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File: 69 KB, 504x572, Beer-Mug[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7183239 No.7183239 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys im turning 21 in about 15 minutes and I'm incredibly excited to start drinking beer and experimenting with new stuff.

Can I go out and buy beer at midnight? Do I have to update my licence? I live in MN

What are some good beers to try?

>> No.7183248
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>I'm turning 21 in 15 minutes
>I'm going to spend my entrance into actual adulthood posting on 4chan

>> No.7183250
File: 44 KB, 455x640, drinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all downhill from here.

>> No.7183251

4chan is where i spent the last ten years and its where i'll spend ten more

>> No.7183255

>i'm an adult
>i still shitpost on 4chan
>i feel good about it

>> No.7183258

if your license isn't expired they can just see by your birthday and it'll check out

updating is just for convenience assuming MN is one of the states with vertical licenses until 21

>> No.7183273
File: 72 KB, 640x426, beer sampler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some good beers to try?

Go to a brew pub and get a beer sampler;

>> No.7183280

OP, I've been on the wagon for two and a half months now, but will now pour myself a large whiskey to celebrate your incoming inauguration to the wonderful world of alcoholism.

>> No.7183282

If you get beer, do yourself a favor and don't buy cheap beer like Coors light or Budweiser or shit like this, that's what you get for summer parties and shit

Get yourself real fucking alcohol and get some Scotch or Scotch whiskey, something a real man with hair on his chest would drink.
Rum is also viable as well as Vodka and Tequila.

Beer is for when you just can't bother to make a damn effort to drink right

Oh, and alcoholic shit like Sourpuss and other fruity garbage is Teenbait for sorority chicks and frat boys

If you want some recipes for mixes, do some research and make sure it doesn't include sissy shit like grenadine syrup or some other shit in that variety

If you ABSOLUTELY want beer, but Clamato and Clamato rimmer as well as Worcershire sauce and tabasco
It's the only way the down cheap ass fucking beer like Coors Light

>> No.7183288

go to bars! lots will give you free drinks on your birthday.

I hope you have friends to spend it with, otherwise drinking alone isn't much fun.

>> No.7183290

im glad i can inspire you bro. i hope my birthday brings fun to both of us and neither of us spiral into a void of alcoholism

>> No.7183291

liquor is better btw. can't go wrong with vodka. mixes with anything and quality doesn't matter as much as with most liquor.

>> No.7183308

Alcoholics are people who either have an actual family history of addiction issues or people with low will power to make themselves stop

In my opinion, one must learn to have respect for alcohol for as much as it is a good friend to have in good times, it is a bitch to have as your master

Mind over matter the Asians say. Very true for control of alcohol

>> No.7183312

Beer is shit, drink cider like the founding fathers did to be a real man.

>> No.7183319

don't get any IPAs, you will hate yourself for wasting money on them
start out with something easy to drink like a blonde ale or a macro lager

>> No.7183326

Do not listen to this piss drinking sod

Buy liquor

>> No.7183337

wont people call me a faggot?

>> No.7183343

We'll call you a faggot for caring about the opinions of people who post on the cooking section of a Laotian shadow puppetry board.

>> No.7183345

Get a load of this gayboy

>> No.7183346

Liquor man here
Hard cider is something I overlooked and is OK in my book

>> No.7183351

Say the fukboi with nigger dick in his ass and drinking margaritas

>> No.7183361

What are some beer types for somebody who only ever enjoys neat spirits?
I'm too poor to afford herbal/whiskey so preferably it'd have to be cheap. Strong alcohol flavour please.

>> No.7183369

Liquor man here

Of all beers, if there's one that would be considered acceptable, it's Stouts, like Guiness

>> No.7183371


me too, but 11 years (March 2004, bro came home from college in Japan for a week visit, and showed me 2ch and 4chan)

spent christmas alone a few years back eating very dried pork sausage with muenster and cheddar cheese with club crackers and my cat. was actually one of the best christmas I've had.

