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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7153654 No.7153654 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you're dining with your parents and your dad grabs a bus boy and tells him he's ready to order

Embarrassing restaurant stories thread

>> No.7153665

My dad would do shit like that all the time growing up.

Granted, it wasn't until years later that I realized he'd smoke a bowl right before we'd go out to eat, and usually have a beer or two.

It's embarrassing, but anyone working FoH will know which server is in charge of that table and should easily be able to let them know.

Yeah, it kinda sucks, but that's the service industry.

>> No.7153687
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>Me when I was 15
>Mom, brother, sister and myself go out to dinner
>Sister was older and a lush, starting to develop food allergies
>We go out to Mexican and she others a Mojito
>Something in the drink gives her a bad reaction and she can't breath
>Mom takes her outside restaurant thinking that would somehow help
>Brother and I try to follow thinking this would be an impending ambulance ride
>Put on my wtf? face
>She probably thought the restaurant would think we're dine and dashing, without having dined first
>Sit back down with brother, entire restaurant looks at us like we're white trash
>Sigh and dig into some of the complementary chips and salsa
>They come back and everything's fine
>Mom gets mad at me for some reason for trying to leave
>MFW she can't assess a situation in the heat of the moment
>MFW ALL women can't assess a situation in the hear of the moment

>> No.7153699

Not that embarrassing but idgaf
> be out eating thanksgiving at restaurant because family is too lazy to cook
> nice place, food is good and all that
> pretty much finished with meal
> grandpa asks me "what do you think, anon? Ready to leave"
> "yeah sure"
> "okay everybody, anon wants to leave so I think we should go"
> wait a sec
> fuck you gramps

>> No.7153760

You're gramps is a G.

>> No.7153778

Lmao gramps is savage

>> No.7153786


>dad puts 20 dollars in ones on table
>tells waitress he'll be taking one off the stack for each mistake she makes

kill me

>> No.7153789

Does he make them do tricks? Tell a joke? I bet he snaps his fuckin' fingers, doesn't he?

>> No.7153792


he would just make sure she saw like when she was bringing drinks if it took too long or had to ask who had ordered what

>> No.7153796

My grandma has a walker and cuts everyone in line at family dinners. If anybody dares point it out she feigns surprise and confusion, saying "oh I thought the line started here"

Old people are too fucking sly to be trusted

>> No.7153797

>being this beta

>> No.7153799
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>working in the drive thru at my unnamed fast food workplace
>see an old friend from high school
>get excited, forget to confirm his order
>charge him for the wrong order
Pretty embarrassing tbhfam

>> No.7153809

I don't think that's too embarrassing or unfair for people to do this.

The service industry revolves around quality of service, and people tend to tip a lot better if meet their requests. That's perfectly fine, waiters will be walking by and my Father will lean back and grab their arm, requesting napkins and shit.

While you may think that is embarrassing, these people are MORE than happy to comply. It usually means a 20% tip which is extremely generous

>> No.7153825


but yea because of this waiters in America are extremely ingratiating to the point of being undignified, so I don't really see a need to start off being a dick to someone who probably lives in a studio with a roommate and cries themself to sleep every night and probably gets sexually harrassed on a daily basis.

>> No.7153826
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Well, I can see you've drunk the Kool-Aid.

>> No.7153832


The point is that Father was an idiot for grabbing the busboy rather than the waiter. Why is Father so stupid he can't tell the difference between who is supposed to be doing what job?

>> No.7153841


>> No.7153845

>but yea because of this waiters in America are extremely ingratiating to the point of being undignified

then don't take that job. You get paid a ridiculous amount of money if you work as a waiter in a rich area, Rich people love it when you serve them and they pay you a lot of money. What's the issue here?


Take a moment to step back and think. The world isn't here to wipe your ass, you will spend your entire life listening to and serving your superiors. There are two types of people who face problems: people who complain and people who solve those problems.

No one cares if they get walked all over as long as they get paid.

>> No.7153852

Just ate lunch with my dad today at Luby's, his favorite. He has been getting worse and worse over the years. Here's a few direct quotes from our lunch

Ordering his food
>"what can i get for you sir?"
>every time i order here i have to fight with to get what I want
>it's difficult every time, no matter what
>I'll tell you what I want but you won't get it right
>I want this on a long plate, not the circle ones they're too small
>I want a long plate with stuffing, but i want you to make a hole in the stuffing and fill it with gravy
>you didn't make a hole
Meanwhile an old woman behind us in line is cracking up and she nudges me and says "you can't take him anywhere can you?"
>then i want mashed potatoes and i want you to make a hole in them for gravy too
>then i want a bowl of gravy on the side

At the cash register
>"the two of you together, sir?"
>this is my middle son. I have 3 sons.
>i want a coffee made with half a cup of coffee and half a cup of hot water

The waitress approaches our table
>"can i get you anything?"
>this is my middle son. I have 3 sons. And one granddaughter.
>"oh that's nice"
>I've been eating at luby's since before you were born

I swear he's not retarded, doesn't have alzheimers, dementia, or anything. He just seems to be losing his social skills and becoming more eccentric. He's 65. His fingernails are always long (like really long), yellow and disgusting. I always see people staring at them.

>> No.7153874

>grandpa takes me to the beach for the weeked
>he was around 60 back then
>we go to the beach and he gets really drunk while I'm playing around
>we go to a restaurant to eat after
>he gets even more and different drinks
>loudly hits on the waitress the whole time we're there
>eat as fast as I can and ask him to leave 10 times but he refuses
>finally when he pays, he tips her like 50 cents and slaps her on the ass as she's leaving
>people have been looking towards our table the whole time
>after the slap some laugh, some look triggered
>I panic and try to white knight us out of the situation by apologizing and making up excuses, holding tears at this point
>grandpa tells me to shut up and calls me a little fag
>we leave and he starts ignoring me and walking really fast
>I don't know the area and almost got lost at night running after him

Felt bad.

>> No.7153883


>> No.7153906


>> No.7153912

you are a little fag

>> No.7153914

Am not.

>> No.7153917

>visit family with SO
>go to restaurant
>Dad leaves his silverware on his cleared Entree plate
>Busboy takes all the plates, Dad has so silverware
>when Waiter comes back, dad makes a show of pretending he's using a knife and fork to get the message across the waiter needs to get him more silverware
>next to us was a loud family who let their children run over to our table and touch our shit the entire time

I've worked too many service jobs to be an asshole to people working them unless they're being god-awful.

>> No.7153925

>stanging there letting children touch your shit

Your fault.

