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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7191731 No.7191731 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, are you guys perhaps interested in seeing how headcheese is made?

>> No.7191734

Not before this thread was made but now I am

>> No.7191737

Actually, I am. Unhealthy but I really like the texture.

>> No.7191739

What this guy said. My dad used to buy that stuff when I was a kid, it freaked me out but as an adult I'm intrigued.

>> No.7191740

No, but I'll keep this thread up while I jerk off and I'll come back and read when I'm done

>> No.7191746
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Alright, here we go then...

Meet Mr Porky

>> No.7191747
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>> No.7191752
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I already like where this is going

>> No.7191754
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A little surgery in my kitchen and he's ready for a new face...while I use the old one.

>> No.7191757 [DELETED] 

Of course.

Love head cheese and charcuterie in general.

>> No.7191760
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Need ideas for next years Halloween?

Are you a /pol/tard who hates Muslims?

>> No.7191761

holy shit OP, that's way too impressive to be disturbing

>> No.7191764
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Here's what it looks like from the inside. I trimmed off some of the fat and evened out the meat sections.

>> No.7191765


Already know but by all means spread the piglove

>> No.7191769
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After taking its face off, I picked off the meat from all the head crevices. It took a while to unhinge the jaw which actually hid quite a lot of meat.

>> No.7191773
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I used fresh parsley and rosemary plus salt and pepper for the seasoning.

>> No.7191777
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I then layered the ears with the meat scraps in the middle followed by the other ear. Added some garlic for extra flavor.

>> No.7191779

kek, OP you're pretty based.

Monitoring this thread.

>> No.7191783
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Rolled everything up...

>> No.7191786
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Wrapped it all in cheese/muslin cloth and tied it up again. Please do not comment about my skills with the strings. I kinda butchered it........

>> No.7191794
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I then threw it into a pot with boiling broth (made from the pig skull, some onions and carrots) and a smoked ham hock.

>> No.7191795 [DELETED] 


>don't comment about my butcher skills
>i kinda butchered it

Indeed, OP.

>> No.7191796
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After 5 hours of boiling it looked like this.

>> No.7191801

Dirtiest countertop ever.

>> No.7191804
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I then took it out, tied off the strings and cloth and slid it into a bread pan.

>> No.7191807

Piss off.

>> No.7191811
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I boiled down some of the broth and poured it over the meat.

>> No.7191814
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I put a piece of cardboard on top, wrapped it in plastic foil and put a couple of tomato cans on top. Left it in the fridge overnight to set.

>> No.7191818
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It came out of the pan pretty easily.

>> No.7191822
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If you look at the original photo you can see where the ear is in the middle. It's that little white cartilage.

>> No.7191824

Very interesting OP!

>> No.7191825
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Sliced it real thin and made a sandwich with some mustard.

>> No.7191826

Does it have a mild or strong taste OP?

>> No.7191831
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Remember that ham hock I threw in the pot? This is what it looked like after 3 hours of boiling. I didn't add it into the head cheese.

>> No.7191834
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I made pearl barley and lentil soup with the broth and the ham hock meat.

Quite strong imo. It tastes very swine-y. I really enjoy it.

>> No.7191838
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After peeling off the face I realized the brains are still inside so I used a metal saw to get into the cavity and scooped it out.

>> No.7191842


yep. clap dem cheeks

>> No.7191843
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Fuck that looks tasty. Good shit op.

>> No.7191844
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I added some flour, salt and pepper, and fried it in some butter.

>> No.7191848
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Had the fried brains with scrambled eggs.

This is my last photo. Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed the process of making headcheese. I will have enough for the next couple of days and will leave some for Christmas dinner as an appetizer.

>> No.7191849

Already knew how head cheese was made, but this was a good thread. Enjoy your meat and gelatin block OP, it looks good.

>> No.7191855

Good shit Opie. Better than my jerking off anyway

>> No.7191857


5hr is kinda light IMO me ol' pappy used to do overnight at a minimum.

>> No.7191862

The recipe I watched mentioned only 5 hours so I went with that. Turned out decently IMO.

Here's the recipe I followed:

>> No.7191874

Isn't the brain supposed to be ludicrously fatty?

>> No.7191884

Yes, like super fatty. It basically has the texture of butter. Apparently it has a HUGE amount of cholesterol.

>> No.7191902

this is fucking gross as shit, I'll eat all kinds of offal, but not only does the idea of eating brains scare me on a fundamental sanitary level, but its also pretty much pure cholesterol.

360 nope scope out.