I'm a bartender, so OP, get some cold lager, or if you're feeling adventurous and want to get drunk, get "Tripel" beer by "New Belgium". High abv and has a floral/fruity note to go with the hops and malt flavors.

if you want liquor and are getting drunk, just hit up vodka. can't go wrong, and mixes with any fruit juice. vanilla vodka & pineapple juice is good. 2oz pear vodka + splash of pomegranate syrup + splash sweet & sour, shaken with ice, poured free or over ice, very delicious. Absolut makes a nice pear vodka. try "UV" brand vodka. affordable and many flavors if you're a bitch nigga and can't appreciate scotch. Personal favorite is Balvenie double wood, matured as scotch is, then further matured in sherry oak casks. When I can't afford a moderately-priced bottle at $56, I pick up Speyburn 10yr single malt for ~$25 and that's what I'm sipping on now. That and a bowl of Gorilla Glue #4 from Lush in Denver.

>> No.7183382

Drink it anyway.

>> No.7183383

This bartender serves sissy drinks for sissies, but his personal preference for Balvenie Scotch makes him a real man

I offered my old man a 14 years of age Balvenie Carabeen scotch whiskey

>> No.7183386

Or, preferably, stouts not like Guinness.

I guess it's fine the first few times, but you soon start to notice how bland it is.

>> No.7183388

Any recommendations? How's craft/international with regard to stout?

>> No.7183508

Where do you live? Guinness is fucking great at a pub in the UK and underwhelming anywhere else.

>> No.7183515

If you're getting beer, make sure to have some sort of salty food with it. Chips, pretzels, or nuts are standard. Then, once you're slightly drunk, follow up with something greasy to go into a happy food coma.

>> No.7183732


Fried chicken and beer is a god send.

>> No.7183768


get ready to be disappointed

>> No.7183796

>I live in MN

>MN bars close at 2am
>some dumbass spoiled white kid decided to take 21 shots on his 21st birthday at a bar
>21 shots from 12:00 - 2:00 AM
faglord died
>mommy faglord becomes state legislature and bans drinking at 12:00 AM on your birthday.

>> No.7183817

Who dies after 21 fucking shots? I'm only 19 and I've done more than that on a regular basis. Then again all the Americans at my uni are lightweights so that might just be a result of not being allowed to drink at a sensible age

>> No.7183821

ham planet or alcoholic, probably both

>> No.7183833

I weigh basically nothing though I do drink a lot. Dutch genes keep me from getting pissed from anything less than 6 beers

>> No.7183837

"Weigh basically nothing" in much of America means under 300. Still ham planet.

>> No.7183851

I don't know how much Americans normally weigh but I weigh 8 and a half stone, not sure how much that is in kilos or pounds

>> No.7183854

>8.5st= 119lb
Please tell me you're a grill

>> No.7183858

Nah I'm a man, whole family are really skinny. They thought my sister had an eating disorder because she weighs 6.5 stone. Doesn't stop me from drinking and only helps me when I go climbing

>> No.7183862

I haven't seen the new star trek movie, so I have no idea what that means.

>> No.7183867

I recommend you start with tasting all the beers available at your local liquor store or supermarket. Then look for more crafted versions of the style of beer you prefer.

>> No.7183882

>Can I go out and buy beer at midnight? Do I have to update my licence? I live in MN
You should update your license if you experience hassles in restaurants where people can't do math. Since some states turn the picture 90 degrees (landscape vs portrait) to distinguish you quickly, it's simply a hassle before renewal. But you should know it'll cost you the reprint of the license, but your renewal date will be the same, not pushed up.

