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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 272 KB, 1536x1024, o-ENGLISH-FOOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7191273 No.7191273 [Reply] [Original]

So why does everybody hate English food again? I mean; meat pies, pasties, bangers and mash, scotch eggs, chip butties, curry. All that shit is fucking magical. It's fried and butter with meat and potatoes half the time. What is there to hate? Did you all just have jellied eel and judge it all as terrible or something?

>> No.7191278

>Newkie Brown

I see nothing to hate here

>> No.7191309

>What is there to hate?
>It's fried and butter with meat and potatoes half the time
You answered your question before you asked it.
anglo food is pretty awful. Besides black pudding it's just incredibly bland and is essentially the culmination of centuries of poverty.

>> No.7191360

English curry is great though. They don't kill it on the spice but it has some great taste. Then you get shitty and order it on chips instead of rice for some reason.

>> No.7191410


Post WWII, the traditonal food culture of England was destroyed thanks to war time rationing and the need to feed armies. What replaced it was basically the owrst kind of cafeteria food as a new normal for pubs and diners and even decent restaurants, everything was simple, bland and plain meat and two veg at all time basically.

Traditional English food is actually really good, the bread can rival France and the roasts and sauces are amazing, it's just that there was a solid 40 years when the world only saw bioled veg and fried meat from Britain.

Fortunately the old foods are coming back; if you read period literature like Tom Brown's School days or Sherlock Holmes the stuff they're eating has nothing to do with what people imagine British food to be.

>> No.7191425

>all anglo food is awful and bland except for congealed blood and oats

nice autismposting

>> No.7191457

Forgetting to post the english breakfast

>> No.7191459

Man, properly made British food from fresh quality produce is the bomb. I fucking love game, lamb, pork, cheeses, etc. Your main problem is the over-abundance of shitty produce and the forgotten skills to cook them. Hell, your variety of different cultivars and breeds of cattle and pigs has plummeted after WWII, not to mention cheese production (which is recovering, there's some amazing cheese to be found in the UK).

I gotta tell you, though. Your potatoes taste like nothing. They make me sad. I was overcome by joy over the taste of new season potatoes once I got back to Finland after a year there.

P.S. the Irish make better sausages than you do, especially black pudding, although I love Cumberland sausages. There's this amazing gourmet sausage stall at the English market in City Cork, Ireland that beats anything I had in the UK. That being said, lunch at the Eagle in Cambridge is exactly the kind of good value and good, simple food I love.

>> No.7191461

>England essentially conquered the planet while in the midst of poverty.
They sound pretty badass.

>> No.7191596


>essentially the culmination of centuries of poverty.

hilarious that another culture is trying to say this about the UK. where are you from, india? lol

>> No.7191609

I am sure the average citizen of the british empire had a very high standard of living.

>> No.7191611

It's an outdated meme from WWII and the rationing era. Most people have never tried home cooked English food. I think the industry is recovering now, look at all the varied homegrown produce on offer.

>> No.7191619


i am sure that's equally true of any other fucking nation or empire.

>> No.7191629

>So why does everybody hate English food again?
because its lazy, that and it comes off as pretentious. at least american food knows its lazy, english food tries to influence you as something bigger than it is

>> No.7191637

I was talking to a French girl and she said French food was a lot better than English. I asked her about some classic French dishes and they seemed similar to what we already have. Why is French food regarded so much better? The pretentious names?

>> No.7191657

It taste's better.
That's it

>> No.7191691

How? It's the same ingredients.

>> No.7191697

I thought English food was supposed to be bland although I've never tried it.

>> No.7191717

meme overload

>> No.7191723

French are better cooks they take that shit very seriously over there. have you seen what French kids eat for lunch? It's unreal.

>> No.7191875

Only lunch I've seen was when Bourdain visited a school in Lyon. Included pumpkin soup and all kinds of other stuff, with as many helpings as they wanted. Somehow, it also cost less to make than US schools typically spend.

Of course, the school cook seemed way more on-the-ball than the lunch ladies serving whatever frozen or canned stuff some vendor has contracted with our public schools to sell. Plus, the school was close to the countryside and they probably had lots of local produce.

I remember being excited when we started getting "actual" pizza in middle school instead of the rectangle stuff from grade school. Got sick of it in a couple months and realized we were probably just being trained to see Little Caesar's level fast food as a regular meal choice instead of something to occasionally pick up when time or location demands it.

