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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 298 KB, 500x471, bread_alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7162640 No.7162640 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the new Ronnie's Burgers?

>> No.7162670


>bread alone

Hudson Valley NYfag detected.

Bread alone is a small commercial bakery with a few brick&mortar establishments. The best being in Rhinebeck.

They make great pastries and their granola is out of this world.

>> No.7162694

Is this the first time you left the house and somehow happened upon a farmers market, taking a picture of the first stand, in disbelief, knowing nothing of food and culture other than what your mom keeps the fridge and freezer stocked with, and all the threads you see on /ck/, created by like-minded neets?

>> No.7162703

Yep. Also, they don't hire minorities. As per someone claiming to be the owner, here on 4chan a few months ago.

>> No.7162708


The owner is a younger man living off his family's work ethic. It's a "hand me down" business passed down through 3 generations. I'd say the commercial aspect of it is full of Mexicans like any other restaurant in NY (especially the Hudson Valley) but I've never once seen a brown person behind the counter of their bakery in Rhinebeck. It's usually CIA kids working on a baking major degree.

The "new" owner could be a poster here, wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

>> No.7164003
File: 411 KB, 1598x1200, 1383402765420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what came up when I google image searched ronnie's burgers

>> No.7164023
File: 392 KB, 1332x1000, ronniesburgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at the thread on warosu, you can see that I made multiple versions of that image. I didn't stop when the thread died, either. Here's my definitive, final version. I'll post the other two images I made, as well.

>> No.7164038

That was such an amazing thread. The best time I've had on /ck/.

I wonder what happened to the guy who made it. His dad probably belt whipped him for a few hours.

>> No.7164042
File: 68 KB, 603x403, 1383353120913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7164052
File: 97 KB, 640x480, 1383353213956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think he still comes here, but he shitposts relentlessly as an attempt at revenge.

>> No.7164056
File: 30 KB, 927x270, ronnies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's one I had nothing to do with. This review is still on google, too.

>> No.7164061

>Ronnie's Burgers
His wife is bangin' but there's some weird incestual shit going on there. Why are religious fanatics usually the ones with the most fucked up demeanor? I thought that religion was "THE ONLY TRUE PATH TO A MORAL LIFE!"?

>> No.7164069
File: 250 KB, 807x1009, god_bless_murrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Wisconsin so I can explain. It's not really a "fucked up demeanor", it's considered normal in flyover land.

I legitimately can't conceive of anyone who doesn't think the same way as me on this matter. Quite honestly, if you've never seen fathers marrying their own daughters, you hate America and you have literally never even set foot here.

>> No.7164079

It's something Freud(not sure if it was Sigmund or Anna) referred to as "reaction formation." This is when certain thoughts or desires produce such distress in a person that they heavily espouse a hatred of that kind of thinking in public in order to distance themselves from it.

It's why you find so many Republican Senators caught up in gay sex/pedophilia scandals, or why I make fun of "nerd culture"

>> No.7164081
File: 3.92 MB, 480x269, 1426902568565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7164089


This. Religious freakshows are totally normal and not weird in flyover states. You haven't known fear until you've seen a woman honest to god talking in tongues while an old woman you don't know puts her arm around your shoulders and starts whispering in your ear about how big a sinner you are, and a big fat black lady loudly agreeing with everything the preacher says and an entire all-girls camp group all sobbing in their own special section of the church.

I'm never going back to Iowa.

>> No.7164101

Yea, but I'm not talking about their racism and I know closet gay dudes act overly homophobic. I think she legitimately fucks around with her sons.

>> No.7164103

>grow up in Illinois
>surrounded by dumb religious conservative types
>become very liberal and edgy atheist as a reaction to it
>go to college
>surrounded by faggy liberal pussy types
>become very conservative as a reaction to it

I'm starting to think I'm just a contrarian.

>> No.7164113

Everyone does this when they're young

Intelligent people undergo moderate ideological shifts throughout life. They're wild and frequent when you're young, but even between middle age and old age, people change.

