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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7184896 No.7184896[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Want to fatten my girl up. She's doesn't like sweets. What do?

Pic related is what I want. She's down with it.

Need fat filled food ideas and recipes.

>> No.7184909

someone find this anon and tell her not to fatten up this chubby girl. shes already at her limit for looking good while fat, any more and she'll just be a landwhale.

>> No.7184911

Fucking gross

>> No.7184919

The longer you look at her face the uglier it becomes, try it.

>> No.7184935

Some of us like bigger women. Good on you OP. I want a beautiful hamplanet and fatty recipes too.

>> No.7184939

I like her body

>> No.7184952

i don't have a fat fetish but i'd still enjoy spooning with her

>> No.7184954

Is this like a doomsday prepper thing? Have a fat girlfriend so you have something to eat if the world ends?

>> No.7184955

Sweet and sour sauce. You could even make it look healthy (ahaha) with chicken breasts and veggies but still dump enough sugar in there to put McD to shame. Make it hot and you can go to 11 with this.

>> No.7184959

why ruin a nice skinny girl. there are plenty of fat girls already fat.

>> No.7184975

Yum. I would do things to her that would make her parents cry.

>> No.7184978

She's down with it. I'm not making her do anything. She's not skinny but she's skinny to me. Size 10-12 now. I don't want her stressing about her weight. She loves to eat and I love it when she eats. Size 16 would be perfect.

>> No.7184982

Thanks man. Sounds good.

>> No.7185000

Butter, whipping cream, alcohol, breads, peanut butter, nuts, etc.

Don't really know any recipes but fried chicken might be good.

>> No.7185029

Go for it OP.
while you are at it get her smoking cigarettes and drinking a bottle of vodka a day too.
ive also heard asbestos makes for great winter clothing and acid is an efficient make up remover.

>> No.7185055

Im just looking for recipes that are calorie dense. thanks tho

>> No.7185091

Eat plenty of fatty meat like steaks and such, but always have carbs with it too. So like a ribeye and loaded baked potato maybe with nice dark beer too. Have dessert every meal too.
And eat plenty of shit like corns and grits and such. Corn-fed ain't a saying for no reason. Sweet potatoes are good too and like pasta and beans and lentils. Could try indian food too, lots of that shit is full of fat and such, and it's delicious and easy to over eat. And of course bread.
Cheese and cured sausages such as salami along with wine are good too, and hummus and stuff you can just sit and snack on. Also always make coffee with heavy cream. It's delicious and full of fat.

>> No.7185092

oil is your friend.

1 tablespoon of olive oil is 100 calories. I think i read that an additional 3500 calories above what your body uses will result in a 1lb gain in weight.

So get 35 tablespoons of olive oil in to her food per week and she will soon fatten up.

Obviously olive oil wont work on all foods. Cream sauce is very high in calories. Sautee mushrooms in butter, and they are like a sponge and just absorb it all. High sugar drinks are another option. Certain types of meat are high calorie such as belly pork. Leave the skin on her chicken. Chicken wings are much higher calorie than breast. Get creative.

Good luck anon

>> No.7185096

I guess tl;dr eat like you're on keto but keep all the carbs too.

>> No.7185108

>wanting a fat girlfriend
I like my women like south africa
malnourished, aids ridden, under educated and okay with rape.

>> No.7185119

coffee creamer and coconut oil

>> No.7185135


Great, Thanks!

>> No.7185167

Fucken pleb

>> No.7185480

Drink melted chocolate and skippy peanut butter.

>> No.7185492

Pasta. Shit like chicken parm is just a disgusting amount of calories.

>> No.7185553

Feed her moderate proportions of lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains at regular intervals during the day (3 is probably enough). Encourage snacking on more fruit and vegetables as well as things like low fat yogurt.

Encourage her to exercise regularly and take up a fitness sport like running, biking or rock climbing and go for long hikes in the country every weekend. Get her active and stay active!

This will get you the results you need in no time.