>> No.7191909


I'm impressed by your dedication but is that a fucking hair on the countertop

My dad tells me he used to eat scrambled eggs and calf brains when he lived on a farm, are you gonna try that?

>> No.7191921

Yeah it's probably a hair from the pig head. Something I failed to mention earlier is that you have to either shave or burn off hair from the pig. It comes scraped but they never do an adequate job. I just used a lighter to burn off as much as I could and then scraped off the rest with a knife.

>> No.7192452

Nice thread.

How much would one pay for a pigs head?

>> No.7192506
File: 635 KB, 2183x2219, head cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool shit, screencapped. Someone else can add the bigger images if they want, this is as far as my effort goes.

I enjoyed how well you removed the skin, OP.

>> No.7192511

OP is based.

>> No.7192517

About tree fiddy

>> No.7192531

>no eyes
you already fucked up, those are the best part

>> No.7193013

Based Scott Rea, that guy has one of the best cooking channels on YouTube. His butchering vids are interesting as well, although I've never butchered anything I find the way he explains while demonstrating to be very informative.

I don't see much of him on /ck/, wonder why.

>> No.7193026

This may be a stupid question to ask, but are you able to sear it quick in a pan for some bacon-esque crunch? I've never had head cheese before so I'm unsure what it tastes or feels like.

>> No.7193105

Great thread. The soup looked outstanding.

>> No.7193234


i tried lamb brain recently but it was too much for me

>> No.7193495

Enjoy your prion disease.

>> No.7193531

Good thread
The one food thing that scares me is strong pork stank so I'm too much of a pussy to try head cheese

>> No.7193567

im sure you could but dont.
If you have ever had really good soft fatty carnitas its kind of like that.
Its melt in your mouth porky fatty deliciousness

>> No.7193621

>prion disease
>from pig brain
yeah no m8 pal bro chum friend

>> No.7193668

The gelatin will melt very quickly and the whole lot will dissolve before frying. You'd get a puddle of stock and some lumps of flakey meat... not that that's a bad base for a soup now that I think of it.

>> No.7194028

Pretty much tree fiddy. I paid $4.99 in a local Chinese grocer.

I have never had pig eyes. In fact, I'm able to eat the brains but the eyes are kinda freaky to eat. I have eaten salmon eyes which taste very very fishy...

For sure, I love butchering videos but his in particular are very well presented for both beginners and more experienced cooks.

I don't think it would work. Basically the fat and gelatin would melt and the meat wouldn't be held by anything so it would fall apart.

>> No.7194060
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I have the exact same countertop

>> No.7194073


I wouldnt have the butchery skills to do it, but at that price, a few mistakes dont mean anything. Im going to have to go talk to a chinaman and see what price they are.

My housemate is a vegetarian. She will fucking freak which is a bonus.

>> No.7194085

The real faceoff

>> No.7194092
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This is what I've been eating? Oh God help me...

>> No.7194273

Yeah if this thing was like $20 a pop I wouldn't have even attempted cooking it. But for $5 I might as well play around. This is the 3rd time I bought a head. I roasted one, I think I posted photos of it on/ck/.

>> No.7194302

Neato, thanks. Gonna hold onto this one.

>> No.7194304

Pork brain has about a 1:1 ratio of fat to protein. Intact it has slightly more protein than fat. It's almost identical to eggs in terms of fat.

It's ludicrously high in cholesterol. Intact its the highest source of cholesterol of any food.

>> No.7194588

Are you anon from chiken kebab meat?

>> No.7194651

serum cholesterol=/=dietary cholesterol

>> No.7194659

Please repost that roasted head and explain the process.

>> No.7194668
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Well done, OP.

>> No.7194691
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I took a head, rubbed in Chinese 5 spice powder and roasted it.

That lil piggy got some ear muffs.

>> No.7194703
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After roasting.

>> No.7194704

would eat/10
i usually prefer head cheese to be more of a paste though so i can spread it on crackers and eat with actual cheese.

>> No.7194705

Did you really think they'd waste prime cuts for headcheese?

>> No.7194714
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I served it with rice and spicy green beans. I just pulled off the meat from different parts of the roasted head. Everyone got some ears and some cheeks etc. The skin is amazing.

>> No.7194958

Nicely done OP
best thread Ive been in on ck for quite a while
any other animals you would consider doing something similar with or are pigs just primed for headcheese?

>> No.7195014

you do anything with the veggies in there?

>> No.7195022

>size 8
>double wide

OP's feet are aircraft carriers xDDDD

In seriousness though based thread GJ mate

>> No.7195041
File: 1.97 MB, 375x281, hork.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in this thread looks absolutely nauseating. The end product looks like it's at least 75% fat and cartilage chunks. Why the fuck would you want to eat that unless you were dirt poor?

