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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7179154 No.7179154 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ make its Mexican butter?

>> No.7179156
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>tomatoes in your guac
>creamy guac
>no cilantro in your guac

>> No.7179159

Avocado, cilantro, lime, a small amount of finely chopped onion and salt. You don't need the onion but I like it.

>> No.7179169

I made this at my friends bday because he requested guacamole. Some girl there wanted to make it and said she prefers hers with tomato and sour cream in it. I told her it's not even guacamole at that point.

Am I autistic?

>> No.7179180

>mexican butter
Do Americans and Europeans put cold Country Crock on top of their casseroles right before serving it?

>> No.7179190

People are usually 50/50 when in comes to tomatoes.

But sour cream is an abomination.

>> No.7179193
File: 63 KB, 600x400, hey seuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guacamole with tomatoes
It's okay

>guacamole with sour cream
Jesus fucking Christ, send help for that poor soul.

>> No.7179204

Sour cream and guac taste good side by side, but mixing it together kills their separate flavors altogether.

>> No.7179258

>>no cilantro in your guac
look again

>> No.7179289

My ideal quac is avocado, salt, and pepper. I add lemon juice, finely chopped tomato, and cilantro when making it with other people

>> No.7179290

unnecessary. add some finely chopped jalapenos or serranos instead

>> No.7180055

i usually add jalapenos. how would using serranos instead effect the flavor?

>> No.7180062

it would be spicier

>> No.7180066
File: 26 KB, 476x476, Guaca Bowle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With my handy dandy Guaca Bowle(pronounced guaca Bouel) from Yeb Bush's campaign site!

>> No.7180074

but i don't have $75 funday bucks

>> No.7180090

Then save up anon! You too can have a proper Sunday Funday!!!!

But in all seriousness does anyone else here Molcajete? Theyre super cheap(ignore guaca bowle) and add trace amounts of minerals and awesome flavor to the guac?

>> No.7180112
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I do not. I just use a glass bowl and a fork.

>> No.7180126

for you

>> No.7180144

I puree half of the avocado and cube the other half. I know that probably sounds ridiculous, but I love the smoothness you get with puree and the cubeness you get with cubes. When you just mash it you get something in between and it's not as good imo.

>> No.7180156

As a dirty mexican, honestly 90% of the time I just eat a bit of avocado with a pinch of salt on the side of the rest of my food.

Like just ate carne guisada with fideo and corn. Had a couple slices of avocado with it. Didn't dress it up. Just ate a lil bit with food that's it.

Weird that I always see white people so obsessed with the right way to do it and adding a bunch of shit. If I do make guac it's usually for a bbq and keep shit simple

>lil tomato
>chili, usually serrano/jalapeno or pequin
>some salt
>bit of lime juice maybe

And all of those, except salt, are optional. This ain't serious shit.

>> No.7180163

Dank guacamole is headed your way

>> No.7180165

Avocado, lime, cilantro, tomato, a little bit of finely minced onion, and instaed of table salt i use soy sauce. It's bretty gud.

>> No.7180173

Does anyone have a non-avocado gucamole recipe?

I absolutely love gucamole but my diet restricts avocados and personally they dont taste all that great. so I was wondering if anyone knew of an avocado substitue?

>> No.7180177


>> No.7180190
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>the cubeness you get with cubes

>> No.7180194

if you can't use avocados, just make salsa instead.

>> No.7180196

Lime juice is totally necessary. Unless you want brown guac.

>> No.7180203

The fresh lemmon juice is nesesary, also, let the avocado's seed inside the mixture bury it on the guac.,

>> No.7180209

Make salsa, add 1/2 cup salsa for every avocado.
Add a couple teaspoons lime juice and some salt. Shit will blow your dick off. If you don't have a dick, you will grow one and it will be blown off.

>> No.7180210

I always put mayonnaise in mine. That's just how I grew up.

>> No.7180216

3 avocados, peeled and pitted
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup diced shallot
3 tablespoons chopped cilantro
2 roma tomatoes, diced
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 jalapeno, minced
In a medium bowl, mash together the avocados, lime juice, and salt. Mix in shallot, cilantro, tomatoes, jalapeno and garlic. Chill 1 hour for best flavor.

