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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7188132 No.7188132 [Reply] [Original]

How does someone end up fat, /ck/?

It's been bugging me. I eat like shit, fast food almost every day, never work out, spend most of my day sleeping and masturbating, and while I won't claim to be healthy I still don't look like an elephant.

What's /ck/'s theory on obesity? Personally I think it's just matter of not snacking and avoiding sugary drinks.

>> No.7188138

If you get to know a really fat person you will realize they are often extremely depressed. My theory is they use food just like a drug.

>> No.7188149

you must masturbate pretty vigorously burning enough calories

>> No.7188158

you should ask the chick in your gif cause shes a landwhale

>> No.7188161
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>I eat like shit, fast food almost every day, never work out, spend most of my day sleeping and masturbating

High metabolism. Thank your elders for reproducing, I suppose.

>I still don't look like an elephant.

How's your heart, blood pressure, reflexes, etc? Not saying you're unhealthy or trying to mock you.

It's just some doctors claim that eating bad shit and doing nothing, while having high metabolism, will still make you feel like shit without actually looking like it.

>What's /ck/'s theory on obesity?

Too much sugar, processed shit, and empty calories; not enough physical activity to offset it all. For those without the fast metabolism, that is.

>> No.7188178

Lots of different ways. Bad parenting comes into it a lot, with parents feeding their kids poorly and with bad habits, but other stuff like depression can do it too. Of all the fat people I've known there's only one that was actually legitimately gluttonous - all the rest were unhappy and were either trying or succeeding in trying to change how they ate and lose weight.

>> No.7188183

I used to be fat because I would play Habbo Hotel 24/7 and my mom would feed me fast food for pretty much every meal.

>> No.7188202

Most fat people just have thyroid problems caused by fluoride in water and chemtrails.
Think of it as large scale human farming.

>> No.7188204
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I have always chalked up my low body fat to MUH-MUH HIGH MATABOLISM!!!

Then upon further inspection i realized I never eat over 2k cal unless im bored, and a few health concerns keep me low. I guess tub-o-lards would get mad without elaboration so I have UC which for some reason makes me lose mad weight on flareups despite not eating less. Im 6'2 and 165 now, was 178 and then I stopped drinking beer. During flareups I drop to like 150 then i just eat shit like cashews all day, im talking 4k calories+

I dunno somedays I just play video games and go 500 cal, most fat fucks just eat for a hobby you know? or like a routine? you must have been there where you get like into that coffee jam, where you eat a coffee drank each morning. Well imagine that but with a snickers or a box off swiss miss or a 2 liter of soda or a 2k calorie kids meal.

use your imagination dude

also i drink like 40oz of caffeinated shit daily, have since I was 14 and im 25 now.

>> No.7188250

You might think you eat like shit, but I guarantee you're severely underestimating how terribly most of these people eat.

Three litres of soda a day, stuffed crust midnight pizzas, a fistful of ice cream every time they walk past the freezer, a dozen biscuits with every cup of tea, their dessert plus half of everyone else's.

It's like a boiling frog, everyone thinks their level of eating is pretty bad, but the actual levels vary from starvation through to "I'm the reason the cruise ship had to add an extra cool room".

>> No.7188266

This, I eat like shit, but it's the sheer quantity of food fatties eat that makes them fat, not just the quality of the food. Ex, I go to a pizza by the slice place for lunch sometimes where 1 slice is big enough to satisfy me for a meal. I'll see fatties in there with 3 big slices plus a large soda

>> No.7188310

>processed shit


>> No.7188330

>Three litres of soda a day

It's mostly shit like this, or sweet tea in the south. Fatties ingest so many extra calories through what they drink than the normal person. If they just drank water most of them would lose a lot of weight

>> No.7188371

Terrible food in large amounts

I work in a very convenience-esque store and one of my ex coworkers (that was the big guy) would buy food every shift he worked. He'd always get shit like a couple cans of monster or some other energy drink, pepsi, easy mac, hot pockets etc. Everyone else brings in a big bottle of water and something like a granola bar or almonds to hold them over for 5-7 hours.

>> No.7188377
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When I was fatter (150lbs now, 240lbs then), my idea of an awesome dinner was 1 liter of soda and either two whole bowls of spaghetti or an entire little caesars pizza.

Mind you, I'd probably been eating a bunch of cookies at least three hours before that, not long after spending 30 minutes on an exercise bike, and starting the day with a few cups of creamer-heavy coffee.

Not as bad as someone who's morbidly obese with a codependent/feeder, but it wasn't healthy at all.

>> No.7188391

>creamer-heavy coffee
Does that even taste like coffee? I know someone who puts 15 creamer in one medium size coffee and it just seems so bizarre, that's not even a coffee at that point. It's coffee flavored cream.

>> No.7188409

>used to eat a bag of chips, exte sive lunch and breaktfast a day
>used to drink a liter of Pepsi or some other soda a day
>was skeletron
>got older
>gained fat on belly while eating and drinking less

I hate everything

>> No.7188413


>> No.7188430


What's UC?

>> No.7188439

>Does that even taste like coffee?

There'd be a slight hint of coffee taste. But I really just used drinking that "coffee" as an excuse to drink something that sweet in the morning.

These day though, it's black or nothing.

>> No.7188442

ulcerative colitis, it gives you horrible shits during bad spells (hence anon's unexplained weightloss)

>> No.7188471
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6'2 165 pounds
Jesus Christ m8 that may be too low. im 5'9 and 165. I mean i'm in good shape but you are wayyy taller... you have to eat a lot more friend.

>> No.7188481

eating more calories than you burn will make you gain weight. Genetics will determine the distribution of that weight. It's as simple as that. People eat shitty food, and most importantly, *drink* their fucking calories through garbage like soda, and think jamba juice and other hipster shit like a smoothie diet is actually healthy.