>> No.7192223

Irish sausages are processed mushy shit mate.


>> No.7192505

Pretentious? I've never seen somewhere offer a sausage roll as anything other than cheap and tasty food. Fish and Chips isn't seen as classy. I think you might mean cooking shows?

>> No.7192509

>english food
Anon plz. Next you will be telling us Rendang is Dutch.

>> No.7192520

Tikka Massala was invented in London

>> No.7192526

As was vindaloo.

The UK has always been a cultural mishmash, that's what defined british culture.

>> No.7192528


>> No.7192609

Idk, man. The brits I lived with would freeze their Tesco or Aldi bought pork sausages that already looked shifty as hell, then throw them on the pan while still half-frozen and butterfly them on a the whitest, shittiest bread you could ever find. I happen to like brown soda bread, too.

You can find some nice sausages in England, but none of the mushy, processed shit or the better ones I had there compared to that singular stall in Cork. I like my black pudding properly seasoned and with plenty of whole grain for texture, too. Namely, even Clonakilty's availability alone made England feel like a better place.

I'm sure you could make some amazing sausage out of those few remaining heritage breed pigs, but you're shit out of luck at this point. Barely anyone breeds them for quality pork.

>> No.7192615

P.S. I believe you need to understand that out of all the places possible, I spent a year in Leicester. Never again.

>> No.7192674


It really hasn't at all. the British exported the Atlantic Civilization, they did not begin the current "melting pot" approach until after WWII when the Empire was broken up and exhausted of the political force to remain coherent. British culture is distinct, innate and extremely prejudiced against outside influences until we killed off all the best and brightest. Say the same thing about Germany and Japan- France has remained fairly pure however desu desu

>> No.7192681

>Atlantic Civilization
derp I meant to write "the Imperial Civilization" haha sociocultural Freudian slip

>> No.7192697

Going to my mums when she's cooked a roast or a big pan of scouse is the true feeling of home

>> No.7192699
File: 419 KB, 1600x2133, img_0410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But now we are dwindled to, what shall I name?
A sneaking poor race, half-begotten and tame,
Who sully the honours that once shone in fame.
Oh! the Roast Beef of Old England,
And old English Roast Beef!

>> No.7192721

WHEN mighty roast beef was the Englishman’s food,
It ennobled our hearts, and enrichèd our blood;
Our soldiers were brave, and our courtiers were good.
O, the Roast Beef of old England,
And O, the old English Roast Beef!

>> No.7192789

/ck/ has something against meat and potato dishes. It's why most of them shit on the midwest

>> No.7192792

>The UK has always been a cultural mishmash, that's what defined british culture.

yea no, america has been the original cultural mixing pot.

>> No.7192814

Tikka is Glaswegian. Vindaloo is not from the UK at all. You might be thinking phal. I know a few Brits who get phal and vindaloo confused for one another. Phal is, I think, from London, but I know vindaloo absolutely is not.

>> No.7192834

>This is what clappers actually believe

>> No.7192844

Why did you refer to chip butties?

>> No.7192858

>america has been the original cultural mixing pot.
>not, say, ancient fucking Rome
Do all Yankee Doodles think the world revolves around them?

>> No.7192860

>is essentially the culmination of centuries of poverty.
If that is a negative then why is cucina povera almost universally celebrated?

>> No.7192866

English curry, chicken and chips, Shephards pie, best roasts in the world, asparagus sauce(most sauces actually), mince pies, British Chinese/Thai food (sooo much better than American Chinese food), fucking fantastic seafood dishes like moules mariniere.... There's so much more than I can remember off the top of my head, like cakes and treats but goddamn even the cooking shows are better out there.
Just went back (and ate all that) to the UK this autumn and the food is even better than I remember it. Just the same as the US takes other cultures cuisine and makes it their own, the UK does as well- but 100x better imo.
Anyone who talks shit on the Queens food/ adaptations haven't tried the real deal. Wish I could afford to live out there so I could have it everyday :/

>> No.7192867

>Tikka Massala was invented in London
So was "butter chicken" and really shocking Gordon Ramsey (idiot that he is) went to India to try to find it and kept talking about takeaway and such....really an uncultured fool.