>> No.7185557
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>> No.7185562


>freshman 50

Ugh... such a waste of a cute face.

>> No.7185567

This pleases my high test

>> No.7185631

Two boobs are plenty, this whale needs to take her four titted, make-up caked, stanking ass the fuck away from here.

>> No.7185641

>high test
i.e. desperation

>> No.7185643

>I like fat fucks
>I m-must be high test, guyz

>> No.7185652

It doesn't work like that, not all of the oil goes into the food. To get the most out of your oil cook something that will soak it up. Flour, egg, and bread crumb chicken and then fry it. When it's done put it on a plate and in the fridge, 45 minutes later take it out and fry it again. Shit will be delicious.

>> No.7185663

>s-stop liking what I don't like!

You have to be over 18 to be here, children

>> No.7185667

You should probably have taste to post on a food and cooking board as well but you seem to have missed that.

>> No.7185671

it's always funny when you see a average to decent looking black dude with some white porker
>but she white doe

>> No.7185674

Keep posting to prove how mad you are that someone likes something you don't ;^)

>> No.7185689

OK, I am very mad. Is that what you want? You seem to be mad that people don't like what you do. By all means enjoy your four titted whale. Let me enjoy laughing at the biological pile that is the OP pic thing.

>> No.7185696

I just think it's funny because nobody cares about what you think

Keep raging though

>> No.7185700

Not him but if you like fatties youre most likely a fatass yourself or are very ugly and have convinced yourself that you love fatties because they are all that you're gunna get. Not because you are a high test alpha male lmao

>> No.7185706

My dick likes what it likes...

>> No.7185714

they should lock you up and admit her to a mental facility

>> No.7185716

You seem concerned about people liking what you think. You keep alluding to me being mad. Seems your defence is weak my friend. Don't worry m8, I only find you slightly repulsive for wanting to shag a ham beast.

>> No.7185717

>i jerk off too much and now my dick has a mind of its own

>> No.7185722


> skinny white dude that's likes chubby women

8/10 would bang and make caramel popcorn balls for her

>> No.7185729

Why does it bother you what 2 consenting adults do? Fuck you man. Ignore the thread if it bothers you.

>> No.7185731

Already tried this OP.
Easiest way to get fat is a lot of carbs.
Focus on carb shit like bread and pasta.
Anything with starch in it.
My girl didn't put the fat on the way like it so I stopped and made her lose it again. Sucks that that all comes down to genetics and you can't change where they put the fat on, just ain't fucking fair.

>> No.7185762

Fattening someone up for sexual pleasure is pretty fucked up. If it is truly consenting (which I seriously doubt) then go mental. Fucking retarded though.

>> No.7185765
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Post more beautiful fatspiration.

>> No.7185766

She just needs to eat more, dumbass.

>> No.7185770

That is way different from OP.

>> No.7185772
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1040, moon7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but why can't you love her for who she is instead of trying to change her into into a fat unhealthy pig just because you're insecure about the size of your penis and want to make sure that no other man would want to sex her so then she won't leave you or make you her cúck?
if you don't like her for who she is now then leave her be and find another land whale to poach.

do what you want, but i just think it's wrong to try to change a person to cater to your insecurities at the detriment of her health.

>> No.7185778

I don't care, just post more of it.

>> No.7185779

>hide flabby arms/legs
>cross legs and suck in stomach
>turn sideways to appear thinner and stick out chest
so beautiful

>> No.7185780

wow, what a fucking epic troll, hope this feeder enjoys dhiarea

>> No.7185785

>that mona lisa smile
>that incredible chest
>those firm, meaty thighs
You have appalling taste, anon. Go back to posting in the Burger King threads please.

>> No.7185788

fat people don't have firm thighs and a chest that big usually causes back problems

>> No.7185795

She's not fat as evidenced by her firm thighs, and her back pains are not my problem.
Why are you so desperate to find fault with perfection?

>> No.7185798


>> No.7185806

>>7184896 No thanks
>>7185765 Yes please