Guacamole Verde
1/2 pound tomatillos, quartered
3 garlic cloves, peeled
1 jalapeno, seeded and halved
2 large green onions, chopped
1 tablespoon canola oil
2 avocados
1 teaspoon lime juice
1/4 cup cilantro
1 teaspoon white sugar
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon salt
Preheat the oven to 425F. Toss the tomatillos, garlic, jalapeno and green onions with the canola oil on a baking tray. Spread out and roast until charred, about 12 minutes.
Mash the avocados in a bowl with the lime juice.
Place cilantro, sugar, cumin, oregano, salt and roasted vegetables in a blender. Puree until smooth, then add to bowl with avocados and stir until blended. Chill.

the guacamole with the salsa verde is so addictive i can't stop eating it. holy shit.

>> No.7180223
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Get back DEMOOON

>> No.7180245

It's slightly fruitier and spicier than a jalapeno, but they're very similar.

>> No.7180247


>> No.7180249

Would adding bacon grease to the guacamole make it better or worse. or would it just be kind of whatever and pretty much pointless?

>> No.7180254

Do people really dislike it that much?

>> No.7180287

pig disgusting desu senpai

>> No.7180300


Try making it with a whisk if you like chunky bits of avocado as well as creamy

>> No.7180333

What's the point of adding fat to guacamole?

Maybe bits of fried bacon if you want porky flavor, or you know just think about what the hell you're doing.

>> No.7180432

Depends for what.

Usually its just avocados+salt+around 3 lemons and some water, for carne asada.

For dishes just mashed avocados.

For salsa i go wild.

>> No.7180436

>not adding melted Velveeta and hot sauce

>> No.7180487

There's a new place by me. http://www.komotodo.com/
It's fucking terrible, but the wasabiguacamole shit is pretty good.

15 years ago, I worked in a grocery store, and this little mexican dude in the produce dept. would make guac every night. It was soo fucking good, but I never got the recipe and have never had guac that good since then. Goddamnit!

>> No.7181848

Shut up you meme loving fuck

>> No.7181888

kerby lane diner does something like cheese guac in Austin, tx. it's pretty good

>> No.7182084

Is Guacamole healthy for you?

>> No.7182091

It's healthyish. Avocados have a fair amount of fat in them, mostly unsaturated but it does have saturated fat too. It's perfectly fine provided you aren't sitting down and eating buckets of it at a time.

>> No.7182101

Well there's nothing about it that makes it inherently bad for you....

But obviously don't slurp down like a gallon of the shit along with 5 bags of chips.

>> No.7182114

As simple as possible. Avocado, lots of fresh lime juice, and salt. Mash it all together and it's perfect for me. I love it just like that.

>> No.7182125


>white man teaches Juan how to be mexican

u gonna teach me how to hold my chopsticks too, Smith?

>> No.7183110

2 large riped avocados
1 pre-packaged guacamole seasoning

That's all you need you poshed fucks

>> No.7183146

disguting western pig salsa

avocado, chilli, cilantrano

that is all, stop adding a hundred seasonings to everything america
guacamole is a palate cleanser

>> No.7183157

>cilantro, lime, very fine diced red onion, very fine diced jalapeno

also make 1 avocado very smooth and another slightly chunky and mix together, I like the contrast.

>> No.7183159

>western pig


>> No.7183168

I chop, grind, mash up some red onion, garlic, cilantro, and serrano peppers in a mortar and pestle. Then squirt in some fresh lime juice and toss some salt in there, sometimes a bit of el yucateco if I'm feeling randy, then toss the avocados in there and mash it all. Tastes good as fuck.

>> No.7183179

right after you're done squirting jizz into your boyfriends asshole?

>> No.7183185


>> No.7183189

only if you're handing out anymore of that jizz, no homo

>> No.7183863


Delicious cubeness

>> No.7183865

>Get butter
>Stick Mexicans in it

This isnt rocket science, people...

