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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 21 KB, 300x199, food_prep_and_cooking-300x199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7178377 No.7178377 [Reply] [Original]

Does this board have any 'sticky type' information or resources? I want to stop being a pleb.

>> No.7178381

The google

>> No.7178408

well. alright.

>> No.7178429


>does this board have a purpose?

Good going, faggot.


>> No.7178441

Like a bunch of retarded vertical recipes are really doing to teach anyone the basics....

>> No.7178447

what do you know how to cook already?

>> No.7178452

Ask questions and get answers, that's how we work

>> No.7178454

If you don't know how to cook, you won't be able to discern between real advice and trash around here. And around 90% of the advice you'll get here is trash, either because its pure bullshit, or because it is given by people that can barelly cook.

So be carefull.

>> No.7178691

There's a /ck/ booru, but it doesn't have tons of content.

>> No.7178698

/ck/ does need a sticky.
Eventually this board will be nothing but shit-posting, Jack shilling and bait.
The board needs cleaning up as well, the mods are weak.

>> No.7178700

No just learn cooking techniques here and practice practice practice practice practice. you need to read (or be taught) and then ACTUALLY apply it. Take notes (mental), you're going to fail, learn from mistakes and succeed

www reluctantgourmet com
www reluctantgourmet com
www reluctantgourmet com

>> No.7178707

There is far too much information to try and make a sticky. People just need to use google and learn.

>> No.7178715

Fucking this.

Not like the circklejerking stickyfags care. The only care about getting their shit advice pinned.

>> No.7178716

New as fuck

>> No.7178726
File: 77 KB, 550x413, gamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a sticky being written.

>> No.7178730

You're fucking hilarious.

>> No.7178734

It's meme spouting faggots like you that are half the problem with this board.
I wish you'd fuck off somewhere else with your shit posting and leave us to discuss cooking topics like adults.
You're a fucking cancer.

>> No.7178742

Oh jeeze, it's the
>4chan is srs bsns
guy again.

You're all incredibly new and it's awfully obvious.

>> No.7178746

I fucking hate jack threads.

>> No.7178757

I do help very often in threads with actual questions, but no one has an obligation to spoonfeed helpless morons.


>> No.7178758

>There is a sticky being written.
God I hope not.

>> No.7178770

Maybe by him, but not anyone important. Cooking is incredibly broad and subjective. There are also a serious amount of resources for beginners already out there. This isn't some niche, hard-to-find subject were talking about.

These children are just lazy.

>> No.7178774


If you're too lazy and incompetent to use google, you deserve to starve or continue living on fast food and frozen dinners.

>> No.7178783

So why do we need /ck/ then?
>jack threads
>instant ramen
>meme food
>ad nauseum

>> No.7178786

What we need is an active mod/janitor to delete all the bullshit threads so those of us that are actually here to talk about food and cooking can do so in peace and the faggot kids will lose interest and all go wander off to some other boards to puke their memes all over the place.

>> No.7178787

Did you forget what website you were on?

>> No.7178788

eggs and frying pans will give you most of the techniques you will ever need.

>> No.7178870

Season your egg quarters dawg

>> No.7179010

I don't agree.

A sticky could be a good idea as long as it covers the basics, as in basic cooking techniques, basic utensils and their uses, etc.

>> No.7179015

As if there isn't thousands of other places to find that information

>> No.7179162

And yet we keep getting the same basic questions. With a sticky at least we could send them to read the fucking sticky

>> No.7179170

There has been a lot of demand over the years but the mods flat out ignore it and we're not organised enough to start up a wiki or something.

>> No.7179176


Have at it, children

>> No.7179186

We need to split this board into /food/ and /cuisine/

>> No.7179198


>there has been a lot of demand over the years

Ha, no.

>the mods flat out ignore it

They've flat out said that if /ck/ puts it together they will make it a sticky.

>we're not organised enough to start up a wiki or something

Everyone here who knows what they're talking about know that a /ck/ sticky is a stupid idea, and something we don't need.

>> No.7179273

The only thing /ck/ could possibly agree upon for a sticky would be the following:

>Want to learn to cook? Pick up a fucking cook book, read it, and follow the instructions inside. Eventually you will learn to cook.

>> No.7179451

You don't have to put everything in the sticky, you know. Just some of the most requested basics.

That said, I gave up on the sticky. Too many anti-sticky fags shitting up the board for no real reason.

>> No.7179493

fuck you and your fancy book learning bullshit, just watch a youtube video and copy that instead

>> No.7179498
File: 20 KB, 400x400, TPB_RIcky_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book learnin

>> No.7179527


>you don't have to put everything in the sticky, you know, just some of the most requested basics

>i just got kicked out of the basement/left for college, give me easy shit to cook
>tell me how to make instant ramen taste good
>which fast food place should i go to today
>i don't have any money, what do
>i'm drunk/high, and even though you have no idea what i have available to me, tell me what to cook
>type out your best recipe for x,y,z, because i'm too lazy to google it, look at a few things that might be alright, then come back to ask actual advice about how to best go about my game plan

>too many anti-sticky fags shitting up the board
>for no real reason

You must have just come here for the first time in the past month, right? Let me guess, you're a /sw/ exile?

Sticky posting has almost become a form of shitposting at this point. Telling new posters to fuck off already when they bring it up, again and again, is self-moderation.

The main point is that nobody would agree on anything, so trying to get together and come up with a sticky would just result in an endless back and forth of opinions about the best way to do things... But wait, that's what the board is already about, at it's best.

>> No.7180656

>nobody would agree on anything
fuck you, yes we would

>> No.7180796

basically the sfw boards of 4chan in a nutshell.

>> No.7180828


>> No.7180858

Here is the archive for the verticals. Enjoy!


>> No.7180872

The booru is complete shit.

>> No.7180873
File: 2 KB, 80x29, gamer-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sticky IS coming.
You faggots are gonna have to deal with it.#
Personally I think it's a good idea and applaud those anons who have actually contributed to this board in a positive manner.
If you don't like it you can always leave, you won't be missed.

>> No.7180877

Then post better OC to add to it.

>> No.7180882

Vertical s are crap designed for people with learning difficulties.
I hate them.

>> No.7180907

Then post better non-vertical OC to add to it.

>> No.7180916

I've come to accept them. I've found there are a few people I work with who ask a complicated question and they get confused when I send then an email response more than 3 lines. Instead of reading the email I spent 5 minutes typing out, they just ignore it and then I get a second email 3 weeks later with the same question and a "please advise" which is corporate speak for "you dropped the ball". That's another thing about these people - everything is always someone else's fault.

After a while you can tell the kind of person they'll be in the first few emails. Simple punctuation errors, "effect" vs "affect", and stuff like that. You'd think maybe it was verbal vs visual learners, right? Wrong. You try to explain the same thing verbally and they get angry within about 30 seconds and say stupid shit like "is this Bob's fault? He's always screwing things up". No you stupid cunt, it's not someone's *fault*, not everything works that way.

ADHD pills and coddling have resulted in a lot of people who are qualified to live adult lives on paper, but in reality are in no way capable of looking out for themselves. You'd think maybe oh, no problem, they're just dead weight, society can handle dead weight, right? But no, they poison organizations and bring them down by trying to fit in. If they literally did nothing at all, it would be much better.

>> No.7181050

Oh, really? Show us the draft, faggot