Protip: Orange juice? Any fruit juice? That shit's almost as bad as soda empty-calorie wise. Stop being stupid, water, tea, and coffee is what you drink if you wanna lose weight. And I don't mean those goddamned 500 calorie starbucks fucking abominations. Black fucking coffee or keep it at 2 tsp of sugar tops if you're a bitch.

If coffee's too bitter for you, do a cold brew, or if you're lazy, buy something like cold fusion laboratories coffee, they get shit done and it's still good.

>> No.7188504
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>lots of biscuits and stuff and pork pies

>> No.7188614

How many meals do you eat a day? I do this too, but I skip 1-2 meals a day and never snack so my total calorie intake is still pretty low.

Some people just mindlessly snack or drink sugary soft drinks all day in addition to 3 unhealthy meals + dessert.

>> No.7188623

sounds normal. I've been 6'1" 145 lbs for the last 7 years

>> No.7188631

I'm getting pretty fat right now. The reason I'm getting fat is because I eat while I'm bored and drink.

But seriously, it's more like

>I'm hungry
>Okay, I have a box of Kraft dinner for 4
>I'm going to eat the whole thing at once plus butter, Velveeta, and whatever the fuck to make it taste great
>I have just ingested 1500 calories easily plus another 150 or so with a decent beer

And then just the general lazyness with it. I've gained about 20 lbs in the last 4 months.

>> No.7188632

Hunger is extremely irritating to fat people. Even the slightest hint of hunger sends them running to the kitchen.

I'm a stick because hunger doesn't bother me in the slightest. I could be in pain from hunger and it wouldn't affect me.

Fat people are just weak.

>> No.7188635

i'd stick my dick in the landwhales blowhole if you know what i mean

all 3 of them.

>> No.7188644
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When I moved out of my parent's to go to college, I went from being on my feet walking 20,000 to 25,000 steps at work to being sedentary in class and at my new desk job.

At the same time, I had enough money to buy fast food and junk food every day.

My "grocery shopping" used to look like this: 3-4 12 packs of pop, pizza rolls, frozen chinese food meals, fries of all kinds, eggos, stuff to make burritos... you get the picture. I could easily drink half a 12 pack of pop a day, and that alone is about 1,200 calories. It all adds up if you're not tracking it.

Attached is what a typical day looks like for me now (tfw cutting).

>> No.7188665

>12 pack of pop a day, and that alone is about 1,200 calories

Probably well over double that amount of calories.

>> No.7188673


>HALF a twelve pack

Learn to reading comprehension son. I'm going off the calories in a can of mountain dew, 170. So 1,020 if you want me to be precise. I know what I'm about, I've been calorie counting for 3 years to get to where I'm at.

>> No.7188680

I used to be really fat, less so now (5'6", ~160lbs). Still overweight, but no longer obese, which is something.

I'll probably get ridiculed as fuck, but my honest answer:

>Sugary drinks.
Been said, but drinking pretty much anything but water, coffee, and maybe skim milk is a really easy way to get a lot of calories into you without much benefit. You can easily drink an entire meal's worth of calories without noticing.

>Habitual eating.
Yes, cliche as fuck, but I used to down at least a bag of Doritoes a week. Not evengetting much out of it, just out of habit.

>Over-eating in general
The obvious one, but my diet was really carb heavy and fibre light, which meant I could easily eat my days worth of calories in a meal and still feel hungry.

>Shitty work meals
I work crazy hours, and the only two things open after 9pm near the office are McDonalds and Wendy's.

Not much to say about this. Basically (lots of) empty calories.

Fixing all this was surprisingly easy, the hardest part was just learning what and how the fuck you are supposed to eat and the huge pain in the ass that is calorie counting.

A lot of it is obvious (cut the sugary drinks entirely, cut down on the alcohol, snacks, and fast food) but the trickier part for me is the whole balanced meals thing. These days I usually try to pair energy dense foods with low density foods in high volume (i.e. have your meat and potatoes with a serving of vegetables) and it works, but it does take some effort to get there from eating mostly junk.

>> No.7188747

>What's /ck/'s theory on obesity?

Consuming more calories then your body can expend. Period.

It's as simple as that.

>> No.7188827

Conan really let himself go after moving to TBS.

>> No.7188860

Never been FAT fat. Was a little chubby in middle school.

I'm thin-ish for my height (5'6", fluctuate between 113-120 lb.s depending on time of year). I don't eat a lot of sweets or juice/soda, but do drink a lot of vodka (5-9 shots on a weeknight, 10-12 beers or 14-19 shots on Friday or Saturday night), chased with water. I eat a lot of breakfast foods as snacks when I'm home, but, 5-6 half-strips of bacon and a couple eggs fried in the leftover bacon fat isn't that extreme compared to some fast food combos, especially since I just have water, milk, or coffee with it.

I don't work out, but, I do walk a lot. I work at a university, live just off-campus on the opposite side of the school from my office. Being campus-area, pretty much anything I need to buy within a given week is within a 30 minutes walk. So, I walk about 4-6 miles a day. Only drive if something's more than 2-3 miles away or getting more groceries than I can carry, or want groceries when it's raining hard. Stuff like that is one part of why city people tend to have lower rates of obesity than rural or suburban people.

Also, I was diagnosed as hyperactive at a young age and haven't fully outgrown it. If I'm sitting I have to constantly remind myself to quit annoyingly bouncing my knee like a fucking cokehead, even when I've had no coffee.

>> No.7188877

Are you a man?

>> No.7188926

I'm obese.

Today I went and bought $40 in Popeyes, and got through all three sides and all eight biscuits, while eating four pieces of chicken.

How you get fat is you eat a lot more than you burn. It's simple.

>> No.7188933

And winning a race is running faster than everyone else. Simple as that.

I've gone through horrible periods lasting up to six months in which I've been disgustingly lazy and eaten high calorie junk all day long. Each time my increasing weight plateaued somewhere along the way, somewhere far short of obesity, despite my calorie consumption and level of activity remaining the same. Presumably the extra calories caused my metabolism to start going faster, but the fact that this happens shows there's more to consuming more calories than your body can expend than is imagined when you make that simple statement.

