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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 415x368, Happy-Frog-Meme-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7195569 No.7195569 [Reply] [Original]

who /vegetarianchristmas/ here

i'm making a cheese and nut roast and gravy

this is my first time making christmassy food

>> No.7195603

Dumb frogposter

>> No.7195625

I'm thinking of going full vegetarian again this year, but I won't be able to serve roast vegetables, as the neurological ward I source them from has hired additional security.

>> No.7196158
File: 70 KB, 725x820, 1446892973209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheese anything

>> No.7196166

Cheese is considered vegetarian.

>> No.7196171

>doesn't know the difference between vegetarian and vegan

>> No.7196172

your mom loves the gravy from my cheese nut roast

>> No.7196185


cheese is vegetarian, unless there's rennet in it...


i've been a vegetarian for years, usually just make italian and greek food for all holidays... this year my s/o and i are gonna be lazy and have chinese food and whiskey cuz that's easier

never had a cheese and nut loaf

>> No.7196227

>carnist-enabling fencesitters pretending their diet isn't murder

>> No.7196408

who #vegetarianchristmas here?

>> No.7196412


i actually have nothing against people eating meat, wearing fur, hunting etc ...
if someone wants that i'm fine with it

i just don't personally like meat (i can't touch it or eat it... the texture and smell bothers me, bones are gross, veins, flesh, fat all put me off... as a kid i used to dissect the meat on my plate cutting it into tiny pieces to inspect it for inedible imperfections and then gradually it became me needing to spit it out when i tried to chew it), leather or fur (i just start thinking about how it used to be alive and then i don't want it near me), and i couldn't personally kill something... and i find milk disgusting... that's just me though, and not a matter of anyone else

i'm pretty much exclusively vegan due to health issues though... i have a lot of weird reactions to food sometimes and it helps to avoid shit that makes it worse...

>> No.7196413

Why do frogposters think they're welcome anywhere but in their own autistic company?

>> No.7196417

>chinese food
my man

>> No.7196887
File: 613 KB, 295x221, rmdSxh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going to eat all the sides. I never liked turkey anyway.


>making cookies to take to work Christmas day
>always eat some of the dough cause it's good
>tell friend vegan recipes are always saying oh you can eat the dough it's egg free
>Fuck that I eat the dough anyway
>wake up next morning sick
>shit water
>go to work
>go fucking downhill
>puke up water even I try to drink
>go home early and cry myself to sleep

And that's when I apparently angered the vegan gods and they gave me food poisoning

>mfw I've been eating raw cookie dough for years and that's never happened

>> No.7197113



>> No.7197137

All frogposters assume everyone is there company. And rightly so, "When you're here, you're family."

>> No.7197365


not quite, but yeah, gay relationship...

>> No.7197372


+ i'm bi, but i suppose it doesn't matter...


yeah, chinese food and star wars... i'm tired of spending holidays cooking all day