>> No.7195398

This might be the best OC I've seen on ck

>> No.7195575


That looks amazing. How much time in the oven?

>> No.7195621

It tastes good.

>> No.7195844

If I remember correctly I didn't use them.

It was 2 years back so I don't remember however you can look up recipes online. Chris Cosentino has one on youtube and I think Fergus Henderson has a video of roasting pig heads as well.

>> No.7195859
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If there was ever a thread that deserved this picture, it's this one.

>> No.7195862

I don't have access to heads of other animals but goat head dishes from Mongolia and Scandinavia look intreaguing. Would love to try some day on my travels. I have cooked with all pig parts however, snout to tail. It's why everyone loves pigs, they're so versitile and the meat so varied in flavour and textures. I made cracklings last night with the fat I picked off the head, plus got a lot of lard out of it.

>> No.7195887

Thank you OP, enjoyed this

>> No.7195897


>> No.7195924

Poor piggies.

>> No.7195996

sleep tight porker

>> No.7196426

10/10 would chase vegan flatmate around the house with while doing an impression of piglet

>> No.7196451

sleep tight porker

>> No.7196471


sleep tight porker

>> No.7196543

Excellent thread. I think I may try this out soon myself.

Anyway, I haven't fucked with mammals much. Was it difficult to remove the skin from this dude's skull?

>> No.7196573

sleep tight porker

>> No.7196610
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>I used a metal saw to get into the cavity

Great thread OP

>> No.7196665

fucking ewwwwww

>> No.7196670

I'm surprised this response was actually relevant


>> No.7196673

enjoi ur prions

>> No.7196678

This thread is a bunch of gross fucked up rural european trash and southern trash

>> No.7196680

sleep tight porker

>> No.7196681


Thank you anons. I'll be sure to try head cheese if given the opportunity. It sounds pretty good.

>> No.7196687

Imagine covering that with cake frosting and candles

>> No.7196702

Why wouldn't you?

BTW head cheese is pretty popular in upscale eateries.

>> No.7196715

Not at all. Watch the video linked above and follow directions. The face just peels off without much effort.

>> No.7196738

I don't get it. Most people on this board flip shit over aspic, but they're creaming themselves over this.

Either way, good thread op. I can't bring myself to eat aspic, but I enjoyed this thread.

>> No.7196755

Vegans on suicide watch

>> No.7196770 [DELETED] 


>most people on this board flip shit over aspic

Not really.

Aside from that Scandinavian aspic "cake" that gets posted occasionally and jello ads from the 50's, half of the board is probably more disgusted by fast food.

>> No.7196796

the thing i don't get is what fucking idiot decided to call it headcheese? seriously, was there not a better name someone could have come up with? sounds like scrapings from a rancid cock t b h

>> No.7196806


So sensitive.

>> No.7196829 [DELETED] 

You need to be 18 or older to post on 4chan, friend!

>> No.7196844
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"...you can use a muslim cloth..."

>> No.7196866

sleep tight porker

>> No.7196909
File: 39 KB, 423x327, obama-laughing-crooks_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old beaner friend of my dad gave him some tacos
>taco meat in it apparently was cow brain
>Dad didn't want to eat one yet but put them in the fridge and went out to play with beaner friend
>while they were gone mother eats one of the tacos
>Dad comes home, asks her if she ate one
>she freaks out
>texts his beaner friend
>"What are you so upset about? You could use some more brains anyway!"

>> No.7196924

Sleep tight porker

>> No.7197148

sleep tight porker

>> No.7197181

sleep tight porker

>> No.7197185

sleep tight porker

>> No.7197190

sleep tight porker

>> No.7197203

>Scandinavian aspic cake

Are you talking about this? It's Russian.

>> No.7197242

sleep tight porker

>> No.7197252

This thread is amazing and educational. OP you are one classy gentleman. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.

>> No.7197642

sleep tight porker

>> No.7197680 [DELETED] 


>decent /ck/ oc thread
>/b/ shows up and ruins it

>> No.7197985

Sleep tight porker

>> No.7197999

sleep tight porker

>> No.7198030

sleep tight porker

>> No.7198049

This is really interesting.

How porky is the flavor? part of me wonders if just roasting the whole head or saving the ears for something else would be a good choice.

Always wondered what headcheese was like, but I live in an area where getting basic offal isn't really possible.