To achieve obesity, you'd have to also outrun your body's adjustment to your changing habits. Or maybe some bodies don't adjust in the way mine seems to have in the past.

>> No.7188962


>> No.7188963

For me, it happened when I was young. Once you're fat, it's hard to get un-fat. Thin people can go their life without needing much exercise but in order to loose a ton of fat you have to.

>> No.7188971

Did they have onion rings?

>> No.7188975

Nah, I didn't even get anything remotely healthy for sides. I got mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and cajun fries.

>> No.7188999

Yes. A short man. Why do you ask?

>> No.7189005

Because I'm you're height, and you must be fucking rail thin.

>> No.7189011

Actually, that's kinda the opposite.

It's EXTREMELY easy to lose weight at a high weight simply because your body requires more calories to maintain itself.

It's EXTREMELY difficult to lose weight at a low weight because there is very little leeway in being able to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

>> No.7189041

Cool post. Love it. Really makes me think.

>> No.7189070

Pretty much this. The more weight you lose, the lower your BMR and the less calories per day you can eat while maintaining a deficit.

If you're 5 foot 6 and say, 300 pounds, even living a sedentary lifestyle you're burning around 2500 calories just sitting around doing nothing. Get down to 200 pounds and you're down to around 2000, 150 and 1600.

Aiming for a 500 calorie deficit, it's really easy to eat health and filling meals that add up to under 2000 calories. When you get down into the 1500 calorie range you have to pay attention, and below that is almost impossible (so you do lower deficit and more exercise).

I think it comes more down to habits. A lot of people say "I eat tonnes of junk and am skinny" but "tonnes of junk" is subjective and often not actually as bad as they think.

>> No.7189076

Are you sure you actually eat a lot? I have a skinny as fuck friend who eats burgers and fries and pizza everyday. But like most spooky skeletons he serves himself huge portions and barley eats half. Then he complains about why he can't gain weight.

>> No.7189143

I ate like shit in college (Chik-fil-a for two meals almost every day, lots of junk food and soda) and my only exercise was walking about campus and occasional pushups and I was still 20 pounds lighter and thinner than now, when I'm eating much better and going to the gym 3 times a week. It's really pissing me off.

>> No.7189236

I quit eating out and started cooking at home. I've gained 20lbs in about 1 year. Now I need to learn to cook healthy meals

>> No.7189344
File: 279 KB, 645x1589, fatass diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does someone end up fat, /ck/?
They eat way too much. That 2,000 calorie a day thing is bullshit if you're not doing anything. I tried that growing up and it was just way too much food. Where do they get off with 6-8 slices of bread a day? 4-5 servings of fruit a day? Are they trying to give me diabetes and tooth decay? How the fuck does one manage to drink 3 cups of milk a day? What is with the meat restriction? Canned sardines have 100 calories, 18g protein, 25% Ca, 9% K, 9% Na, and 8% Fe, etc., but best of all they're tiny. I don't have to eat this huge amount of food that makes my stomach full and leaves me all bloated like in these official doctor and government diets. Who eats that much peanut butter and nuts a week? A jar of peanuts lasts me a whole year. This shit is for bodybuilders and laborers. 1000 Calories a day is more than enough for me and they want want me to eat twice that. No wonder these fuckers are fat.

>> No.7189405




thin-ish? you sound like a normal weight to me for that height.

i'm 5'1, fluctuate between 105-115 lbs. not thin but i'm normal sized. i used to be chubby as well though. Weighed 135 at one point.

all i know is gaining weight sucks so much more when you're short.

>> No.7189410


You don't eat nearly as much as you think you do.

>> No.7189415
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>> No.7189417

Are you near 30 years or older?

As much as I'd like to be bigger now, I'm already adjusting my diet to be way more vegetable and fiber-centric, as I'm 27 and don't want to be so habituated to the massive amount of animal protein and beans I currently eat that I have to abruptly and drastically change my diet when my metabolism ratchets down.

>> No.7189431

Constantly sad and a decent bit fat, can confirm I find comfort in food.

Also, my parents never taught me to eat healthily, so that doesn't help.

I'm working to make it better tho, my goal is to be under 200 lb by the end of march.

>> No.7189438

If you don't eat above your TDE you don't get fat

>> No.7189439

What is that? A slice of green bell pepper?

>> No.7189441

what I want to know is how fat people can afford being fat. I budget $10-12 on food every day and I can barely afford my 2000 calorie goal. even my once a week kfc only comes to 1770 calories for $11.

>> No.7189443
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A Brussels sprout.

>> No.7189445

>10$ a food a day
>300$ a month
>Can't afford to feed himself
Learn to cook, goddamn

>> No.7189462

You're a fucking idiot, is what I take away from your post.
I can easily live off $14 for three days for two people! Big, healthy meals, lots of fibre, protein, and fats. It's called cooking you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.7189465

The problems is that you're retarded. There is no cure unfortunately.

>> No.7189469

Shitty food is pretty cheap.

>> No.7189472
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I cook for myself 6 days a week. this is probably the most dense thing I regularly eat and it's still only 2185 calories. cost is about $8 a plate so I can afford a banana for breakfast and an apple for lunch. I don't see how you would end up 300 lbs even if you ate this every day.

>> No.7189488
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or if you consider highest calorie/price ratio this could get you 3400 calories for $10, but how are you supposed to eat 3lbs of carbonara in a day?

>> No.7189503

To be fair, a lot of people don't like brussel sprouts, they could've given her a better veggie :/

>> No.7189518

Why not a carrot or something that doesn't turn so many people off if it isn't drenched in oil, salt, and pepper?

>> No.7189540

some people have been storing fat since they were younger.

