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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7166733 No.7166733 [Reply] [Original]

Is there such a thing as "post-modern," "post-structuralist" or "avante-garde" cookery, like there is in the visual arts and music?

Is it possible to go to a restaurant where the food is all about understanding social issues, rather than tasting good? Like you know how artists around the turn of the 20th century decided that making beautiful art was bourgeois and that the new art had to reflect class struggle or patriarchy or whatever and therefore had to be ugly, was there ever a comparable movement in food? Like can you go to a restaurant and eat something that is deliberately intended to taste bad so as to prime you for the communist revolution?

Is there a food equivalent of pic related?

>> No.7166740

I think you don't understand what postmodern means

>> No.7166758


In the 1910-1920's Marinetti and his Futurist friends wrote the Futurist Cookbook, a very funny, very strange art project.
In it they decided that their food needed to match their Futurist ethics, thereby destroying the old art to make way for the new art. Marinetti proposed abolishing pasta, because
>It may be that a diet of cod, roast beef and steamed pudding is beneficial to the English, cold cuts and cheese to the Dutch and sauerkraut, smoked [salt] pork and sausage to the Germans, but pasta is not beneficial to the Italians. For example it is completely hostile to the vivacious spirit and passionate, generous, intuitive soul of the Neapolitans. If these people have been heroic fighters, inspired artists, awe-inspiring orators, shrewd lawyers, tenacious farmers it was in spite of their voluminous daily plate of pasta. When they eat it they develop that typical ironic and sentimental scepticism which can often cut short their enthusiasm.

>> No.7166775

Some Futurist recipes:
>Intuitive Antipasto

"Hollow out an orange to form a little basket in which are placed different kinds of salami, some butter, some pickled mushrooms, anchovies and green peppers. The basket perfumes the various elements with orange. Inside the peppers are hidden little cards printed with a Futurist phrase or a surprising saying. (For example: 'Futurism is an anti-historical movement,' 'Live dangerously,' 'With Futurist cooking, doctors, pharmacists and grave diggers will be out of work,' etc.)"


"The diner is served from the right with a plate containing some black olives, fennel hearts and kumquats. From the left he is served with a rectangle made of sandpaper, silk and velvet. The foods must be carried directly to the mouth with the right hand while the left hand lightly and repeatedly strokes the tactile rectangle. In the meantime the waiters spray the napes of the diners’ necks with a perfume of carnations while from the kitchen comes contemporaneously a violent sound of an aeroplane motor and some music by Bach."

>Spring Paradox

"A big cylinder of plain ice cream has peeled bananas standing on top of it to look like palm trees. Hide some hard-boiled eggs, with their yolks removed and filled with plum jam, among the bananas."

>> No.7166784


I opened this thread to say that I went to (and helped cook for) a Futurist dinner party once.

>> No.7166796

Do tell. I have been interested in hosting a Futurist dinner party for a long time. The theater company I work for has also been interested in making this a performance, which would let us have burlesque acts, poetry and musicians at the dinner party, which I think is acceptably Futurist, as long as the subject matter is appropriate.
What did you eat?
What did you cook?
Did you have any courses that were not meant for eating?

>select all pasta or noodles
You are trying to make me lazy, aren't you, Google?

>> No.7168032


I have this cookbook. There's a lot of recipes that use bananas.

>> No.7168069
File: 82 KB, 881x510, pp42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw every post in this thread

>> No.7168988
File: 14 KB, 448x336, falcon.plate.blue.1_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20$ Dish that explores the issues of starvation in third world countries
>there is no food on the plate

>> No.7168992
File: 19 KB, 225x225, 1441748502358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw your post

>> No.7168993
File: 3 KB, 158x200, dom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post-modern and avante-garde is the same thing

>> No.7169394

>cant get bananas in comunist countries

apparently futurists endorsed market economics

>> No.7170526

You must play this during the party.

>> No.7170725

There are so many very different questions in your post, some of them barely to the rest at all. It doesn't read like a fluid progression of thoughts.

>> No.7170767
File: 87 KB, 1536x983, T12751_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Futurist Cookbook

Chicken Fiat:
A chicken is roasted with a handful of ball bearings inside. “When the flesh has fully absorbed the flavor of the mild steel balls, the chicken is served with a garnish of whipped cream.”

Beautiful Nude Food Portrait:
A crystal bowl filled with fresh milk and the flesh of two boiled capons, all scattered with violet petals.

Equator + North Pole:
“An equatorial sea of golden poached egg yokes” surrounds a cone made of whipped egg whites. This is “dotted with orange segments like succulent pieces of the sun” and black truffle carved to look like airplanes.