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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 79 KB, 640x640, bj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7169914 No.7169914 [Reply] [Original]

Brehs, what's your fave Ben & Jerry's variety?

>> No.7169928

There are so many at the store I end up taking too long to choose one and lose the impulse for ice cream.

>> No.7169957

ive never been able to eat more than a spoon of any flavours ive tried, and my flatmate is manager of a cinema with a sizable B&J counter so that's quite a few... i've not got much of a sweet tooth and i don't like milk chocolate.

pistachio is such a boring flavour, but it's the only flavour of theirs i like. even their vanilla mix on it's own is too sweet. i'm not one of those 'sweet things are for girls!!!' guys, it just makes my back teeth hurt. i just looked up their menu and the bourbon pecan pie sounds nuts but i want to try it... nowhere near texas though.

>> No.7169960

cherry garcia

>> No.7169963
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better ice cream coming through

ben & jerry's has a bunch of thickeners and it gives it a worse texture

>> No.7170027
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Opinions? Power rankings?

>> No.7170069

Talents has really lovely mint ice cream so I'm sure it'd be a decent 7/10.

>> No.7170081

>eating the frozen jew
>supporting leftist jews

I make my own ice cream.

>> No.7170098
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In no particular order my favorites

>B&J A Swirled of Difference (Target exclusive)
>B&J Cinnamon Bun
>B&J Candy Bar Pie (Discontinued)
>Talenti Southern Butter Pecan
>Talenti Caramel Apple Pie

>> No.7170106

>supporting leftist cows

>> No.7170113

Chunky Monkey
ChocolTe therapy

>> No.7170158

Options are limited around here, but I like caramel-sutra and half-baked.

>> No.7170211

you posted it

>> No.7170232

cinnamon bun or red velvet cake

>> No.7170246
File: 290 KB, 1567x1600, bostoncreampie_hi-res-pint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also love phish food, americone dream and strawberry not so shortcake


their salted caramel is godly

>> No.7170285

That's a good passive skill to have. At least you don't impulse shop.

>> No.7170296

based broship

>> No.7170331

Uh, excuse me, I only chocolate ice cream made from the cream of grass fed cows with no added hormones or steroids on an organic farm and with 90% cacoa chocolate, the bitter the better I always say, cane sugar imported from a small Brazilian village in middle of the amazon jungle and only a little bit of siracha.

>> No.7170335

Fuck off. My god does every fucking thread we have need to devolve into bashing yuppies and hipsters?

>> No.7170339

dat hi res image

its triggering muh 'tism with how satisfying it is

>> No.7170348
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>> No.7170361
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>Eggs in virtually every B&J recipe there is

>Anaphylaxis-levels of allergic to eggs

>> No.7170366

Just eat it pussy.

>> No.7170381

can't you just stab yourself with an epipen after?

>> No.7170389

>Eat it

>The smell of eggs alone could set me off

>Best case scenario if I'm set off I use an expensive injection to no other fanfare

>Worst case scenario I waste thousands of dollars pre-insurance in the ER.

See above. For how singularly "tasty" it is, I could eat ridiculous quality food of ingredients I'm not allergic to. Even if you argued it was worth it in other ways, I could spend the money on ridiculous quality food that wouldn't potentially kill me.

>> No.7170406
File: 58 KB, 500x375, 20110311-bj-late-night-snack-ice-cream-container.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP in Peace best flavor.

>> No.7170496
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Anyone ever combine together B&J's to make their own original flavours?

I like to buy 5 small pots of phish food and remove the fish from 4 of them. I put all the fish into the first pot and let the ice cream melt into a more watery texture then I add

>Chocolate biscuit animals into pot 2
>Gummy Jelly Babies into pot 3
>Gummy men into pot 4
>Sugar filled flying saucers (common UK snack) into pot 5

Then I eat through each of the 5 pots and pretend that the sweets inside are going through 'evolution'. I use a bible as my napkin to fully spit in the face of religion. But that isn't all I do for this Icethiest experience. A few other tips to really make it the best tasting, philosophical food of them all include putting a small portion onto a spoon then putting it into the microwave until the heat on the spoon causes a small spark which melts the ice cream, eating the ice cream from the hot spoon is like consuming the heat death of the Universe which is like eating the moment God will die.

Delicious and deity free

>> No.7170509
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>> No.7170581

I haven't had Ben & Jerrys since I found out they were anti-gun faggots.

haagen dazs is better.

>> No.7170586

great pistachio and coconut, shitty caramel

>> No.7170597

holy shit if that ain't pasta it deserves to be.

>> No.7170926

I wish I knew what to say to this, but I don't

Fucking ridiculous keks

>> No.7171029

>Ice cream evolution
Never change /ck/

>> No.7171034

Mission to Marzipan was my favorite but ti's been discontinued.