>> No.7153927


>Not standing up for yourself and family by telling the other family to get their child under control

Are all of you pussies?

>> No.7153929
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>> No.7153935



This isn't reddit of tumblr, drop the PC terminology, faggot.

>> No.7153938


>> No.7153940

My dad used to work in sales for a small medical company. Not a great job, but he went on a lot of client dinners. My dads boss who owned the firm was very flash, and liked all of his staff to be as well. They all got decent company cars and were allowed to get tailor made suits from Saville Row and charge it to expenses.

Anyway, my dad used to go on these fancy dinners, and apparently back then they were still doing sorbet and palate cleansers between a lot of the courses. Fast forward to now, and any restaurant we go to, he wants to order sorbet between each course. Thankfully he's never done it with me because I always refuse, but it makes me cringe hard. I really dont need a sorbet between my fucking chicken wings and cheese burger.

>> No.7153968
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>Parents take me to a restaurant for my birthday
>I don't really like it, I don't like eating with others
>But I accept it and try to deal with the issues
>Get close to the end of the meal
>It is almost over, thank goodness
>Managed to get through without really making a mess of anything
>Suddenly hear singing behind me
>Parents stand up
>My heart is in my mouth
>Turn around
>Fucking big collection of waiters and waitresses carrying a fucking birthday cake in my direction
>Can see EVERYONE in the entire restaurant looking at me
>Start to break out in a cold sweat
>They put the cake down on the table
>''Anon, blow out the candles!''
>all the people cheering me on, even some people who are just eating around us
>Feel really short of breath due to anxiety
>want to blow the candles to seem grateful
>don't have enough breath do it myself
>pick up a handful of lasagne that my mother didn't eat from her plate
>try to use the lasagne sheet as a wave to generate air and knock the candles out
>accidentaly drop it because of my sweaty palms
>lasagne falls out onto the cake
>starts slowly dripping down the side of the cake on which the icing has started to melt
>silence everywhere
>dad yells "FUCKING HELL ANON"
>grabs me and pulls me outside while mother pays
>I cry all the way home
>parents haven't forgiven me still

>> No.7153972

Did they fuck afterwards?

>> No.7153975

Come on man this didn't happen lmao.

>> No.7153980
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"Uh-oh! Little bro seems to have a problem with unnecessary attention. We should all sing harder!"

>> No.7153986

>bringing a cake before clearing the main course

at least attempt to make it believable

>> No.7154008

>being so autistic that you won't talk to a busboy even if it accomplishes what you want

you will go far in life

>> No.7154039

You really think a busboy's going to give a shit and pass on the fact that you're ready to order to a waitress? It's a wasted effort and all it does is make you look like a jackass.

>> No.7154053


He's senile, early stages. A lot of old people get like that as their brain ages. It's just life taking its course. Best way to try and prevent it is always keeping your mind active, don't let it stagnate. Sounds like a hoot though.

>> No.7154059

:( my old papa

>> No.7154063

yes, because i have done exactly this. what is so crazy about asking an employee for help when you are a customer. there isn't some busboy union preventing them from talking to customers.

>> No.7154071


Are you serious?

Dude, your dad has taste. You should take a note from him and stop being such a modern shithead. He wants to get the most out of his meal and a pallet cleanser does exactly that. It refines the meal in general and allows you to experience food in its fullest. Sounds dapper as fuck; if you don't want him, I'll take him.

>> No.7154110


Its really not necessary. It just looks far too try-hard. Top restaurants dont do this shit any more, except perhaps when moving from savoury to sweet. And even then, its not really sorbet any more, its something a bit more stylish.

>> No.7154141
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>It's my birthday
>Some friends and I go to my favourite restaurant
>I've been going to this place for long enough that the staff know me and give me a good table
>One of my friends is a girl who is usually cool, but can be an attention whore sometimes
>She has 2 vodka and cokes and starts acting drunk
>All of the guys are laughing and fawning over her
>She starts a food fight
>An actual food fight
>Everyone on the table is just throwing shit everywhere and laughing
>I put my cutlery down, pay for my food at the bar and leave
>Takes them a while to notice

I can never go back.

>> No.7154157

You sound triggered, anon. Do you need a safe space away from the spooky sjws?

>> No.7154173

alpha dads/grandpas

beta family and also gay

>> No.7154197


They should bring fresh silverware to eat dessert with.

>> No.7154329

>>i want a coffee made with half a cup of coffee and half a cup of hot water

man, I used to work at a retirement home when I was younger, got some serious flashbacks. I used to indulge weird requests all the time like that.

>> No.7154357

He has dementia

>> No.7154363
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the fuck is wrong with this woman's face

>> No.7154370
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>> No.7154384

She really has to poop.

>> No.7154394
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>dad orders steak
>hey there is one less millimeter of pink on the inside of this than I wanted
>I guess I won't tip the waiter/waitress

fuck you dad the wait staff and the cooks aren't the same people

>> No.7154400

>sounds like a hoot

>> No.7154405

Kek I imagined you both as rick and morty

>> No.7154413


Problem? It's sad to see old people deteriorate, but god damn if they aren't adorable about doing it.

>> No.7154416

Not parents, but
>go out to eat with rich friends
>they absolutely, in any circumstance, refuse to tip
>one time I even bought lunch for them and they still refused to tip a little, just as a courtesy

They go on about how it's a huge waste of money, and then turn around and buy a $5000 computer that they use for playing two games

>> No.7154418
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>celebrating bro in law's masters degree
>drive an hour away to families favorite restaurant
>fairly fancy place, Obama ate there and they have a picture of the owner with him
>make joke about the massive amount of asian tourists
>sit down to our 500$ meal
>sister throws a massive hissy fit about our family being racist dicks and not respecting her womens studies degree
>she is 30
>Dad proceeds to get pissed saying he is paying good money for this amazing meal, and he shouldn't be getting lectured by his daughter when he's treating her to something nice
>Everyone is quiet
>rest of meal is eaten in silence

We haven't been back since. I don't think we ever will, they think that event tarnished the place for us. Kill me.

>> No.7154433

So basically you're a huge fucking autist. Holy fuck anon get your shit together

>> No.7154446

I know it is, but who the fuck says "hoot"? I bet you're in your 40's

>> No.7154460


28, raised by my grandparents. My vernacular consists of an old southern WW2 vet and his back country wife, both passed unfortunately.