>> No.7189542
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>This 'drinking calories' meme

I can assure you that 'drinking calories' is not a thing that makes any difference to me. I am 276lbs as well so I think I know what I mean

I get about 4500 calories per day
I drink 2 Litres of Vanilla coke per day, play 2 cans of coke zero
That is total maybe 800 calories taken in through coke

To get coke I have to walk to the Wal-Mart close by as whenever I buy it online with the rest of my food it goes nasty on the way so I burn 400 calories there (20 minute walk) so it is already down to 400 calories of drink per day

When I drink Vanilla coke the vanilla flavor tricks my body into thinking I am eating ice cream which means it digests it with stronger stomach acid so another 50 calories lost, thats 350 calories.

Then I lose 150 calories because I keep the bottles in a mini fridge on the floor and can only reach them by lifting the mini fridge up from its handle, I can't bend that much, so that means I get 200 calories from drinking each day

That is nothing. 4 cups of tea or coffee are more than that. A teabag is literally just a calorie bag, really no better than a snack sized oreo packet for all the shit added. I don't drink my calories, I mostly get them through eating overly fatty fruits and vegetables like finger shaped and oil fried potatoes or apples preserved in caramel. Besides the coke zero I drink is timed in a strategic fashion to dilute the calories in the vanilla coke by hitting it as it pools in my stomach. This makes the vanilla coke get displaced and it leaves my body in the form of sweat.

>> No.7189543


ugh kill it

>> No.7189546

>When I drink Vanilla coke the vanilla flavor tricks my body into thinking I am eating ice cream which means it digests it with stronger stomach acid
kek, thx anon

>> No.7189560

I do this kind of thing and then I'm hungry like 10 minutes later

>> No.7189566

I dont know.

For a big part of my life I was overweight because I had problems with the bones and was taking medicines that make you swell up and gain a lot of weight.

Now I'm 1,70 and around 65kg but I always wonder how I'm not a lot more fat.

I guy like me has a bmr of around 1,700.
And just a snickers or some basic meal at a restourant is 400cal and 600 respectively. I eat less than anyone I know and I still seem to gain weight a lot easier. I count my calories and walk at least an hour every day.
I just wonder how everybody around me isn't a hambeast.

I gave read that weight is just mark. Calories in calories out. Ppl with fast metabolism is a myth.

>> No.7189567

>20 minute walk
>400 calories
If only....

>> No.7189568

You might have a hormonal imbalance that keeps you from dropping the weight.
I eat one meal a day and drink water the rest of the time and I'm still overweight.
Things have improved a little since I've gone on mettforin(?) though. I'm a type 1 but my doctor suggested trying it for treating symptoms of my PCOS.

>> No.7189569

I'd be walking everywhere man

>> No.7189584

Probably because it wouldn't give a good enough response for TV if they gave her something she would enjoy.

>> No.7189588

I wonder if there are any studies on that topic. I'm pretty chubby and eat every 3-4 hours. If I don't eat my stomach hurts and I sometimes start feeling jittery and tired if I wait too long

>> No.7189595

Sounds like diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

>> No.7189596

Anyone know of any drugs that dull this sense?

>> No.7189598


>> No.7189599

>obese people actually think like this
It's sad, really.

>> No.7189611

I don't personally know any obese people to check if it's true, but there was a thread on /ck/ some time ago that claimed that the main difference is that fat people always eat until they feel full.

>> No.7189617

3 cups of milk isn't shit, what the fuck

>> No.7189618


nuts are awful for IBD dude.

>> No.7189625

honestly that chart is like
>one bowl of cereal
>balanced lunch
>balanced dinner

>> No.7189629


it's all about portions

Even as a fat fuck I understand the science of gaining and losing weight, it's 99% of the time a calorie intake vs burnt thing

>> No.7189632

Try crystal meth bro, I promise you'll loose the weight

>> No.7189645

Why would you want to farm large scale humans?

>> No.7189648

What a weird looking ass. It's so wide and flat.

>> No.7189875

I've been anorexic most of my life, I had a chubby face in my teens but it faded quickly. I don't see a reason to make fun of fat people though, the ones I knew were really nice and with the right support they actually lost tons of weight. A friend of mine was a depressed neet, but no one ever insulted him, instead friendship with people encouraged him to improve. Same thing happened with another acquaintance of mine.

So this might be 4chan, but I think everyone deserves a little kindness. Some people don't know any better, give them a chance.

>> No.7189878
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When i weighed 145 pounds i was a super skinny person at 5'9 you must be ultra skelly. I am not attempting to be rude; you should really increase your weight.

>> No.7189886


No mate, 145lbs at 5'9 is fat, you were fat and probably still are

Stop skinny shaming

>> No.7189889

no concept of moderation+inactivity

those two combined is what makes people fat, u can have or the other and not be fat

>> No.7189893
File: 369 KB, 2048x1365, 2000calories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at way too much. That 2,000 calorie a day thing is bullshit if you're not doing anything.

I started heavy weight training 4 months ago. For the first week i was eating around 1900 calories like i usually did and dropped 5 pounds in a week. I kept upping my caloric intake until i wasn't losing weight on a daily basis. I now take in between 3600-3900 calories per day and I am gaining about 1 pound per month. My body fat percentage has not changed much.
You eat healthy. Fat people don't
My diet includes a huge amont of calories and i eat super clean so i am constantly eating all day. Rice Beans Vegetables Lentils Chicken Fish Pasta Eggs Bread Water Oatmeal Fruit... none of those things are very calorie dense so its super hard to even get the calories need let alone overeat. Fat people drink energy drinks and coke and eat oreos and pizza and fucking hamburgers and french fries and cheese.

The picture shows a 2000 calorie meal. Most people are nutritionally retarded. Consume too much fat, sugar, sodium on a daily basis while not getting enough of the things they need.

>> No.7189897

no i had a six pack and some muscle but you could see my fucking ribs through my chest. I had no chest or back or leg muscles to speak of. My body fat percentage was below 10 percent. Im at 158-165 now and my body fat percentage is around 12 percent. still not even close to fat.