>> No.7198131

>those knife skills

god damn OP

>> No.7198252

Oh god I remember when I was in art school (call me a faggot go on) and for our final exam our principal brought in 3 of these and we had to make 3 artworks based on them using 3 different media. So we sat from 8 to 5 in a classroom with one tiny window while the pig heads putrefied slowly in the summer heat.

Art school is fucking weird

>> No.7198262
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S-sorry, Chef-Sama, I didn't m-m-mean to make you upset

>> No.7198839

It's stronger than cuts most people are used to. Shoulder has very little flavor compared to it. If you ever tried hocks it's still a little stronger than that.

I decided to put the ears in as basically there are few other uses for them. I have in the past just boiled them and made pig ear sandwiches. If you look on youtube you will find a vid of Bourdain eating something like that in Mississippi. Pig ears can also be pickled (Chinese style) however I never made that, only tried in a restaurant.

>> No.7199674

sleep tight porker

>> No.7199685
File: 4 KB, 140x160, 1432706539366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP are you the one who made the reddit thread with these exact pictures about a week ago?

I mean, I hope you are
you fuck

>> No.7199714


Dude, that's marble. It's supposed to look like that.

>> No.7200241

Yes very! We called it p'ftia in my dad's culture.

>> No.7200271
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I already know how it's made. My brother makes it real good.

>> No.7200304

I just looked up "pig ear sandwich" out of curiosity and found this news report on a place in Memphis


>dat $3 deal

Makes me wish I lived in Memphis

>> No.7200343

Yeah I put it up there as well. But the replies made me realize Reddit is full of fucks.

>> No.7200581


reddit please go the fuck back to your cancer ward

>> No.7201573

Sleep tight porker <3

>> No.7201618
File: 59 KB, 247x329, 1450993402421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting thread op. Feel bad for the pig though.

Might go vegetarian after seeing this shit. Can't help but think that was a living thing at one point with feelings and sensations, only to end up having its face peeled off and its skull sawn to pieces so that you could eat something and post it to a Taiwanese sex robot forum.

Something isn't right about this whole thing. It just doesn't feel right.

>> No.7201632

Top of the food chain, motha fucka...

>> No.7201648


>when you have a hammer you should smash everything because you have a hammer

Fuck off dickhead

>> No.7201670

Sleep tight porker

Looks interesting OP. Not sure how I feel about how the texture would be, but I'd give it a shot.

Thanks for quality posting/10

>> No.7201675

bruh do you even read

>> No.7201735

You wouldn't be saying that if you've ever had it before.

And its wasteful to not utilize every bit of the animal. The skull was likely boiled to make a stock as well.

>> No.7201762

"I call it the law of the instrument, and it may be formulated as follows: Give a small boy a hammer, and he will find that everything he encounters needs pounding."
Until people make vegetables tastier than meat, we will eat more meat than veggies

>> No.7201767

>The skull was likely boiled to make a stock as well.
See >>7191794

>> No.7201772

Be concerned perhaps for its suffering in life, but do not worry for the dead. This pig skull could know no better or worse fate than to be made into headcheese. If OP did not eat it, another part of the universe would. And something will soon eat OP. Nothing is permanent either.

Blame the west for teaching you that the face is some sacred soul-filled entity. You and I and that pig will all look the same within a century.

>> No.7203701


I know, and this is the way it should be done to show respect for it.

I guess we will friend. I just wish there was a better way.

>> No.7205514

Sleep tight, porker.

>> No.7205542

S-sleep tight porker

>> No.7205548

: "sleep tight porker"

>> No.7205551

Sleep tight porker

>> No.7207053

Are you fucking Hannibal Lecter or something ?

>> No.7207065

sleep tight porker

>> No.7209100

Good post

>> No.7209207

>OP's feet are aircraft carriers xDDDD
>tfw I wear size 12 extra-wde

>> No.7209375
File: 371 KB, 1600x1200, 20151227_183253-1600x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ate this. Would rather have OP's headcheese but this was really good

>> No.7209420

sleep tight porker

>> No.7209434

sleep tight p0rker

>> No.7210852

OP here, is this scrapple? I see scrapple on Guy Fieri's show all the time and would love to try some. It seems to me like it's just pig head parts that were ground and mixed with cornmeal. So you can't really tell one part of the pig head from another.

>> No.7210863

sleep tight porker

>> No.7211041

>size 8 is considered big around here
I wear 15's

>> No.7211043

Former shoe store employee: size 8 is big for a Mexican.

>> No.7211070

Jesus, what's the average shoe size there? I think it's something like 9 or 10 here in Canada.