>> No.7154465

booo fuckin whooo poor anon can't go to a fancy restaurant anymore where obama ate at guess he just has to go to the one where bush ate at boo

>> No.7154468

>female with womens studies degree detected

>> No.7154505

Get your shit together man, jej

>> No.7154780

I started as s busboy and it's happened to me on both my shifts.

>> No.7154797

You don't get rich by wasting money.

>> No.7154814

Would never have allowed that bitch near me again, unless she was a teen she's obviously old enough to fucking know better then to start a food fight at a restaurant. You did the right thing anon.

>> No.7154827

>joke about massive amount of Asian tourists
>somehow your sister manages to relate that to your family not respecting her degree
I don't see how she managed to relate the two topics.

Tell us more about the food though, must have been something special for Obama himself to go there.

>> No.7154838
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>i swear he doesnt have dementia
you're fucking wrong he has dementia it's a gradual gradient of gray man

>> No.7154868
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>in college
>roommate with Austrian exchange student
>go to restaurants
>tell him the pepper guy always needs to be tipped separately
>seven years later, at every restaurant, he always tips the pepper guy 5 bucks

>> No.7154884

I can't imagine letting going out to eat turn into an embarrassing/stressful experience. The whole point is that you're paying to let others serve you and cook for you so you can kick back and enjoy a stress free meal. The only times I've been embarrassed at a restaurant is when the place just fell apart, the kitchen and FOH couldn't get the orders out in any reasonable time and I picked up on their stress.

The rest of the time it's just a matter of picking a place that more or less matches who you're going out to eat with. For example my dad is an old man now. He doesn't give a fuck anymore. So even though he used to hang with Bocuse back in the day a Michelin star restaurant would be lost on him now. When I go out with dad these days we hit up a family run Greek or Middle Eastern joint where the food will be good and the family serving us understands family going out to eat.

When I go out with my poorfag friends we hit the divey joints with amazing food and little in the way of service. When I go out with righfag friends we hit upscale places where we have a good time.

The only tough nuts are my middle class friends, because they're the ones with all kinds of anxieties about going out to eat. So I usually just meet them for drinks.

>> No.7154937

>out to dinner with the family a few weeks ago
>get anxious a lot and tend to look around the restaurant
>halfway through the meal notice that a woman has changed seats with her husband and is outside my eyeline
>be severely depressed and not even give a fuck
>waiting to die

>> No.7154948

Found the waiter.
You know you could have just been born to rich parents right?

>> No.7154949

That doesn't sound like an overreaction t bh unless it was a real emergency. You should go back to pol

>> No.7154971

>still an undergrad after seven years

>> No.7154998

I'm sorry your father is difficult but this shit made me laugh.

I work at a restaurant and one of the most common annoyances is when I'm at my table and as I'm walking away, another servers table will ask me to close out them out. I always respond with "Yeah I can tell ___ that you want to close out" I honestly don't care about telling her, but the fact that they ask if I can close their check, as if I'm their server pisses me off. After I tell them that they almost always respond with "Oh I thought you were our server!" There's usually only 2 of us, we don't look the same, and we usually wear different outfits. I don't understand.

>> No.7155052

Whats "SO"?

One time I was at a Mexican place, sitting near the bar. I was with a girl I hadent seen in a long time and we were catching up, swapping stories. I was being a little to loud and said "niggers" in the middle of a story. There are two obese black women sitting behind her that she doesnt see. I make a "oh no" kind of a face and stop talking, the black women look over at us, to make matters worse my friend starts laughing her ass off. "Hahahaha niggers!" I was so close to just grabbing her hand and walking out the door. Nothing happened though other than me being really embarresed.

>> No.7155068

while reading this, i pictured my gf's dad
he's the exact same way

>> No.7155074

How is that embarrassing, OP? I'm genuinely curious. If he's ready to order and the waiter is nowhere to be found, the busboy can at least tip the waiter off that their table is ready to order. Okay, so the busboy isn't the one to take the order. Who the hell cares? He can get in touch with the person who actually does take the order. That's what really matters.

>embarrassing restaurant stories

My dad hits on waitresses all the time. Even when he knows they're probably repulsed by him, he insists on trying to smooth them over. What's really embarrassing is that I've picked up the habit for myself. I get some silly, juvenile kick out of it.

>> No.7155081

that was in ottawa byward market wasn't it?

>> No.7155083

she kind of looks like jesse from breaking bad

>> No.7155092

>tfw dad broke his ribs and was all hopped up on pain killers and decided to have wine with dinner and wouldn't stop talking to the waiter for like 20 minutes
>tfw dad got so bad he had to flush all his medication
>tfw he just smokes weed now and watches shitty sci-fi movies

dad is a character

>> No.7155094

>this is my middle son. I have 3 sons.
what does this have to do with anything?

>> No.7155104

First GF and I had birthdays two weeks apart.
>we celebrate hers no problem, take her out to dinner just the two of of us. Expensive as fuck, saved up my meagar pay for it.
>She's miserable at the end of it, blames it on her PMS so I shrug it off.
>Year and a half relationship ends five days before my birthday
>She calls up on the night before my birthday
>"H-Hey anon. Listen I was planning on it being a surprise, but tomorrow I planned out your birthday. I hope it's alright."
>Still liked her, figure we could salvage it. It was such a stupid argument
>Show up to the place I'm meeting her at.Some lousy little semi-fancy cheap restaurant.
> She's there with her entire family, even her sister's boyfriend and my family is there as well
>"H-hey Anon, do you like this?"
>No, not in the slightest
>"Yeah, sure surprised me!"
>Proceed with a hour and a half long awkward as fuck dinner. No one talks, everyone sits in silence as they wait for their orders.
>Waitress is a qt I know from school, when I get up to leave she stops me.
>"Awkward night? I can't believe she put you through that. What a bitch. Here's my number, I think we could have an interesting summer this year..."
>"Cool, I'll see you this summer."
>Ex sees the conversation and drags me away to shout at me for the next ten minutes while the two families look on.
>Informed her that her surprise was awful and awkward and I would have preferred being a long to going out.

>> No.7155117


>food comes in and mom who isn't used to enjoy and eat normal speed finishes when you are half way
>when you clearly see her struggling to keep at your pace

I could never eat sushi with my mom. She offered it sometimes but I wouldn't and just can't bare it. She would eat them like candy, finishing within 10 minutes and then be bored and wondering when the rest will come and just eat too much. She is a bit overweight, not morbidly obese but it sucks going out to diner with her cause she feels she has to eat fast, breathing in from her mouth while still chewing and eating at a speed that is like breathing with every bite.