>> No.7189900
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this is a person who weighs exactly 145 and is allegedly 6'1" according to stats (which are often inflated, so 5'11" is a distinct possibility).

not exactly ultra skelly

>> No.7189905
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151 pounds

>> No.7189908


170 pounds.

>> No.7189952

>What's /ck/'s theory on obesity?
I have been obese. It happened slowly over time. In my 20's I could still eat more or less like a teenager, so I did. Then by my late 30's eating like that made me fat. So when I hit 40 I stopped eating junk and started working out. Lost almost 60 lbs. Now trim and coming up on 50.

But my bro is a couple years younger than me, and he's obese - like 100 lbs overweight, heavy breathing and all. Biggest differences between our diets is both portion size and calorie density of the food we eat. A meal he eats is easily a meal and a half for me. And his meals focus on calorie dense foods like meat, eggs and cheese. Vegetables are a side dish or an afterthought, like a salad. That's how I ate when I got fat. Now for me meals are mostly vegetables, and what I'm filling up on is mostly vegetable fiber. I indulge in calorie dense foods once in a while, not every day. Also I don't snack or eat sweets, and he does.

tl;dr It's easy to become obese if you get into a pattern of filling up on calorie dense foods instead of vegetable fiber while snacking and eating sweets. It might not hit you when you're young and active, but it will bite you in the ass when you hit middle age.

>> No.7189970

nothing in stomach acid eats the carbohydrates in sugar, stomach acid only breaks peptide bonds by using pepsin to digest proteins.

carbs are digested in your mouth and your small intestine only through bile... i know this has to be b8 but come on

>> No.7189986

studies are weird on weight gain and what consitutes as unhealthy food, but universally seems to be that processed sugars are The Worst for you, side by side with simple carbs like pasta. So cutting out a large portion of one of those two will do the trick for most people to avoid weight gain. It seems that we're swinging back into "meat and cheese are actually not terribly bad for you, eat away, whoops" with studies and I would agree with that.

Eating less is important and I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune diseases run in my family) so mostly I eat vegetables, meat, cheese, and large servings of fruit and they keep my satiety levels down so I don't snack or drink soda or eat sweets, desserts, etc. But there are so many factors involved in metabolism that it really is a factor that's important, if you have half a clue about how metabolism and hormones work in your body medically..

People seem to get obese because they don't excersize, and don't eat foods that keep them satisfied (ie ramen and processed shit) so they're hungry more often, intaking these large amounts of calories but no nutrients, and are basically malnourished despite being hambeast mcwhale lard

>> No.7190028

part of having discipline in a diet is learning to choking down things you don't like
not everything has to be delicious

>> No.7190031

It'll change once your turn 20, then again once you turn 30. It's all downhill from there

>> No.7190038

That's horrible thinking if serious. There's enough variety of food out there that you can eat healthy and still enjoy your meals. You shouldn't have to force yourself to eat anything, you just have to spend the time to find healthy things you actually enjoy.

>> No.7190056

Is everybody in this thread serious?

I'm 5'8 and 105lbs and you're all making it out to look like im dying of starvation.
I'm not fainting or going to bed hungry or anything I eat as much as my body tells me it wants me to eat.

>> No.7190057

post tiny titties pls

>> No.7190069


I'm a guy tho

>> No.7190072

TFW 6'3 and 150 lb

>> No.7190075


this is just a comforting myth for lazy fatties. your metabolism hardly changes at all as you get older, what you see as your metabolism slowing down, is really just your bad habits accumulating body fat over time.

>> No.7190077

Do you put rolls of quarters in your pockets so you can activate automatic doors?

>> No.7190084

To get that light you've got to have like, no muscle on your body whatsoever.

I mean, probably still healthier than being a fatty, but yikes.

>> No.7190085

>That's horrible thinking if serious.
Agreed. It's easy to develop a 6 year old aesthetic toward food, because fatty, starchy, sweet and salty are cheaply available everywhere you look. But once you take a step or two back from that and realize that everything doesn't have to taste like Doritos or a cheeseburger plenty of things that might have seemed less appealing are actually delicious.

>> No.7190100


Where I live, we arent so fat we have to have our doors open by themselves.


Sounds about right. I dont have very much muscle at all.

>> No.7190106
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>Where I live, we arent so fat we have to have our doors open by themselves

>> No.7190236
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>Tfw compulsion to eat because it's one of the last things I can do that makes me feel anything.

>> No.7190240

Energy expenditure for the same tasks increases when you are fat anon. This is basic knowledge.

>> No.7190304

Mate that would be a fucking apatizer for me in my fatty days. Used to be over 100kg, now 75 at 1.87 cm, but if I don't watch myself I will devour 10k cal in a day. Not even kidding. I usually date thin girls because muh model-tier qt's, and every time they witness me on a day I let myself go they are fucking shocked to the point of perpetual disbelief.

I literally am never full, I swallow down ritalin to function and study and while that does keep my appetite somewhat supressed, it takes so much willpower not to stuff myself every minute of every day. I wake up hungry and I go to bed hungry. If I wasn't so set on looking comely I'd be the hambeast you see in /fit/ fat hate threads.

>> No.7190372

>1.87 cm
Shit mate, even 75 kg at 1.87 cm is pretty fucking dense, like denser than an osmium ingot.

I'm 1.85m and 110 kg right now. Fucking shit, went down to 85 kg then rebounded. I know that all consuming hunger, it only ever stops when It's painful to eat anymore. I'm sure it's psychological or something because I can't see what else it could be

>> No.7190388

Like most weight class fighters, his actual weight is probably heavier, but they take diuretics and such before weighing. Unless that's been cracked down in recent years, I don't keep up with these sorts of sports.

>> No.7190394

Unless they're tiny and don't have to do anything to make weight, most guys who weigh in at 145lbs usually come into a fight back toward 160lbs.