OP, the only complaint you can really find about English food is the cooked hearty nature that does double starches, which consequently with piecrusts can also be high fat for a meal. For "food police" who want consumption for health and nutrition, it's on the outs as delicious of course, but just special occasion food. When I go somewhere with poor water and I avoid vegetables, fresh fruit that isn't peelable and such, things cooked to death or preserved is where I go, and you get sick of it when you are used to fresh. Latitude explanation for some seasonal fare (before the greenhouse), but it's still kind of opposite to how much people eat nowadays who care about their waistline. No- and low-carbs has been a thing since the 90s and a way of life. Since the only export of british foods is pub fare, the great little gratins and salads and lighter fare is never seen much. And, yes, rationing had a lot to do with changes towards convenience foods, true.

>> No.7192871

>moules mariniere
>english cuisine
the name should have clued you in to the fact that it's foreign m8

>> No.7192872

Oh... and the BREAD!!! Holy shit, the bread in the US is fucking TERRIBLE, had better bread this trip to England than I've had in France and that's saying something.

>> No.7192876

That's like saying London had no right to claiming the modern curry, or saying Shephards pie is fucking Irish.
Popularizing and perfecting gets the claim in my book, not originality.

>> No.7192891

Tikka. Masala. Is not. From. London.
You fucking poof.

>English curry
>chicken and chips
Based on an American recipe
>Shephards pie
>best roasts in the world
>asparagus sauce
The fuck? You mean Hollandaise? Th'ain't British, friendo.
>(most sauces actually)
Outside of gravy and custard sauce, nope
>mince pies
>British Chinese/Thai food (sooo much better than American Chinese food)
Delicious and agreed.
>fucking fantastic seafood dishes
>like moules mariniere....
Nope. Not British.

>cakes and treats
If it's a baked good that comes out a British oven and it ain't bread, it's likely delicious.

Bullshit. Brit bread is fucking shit, m8 on the same level as American bread.

>> No.7192898

Ayyyyyyyy if you were going to agree with most of what I said why debate it? Are you into the homosex, Sir Fagalot?

>> No.7192993

chip butties are disgusting. So is the goddam baked bean fascination. I can honestly say the most disappointing food I've had in europe has been in england.

Only good thing I had was sticky toffee pudding

>> No.7192998

Vindaloo is a portugese goan dish...

>> No.7193003

Tikka masala is english

Murgh Makhni (butter chicken) is all over india and pakistan. Ever been?

>> No.7193029

It's Scottish.

>> No.7193076

saying scotland is distinct from england is like saying indiana is distinct from kentucky


>> No.7193082

It's a seperate country you fucking retard.

>> No.7193090

American geopolitical knowledge everyone

>> No.7193092

how's that again?

>> No.7193093

Yes, it's the names.

Anyone who spouts such nonsense, like that frog slag, is a moron not worthy of your time.
Case in point, this thread is going to devolve into nothing but shitposting because someone used a sentence with both "Britain" and "food" in it.

>> No.7193094

>chip butties are disgusting
>goddam baked bean fascination
Baked beans originally come from clapistan, although bongers are arguably more obsessed with it. Still, I think it's tasty af.

Also stews, all kinds.

>> No.7193099

actually the "countries" that comprise the UK are much like the states in the US. They are semi -autonomous political entities.

Your IQ isn't that high is it?

>> No.7193107

I know this is bait, but what the hell.

Japanese curry is British, fat out invented by the Royal Navy.

The western idea of curry is British and you will find nothing like it in India in the same way that western Chinese food is American and you won't find anything like it in China.

The word curry is even a British creation.

>> No.7193117

Why do I suspect that you are a German? Something about your shitposting just says German.

>> No.7193118

yeah because india doesn't have a word for braise right.

oh wait it does दम दे कर पकाना

fuck off you lingiustic hair spiltter.

next you are going to say english speakers can't take pleasure in the pain of other because schadenfreud isn't in websters dictionary right?

>> No.7193124


>> No.7193125

>they're just like states, guys!!!
Yeah, with their own languages, history of war with the neighbouring 'states' and separatist/exceptionalist movements. Just like American states! Because everyone knows that many Kentuckians speak Kentuckian and many Indianans speak Indianan! Just like how many Scots speak Scots and many Welsh speak Welsh!! Yup!

>> No.7193131

I don't know what your autistic ramblings have to do with anything I posted. I suspect that you learnt English from the back of a sugar packet.