Best beer for new drinkers is going to be Corona with lime, or anything fruity or along the spectrum of the definition of wine coolers. Seriously. You might like a sour ale, or a fruit lambic if you want to go belgium styles. You will acquire a taste for beer over time, it doesn't happen instantly. Try having hard ciders, combination flavors of like a 12-pack of seasonal brews, so you can taste test types, but don't expect to choke it down unless ice cold, or brimming with sour or fruit flavors. There are some Sam Smiths or Young's that are interesting, a strawberry beer, and a chocolate stout. People who are real drinkers, beer evolves into the more light lagers the more you go. Don't assume lack of flavor is somehow bad, it just pairs nicely with food and goes down easy after you're over the hoppiness and extreme flavor of the 1st beer.

>> No.7183894

...Or he could just grab a mix pack of sierra nevada instead of fucking tabasco.

>> No.7183900

Where in Minnesota are you? It doesn't matter. Google "brewery" and go to the nearest one. Ask for an easy drinking beer. Almost every brewery has a blonde or pils or whatever on tap. Some like Hammerheart or Indeed aren't too accessible to new drinkers though

>> No.7183902

Oh and I forgot, pizza luce has good deals on drinks and good pizza. Go there. Comfy bar too.

>> No.7183909

That place is so gross, I don't know why minnesotans jack off over the pizza so much

>> No.7183911

Their pizza and hoagies are good bro.

>> No.7183918

They are completely mediocre. It was forgivable in the 90s when minnesota was still fully isolated from the outside world but now that reforms have started and you have stuff like Pizza Lola to give you a frame of reference for what pizza should taste like, there is no excuse.

Don't get me wrong I'd eat it if I had no other choice but the way people get excited about eating there confused the fuck out of me before I finally realized most midwesterners have never had good food.

>> No.7183922

I don't get stoked to eat there. I go during happy hour on Monday where a good beer is 3.50 and a big slice of decent pizza is 2$. It's not bad and they serve good beer for cheap

>> No.7183941

If I suggest The Happy Gnome or Northbound for good food and beer will you be happier?

>> No.7183981

>Scotch or Scotch whiskey,
U wot m8?

>> No.7184076

>You should update your license if you experience hassles in restaurants where people can't do math. Since some states turn the picture 90 degrees (landscape vs portrait) to distinguish you quickly, it's simply a hassle before renewal. But you should know it'll cost you the reprint of the license, but your renewal date will be the same, not pushed up.
I"m 26 and still have the vertical license with a picture of me when I was 18 and it has never been an issue. Definitely not worth getting a new one

>> No.7184085

This is a quick reminder that psuedo authentic pizza is almost never better than mediocre pizza. Its just a way to charge you premium prices for tiny boring pizzas through good marketing. Its like the iPhones of pizza

>> No.7184170

Guinness is a rather boring drink. First few times you have it and it's OK. Eventually it just starts to taste like literal water.

>> No.7184172

Most breweries make a good Russian imperial

>> No.7184189

Compared to other cheap beer its pretty good (though hardly cheap), but so many better stouts are so easy to find

>> No.7184213

Better than Yuengling, that's for sure.

>> No.7184220

well yeah, but that can be said of almost every beer in existence without 'light' in its name

>> No.7184314

Pizza Lola is not "authentic", I think you got confused because, like authentic pizza, it uses high quality ingredients

Flyovers should really not try to talk about food for at least another 10,009 years

>> No.7184345

I'm just used to/tired of people calling it good. I'll take a Heineken over it at this point.

>> No.7184364

I can't figure out if its just a couple people always mentioning it, or if thinking Yuengling is good is actually a thing in the east and south

They don't sell it in my state, and I had heard positive mentions of it, I was really fucking disappointed when I tried it and learned it was just another shitty lager

>> No.7184379

I've never been.
You used the phrase "what pizza is supposed to taste like", which is synonymous with saying 'authentic'. So if anything is confusing me it is your poor grasp of the english language. What does any of that have to do with flyover though?

>> No.7184385

It's what happens when people with no sense of what's good are allowed to have opinions

See also: WIDF on fake "cheese" and >muh spotted cow, flyover land in general on "normal food", Texas on shiner bock and Texmex "food", etc.