>> No.7190427

m-m-muh metabolism
*eats large mcd's meal*

>> No.7191243

it's because you say pop you fucking degenerate

>> No.7191445

By golly I have the answer! Everyone's bodies are different you fucktards. Look at the people around you. Oh wait, this is 4chan. Leave the basement and look at the people around you. They don't all look like anime characters do they? Diversity.

>> No.7191467

Le metabolism meme
OP you probably don't look like an elephant because while you eat shit food, you don't eat as much of it as whales do. A whale doesn't just eat shitty food, they eat a LOT of shitty food.

>> No.7191648


personally i think you're a moron. BMR & TDEE, stay below

>> No.7192167

are you retarded?

>> No.7192175
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I used to believe in stupid shit like that.

>I ate so much greasy food.
>Better have some fruit to burn away all that grease.
>Alright, orange juice.

>> No.7192178

the amount of calories your body expends for any activity, or even idling, is proportional to your general weight.

>> No.7192179


Overeating isn't just diversity you fuckwit.

Almost entirely the reason someone is fat is because they overeat, aren't active enough, or a combination of the two.

>> No.7192213

SUNNY D ISNT ORANGE JUICE. I hate when people think they are they are interchangeable. Sunny D is disgusting.

>> No.7192217

they're both terrible for you.

Fat people drink calories.

>> No.7192228

Bullshit, I'm fat as they come and didn't drink anything but water for more than a year and I didn't automagically become not fat.

All juices are shit though admittedly, just natural fructose water that people somehow think is good for them because it's derived from a fruit instead of corn.

>> No.7192236
File: 316 KB, 594x546, 161219999-smart-money-story-on-comparing-nutritional-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=GkZZ8bf5zL1ZiijUmxa7QSuTvduka9JSsUzXxDeu%2F2Ittq1JAiNj9ZuoVQnBSSecwI%2BDcAhmOe0k11b8tPWp4w%3D%3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exactly why I posted that pic.

>dat canola oil

>> No.7192246

Dihydrogen oxide.

You can get it without a prescription, even.

>> No.7192250

>Sunny D is disgusting.
Hey, fuck you, buddy. It ain't orange juice, and it ain't healthy, but that shit tastes like liquid sex.

>> No.7192273

1000 Calories a day lol stay skelly

>> No.7192276

Or manlet lol

>> No.7192327

I'm not a bodybuilder, but 150lb at 5'11 isn't a spooky skellington. I'm more into strength exercises, some cardio, and maintaining good form.
I'll never learn.

>> No.7192570


> I eat like shit, fast food almost every day

How many calories faggot?

I bet I could put away more calories in a single sitting than you would all day.

>> No.7192861


>be me
>270 pounds
>parents are both fat

It's both mine and my parents fault. When I was a kid they fed me fatty foods, so it's all I knew how to eat. Getting older it's soon my responisbility to change my diet. IMO I carry my weight well but it's still not healthy.

>> No.7192883

>mfw I have a high metabolism
>mfw I rarely eat 2k calories per day due to
only eating 2 meals every 30 hours

I'm 5'9 and weigh about 110lbs. I somehow seem to gravitate towards that weight, the heaviest I've ever been was 120 and I worked out every other day and ate a shitload. When I stopped doing that it dropped back down to 110 in like a week.

>> No.7192910

Femanon--I'm about 20-25# overweight. Not obese, or anything. I eat good home meals, I use stevia, I don't drink soda, or eat candy and fast food, etc. I probably eat around 1200-1300 cal day. I am over weight because I drink alot of beer. Yesterday I drank 11. So all of my extra calories and weight come from booze.

>> No.7192934

god damn, thats a lot of beer for a girl. not making fun of you, just impressed!

>> No.7192935
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>in my opinion i carry my weight well

>> No.7192938
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No one cares that you're a woman.

>> No.7192950

You seem to care.

>> No.7192951

Yeah, it is. I drink a lot. 11 is a usual amount. Some days I drink a lot more than that. It's not something I'm especially proud of but I can hold my liquor.
I only said I was a Femanon because I posted my food calories.

>> No.7192954

don't be a raging alcoholic. you're doubling your caloric intake with probably 40% of the recommended daily allowance of carbs (which is already higher than it should be).

not to mention all the damage to the liver, pancreas, etc. etc.

>> No.7192965


/ck/ has the most pathetix whiteknights on 4chan. Hands down.


StI'll don't need to post your sex for attention. Different people require different caloric intakes. Infants require vastly more (proportionally speaking),than adults of either sex do. You should have said you were a teething female toddler.

>> No.7192966

I'm a functional alcoholic. I work, pay my bills on time, handle my shit and do what I need to do. But I drink far to much when I am home. I look forward to it. It is very unhealthy for me, I know this. One day I will cut back again or just stop. I'll prolly try cutting back after the new year. Liquor is everywhere this time of year and everyone in my family drinks. When I stop drinking, I have to cut myself off from all socialization for about 2 weeks so that I can get a Good handle on my cravings. I quit once before by drinking seltzer water and lime. I went back to drinking again though.

>> No.7192971


>I'm a drunk
>chemicals dictate and control my every action
>I'm functional though
>I know it's bad for me
>I just can't stop
>am gurl pls2advice 4chins :3

Go be a birthdefect elsewhere attentionwhore, this isn't your blog.

>> No.7192972

I didn't say I was a Femanon for attention. Sorry it triggered u.

>> No.7192973
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Go away now.

>> No.7192976
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what a colossal faggot

>> No.7192980

I used to be fat... and to be honest is about pilling up stuff.

I'd get sad I was all alone and fat on a summer night, so I avoided parties or going to the beach. Instead, I'd watch movies and it a big jar of icecream, crumbled chocolate chip cookies, chocolate sauce and dulce de leche.