>> No.7155118


apparently you've never spent time with old people

>> No.7155127

This didn't happen but i can't stop laughing

>> No.7155482

>flat $20 tip
Extremely generous t b h

>> No.7155491
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>tfw your Grandad literally grabbed the busboy by the fucking wrist and held tightly while doing this, almost making them drop someone else's food

Jesus fuck Grandpa we just got here

>> No.7155511

It wasn't even funny until you pointed it out, and now I can't stop laughing.

>> No.7155527

Did you miss the part about someone not being able to breath?

>> No.7155529


In general my dad is pretty nice, but I think he expects too much our of servers and waiters. This is kind of something I've noticed with the older generation. I think they come from a time when you worked really hard at any job, no matter how shitty it was.

I remember one day we were talking at the table, and the waitress comes up. We're all ready to order but my dad keeps going on with the conversation. When we're like "dad, she's here, we can order",he's like "she's the waitress, she can wait for us".

>> No.7155530
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>> No.7155532


I'm sorry, what was the problem with your mom's actions? Ambulance rides are expensive and she figured she could handle the situation. And she did.

What's the problem?

>> No.7155542


Upon rereading it, you were mad that she's was mad at you for leaving. Did you tell her you thought you guys were going to the hospital?

>> No.7155543
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>At wedding
>Me, My dad, mom, sister, sisters boyfriend, 2 cousins and aunt sitting at the same table.
>Everybody's drunk except for me and one of my cousins.
>My dad keeps quietly insisting that my cousins want to fuck me (Im 21, their 36 and 42).
>Keep trying to tell him to be quiet.
>If one of them says something to me, he looks at me and starts mot so quietly whispering 'see i told you'.
>Had to drive back alone with other sober cousin.
>Dad says goodbye and tells me 'have fun out there eh'.

Sometimes i really don't know if he's fucked or just likes fucking with me.

>> No.7155562

Biggest faggot on 4chan award. Came all the way from /sp/ to laugh at your existence

>> No.7155581

Whenever I take my family out to eat, my wife's son throws a tantrum. I've learned to prevent this by letting him get ice cream as an appetizer.

>> No.7155588


>> No.7155599
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Nah, It was in Maine. Pretty sure it was just one of the nicer places in the town. It's one of the best places I've been here.

My sister has had a victim complex since she got her masters in womens studies, and thinks me and my dad are massive racists because we don't agree with her on some things. It's not like we say "Niggers and Jews, BAD NEWS!"

I mentioned a girl had an abortion when I was listing off the reasons a girl life was a train wreck and my sister kept saying "Whats wrong with abortion?".

>> No.7155603
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>Ambulance rides are expensive

American spotted

>> No.7155612

>ambulance drivers work for free in europe

>> No.7155614

I sometimes wonder where these caricatures of women's studies SJWs come from and why the internet thinks they're everywhere and trying to force their values on us

Then this post reminded me I go to places popular with dysfunctional NEETs and dysfunction probably runs in families

>> No.7155620


They sound like they were great people anon. Any recipes from them?

>> No.7155630

your sister sounds like a dumb malleable bitch who gets easily influenced. sounds like she needs some cock

>> No.7155637
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>he's posting from Little Syria

>> No.7155650

For those in the service industry, how likely is it that the waiter would spit in your food or other shit like that if you do something like that?

>> No.7155662
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i can just imagine him pulling a lil smile when people aren't looking, and that "thug life" music coming on

>> No.7155747

I concur with your diagnoses, doctors. Amazing how us internet doctors can diagnose patients by reading just one comment on a croatian basket weaving image board.

>> No.7155752


Literally anyone with a grandparent with dementia will tell you the same it's unfortunately common, next they become mean and angry when they're wrong about something

In a few years he'll start calling you by other family members names

>> No.7155776
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Wtf? Are you seriously justifying getting billed for an ambulance? Actual medical coverage at a hospital/Doctor being socialized by the state is a different issue here, btw.

I know I insulted your country, but some better comebacks, please.

>> No.7155806


Granddad has Dementia. This is damn near word for word how it started.

>> No.7155810


In civilized countries, ambulances are paid for in the same way Fire fighters are. Essential services and all that. That being said, there are private companies operating as well where I live.

>> No.7155815

In australia and new zealand, amberlamps rides are still 100 bux.
They even set debt collectors on you.

>> No.7155830


> get cancer
> need permission to go to specialist
> die waiting

thank you based "free" healthcare

>> No.7155838

>Uncle suggest that me, him, and Grandma should go to dinner.
>We go to a Brazilian steakhouse
>Grandma has 1 bowl of Lobster Bisque and says "I'm full. I wanna go home now."
>Uncle asks for all of his meats done well done.
>Meats start coming around after 20 minutes.
>They don't stop by our table
>Uncle complains to the waiters
>They start coming by. In a few minutes, I have 5 meats on my plate.
>Uncle complains to waiters, says that I'm not getting enough and he hasn't gotten anything
>Flank steak comes over
>"Yes please"
>Uncle just sighs (because this steak is medium rare) and starts yelling that he's starving.
>Has 3 meat carvers around him and the waiter and he's complaining how hungry he is, saying how disappointed he is.
>Every waiter stops what their doing and the meat carvers come to our table 1 by 1 in a line.
>Uncle gets 7 meats and then flips over his little card as there are still more meat carvers in line who all are visually upset
>Uncle goes to the bathroom
>Manager comes over
>"Is everything alright?"
>Grandma says that everything is excellent and that her son is just stressed
>Manager leaves a gift card on the table.

I cannot express how embarrassed I was.

>> No.7155907

>considering fucking your first cousins
Weird. I bet you're from west Virginia

>> No.7155911

My entire family is terrible.
My Dad eats like a pig (think Homer Simpson but it isn't funny in real life).

The real treats are my mother and sister though:
>sister is a bitch who glares menacingly and gestures in an angry way at the waiter when she orders
>always demands more sauces and dressings
>always whines about the service when there is nothing wrong
>also eats like a pig

>mother is bipolar bitch that always picks fights when she eats and gets triggered easily
>yells at people for their table manners while licking on her fingers
>her idea of humor is to say basic things ("I love this food") in very loud, confrontational ways
>whenever we have a nonwhite waiter she makes gestures and speaks incredibly loudly assuming they don't speak English

My brother is okay but he makes it his goal to piss her off every time we go out to ruin everything for everyone because he still thinks trolling is funny.

I rarely go out to eat with them and moved relatively far away.

>> No.7155968

Maybe one of them went to the bathroom and it was easier to sit back down like that?

