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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 83 KB, 630x378, pizza[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7178737 No.7178737 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a home made pizza thread going? I'm thinking about attempting one later but I've never made one before, so looking for some tips / recommendations. Best ingredients, toppings, how to cook - temperature, how long, etc.

That being said I'm going to be lazy and just use store bought dough, probably tomato sauce too...

>> No.7178745

2-3 minutes
900 F
You won't get this in a gas or electric oven but you can build a wood oven in your yard out of old bricks or concrete slabs. It's pretty easy, I built one last summer.

>> No.7178747

>home made pizza
>store bought dough, probably tomato sauce too
At that temperature it should only take 90 seconds to cook. If your pizza can cook for 3 min without burning to shit your oven is not at 900 degrees.

>> No.7178750


and the memes just keep on coming

> not cooking at 1800 celsius for 7 seconds

>> No.7178751

well what the fuck man, it still better than buying Tombstone Pizza or something

>> No.7178756

sorry my friend just showed me 4chan the other day and this is the first time i am on the cooking board what is a me me

>> No.7178759

I usually get my ingredients from trader joes. they have premade dough that I'm pretty happy with, mozz, pizza sauce, and all the meats/veggies I could want. the ingredients for the dough are on the package and pretty straightforward. as for cooking I usually just do 450F for ~10 minutes.

>> No.7178761

sorry, "cooking instructions for the dough" not ingredients. derp

>> No.7178763

If Sandra Lee says so.

>> No.7178773

Not really, since the dough and sauce are the two key parts and also the most fun to make. You're missing the entire point of making pizza if a you're doing is applying toppings. That sounds more like an activity for a child since there's absolutely no effort, risk or creativity involved. You don't become competent without trying things.

>> No.7178775

i feel like shit because i dont have trader joes near me and i'll probably just end up getting the pizza dough from walmart - fuck this town

>> No.7178780

lol you pretentious faggot, you're actually like any one on this board makes their own dough let alone sauce

>> No.7178784

That's brutal. No way I could live in a place where I had to buy my food at walmart. You have my sympathy, Anon.

>> No.7178785

of course they do, its easy as fuck. i bet you haven't even googled it.

>> No.7178790

>ike any one on this board makes their own dough let alone sauce
wtf are you talking about? Anons here bake their own fucking bread. Just because you can't imagine anyone doing any real cooking doesn't mean people here aren't actually cooking from scratch. I haven't bought a jar of pasta/pizza sauce since college.

>> No.7178792

I make my own dough and sauce
20 lb bag flour from the Costco and tomato paste cans

>> No.7178794


> not making your own toppings

child detected

>> No.7178799

>buying ready-made cow feed to feed your cattle
seriously, you fucking guys

>> No.7178861


>store bought dough, probably tomato sauce too

Then what's the point? I'll give you my dough recipe, it's easy as shit and only takes 5 minutes to put together -

>get about a cup of water or about 250-300 ml of water
>add yeast and mix it up, fuck sugar it doesn't need it, you might want to add a little bit of honey for taste
>throw in like 2-3 cups of flour and add a teaspoon of salt and mix it up
>add the yeast and mix it up
>there won't be nearly enough flour but it helps to not mess up the water/flour ratio
>keep adding flour little by little until your dough starts coming together and starts feeling like a huge fat natural breast
>keep adding a little more flour and kneading until the titty becomes a little bit more firmer and starts resembling a tight titty of a 20 year
>when the dough is soft and supple and stops sticking to your fingers you can just dump it out on your work surface with a little sprinkling of flour and knead it for about 3 minutes
>clean up the bowl a little bit and add a little olive oil and throw the dough titty in
>cover with a towel and leave it for an hour
>for the sauce just get some good canned tomatoes, add some olive oil and either some garlic powder or I prefer fresh garlic just infusing a little olive oil with the garlic and adding that to the tomatoes
>add salt pepper and you're pretty much ready to go

Store bought sauces suck and the dough is filled with useless shit you don't really need. It takes less than 15 minutes to put all this together except for letting the dough rise, also in the end it tastes better and gives you a sense of accomplishment once you've made something from simple ingredients. Also a good tip if you don't have a good oven it is advisable to just precook your dough on a very hot pan and then just finish the pizza with the toppings under a broiler or oven.

>> No.7178916

Pizza dough recipe...

100% Flour
60% Water
1.25% Salt
1.5% Sugar
.375% Yeast

This is in bakers percentages based on weight, because volumetric measuring is straight up ass.. 200grams of flour is enough for one pizza, so if you were using 200 grams of flour for your dough, you'd add 60% of the total weight of flour for the water (120 grams), 1.25% of the total weight of flour for the salt (2.5grams) etc...

The flour can be AP or bread flour. Bread flour gives a lighter crust, though.

Mix together and knead until silky smooth, form into a dough ball, and refrigerate the dough at least 24 hours before using it, so the dough gets a nice slow ferment.

Once ready to use, let it come to room temp, pre-heat your oven, and then form your pizza. Top with with room temp toppings, and bake on a pre-heated stone placed as close to your broiler as you can get it without burning your pizza. The oven should be as hot as you can get it, and the cooking time will depend on how close you can get it to your broiler. Done right, the cooking time is usually no more than about 6 minutes.

>> No.7178932
File: 16 KB, 236x236, maters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza sauce...

Make it with can plum tomatoes, and crush them by hand or use a fork, as a processor can make them too runny. San Marzano are the go to tomatoes, but you can use any canned plum tomato, or even use tomato puree.

Basic Neapolitan sauce - tomatoes, salt to taste.

Basic American sauce - tomatoes, olive oil, oregano, salt, pepper.

Other ingredients commonly used: basil, rosemary, red pepper flake.

Make your measurements by taste, and you'll be fine.

There's no need to heat and cook this sauce, but you can if you feel like you must.

>> No.7178953
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1536, 1449179263089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whatever you say.

>> No.7178955

This retard has clearly never cooked pizza properly.

>> No.7178962
File: 1.04 MB, 2592x1458, pizza2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted these before. I made them at my parents' house over the summer. I was a hero that night.

>> No.7178965

Are those sardines or anchovies?
Either way, you don't see people put those on pizza anymore. Sad really.

>> No.7178966

Chicken breast.... might as well eat cardboard.

>> No.7178974

>I can't cook

>> No.7178977

Unless you know how to actually cook chicken, and from your post, you obviously don't know how to make a juicy filet.

>> No.7178978

Looking good to be honest.
I'd happily eat.

>> No.7178985

This jealous anon is correct. The leftover grilled chicken I used was a little dry so that's why I gave the pizzas a very very small drizzle of olive oil right before serving. Problem solved.

I was going for a 'greek' thing I guess. Peppers, Spinach, Olives, Onions, and Feta besides the mozz and parmesan.

>> No.7178993


900F is retarded, that's a kiln, not an oven.

>> No.7178996

>I have never cooked pizza properly

>> No.7179034


If you have the time, why not? Just use dry yeast and it's trivial.

>> No.7179090


Wood-fired ovens are this hot. At the dome of the oven they even reach 1k degrees. It can take about a minute to cook a pizza.

>> No.7179096

id recommend using naan bread as a base.......loads of flavour

my fav topping is chilli n chorizo

>> No.7179111


I like about 2x this much salt and have stopped using sugar. Yeast is supposed to eat flour. When it eats sugar, it sort of puffs it up unnaturally.

For browning in a home oven diastatic malt powder is a great thing.

>> No.7179141


> not cooking your pizza at 5700 kelvin for 13 yoctoseconds

do you even know what a pizza is?