>> No.7192987

>1000 Calories a day is more than enough for me
lmao no, it isn't. enjoy your osteoporosis, increased mortality and having no energy mr skeltal :^)

>> No.7193014
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>Calling yourself an alcoholic when you drink beers
Yeah sure, call me when you haven't been sober for weeks and have piles of empty 100+ proof bottom of the shelf spirits piled in a corner of your hovel.

>> No.7193048

> drinks too much beer and alcohol


>> No.7193051


Go be fat elsewhere attentionwhore.

>> No.7193058

Candy. I like candy

>> No.7193066

tbf brussel's sprouts are disgusting

>> No.7193617

Soda and bread, or more concisely, carbs. They're addicting, and don't make you feel full as fast as foods rich in protein, fat, or fiber. Even more, limiting them almost always means weight loss since its more difficult to exceed your BMR without a billion different cheap bread based snack options to stuff yourself with. Also keto is a thing too, but that's far more in depth than I'm willing to get into right now.

>> No.7193618

>build up a tolerance to alcohol
>i'm impressed!

>> No.7193619

Its definitely depression related. When I'm actively engaging in an activity, I often forget to eat, but when I'm going through the motions and waiting for the day to end, I'll stuff myself with things that make me my mouth and stomach feel happy, until they turn on me and make the rest of my night miserable.

>> No.7194132

You must be small or really weak or you literally do nothing physical not defending the government's food pyramid Cuz it's dumb but 1000 Cal a day would have the body eating muscle and fat

>> No.7194157

you misspelled delcious

>> No.7194158

I get plenty of vitamin D and calcium. I don't know what you mean, m8. :^)
As a manlet, I don't really do very much for the most part. >>7192327

>> No.7194165

oh boy and then so did I

>> No.7194176

>Typing out a laugh because you're not even smart enough to construct a sentence.


>> No.7194196

hahaha its just a thyroid condition bro

>> No.7194209

I'm 5'10, 220
one of my problems is that I eat when I'm bored

another is that I never, ever feel full. Even when I DO eat a healthy meal that I prepare myself, I feel hungry 10 minutes later.

I also live with my mom who does most of the cooking and she's stuck in the 1950's where a healthy meal is massive portions of all the wrong things

>> No.7194218
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Some people just have fat situations in life.

For example I am a poorfag and live above a pizzeria. The owners give me spare pizza every night. I probably have 4-10 slices of pizza a night minimum and that is on days where I don't order a pizza delivery from Pizza Hut.

Sometimes they mock me by calling me downstairs when customers come in to collect pizza and saying 'this is the pizza god, he will take your pizza if you do not treat it well' and talking about how I have become so angry with peoples treatment of pizza that I have grown in rage and now my footsteps are louder than ever. But its free pizza, I can't turn it down.

>> No.7194228

it also doesn't help that she brutally guilt trips me whenever I try to cook for myself, saying shit like I hate her food and I think she's a horrible cook
etc etc

>> No.7194233

give it to the homeless

>> No.7194236

So start working out. It'll be better for you and them. Some big huge guy is gonna be way better to call down than some fatass.

>> No.7194393

You are medically underweight.

>> No.7194399


>just have fat situations

Nope, some people have malnutrition situations that they cannot escape. If you're incapable of curbing your binge eating, or laziness...enroll yourself in some psychotherapy, go to the gym and start socializing more.

There is absolutely no excuse to be overweight.

>> No.7195446

man ikuy's ass is still some top notch stuff.

>> No.7195491

Fuck that shit man. I went from a bicycle delivery job for a thai food restaurant to a car delivery job for a pizza place. They kept throwing pizzas at my sedentary ass and I never had weight issues before so I didn't think anything of it. Over the course of a year I gained 25 lbs or so. I finally managed to burn it all back off recently. Now I steer clear of it.

>> No.7195492

>/ck/ gives medical advice.

>> No.7196783

>But its free pizza, I can't turn it down.

None of the ingredients in your average pizza are scarce. You can turn it down guilt free.

>> No.7196846

if you ever need to break down weeping, visit a walmart and learn what that word really means.

>> No.7196855

You need to eat more. Gain 1 or 2 lbs per week. You'll get fat eventually.

>> No.7196871

you're shut the fuck up fat whore

>> No.7196874

That guy has a legit genetic disease. Prader Willi. Lots of hunger, shitty metabolism/poor muscle tone coming together to make him almost gain weight looking at food, easily gain over a pound a day. Also makes him slightly retarded and emotionally stunted. Guy is basically a little kid mentally with a constant consuming hunger and a crappy body.

>> No.7196884

Should have started with something more awesome like broccoli. That shit is great cooked or not, I also like to pretend I'm eating tiny trees.

>> No.7196898

They're like goldfish, give them a chance and they'll eat themselves to death literally.

>> No.7197523


It's a fucking fake reaction. Acting. I hope you guys don't take this seriously.

>> No.7197536

>depressed because you're fat
>eat because you're depressed
>get fat because you eat

>> No.7199038

It's getting cold, isn't it?

>> No.7199099

Congrats, you're a retard who thinks "high metabolism" is a thing. You're the type of person >>7188202 is trying to impersonate.

>> No.7199102

People get fat from eating high fat food and snacking. I don't do either and I'm at a stable weight and am not fat. I used to eat cheese, eggs, and fried foods and my weight, hunger and mood, was all over the place. It was a real nightmare.

>> No.7199110

80 @ 185 here. I've recently picked up lifting and it has made me hungry as fuark again. In my fatty days I hit 93kg, and I could pretty much eat continuously like you.

The only reason that I don't is because I have a full time job that keeps me distracted enough, during the weekends I still turn into a beast. Especially sundays are the worst, because I spend most of my time shitposting on 4chan, playing vidya and vissiting friends / relatives. Fuck hungry skellingtons that say gaining weight is hard. It's not hard when you're constantly hungry.

>> No.7199115

Are you cutting 1000 Kcal / day?

