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7163025 No.7163025 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite bread

>> No.7163047
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>> No.7163281

bread is shit to be honest

>> No.7163286

sourdough ciabatta

>> No.7163289

I think you accidentally omitted a word or two

>> No.7163292

I think you're a fucking retard.

>> No.7163296

elaborate please

>> No.7163301

Not true
"Or" is a word

>> No.7163305

Sourdough ciabatta is a thing, you massive, drooling, incompetent retard.

>> No.7163331

Not really

>> No.7163333

Hawaiian King rolls

>> No.7163344

I wrote I like sourdough ciabatta, not this rude guy here

But I thought sourdough is a type of dough (sour, no yeast used) and ciabatta is a shape of bread or whatever. Not a native english speaker and don't know shit about bread so excuse me if I'm wrong.

>> No.7163347

Not him but now I'm intrigued. Why do you think a Ciabatta can't be a Sourdough?

In b4 you don't actually know what Sourdough is.

>> No.7163350

Rude guy here, just trying to stick up for you against the colossal mong that is OP.
I hope you choke on your own tongue, Downy

>> No.7163352

>sourdough is a type of dough (sour, no yeast used)

Not quite. A "sourdough" is just any bread made using a natural yeast starter, rather than E.g. a single-culture live or dried yeast that's added directly to the dough.

>> No.7163363


>> No.7163380

Yeah I know that it's made from wild yeast that's pretty much everywhere. When I said "no yeast" I meant no yeast from the supermarket that raises the dough in 2 hours. Anyway I like sourdough, has a nice taste, reminds me of grandparents.

>> No.7163396

any grandparents in particular?

>> No.7163432

My grandparents. They used to make sourdough bread. I get good feels when I eat it

>> No.7163439
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god yes

honestly I don't think there's a bread I don't like. bread is the best thing ever. i guess i'm going to go with ensaymadas.

>> No.7163442

Grandpa used to give you good feels, hm?

>> No.7163446

No, sourdough bread used to give me good feels.

>> No.7163448


>> No.7163497

ciabatta and birote/bolillo

>> No.7163565
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My man, I love focaccia.

>> No.7165109
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>> No.7165113
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Dutch crunch.

>> No.7165200
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>> No.7165201

chuckled like a baby desu senpai

>> No.7165210

Garlic Bread?

>> No.7165242
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Roti bread is GOAT for things like wraps, tacos and pretty much everything.

>> No.7165253
File: 677 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20151212_232855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pita bread. Easily the most versatile and tasty bread.

>> No.7165254

>garlic bread
Is this an american thing or something?

>> No.7165282

A Ciabatta can't be a sourdough. Ciabatta is a specific and recent invention made of flour, water, olive oil, salt and yeast.

>> No.7165326


>> No.7165336

I'll just assume it is and that you are a little insecure about your nations culinary standing.

>> No.7165340

literally any bread can be made with a wild yeast levain

>> No.7165431

Nice bait

>> No.7165560

>implying I can choose
I like all breads

Brioche, baguette, and foccacia are good

>> No.7165568

I don't understand OP's pic.
Why would you stand up, pose a few times and change your top because they asked where the garlic bread went?
That's a horrible pic for the statement.

>> No.7165574

So far, baguette.

>> No.7165578
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Starch sandwich

>> No.7165592
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Where is his index finger?

>> No.7165593


>> No.7165621
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>> No.7165624
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>He's never eaten all the garlic bread