>> No.7164121

Colleges are a breeding ground for those types. We need to just shut down colleges to take away their "nests" as it were. Then shut down twitter where they organize online.

>> No.7164138

That safe space shit that was going on a few weeks ago at Purdue or whatever made me want to kill myself.

>> No.7164152

It was at Mizzou.

I'm glad I got through my annoying preachy liberal phase at a relatively young age, before I was really out in the world. I mean, all 14 year olds are annoying, so that's the time to be politically annoying.

That being said, the vocal conservatives are just as annoying. You know where you don't see a lot of partisan politics? Effective local governments. Because at the level of actually making shit run, you can't get caught up ideological debates. I see very little pragmatism from either side.

>> No.7164158
File: 56 KB, 637x241, 1433870135036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post of the year

>> No.7164160

>You know where you don't see a lot of partisan politics? Effective local governments.|
So true. Too bad we don't give them any money.

>> No.7164169

Our whole system is fucking broken, and there's no way to change the course that we're on. There's either going to be a complete collapse of society, a one-world government, or a corporate cyberpunk dystopia(would actually be pretty cool debh)

>> No.7164172

Everyone should just send their kid to this guy's school. He knows what's up.


>> No.7164186
File: 38 KB, 671x283, Screenshot from 2015-12-06 18-54-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're really going to find out in our lifetime. The 20th century glory of
>hurr merica
is coming to an end and it will likely be bad and quite disruptive to the rest of the world as much as they refuse to believe it.

Honestly, I vote for cyberpunk dystopian. That way we can actually live our '80s-'90s fantasy

>> No.7164205

A cyberpunk world would be cool as shit, but I think a one world government would actually be what's best for the world, assuming they truly have our best interests at heart. That's assuming a lot, though.

>> No.7164213

Yea, that'll never happen, though

>> No.7164222

Not in our lifetimes, at least.

>> No.7164239

Flyover detected.
Protip: we're already in a corporate cyberpunk dystopia.

You're one of those flyovers that think it's all about leather and goggles and shit eh. Fucking yanks.

>> No.7164252

No, we're not. Not quite yet. We're on the way, but the criminal element hasn't embraced technology enough, there isn't enough of a divide between the rich and the poor, the urban areas aren't as sprawled and connected as they should be, and technology isn't advanced enough. Are we very close with some of these aspects? Absolutely. But we won't be there for another 1-2 decades, at least.

>> No.7164257

>we're already in a corporate cyberpunk dystopia
Not quite. We're on a sure path, though

>> No.7164262
File: 411 KB, 1280x1256, 1427494315827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ck/ - Cyberpunk

>> No.7164264

>the criminal element hasn't embraced technology enough, there isn't enough of a divide between the rich and the poor, the urban areas aren't as sprawled and connected as they should be, and technology isn't advanced enough
Is this a joke?

Also even in a corporate cyberpunk dystopia there are still goat herders. Sounds like you fit that niche, pretty much.

>> No.7164278

Kek. It won't be exactly like the fantasy we'd imagined, but it'll happen. Technology is advancing so rapidly right now that it's hardly conceivable as it's hard to see as we live it. We will hit the wall eventually.

>> No.7164291

You're either incredibly naive, extremely sheltered, or a fucking idiot.
My vote is all three.

>> No.7164297


Again, all of these things are present, and some are very close to cyberpunk levels, but we're not quite there yet. Don't be so upset.

>> No.7164301
File: 594 KB, 3280x1080, my posyt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck that is literally me, and I don't remember writing it.

pic for proof

>> No.7164314

Small world

>> No.7164326
File: 195 KB, 500x500, jamal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the person with possibly the most invested in the success of the Ronnie's Burgers meme, I appreciate what you've done. Here's some more OC as appreciation. It's still /ck/ related because of the chicken leg.

>> No.7164385

both extremes are annoying

>> No.7164498
File: 44 KB, 659x659, 1449640469603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is one way anon. You know what it is.