>> No.7201035


Aye. I just hit my first goal of 180lbs (down from 252). I'll probably have to downshift to a 500 calorie cut at some point, but as long as I can keep working out a ton every day I'll be cutting at 1k.

I don't recommend it for everyone, though. My recovery time for lifting is longer, so I'm really sore and weak most days I lift.

>> No.7201048

You have three dicks?

>> No.7201077
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You overeat because of bad parenting as a child, you continue to do so into adulthood. Your stomach gets stretched out, you become accustomed to overeating(new "norm"), you eat as a crutch for emotional problems or just out of habit, your stomach gets even bigger, you get fatter, etc, etc.

Most people don't realize how many calories they are eating in a given meal. It also gets to a point where eating becomes a drug-where you eat just because it feels good. In addition, they may eat so damn fast that their body won't be able to keep up and tell them when to stop(eating slower is best).

I lost weight because I visited /fit/ and did the calorie-counting + strength training mix. The first two weeks I always felt like I was starving. Even though I'd eaten a little bit under maintenance, my body felt as if I hadn't eaten all day. After those two weeks my body became accustomed to it, and I realized how much I'd been over-eating without realizing it. I shrunk my stomach, and my appetite.
It takes a lot of will power to do that, especially if someone is working a lot. You're hungry, you feel distracted-that diet must be wrong, right? No, it's just a person is used to overeating.
If you're already very overweight and used to having food as a crutch, the willpower needed to wean off overeating is even harder.

You are correct with the snacking and sugary drinks, that is a huge cause of it. People don't realize how many calories they are drinking via Soda, juice, and milk. Those(except milk, especially full-fat milk) feel like empty calories so it won't dent your appetite at all. Sugary food is addicting, while also not being full-filling it terms of appetite.

>> No.7201120

Obesity, getting fat, and being overweight has been figured out. It's calories in vs calories out.

Being healthy is another thing, but you can be skinny and eat nothing but french fries and soda, or you can be fat and eat nothing but fruit, vegetables and water (it would just be more difficult to be fat on eating healthy)

A short explanation is, your metabolism and how active you are during the day determines how many calories you burn. Food and drink you put into yourself determines how many calories you gain. If more goes in than goes out, it accumulates slowly, so you get fatter and fatter.

Again, this has nothing to do with health. Being healthy, eating decent whole food in moderation for your vitamins and that gay shit, might just make placebo feel good enough to go out on a walk and burn off some calories.

>> No.7201146
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When I was growing up my parents had a bowl of candy in every single room of the house, and always had cakes/pies/donuts in the kitchen. If I wasn't eating them, it was assumed I was sick and would get tons of obnoxious, crooning attention I didn't want. Unsurprisingly I was a chubby kid, and only lost the weight when I moved out and didn't have the temptation around me anymore.

>> No.7201201

It's not hard to go way, way over your TDEE with what seems like a pretty "normal" diet (from my perspective in middle-class white America). To start off, portion sizes in American restaurants are huge, so people think that consuming a massive amount of food three times a day is normal. Add on high-calorie snacks that are easily available throughout the day to your three large, heavy meals, and you are way above 2,500 calories. Add in getting no exercise and there you go, you are now fat.

>> No.7201693

Because you don't eat 1/10th as much as a fatty, regardless of how much it might seem to you. Go on and count your calories, it seems like you eat a tonne because you are used to it, but trust me you don't eat a tonne.

>way too low

Are you American?

>> No.7201726

not just eating bad food, but eating ALL THE TIME, most fat people (me) eat all day long. you code say im a food junky

>> No.7202034


What do you do about your Hashimoto's?

I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis myself (Hypothyroidism) and I've been chubby/overweight for all of adolescence and now as an adult as well. I take medication for it but it doesn't seem to help any.

I'm worried that having this shit disease means that I'm always going to be a chubster no matter what I do, since it's an outside factor. Like someone with PKD is always going to have shitty kidneys.

>> No.7202054

Yeah, this is pretty much it. Food is like a drug to a lot of people.

>> No.7202083

>high fat food and snacking

Kek. It's not about snacking, I don't snack at all and I'm 100kg at 180cm. It's not about eating the wrong food. The food I eat is very close to that of everyone else's around me, and everyone around me is at a normal weight.

You know what it is? Portion control. Because it doesn't matter if it's just grilled chicken and not chicken fried steak with gravy, if you're going to eat the entire front half of that chicken by yourself. Doesn't matter if you're accompanying it with steamed brown rice instead of french fries if you eat over half a pound of rice.

You know what the other part is? Being more sedentary than a coma patient. I keep thinking about how much better I'd feel if I even so much as went out for a simple walk every other day, but when I put on my shoes I immediately start thinking that this is going to suck and feel the urgent need to stay inside shitposting while sitting with absolutely horrendous posture. Take in a shitload of calories, burn fuck all of them. The human body will obviously do its thing and create adipose tissue from the excess energy.

Yeah, if you do eat like shit and snack a lot, stopping those will get you from "incredibly obese" to "very overweight", but until you fix the other two you'll always be a fat fuck. And the other two are infinitely harder.

>> No.7202111

I like brussel sprouts, but overboiled brussel sprouts are disgusting and smell like sulfer. They did that for effect. No one likes them like that.

>> No.7202126

If you gained 2lbs every month, in 10 years you would be 240lbs over your normal weight. Gaining 2lbs in a month of fat is not hard. Many do that during the Holidays, when everyone has extra food around.

>> No.7202163
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I get hungry from my Seroquel (anti-psychotic) medication that I take at night and binge eat before bed. I used to drink alcohol all day, I stopped 6 months ago and lift weights now and its slowly improving. Also getting older you get fatter as your T goes down. If you supplement too many hormones you get cancer. Life is a tradeoff.

>> No.7202167

you mess with the ratio of ghrelin/leptin hitting you. They control hunger. Weed alters ghrelin.