>> No.7183876

Mine is
>lime juice
>spicy peppers of some kind
>bit of finely chopped red onion

>> No.7183901

guacamole is so disgusting

it's like salsa is the only good thing to come out of the mexican kitchen and essentially it's just spicy ketchup sauce with chunks

>> No.7183935

>it's like salsa is the only good thing to come out of the mexican kitchen and essentially it's just spicy ketchup sauce with chunks

i've never seen a plebbier statement in my life

>> No.7183980

You need to get some green peas in there.

>> No.7184010

You are not a Mexican, Timmy

>> No.7184012

Literally what??

>> No.7184079

Guacamole :
Jalapeno or Serrano chile,
Lemon juice
If you want onion,meh, it's OK
but nothing else is need it. (for me)

If you have leftover guacamole, cover with plastic food wrap,make sure that the plastic wrap is in complete contact with the guacamole, to avoid air oxidation.

When I was a hotel Banquet worker, we use to put tomatoes in the guacamole, the reason I was told was to reduce cost of the guacamole.
Put some tomatoes to reduce the amount of Avocados.

>> No.7184090

>When I was a hotel Banquet worker, we use to put tomatoes in the guacamole, the reason I was told was to reduce cost of the guacamole.

And this was in '95 - '99.

Yep, old fag here.

>> No.7184102

Guac should not be this complicated.

>> No.7184199

You must be about 14.

>> No.7184543

I like the cubeness in my ice as well. Shit's cash

>> No.7184545

Cool thread. Needed this.

Few questions.
-how do I know if avo is good for guac? I was told you can check the ripeness by pressing the little button thing at the top, the stem, and if it presses in then it's all good.

- how to make pico de galo?

-why are the guacs I make never the dame flavour? They alleys taste different. Although I don't usually use the same ingredient proportions

-is cilantro essential? Is that the same as coriander?

>> No.7184552

Kerby lane has awesome guacamole

>> No.7184558

You should stop making yourself look so stupid

>> No.7184569

Found the child.

>> No.7184574

You must not know what you're talking about senpai

>> No.7184582

Being Asian, I don't like the flavor profile in Mexican food. So I just make my own variation. It's not really guacamole.

Crush some garlic, coarse salt, add a couple of peppercorns in mortar and pestle.

Then mix in bowl with avacodo chunks and mash a bit. Add a little lime juice and a splash of fish sauce.

It has a sour and salty taste and is a little fishy.

>> No.7184584

And some ciltantro too.

>> No.7184604

1: Gently squeeze the avacado, if it's soft but not mushy, it's good for guac
2: Pico is usually tomatoes, onion, salt, pepper, lime juice, and cilantro. It's basically guac sans avacado
3: Your answer is in the question. If you change proportions, you'll get a different taste
4: Cilantro isn't essential, but it's in almost every guac recipe, so use it. Salt is necessary either, but you're really gonna want that cowbell in there. And coriander is different. Use scrambled eggs to test different flavors. Hope I've been helpful

>> No.7184621

cut in half and thrown out the window because avocado tastes like buttered grass


>> No.7184639

>buys avacado just so he can throw it out a window

>> No.7184649

>he doesn't have an avocado tree in his back yard

>> No.7184681

1 avocado (cubed)
1 roma tomato (outer flesh finely diced)
10 leaves cilantro (finely chopped)
1/8 lime wedge
liberal paprika
dash of salt
dash of pepper
dash of onion powder (or a small amount of diced onion, but powder keeps the texture)
dash of garlic powder

1. mash avocado in bowl to medium creaminess, leaving some chunks
2. squeeze lime juice to prevent oxidization/browning
3. add spices/seasonings
4. add tomato
5. mix together

fucking easy mates, simple from a friend who grew up in Oaxaca.

>> No.7184691

pico needs peppers, jalapeno or serrano
much different flavor, much more lime juice and tomato/onion flavor.

>> No.7184693

That's what you get for buying Chilean avocados. Get Mexican or California avocados.

>> No.7184754

>onion powder
>garlic powder



>> No.7184921

>he wastes avacados instead of selling them