>> No.7193136

>nobody had ever come up with the idea of a spicy stew before glorious mother albion arrived to educate the poor ignorant savages

>> No.7193142

You need to stop with the shitposting. It doesn't work when you use the same gimmick twice for the same post.

>> No.7193145

>American states have different languages

>> No.7193158

lol. yeah no us states ever went to war against each other and they dont talk any different. HA

nice ad hominem, faggot. Instead of insulting me why don't you try and refute my claim (that signs are arbitrary and signifieds exist extralinguistically).

>> No.7193161


>> No.7193165

Just so you know there is no hard demarcation criterion between languages and dialects...

>> No.7193174

You need to stop pretending that Britain invented the curry m8.

>> No.7193177

I don't give shitposters the attention they crave because they didn't get it from their parents growing up.

You made no claims relating to my post so go and suck a lemon.

>> No.7193184

Here's your (you).

>> No.7193186

>speaking mutually comprehensible dialects of the same language is the same as speaking a pidgin and a different language from a completely unrelated language family
Ya got it, champ. Whatever ya say. Ti'n ddyn dwp iawn.

Close. Try again.

>> No.7193218


Let me break it down for you friend.

You claimed that curry has no direct translation to any of the various languages spoken in india. While this may be true, I claimed that the essential component for curries is braising which is a word in hindi. This is similar to how there is no word for schaudenfreud in english but we certainly do take pleasure in the pain of others. This leads to the conclusion that concepts are extralinguistic. Carried forward Indians in India eat curry.

You aren't very good with abstract thought are you. Being unable to deal with abstractions is a sign of autism.

> You might want to see a psychiatrist....

>> No.7193226

As a linguist, you're correct, but to pretend that the native language of the average Kentuckian and the average Indianan shows the same degree of mutual intelligibility as that of a North Welshman and a Cestrian is just wrong.

>> No.7193258

Right so you admit I was right. Why do sperg out out and spew diarrhoea over the screen repeatedly only to admit that you were wrong?

You shitposters have real issues with seeking attention.

>> No.7193275
File: 55 KB, 553x496, girls-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said there was no word for curry. You said there was no idea. I provided a sound argument for there indeed being an idea of curry in india.

>Thinks ideas and words are the same thing

>> No.7193290

Stop replying to me, you admitted I was right and your shitposting is boring.

>> No.7193301


>Stop replying to me
>I'll tell my dad if you keep doing it
>You're hurting my e-feelings

>> No.7193323

Childish, just childish.

>> No.7193428

In all seriousness if you think that ideas and words are the same thing I think you should compare the nonsense of Wittgenstein's Tractatus to his work in Philosophical Investigations. I also think you should read a bit of Austin and Saussure.

Lazy, ignorant, and NEET is no way to go through life son.

>> No.7193615


Three words that end in "ood" and yet sound like shit when put sonically, Jèsus Englando can you do anything right

>> No.7194473

What part of "Stop replying to me, you admitted I was right and your shitposting is boring" is beyond your comprehension?

>> No.7194498


Cornish pasty
-beef, potato, turnip....oh, I'm sorry, I meant "swedes", onion, salt, pepper, in a pastry

Real exciting, anon.

>> No.7194524

Swede and turnips are two separate things. You can't even shitpost correctly.

>> No.7194586

A swede is another name for the Swedish turnip. You can't even shitpost correctly.

>> No.7194596


>> No.7194905

gonna make me fukboi?

>> No.7195231

>So why does everybody hate English food again?

Oi, I know!

Let's cook some mince with onion, turnips, and carrots, season it with salt and pepper, and either stuff it in a pie crust, or smother it in mashed potato! It'll be great!

>wonders why nobody gives a fuck about English food

>> No.7195423

Meat pies are nasty. Shit's like dog food wrapped in pastry.

>> No.7195425

Let's cook some mince with tomato, lettuce, and cheese, season it with salt and pepper, and stuff it in a bun! It'll be great!


Yet another sad self-hating Briton detected.

>> No.7195426

>wonders why nobody gives a fuck about English food
You clearly do.......

>> No.7195431

You might want to brush up on your Turnip Terminology


>Turnip can refer to three vegetables, which are described under the articles Turnip, Rutabaga, and Jicama. The confusion results from the following regional differences of usage.

>> No.7195643

german with an anglo boner here

i love myself some full english breakfast, vinegar on my chips (and crisps) and a nice steak pie with an ale.
feels good to be going there again next week