>> No.7155972

Probably just fucking with you because thats funny. Insect jokes are ancient may mays that never get old. My dad still makes insest jokes a lot. he remarried and my stepmoms family is super weird and always says they all fuck each other and my stepmom gets pissed. Since your dad was drunk, maybe he was just joking way too hard.

>> No.7155974

Insect jokes, lol. I just realized i typed that.

>> No.7155978

>my stepmoms family is super weird and always says they all fuck each other and my stepmom gets pissed


>> No.7155983

I assumed the sister in the story was married to the brother-in-law that was mentioned, thereby already having a source of steady cock.

>> No.7156025

>still friends with someone after 7 years
I know you haven't experienced this but it actually happens

>> No.7156056
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That guy's Dad, doesn't have dementia, you absolute fucking morons. Would you mind not posting misinformation without medical experience? Fucking hell. Ever think he's just proud of his middle (and eldest and youngest) son/s? Fucking hell.

>> No.7156063 [DELETED] 

Come on, don't troll. I'm not even sure who you're shilling for.

>> No.7156100

My county has socialized medicine too but we still have ambulance fees to deter people from bumming an ambulance ride for things that do not actually need an ambulance.

>> No.7156235

My parents have been calling my by our dog's name since age 45..

>> No.7156262

good, good, tell me all the other bedtime stories republicans made up to make you scared of foreign countries. if you go to /pol/ they'll probably tell you great ones about brown people.

>> No.7156320

Vodka and coke? They don't mix. That's what kids in high school do before they learn what mixes and what doesn't.

You did the right thing. Maybe after enough time has passed you can go back to your favorite place

>> No.7156548


I lived in denial about it too at first. If you're so confident in his cognitive ability then take him to be tested. There's no shame in making sure.

>> No.7156575

U are little fag

>> No.7156578

Tipping isn't wasting money if the service is good. I know rich people like that. Entitled shitheads.

Relatives of mine who are well off tend to tip really well if the service was good. It reflects positively on their character.

>> No.7156620

Nice passive aggression.

>> No.7156710

I don't know that I've ever been particularly embarrassed at a restaurant.

But one tine in college, my younger brother (with full beard) and several friends of his and I were eating at a barbecue place. After we were done eating, my younger brother pushed his stomach up against the table to make it look big and waited for a waitress to walk by.

One finally walked by -- just as she got there he rubbed his stomach and said "He's kicking!"

You could hear her laughter all over the place.

>> No.7156763

>grabs a bus boy and tells him he's ready to order

Fucking degenerate. When I was a busboy/host nothing would piss me off more than the fucking customers trying to order with me, especially if they would make eye contact to bring me over.

>> No.7156764

You should go back to reddit, that comment makes no fucking sense.

>> No.7157743

You just suck at eating, breh.

>> No.7157839

>5000$ computer
>for two games

This didn't happen.

>> No.7157844

You should kill your sister. Do the right thing, anon.

>> No.7157868

>go out to eat with parents for the first time since I was 13
>don't talk to them at all
>spend the whole time just eating some nice food and listening to their boring ass conversation
>wishing I had something to do
>still better than eating a shitty cold cut sandwich on shitty bread at home all alone

I fucking hate socializing and strongly dislike my parents, but free, good food so whatever.

>> No.7157918

I don't believe that

>> No.7157925

I remember from emt training that yellow nails were a significant sign if reporting to a suspected pulmonary embolism.

soo like, go to a doc, bc he may have a serious disease that could be treatable if caught

>> No.7157936


>> No.7157937

What's not to get? I'm 24, I work from home as a programmer, and I moved out because I dread my parents. Just because you can't fathom that not everyone is a football playing jock with outstanding social skills, doesn't make it not true. Or is it because I said I dislike my parents? I forgot I'm not allowed to do that because family values and what not. Sorry, amerifat.

>> No.7157941
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nerd alert

>> No.7157945

>he types, with his sausagelink fingers, on a tibetan finger painting board in his room full of piss jars with the blinds closed

>> No.7157952
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That grave depravity could only come from a bitter lost soul

>> No.7157969

>"Look at this guy, trying to give me 20$ provided I actually do my job correctly! What a piece of shit, I better spit in his meal."

What kind of person would reach that conclusion. If anything it's just rude because he's making the assumption that I'll fuck up, but were all adults, no one spits in anyone's food, I can not think of a better urban myth if I tried.

>> No.7157985

My relatives are infamous for things of that nature.
Eventually I just stopped giving a shit and enjoyed my meal as they had a tantrum over something insignificant.

>> No.7158027

I'm embarrassed for you.

>> No.7158078

Why is that embarrassing? The bus fag tells your good for nothing waiter to stop flirting with the hostess and take your fucking order.

Source: 8 soul sucking years of working as a cook

>> No.7158090


still regurgitation the fear of socialism that your parents were brainwashed into believing.

>> No.7158094


There are free ambulance services in the main centres in New Zealand.

>> No.7158100

I passed out in the shitter at Panera with the needle still twitching in my vein. Wasted a good high, should a shot up in noodles and company

>> No.7158114

She smelled a fart she can never unsmell. I'm sorry, I really like curry.

>> No.7158223

Not my parents but still one of my stupider dining experiences.
>Younger brother about to move to new job across the country
>Several friends and I take him to a street fair to celebrate
>Spend all day at the fair
>2 of our friends drinking steadily all day
>Good times had by all
>Decide to go get dinner at the restaurant near our parents' house that we always went after going to the fair as a family
>Drunk friends sobering up a little
>"Oh, they have margaritas?"
>Drunk Dude #1 loves him some margaritas
>Somehow despite being a weeaboo, he's a big former college football player and still super-fit
>His loud drunken antics attract attention of the 40-50 year old ladies at the booth behind us
>All of whom are now on their 2nd and 3rd margaritas
>He invites Cougar, party of four to join us in our booth
>Half of us are wtfing
>Drunk Dude #1 in loud conversation about football and animu with woman twice his age who keeps feeling his muscles
>Subject changes to tattoos
>She says she has a tattoo
>Where is the tattoo? What is it?
>She stands up, steps out of the booth, and drops her pants in the middle of the restaurant to show off the tattoo on her ass
>Rest of us decide to save him from himself and get him out of there before this turns into a public orgy
Worst part came a few days later.
>Spend Saturday afternoon with parents
>They want to go out to eat
>Drive straight to that restaurant

The waitstaff saw me come in and had the biggest shit-eating grins on their faces all evening. Lots of "How is your friend?" I can never go back.