>> No.7171054

Oh my fucking God

>> No.7171194

Either Chocolate Therapy or Half-Baked are my favorites. Been meaning to try The Tonight Dough because it seems like Half-Baked, but with more good shit in there.

>> No.7171200

Half baked!

>> No.7171229
File: 71 KB, 374x479, new-york-super-fudge-detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half baked, americone dream, new york super fudge chunk

>> No.7171249

You guys deserve it.

>> No.7171255

its just ice cream bro

>> No.7171276
File: 140 KB, 1600x1060, 1-DSC_9431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whos there FUCK YOU ill fight you ill fucking kill you fuck you best flavor

>> No.7171281
File: 40 KB, 357x395, ben jerrys spectacular speculoos cookie core ice cream pint on second scoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could literally eat one of these every few days if I allowed myself.
Cookie butter > Nutella

>> No.7171298
File: 71 KB, 374x479, americone-dream-detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7171318
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I guess I need to step up my ice cream eating game

>> No.7171328


>salt in desert

Wal-Mart parking lot, bring friends, no weapons

>> No.7171341

Motherfucker square up you wouldn't even be salty spittoon material I'll fucking floor your silly ass

>> No.7171348

Best cookie dough

>> No.7171412

my nigga

>> No.7171465

Have you considered killing of the self?

>> No.7171486
File: 187 KB, 1000x941, BJPeanutDublinMudslide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad, sad, sad, sad. Why must I be sad?

>> No.7171770

Americone dream and cherry Garcia are GOAT.
What will John Oliver's flavor taste like?

>> No.7171773


It doesn't matter, they all taste great.

Stop trying to make me fat you dairy hawking bastards, I already eat loads of cheese, you no-nose pricks.

>> No.7171796

hopefully you don't hate jews otherwise you're gonna have to stop eating haagen-dazs too.

>> No.7171801


>> No.7171804


Write a heartfelt letter explaining you've got a quadro-tarded stomach or whatever and they might help you out. Wasn't Ben or Jerry a taste retard? They'll love it.

>> No.7171861

desu garcia is my favorite, but Blow and Jobs are filthy subhumans so I can't give them my money

>> No.7172640


I love Boston cream pie (the food) but was a little disappointed by this.

That was a while ago though so I should revisit it to give it another shot.

>> No.7172725

The pistachio has whole pistachios in it.


>> No.7172783

It will taste of 2015

>> No.7172823
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>> No.7172825

Cherry Garcia
But I usually go to Jeni's or Graeters

>> No.7172845

Has he even said IT'S 2015 on the show before?
Also it will taste like tea because he's a filthy britbong.

>> No.7172862

My favorite is their Key Lime Pie flavor, but it's limited release and they haven't done it in awhile.

Americone Dream is pretty dank.

>> No.7172901
File: 258 KB, 960x934, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a bunch of people have already said, Americone Dream is the GOAT B*J flavor.

But real niggas know about >>7170027
dat mint ; ~;

>> No.7172985

When will it be legal to eat hipsters and vegeterians? I need to eat more vegetables.

>> No.7173072


>Actually Eating Ben & Shitty's

Häagen-Dazs master race here.


Mah Nig-nog.

>> No.7173082


Dogshit, just like him.

>> No.7173211

Best Talenti is pistachio. Surprisingly shitty peanut butter/chocolate.

>> No.7173225

The Rolls Royce of ice cream

>> No.7174464

Do they offer any varieties in store that they don't sell as pints?

>> No.7174492

i threw up in my mouth

>> No.7175137

Yooooo my man! That and the chocolate cookie core are the best hands down

>> No.7175174
File: 126 KB, 630x433, Ben Jerrys-Ice-Cream-Flavors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your fave Ben & Jerry's variety?

I always get the Cherry Garcia, as I’m not into chunky this and chunky that.

I’d like to try their Pistachio, as everybody says it’s good but I’ve never found it and have only found B&J's Vanilla once.

>> No.7176778



>> No.7176844

I just tried this today and I don't think I'll be going back to my former favorite of cookie dough.

>> No.7176848
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>> No.7177958
File: 69 KB, 374x479, phish-food-detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phish food

Just tried this, not bad.

>> No.7178079
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>> No.7178165
File: 63 KB, 374x479, strawberry-cheesecake-detail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one mention of the actual best flavor jfc

>> No.7178167

Love that shit senpai. I melt it in the microwave until its shake consistency, mix a little milk in, and drink it with a straw.

>> No.7178200

That shitty meme thread again?

>> No.7178395

Blue Bell Cherry Vanilla
It's worth the listeria.

>> No.7178433

Phish phood my nigga. Don't get many flavors in the cuck republic of england tho

>> No.7178437

Blue Bell is back in stores now