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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7161781 No.7161781 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /ck/ related movies or TV shows?

>> No.7161782
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Hannibal always made me hungry


>> No.7161796
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A movie about an indian cook that moves to france and teaches himself french cooking.

>> No.7161804


more Hannibal


>> No.7161811
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watched this a few months back. it was alright. not really about cooking, though. just a typical indian family drama with some food porn spliced in.

>> No.7162011

It's not really /ck/'s style I feel, but The Great British Baking Show is a lot of fun, and it's comfy

>> No.7162014
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>> No.7162043
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Are you going to post this in every thread?

In any case, these threads are always the same, as there's really only a small handful of (easily googled) /ck/ movies.

Everyone whose watched all, or most of them, knows that Tampopo is the quintessential /ck/ film.

>> No.7162045
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>> No.7162048
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very apt.

>> No.7162049 [DELETED] 

Not a tv show but it will teach you more than any tv show will.


>> No.7162050
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The ramen girl

Love that movie and miss Brittney Murphy

>> No.7162056


Fuck off already.

If you think that's actually some amazing advice you have a shit ton to learn, and most people are laughing at you, and getting mildly annoyed that you keep spamming that everywhere.

>> No.7162067
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>> No.7162068


Rain Man actually had ability.

>> No.7162125

Sideways, The Trip, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Mystic, Pizza, Don Jon, Tortilla Soup, National Lampoons Vacation 2, Harry Potter, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Haute Cuisine, Willy Wonka, Ferris Bueller, Meet the Fockers, lots of foodie goodies within other films.

Any holiday gathering dysfunctional-family-tension-reunion movies I find must sees, such as the above Vacation, where there is always a dinner table scene and a little drama about the recipes or quality of the roast, or someone drinking too much, haha. Home for the Holidays type films. Four Christmases where you go from wealth to wrestlin' in the living room trailer park with guns meal. OMG, the Ref had one of the most hilarious scenes with Judy Davis wearing a lit candled Santa Lucia wreath on her head while entertaining her acid tongued critical mother-in-law at the christmas table with Denis Leary as the faux guest. Probably the best Kevin Spacey film, too. imho.

Cinco Dias Sin Nora. Don't let subtitles bother you, it's physical comedy. Great little indie film from a Mexican filmmaker. Centered around the highly pre-planned suicide of a psychotic manipulator, who timed the death in a way around jewish burial laws to FORCE the family together for a final passover meal was truly awesome foodie movie (and great dark humor) complete with farcical and serious moments. You'll be crying and laughing by the end and very hungry for comfort food.

>> No.7162127

Here's the food scene from The Ref, with food porn and drama! Yea, Judy Davis.

>> No.7162149


I know you spent the time to type all that out, and it's all just opinions and whatever, but almost none of the movies you listed are /ck/ relevant.

Going to give Cinco Dias Sin Nora a watch, it being the only thing you listed that I (and most people, I'd imagine) haven't seen.


I wouldn't call awkward family drama /ck/ related, especially when the 3 second shot of the food was intentionally made to look like it was weird, foreign shit that's there simply as a prop to make it even more awkward (the one truth being that at least if there is good food - which there seldom is at large family gatherings - people will at least shut up for a few minutes to eat).

>> No.7162185
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Chef feels a bit too 'easy' as a movie, and I found the whole twitter arc to be a bit offputting/marketing-y -- a silly complaint in a movie about a meme-sandwich meme-truck, I know -- but damn if it isn't a cozy lil film.

Babette's Feast is a treat as well

>> No.7162257
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Tampopo of course.

>> No.7162267 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7162299
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>> No.7162441
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Kitchen Confidential (series). Only ran one season.


>> No.7162765
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applies to most people here

>> No.7162770
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>no one ever posts the best movie
i'm disappointed every time by you guys

>> No.7162791

the movie with the culinary rat

the name escapes me

>> No.7162803
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I was given a gift card for Barnes and Nobles a few years ago and ended up buying cookbooks from a "buy two get one free" rack.

I'd never heard of the guy, but my third, somewhat random choice was Shopsin's book (pic related).

It ended up being one of my favorite cookbooks (not necessarily in a practical sense), and can often be found out on my coffee table.

The documentary was alright, but not as entertaining as the book.

>daniel johnston opens a diner in the east village, grows old, fat, and senile, and finally finds a little bit of fame

>> No.7162804
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>> No.7162809


>> No.7162817


>> No.7162836
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>> No.7162842

Ratatouille...cute movie

>> No.7162853


>> No.7162857


>> No.7162916

jyro dreams of sushi

>> No.7162937

No reservations was a weird but cute movie

>> No.7162956

the biggest chinese restaurant in the world

>> No.7162994

I really hate it when movies push mexican culture and accents too much, it just comes off as fuckin gaudy and unnecessary

and more so this movie really wasnt anything special and was mostly a twitter advertisement rather than an actual movie

>> No.7163002


It was close to Hallmark tier light and fluffy, but at least Favreau consulted with actual chefs on the food scenes.


I'm visiting family and people are trying to force me to watch made for tv holiday movies non-stop; I'd re-watch Chef in an instant.

>tampopo is still the best answer

>> No.7163007
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>mexican culture

>> No.7163088
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>> No.7163112
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>> No.7163138
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>> No.7163145

that guy's an idiot

>consume an excessive amount of food and soda
>surprise, vomit

>> No.7163195
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>> No.7163255

>start food truck
>empingao comes to help
>the only thing that distinguishes the sandwiches is empingao's marinade
>chef achieves success selling empingao's sandwiches
>all his problems with wife and enemy critic magically evaporate

honestly i would have liked it if he wasn't just making one dish for most of the film. at the beginning he has all these great ideas but then he just makes fucking sandwiches.

>> No.7163804

I wish him and the ex wife hadn't gotten back together. it was unnecessary, he already had a fine relationship with ScarJo (someone who would never get with fat ugly favreau), he could've just gotten more impassioned about her or some shit. It was so god damn cheesy to end with his wedding to vergara (equally would never get with him)

>> No.7164794
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I work as a projectionist so I get really hype when we have any sort of cooking film since I have to watch the same movies 10000 times.

Lately we played pic related, which was alright. Also going to be playing some movie about mexican sushi soon.

>> No.7164810


One of the most underrated sitcoms, it fucking nails executive chefs who have gone downhill.

>> No.7164822

>cooks 4 portions
>eats alone

>> No.7164931

just got done with the first episode of parts unknown and it's pretty good. more than just food related but still has good food stuff

>> No.7164994
File: 24 KB, 214x391, Chef!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always thought this one was entertaining.

>> No.7165285

10/10 right here.

>> No.7165290

I used to watch that show all the time. I never missed an episode.

>> No.7165320
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>> No.7165731
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>> No.7165745


The trailer looked like complete shit so there's no chance you're getting to suffer through that bumfuckery.

>> No.7165746


Nigga she's dead.

>> No.7165753


If by "cozy" you mean "boring as fuck" then yeah, It's a perfectly cozy film.

>> No.7165763
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>no ratatoing

What are you even doing with your lives?

>> No.7165765

the cooking scenes in this are A++
the dialogues and plot are super stiff though

>> No.7165770
File: 31 KB, 400x300, SImon-and-Minty-Marchmont-in-Posh-Nosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posh Nosh

>> No.7165778

pushing daises
let's eat