>> No.7158232

You're a fucking killjoy, dude. That's not embarrassing, that's fucking awesome!

>> No.7158669

I still wonder how someone can't like his parents. Especially if the family seems intact enough to go eat in a restaurant together

>> No.7158681

A lot of people go through it when teenagers
Reminder that today's early 20s are emotionally teens due to economic conditions and the 'support network' of the internet

>> No.7158699

20% is pretty standard, not extremely generous.

>your dad
>failed as a parent

Pick 3!

>> No.7158713

Yeah if 20% is generous and he's not flyover, it means he's black. But he could be a white who lives in flyover land, they are essentially black, hence why whenever flyover "culture" comes up they just start shrieking about how there are lots of whites in flyover land, as if it's normal to be mistaken for a totally different race all the time

>> No.7158715

>tfw read that as pussy boi

>> No.7158839

I feel you. My dad is a binge eater and my mom & youngest sister are both diagnosed bipolar. Mom is medicated now though so it's always the youngest who ends up causing a scene.

>> No.7158845

This sounds like the family of the woman who tricked my brother into getting her pregnant.

>> No.7158859

>be at in n out
>crowded lunch hour
>want to dine in anyways
>get order taken
>a table opens up finally
>grab it quickly
>sit down
>put backpack down
>didn't get my drink though
>so thirsty
>contemplate getting up to other side of restaurant to get drink
>take wallet out of backpack
>leave backpack on table
>go get drink
>walking back to seat
>in plain view, im still several feet away, some bitch is moving my backpack onto the floor, then putting her purse onto the table
>as i approach the table, she is now walking away
>Loudly say "Excuse me!" a few times
>bitch ignores me
>got such an urge to chuck her shit off the table
>the people around me acted like they didn't see shit that happened to my backpack
>but i had a feeling that if I moved her shit, they'd probably start something with me
>a comfier booth opens up right behind me
>take that instead
>sit in the booth right across from the bitch and her fat white trash friends
>angrily watch them stuff their faces and chat about the "secret menu" like it's a secret

I fucking hate people

>> No.7158886

My dad died 8 years ago. I would say he would be polite and normal though if he was still around and I went out for dinner with him. He was a true blue working man. I wish I could have known my dad better before he passed.

>> No.7158918

>literally spills spaghetti

>> No.7158930

>go out to dinner with extended family
>inexpensive Thai restaurant
>waitress arrives
>everyone orders drinks
>hear a hiss and an aluminum can being opened
>Dad is drinking a can of Pepsi he smuggled in because he didn't want to pay $1 extra for the restaurant Pepsi

>> No.7158937

Classic gramps

>> No.7159061

Cockblocking faygget

>> No.7159203

>drinking at home
>ate a big dinner of salisbury steak and mashed potatoes and brown gravy
>go to the bar down the street where I'm a semi-regular
>drink a few beers
>chug the last one too fast
>know I'm going to vom
>barely make it to bathroom
>miss the toilet bowl entirely
>thick, brown puke all over the back of toilet, walls and floor
>no way I can clean all this up
>leave immediately
>forgot to cash out
>had to go back the next day for my card
>they had to know it was me that puked everywhere
>never go back

Still feel bad to this day for the guy that had to clean that up

>> No.7159229

>drinking at a bar where I'm a regular
>on drugs (xanax)
>see a purse hanging on a hook under the bar
>nobody near it, few people on the other side of the bar
>in my drug and alcohol induced stupor I somehow convince myself that someone forgot their purse
>finders keepers
>take the purse and go home
>wake up next day and realize what I did
>feel terrible
>mail contents of purse to address on the girl's license
>went back to the bar a couple weeks later
>bartender is being short with me right away, acting pretty strange, usually very friendly
>serves me a beer and immediately gets her cell phone and walks into the back
>bolt out of there because they no doubt had me on camera stealing the purse and she was calling the cops
>I'm a dumbass for even returning to the scene of the crime

Xanax is a hell of a drug. Glad those days are behind me.

>> No.7159230

It is natural and beautiful that a man should love his cousin

>> No.7159299

vodka is a neutral spirit

it mixes with everything faggot

>> No.7159344

Working in an Irish pub,
Old couple-regulars.
"Cheeseburger m/r, fries"
"Cheeseburger m/w, baked potato"
Order served
"This shit is cooked half-to-death!"
"God, it's still bloody!"
Go to kitchen, switch burgers to corresponding potato dishes.
Owner freaks, comps meal.

>> No.7159432

yeah, this sucks.

I get that $20 is a fair tip, and it's fair to tip less for mistakes. But having friendly and natural interaction with your waiter/waitress requires that you allow them, and yourself, to forget that you're scrutinizing them so closely. It's totally autistic to tell them up front that you have your little system for penalizing them if you think they slipped up.

People gotta stop thinking about it as a business transaction and remember that the customer and the waiter are just a couple of human beings. Being polite and friendly &c. helps everyone have a more enjoyable time doing business

>> No.7159516

Used to wait tables. If someone did this to me I would either have someone else take that table and/or let the manager know some guy is being a faggot. My old manager would have asked him to leave and refused service. That's just demeaning and not cool.

>> No.7159518


>I have higher taxes than you nyhaw haw haw

Sucks to be you I guess?

>> No.7159526

She is in the midst of letting one rip.

>> No.7159560

>Thanksgiving one year, my aunt manages to secure restaurant reservations for the family at a highly exclusive golf-club-owned restaurant
>normally have to be a member of the golf club to even be allowed to use the restaurant
>whole family shows up in their Sunday's best, except my mother and her new boyfriend, who both show up completely smashed
>we do our best to calm them down so we can enjoy our meal, but they both start becoming louder and rowdier
>My mother always likes to create forced memories, if that makes sense, where she will cause a scene that creates something to look back "fondly" on
>she scoops up a huge dollop of wasabi from the sushi platter and shoves it into her mouth
>immediately starts sputtering and spitting, which soon turns into outright vomiting all over her plate
>she gets puke all over her plate, all over her table, and is wailing like a banshee while doing it
>entire family is too embarrassed and we lose our appetite, we all get up and leave, drunk boyfriend of my mother's is visibly stumbling around
>aunt is now indefinitely banned from the restaurant and club

> weeks later my mother calls and says shit like "haha remember when I mistook all that wasabi for guacamole? That was crazy wasn't it?"

Fuck off mom, I'm not even going to tell you when I finally move out of the state.