>> No.7211076


sleep tight porker

>> No.7211185

dude those are small feet for anyone over 5' 8"

>> No.7211188

dat soup

>> No.7211197

>cholesterol comes in different types
>isn't even unhealthy
lrn2biochemistry m80

>> No.7211202

i'm salivating.

>> No.7211207

>I only eat the arm leg and torso muscles of a dead animal.
>everything else is creepy

Might as well be a vegan.

>> No.7211298

I've had scrapple a few times. It's big in Pennsylvania. It's ok, depending on the consistency and how it's cooked. If you slice the loaf into thin pieces and fry it it's pretty good. Had it at a diner where they put it in a fryer. It was crispy on the outside but still mush on the inside and wasn't that good.

>> No.7211377

sleep tight porker

>> No.7211393




>> No.7211462

Have you ever had headcheese? It's delicious. Charcuterie is becoming quite popular in hipster restaurants now.

>> No.7211545

>dietary cholesterol is bad!
Can this fucking meme die already. Get an education you fucking troglodyte.

>> No.7211675
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>> No.7211689

We get it. you're vegan

>> No.7211696
File: 3.61 MB, 3984x2988, 20151228_110547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's basically scrapple with a chorizo-like seasoning. I will be buying it again

>> No.7211698

In Mexico it is called "queso de puerco" or "pork cheese"
I too thought of rancid wang goo when i first heard it called head cheese

>> No.7211707

sleep tight porker

>> No.7211844

sleep tight porker

>> No.7211938

sleep tight porker

>> No.7212086

>I don't see much of him on /ck/, wonder why.
They're not meme material, like Cooking with Jack so /ck/ doesn't care

>> No.7212355

Great job OP! You did great!

>> No.7213717

I have been wanting to try hogs head cheese this past week and what a surprise that I stumbled upon this tread
Nice skills OP
I am going to local deli to try some for the first time

>> No.7213771

sleep tight porker

>> No.7213786

why the fuck aren't you wearing it?

>> No.7213845

All the best to you, post the results.

I put the lotion on its skin

>> No.7213872

Not really fan of cold gelatinous meat things but damn if that isn't one good looking head cheese OP.

also that roasted hog head looked delicious as did the soup.

mother of god that food looks delicious. Hell even if faygo is shit I would be okay with it if I was drinking it with a couple sammiches like those.

sleep tight porker

>> No.7213955

sleep tight porker

>> No.7214001
File: 924 KB, 3264x2448, country pate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol ok, then why do you still post there pretty much every day?


>> No.7214092

I have a very boring job. I might have 5 hours of work a week but I'm there in the office 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. There's not enough content on 4chan to keep me satisfied.

>> No.7214095

that thread is so fucking shitty

reddit makes me so mad

>> No.7214464

fucking faggot

>> No.7215271

Forget the headcheese, give the recipe for the soup.

>> No.7215286

You know, what pisses me off is not the fact that it's shitty, it's that there's little discussion at all.

In between all the trolls and shit, some anons here are actually asking really good questions. I'm surprised this thread's still up honestly. Whereas the reddit thread had maybe 15-20 people respond to it with very little if any in depth discussion. If they can't make a fucking stupid comment joke chain, or milk something for karma, why even look at it?

Man reddit sucks.

>> No.7215683
File: 68 KB, 600x441, VEAL-TONGUE-HEADCHEESE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would eat OPs stuff but usually it's like (probably uncleaned) cow tongue in salty jelly.

>> No.7215866

OP here, that stuff in your pic is god-tier. Cow tongue is some of the best eats out there, lengua is definitely the best taco meat.

I used to think that Reddit was a more intelligent and less trashy version of 4chan but since I started posting there in the last few months I realize that ledditors are just as if not more fucked up than channers. And threads like this one where trolls don't bother to ruin it too much are much better than the 'decent' threads there. It's pretty funny though how desperate some people there are for approval and get mad when downvoted.

>> No.7215878
File: 171 KB, 736x552, boiled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom used to make this a long time ago.
Similar to what the OP did, but instead of peeling off the skin and everything, she'd just boil it till it fell off.
Then you drain it, mince up the meat and mix it with your spices, and then toss it all into a giant bowl with some knox flavorless gelatin.
Pour all that into loaf pans and stick it in the fridge till it turns into a nice loaf.
Slice and make some sandwiches. nomnom

The whole house usually smelled like death when the pig head was boiling, but it was always worth it. Also we used to put the pig skulls on our fence in the front yard, like a trophy for being so fucking white trash in a well to do neighborhood.

>> No.7216648

Sleep tight porker.

>> No.7216733

sleep tight porker