>> No.7184392

Scotch is made in Scotland
Made anywhere else it's called scotch whiskey

>> No.7184394

So why the fuck are you even posting? Kill yourself

>> No.7184395

Are you the guy who only eats pizza if it uses authentic Italian buffalo mozzarella?, and no sauce because it is too processed and unnatural, just slices of raw unprocessed tomato?

>> No.7184400

>can I go out and buy beer at midnight
>do I have to update my license

Holy shit anon for someone who's supposed to be both an adult and excited to start drinking, you don't know anything.

I don't think you're ready for alcohol for another few years thb.

>> No.7184404

It's not healthy to hold a grudge like that, let alone assuming everyone on the internet who has an opinion on pizza must be "that guy". He must have really #rekt you though, hmm?

>> No.7184410

But Yuengling is a coastie thing. They don't even sell it in most of the midwest.

You can't blame every perceived problem in the world on places you have never experienced in some sort of strange xenophobia. and why bring up spotted cow? Thats at least an actual craft beer, not just mass produced macro lager

>> No.7184415

Oh boy, its the California cheese memer here again

>> No.7184416

>if you don't think spotted cow is the best thing in the universe you are an Europoor who hates America and will stop at nothing short of its total annihilation
WIDF your delusions are getting more and more hilarious

>> No.7184417

Yea, never heard of it until I moved to VA for school from FL.
It's slightly better than pbr for little more.

>> No.7184430

Has there ever even been a thread here where someone has articulated anything like that?

Spotted cow is mom tier beer in Wisconsin. I think its fucking great that middle aged people are flocking to it over Miller Light, and sure some people from Chicago and Minnesota mythify it due to its limited availability, but there very few people in Wisconsin that are into beer or whatever that consider it great

So I don;t really understand what you are upset about

>> No.7184566

Pizza luce is good for what it is, a high class Dominos style pizza.

Doesn't mean it's good pizza, but I'd rather order delivery from pizza luce past midnight rather than anywhere else that's open in my neighborhood

>> No.7184578
File: 15 KB, 120x120, 120px-Feel_Drinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm incredibly excited to start drinking beer and experimenting with new stuff

we all were at one point...some point

>> No.7184981

Man your upset about something but I really don't know what it is

>> No.7185912 [DELETED] 

Postin in this thread because why not.

How the fuck do you into craft beer? I went to a bar with some coworkers that serves all craft beer, like 200 different beers. How the fuck do I decide what I want? I have never heard of any of this shit and I don't want to spend 10 bucks on a giant glass of shit I might take 1 sip of and decide I think its fucking disgusting.

I just ordered a rum and coke and everyone looked at me like I was a giant faggot

>> No.7185920

Same way you get into wine, coffee, scotch, etc: you drink a bunch of it and you always seek new experiences.
>I have never heard of any of this shit and I don't want to spend 10 bucks on a giant glass of shit I might take 1 sip of and decide I think its fucking disgusting.
This is what shock top and blue moon are for. People like you. I'm disgusted by this way of thinking, but to each his own.

>> No.7185927

>I don't want to spend 10 bucks on a giant glass of shit
Where the fuck are they selling $10 glasses?

also, just ask the bartender for a sample if you are that worried about it, though I can't ever recall ordering something that turned out to be disgusting (though often not as good as I had hoped)

>> No.7186220

MN licenses expire on your 21st birthday, so you shouldn't be able to buy any alcohol until you get a new one. You should have gone and renewed it weeks ago.
You're either going to have to get someone to buy beer for you, or have fun waiting a few weeks for your new license to arrive.

>> No.7186306

Are you retarded or just 12? If it isn't made in Scotland, it's not scotch.

Go check out Surly Brewing. They're pretty well known for making kick ass craft beer even where you can't get their shit. I live on the east coast, have never had any of their beers, and that's probably the first thing I would do if I ever find myself in Minneapolis again.

>> No.7188526
File: 68 KB, 500x293, autismo reading.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol being a bartender and using sour mix. What fucking scum bar do you work at?

Also congrats on loving newfag scotch