>> No.7159597
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>not wanting to fuck a women while calling her mommy

It's like you aren't human

>> No.7159725

wow you're autistic as fuck and you cock blocked your friend for no reason

you need to stop worrying what people think about you and start living

>> No.7159794
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>Dad eats like Homer Simpson

Holy shit, why do dads think it is funny to act like Homer? Do they not realise he is supposed to be a slob?

>Go to steakhouse with family
>Dad gets drunk before we leave
>Decides because of this that it will be very funny if he acts like Homer Simpson the entire meal
>Starts quoting Homer Simpson throughout
>Does shit like drooling and loudly going 'hmmmmm Steak'
>Fat woman walks past him
>He says "Hey, that pig has a fluffy moustache" and starts saying "here puff, here puff" while wiggling his finger at her
>intentionally belches multiple times
>jokingly stranges me a couple of times
>eventually starts fucking sttaight up doing a Homer Simpson impersonation and calling his steak 'stupid medium rare flanders'

Just pathetic to see grown men act like it

>> No.7159820

I stopped going to restaurants with my parents because they're insufferable. My mother ruined 3 of my birthdays by her acting and when I told her to stop she tried to play the blame game and started genuinely crying and making me feel bad cause I just wanted a normal day out for my bday.

English is not their first language and my dad doesn't speak it very well (mom does, she went to school here to get a diploma). We would go to the same restaurants over and over and for literally fucking 10+ times he'd ask what this or that meant even when we ate it the previous time. There's this bbq place that everyone in the city likes cause there's few bbq joints. He ate there at least 10 times and we went again and he didn't know what "slaw" means cause he can't fucking differentiate between coleslaw and slaw so he made a big deal about it with the waiters.

I really don't get it but my parents go out to eat at least 3-5 times a week and still make it a big deal when they go out and often act like cunts to me about it. I'm not poor and neither are they so it's not like they see it as a privilege to go out to eat.

>> No.7159821
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>> No.7159828

No, you're just a whiny little bitch.

>> No.7159869

Just give him a post-natal abortion. She's your wife now. You need her to focus on propagating your own seed.

>> No.7159934

>insert beyblade pasta

>> No.7160033

>Eat at Portugese place last week with parents
>Order big thing of paella to share
>Father gets a lobster
>The place is totally packed
>The rice is good but the fish is a bit overcooked (but still totally edible)
>Dad thinks his lobster is overcooked too
>Waiter comes over, mom won't stop slipping in the fact that it's overcooked
>At some point says it's "totally inedible"
>Don't want to contradict them in front of strangers
>Dad complains too
>They always get hyperbolic when it comes to shit like this
>Love sending food back
>I can barely stand it.

It was the first time I've seen them this semester, though, so I had to power through it. I'd hate eating out for them, if they didn't pay.

>> No.7160048


>> No.7160492

Hairline is JUST

>> No.7160531

How the fuck is 20% not generous?

>> No.7160537

Mom, every restaurant with a separate bar:

Mom: I'd like a martini, please
>oh god here we go
Mom: Hendrick's.
Mom: Up.
>It's a martini. As opposed to, what, rocks?
Mom: Extra cold
>Shaking already gets it cold, more gets it watered down and fucks with the volume
Mom: Very dry
Mom: BUT
>Thought so
Mom: SOME Vermouth.
>No shit, otherwise it's just cold gin in a glass.
Mom: And what's the bartender's name?

>> No.7160566

How the fuck do I decipher this post?

>> No.7160578

When she orders martinis she tries to sound like an expert by using an unnecessary term and specifying something that shouldn't need to be specified (sometimes it does, though, as some idiots think a dry martini has no vermouth at all). I'm not sure what the point of the name thing is. Not why anybody ask, or why it would be embarrassing if somebody did.

>> No.7160588

I've been in the industry for about a decade now, albeit back of house. I can tell you without a doubt if I ever saw a server fuck with anyone's food I would fire them on the spot. Hell, if I catch them dicking around on their phone or not taking care of customers I'll cut their hours for a week. Sometime the FOH manager gets pissed but I don't really give a fuck. We're the one who cook the fucking food and I'll be damned if some server is going to fuck it up because they think taking care of a table and doing a little side work is a "hard job" and one of their current tables isn't fallating their ego. If the customer is behaving bad enough to warrant something like that then I have no problem executing a MPW and giving them the boot but more often than not that is not the case.

Yes, I'm kind of a dick but fucking servers kill me, man. Thats why I've went to only hiring "professional" servers and paying them a full wage instead of hiring these winy fucking college girls who couldn't give two fucks about service.

>> No.7160595

some parents are shit, some families aren't close.

>> No.7160597

The idea was that she's needlessly fussy, and then asks for the bartender's name so that if it's not to her arbitrary and inconsistent standards, she traipses behind the bar and addresses the bartender by name to loudly proclaim his or her shortcomings.

>> No.7160602

The posts that start with "Mom:" are what the mom is saying, the greentext is what the son and/or the bartender is thinking in response to the previous thing she says

>> No.7160640

SO is "significant other"
can't just say gf or bf if gay, nope gotta have the special snowflake term

>> No.7160652

Both my SO and I think you're autistic for letting stupid shit like that bother you.

>> No.7160670

i was taught to use significant other to not disclose whether or not you were a married couple, but it does also help on the internet so people can't tell what kind of gay i am

>> No.7160719

>birthday dinner with mom, stepdad and sister
>sister is 30
>she gets completely wasted
>starts yelling random shit about penises and vaginas and bodily functions
>interrupts neighbor tables to tell them how she has a vagina and that's okay because we're all human. There's surely more than this but I've blocked it all from memory.

I hate her so much.

>> No.7160721

this shit happens all the time. my mom bought a 2600$ imac for facebook despite barely being able to operate a television

>> No.7160729

>father always flirted with waitresses when we go out as a kid
>something about making my mom jealous, idk
>i've learned to do that
>if i become a regular at a bar (25 y/o here), i start to unconsciously act like that after a few drinks
>end up seducing these poor single mothers or girls with major issues

i really don't know how to feel about it.