>> No.7164509

So we can see the country driven straight into the ground? I agree.

>> No.7164563

Better than Merkel 2.0. The first one already destroyed Germany.

>> No.7164567
File: 71 KB, 395x450, 1318459041774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buttblasting sjws this hard
>president of a university

>> No.7164614


It was a privilege to read this. Good for him.

>> No.7164647

>Our culture has actually taught our kids to be this self-absorbed and narcissistic. Any time their feelings are hurt, they are the victims

This so much. I still remember in 1st grade in the first week one of the things the teacher kept saying over and over again was her rule of "no put-downs". And it just continued each year after, where you weren't allowed to hurt someone's feelings. This whole generation is fucked because they were raised to be wet noodles.

>> No.7164667

I'm 22 now, started kindergarten in 1999. In 1st grade, some kids were bullying me for being the fat fuck that I am, and the principal said I should just beat them up. He was old as shit and this was rural, just starting to become suburban Illinois.

>> No.7164670

I have this memory of kindergarten or preschool when this new girl joined the class and she was remarkably ugly, so I went up to her and said "you're ugly"

I legitimately didn't think I was being a jerk, because I had never really seen an ugly person before (everyone in my family is pretty good looking, and so are our friends). But she just stared blankly and so I figured she didn't understand me. So I pointed to her face and enunciated as clearly as possible: "you're ugly".

The teacher came rushing up to us and gave me a little speech about how that's not ok and, immediately, I felt really bad.

Point being school is a social environment, different from the home, so there will be social interactions that a parent won't be around for, and the kid needs to be told what's up. Hurting each other's feelings is not ok.

Or, maybe, I'm just a psychopath. But I'm pretty sure any kid would have done this.

>> No.7164679

He sounds like a good leader. My principal was an older woman. I remember once I was being a pussy and crying because my parents weren't there and I just hung onto her leg all recess. Looking back she should've been a lot tougher and told me to fucking deal with it.

As for beating kids up, in my school district there was a no tolerance policy for fighting. If you got into a fight you were expelled, no if, ands, or buts. I honestly can't remember a single time I ever saw a fight because even the dumbass ghetto kids who would grow up to be crack heads didn't want to deal with the ass whooping they'd get at home if they got expelled, so no one fought.

>> No.7164691

youre talking about preschool though. now-a-days we infantilize people to such a degree that this is considered necessary for (ostensibly) grown adults

>> No.7164706


If their employees actually wear those outfits I hope the place burns down.

Jesus fuck, Texas.

>> No.7164709

I guess I'll have to take your word for it. In 1999, I was about to graduate from college.

>> No.7164718


I know people from Iowa that live in my town.

They cheat at scrabble. Fuck Iowa and everyone in it.

>> No.7164852
File: 1.08 MB, 500x750, 1407543494390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this talk of grade school
>look up my old elementary school
>it looks nothing like how it used to
>new buildings, parking lots, playgrounds everywhere
>look at staff, only 2 teachers still remain that I knew
>the rest could very well be dead by now

I didn't plan on feeling this way tonight. It's like I fell into a parallel universe where everything has changed and the world I knew no longer exists but in my mind.

>> No.7164864

>look up old grade school
>it's still the postwar hunk of garbage it was when I went there

>> No.7164884
File: 113 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now you have learned what no country for old men was really about anon

>> No.7164915

I looked up my old grade school a while back. It was burned down by the older brother of one of the kids I went to school with when he broke in to rob the vending machines to support his meth habit and lit a fire in a trash can in the basement.

I laughed.

>> No.7165091

That thread was fucking golden. Sucks they took down the reviews from yelp.

>> No.7165117
File: 193 KB, 1280x1068, death is the road to awe copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7164884 nailed it

>> No.7165830

Yelp is just a shakedown scam, their local sales rep probably made some cash from that thread.

>> No.7165850

>a machine

Did he also murder a window in order to get inside?