoholism thread trying to define happiness.

it's not sour grapes to say that there are two completely valid ways to live.

you don't have to commit to one or the other either. enjoy your time all of the time, whether you are alone or in the company of others.

>> No.7229322
File: 10 KB, 640x918, grapes[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7229340

that's a really terrible argument that you can't prove right and I can't prove wrong. might as well just post memes.

>> No.7229345


Dude, are you retarded?

It is a human nature to feel like you belong with someone. You will literally go insane from being alone for a long time. We're not talking a year or two. We're talking about 10 years.

>> No.7229347

I have some mango vodka, last thing left and wanna get rid of it....

whats something basic to mix it with? I've read pineapple or sprite/lemonade what do you guys think/recommend?

>> No.7229351


>> No.7229359

Funposting aside, I think you are full of shit. But if you are right, more power to you. And trust me when I say that I genuinely envy you.

>that feel when you get drunk and listen to usually cringy love songs
>that feel when wasting your youth being alone

What music are you listening right now bros?

>> No.7229502

>drunk male prostitute

>> No.7230439
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>tfw the only time im not suicidal is when im drunk

is this how alcoholism starts?

>> No.7230452


>> No.7230517

I was going to try not drinking for a week. This is day 1. I'm terribly, wonderfully drunk.

At least it's not heroin.

>> No.7230538

I did this for 7 years. Didn't make it past a week until year 4. Didn't make it past a week again until year 5. 10 days once in year 6. 1 week twice this year, then just over 2 months. Day 37 right now.

>> No.7230546


Personally, I'd stay out of these threads in your position. They always lead me to drink more, or to start drinking when I'm on a break.

>> No.7230552


>> No.7232293

>tfw about to turn 21
what should be my first legally-purchased drink, /alc/?

>> No.7233343

No drinks for me today, /ck/. I feel good

>> No.7233353


Don't start.

This thread isn't for you.

>> No.7233360

I used to always say the heroin thing, too. But to be honest, it can be just as bad. And those withdrawals....they are the worst.

>> No.7233411

I don't plan on it, but I AM throwing a party