>> No.7160762

>Dad tries to speak to the Asian employees with loud broken English
>They're entirely fluent and have been coming here for years

>> No.7160816

I make 6 figures and I live with my wife but this summed up my life pretty much

>> No.7160827

Exactly. When you're old you've earned the right to ask for exactly what you want and you're not afraid to volunteer pointless facts about your life to people who are paid to put up with you and keep you happy

>> No.7160844
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>> No.7160847

>Started cooking for myself at 14
>Like to try new things, worked as a chef for a few years
>Like to go to michelin star restaurants
>My mother never even uses salt and pepper
>She cooks the meat, cooks it some more, cooks in again, and finishes it by cooking it some more
>Same approach to vegetables

I just graduated with my masters degree. My gf wanted to take me to celebrate somewhere nice (2/3 stars) and perhaps invite my mum and sister since my mum took us all out when I graduated with my bachelors degree. Do you think it would be a waste of money? I want her to go and experience it because shes always saying its far too expensive and I think it would be a nice way to celebrate, but Im also not sure it would be worth spending the money on it given that she doesnt have any interest in cooking and claims to like plain food the best. What do?

>> No.7160885

It's not too late for your mom to experience new things, and if you have an opportunity to splurge and give her a chance to enjoy the things she rarely/never had, you should take it.

We're talking about a woman who gave birth to you and raised you for most of your life. Do some good for her whenever you can. You'll feel better for it.

>> No.7160903

My gf can afford to take us all. However, I dont really like balet. If someone paid £200 to take me to watch balet, sure I might find it ok, but I wouldnt really appreciate it as much as someone with an interest in balet, who knows what's going on and the skill involved. That money could have been better spent elsewhere. So Im not sure if the same would apply.

>> No.7160962

Food is the most basic and important need for humans, and delicious food is more likely to be appreciated by a culinary layman than ballet would by someone with equally superficial understanding of it.

We're talking about going out for a meal. All you have to do once you're there is get seated, eat, and enjoy. You don't have to get out a pair of spectator glasses to scrutinize every detail in your dishes.

>> No.7161037

I watched my dad get gunned down in New York, '96 when he got into dispute with pizzaria owner. He argued that the pizza was burnt (it was) The owner got 25 years in prison for my dads murder.

>> No.7161072


>> No.7161078


He's taking out the family, bro. If the tip isn't $20, that means the meal isn't even $25/head including booze.

>> No.7161177

If that's the case, then it's probably some whipped beta and she's still on the cucumbers.

>> No.7161233

I have a story that was probably embarrassing for the waiter.

> small restauraunt but not a family run one, lots of business people went there for lunch
> they had a meal where you got a up of soup, a half of a sandwich, and small servings of the daily salads for $7
> I had a bit of a cold at the time since it was during fall, and was there because they had a blessedly fresh dessert case as well as affordable and tasty lunch
> fits like maybe 35 people, there are maybe 15 people there besides me, and only one sort of 'waiter' generally they call the order up aand hand it to you across the counter
> well because of my cold and delicious hot soup, I had to go blow my nose
> I stepped outside the side entrance (6 feet from my table) so I could blow loudly without feeling awkward and so as to not disturb the others eating (yes I will go to the bathroom or outside to blow my nose pretty much anywhere other than taco bell/etc)
> gone for maybe 30 secs, turn around and see the waiter circling my table because you just leave your empty plates for pickup, but I was only halfway done eating
> he's picked up the plate by the time I get back inside and tell him I just stepped out for a moment to blow my nose

But seriously the place had bathrooms, what if someone had to get up for a pee in the middle of the meal, bro? I'm sure they would have given me the same thing for free if he did end up scrapping the leftovers as an apology but still. One of the hazards of eating on your own I guess.

>> No.7161313

I don't blame him. I'll be fucked if I'm paying $2.59 for a single glass of Coke.

>> No.7161321


4chan is garbage nowadays since these reddit faggots came here.

Tell me why America is the greatest country in the world when it is one of the most capitalist?

>> No.7161997

>but it does also help on the internet so people can't tell what kind of gay i am

Except everyone knows you're gay because of it
And clearly you're the bottom at that
How much more do we need to know to tell what kind of gay you are?

>> No.7162008


>> No.7162136

Going out with my mom and little brother can occasionally be a scene. On their own they cause minimal harm if any.

Mom always wants to talk up a storm with the server, occasionally gets a little too in their face if they don't return her enthusiasm properly.

Little brother can be short with people, but servers are usually fine.

But then I get them together, he's getting embarrassed by her, he eventually says so, mom's feelings are hurt to an irreparable state, best case our meal is silent, worst case she cries and or gets the server involved in the conversation.

He does the same thing to our dad, even though our dad isn't even a little embarrassing, but dad shrugs it off and conversation continues as normal.

I hope he's just having his "I'm a big boy, finally in my 20s, jeez my parents are embarrassing!" and he just grows out of it.

Not family, but I had a friend bring Taco Bell to sushi. The server drew no attention to it, but my other friends were super mad. I thought it was funny, and the other five of us still bought sushi and gave the server a nice tip. But my other friends never let him forget it, and not in a joking manner.

>> No.7162138

>4chan is garbage nowadays

FYI, 4chan always sucked. Before Reddit, there was Gaia, eBaums, and whatever other sources of cancerous newbies /b/ used to condemn. The mainstream attention 4chan got after Chanology certainly didn't help the matter, but it didn't change the root issue in that we were all fuckwads each with our own unique way of shitposting.

>> No.7162153


Dont bother. If she has never said anything positive about decent food in cheaper places or likes the food you cook, then michelin starred place will be waste of money. Best thing she might get is to pretend to like it out of politeness.

>> No.7162182

this is exactly what my grandfather with dementia acted like deep into the beginning stages

take that as you will

>> No.7162184

>I'm a big boy, jeez my parents are embarrassing

Don't most people get this out of their system by the time they're high school sophomores?

>> No.7162190


20 is the new 12, why would anyone grow up when they're coddled by everyone?

>> No.7162193
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>sat across the room fuming like the impotent bitch you are
Holy shit grow some balls you fucking beta

>> No.7162261

>out on a "date" with my girlfriend
>her parents decide to tag along without telling me
>we get there, place our orders, get our drinks
>everything's fine, somewhat awkward
>girlfriend's mom, having drunk half of her fresh-off-the-pot coffee in the first 2 minutes, decides she wants a refill
>but she has to act quickly before the waitress serving the people next to us walks away
>i shit you not she takes her half-full cup of blazing-hot coffee and dumps it right into the (real) potted plant at the end of our booth
>not only that, but the waitress turned around just in time to see her doing it
>she still has the fucking gall to request a refill afterwards

>> No.7162264

>First real paycheck
>Bring folks to fancy place
>All looking and menu
>Everyone is at awe at the stuff on menu
>Everyone decides they are ready
>Waitress comes to table
>May I take your order?
>Before I can say just a second everyone blurts out what they want.
>I haven't chosen a dish
>Everyone orders without me
>End up getting a hamburger because I picked in a rush.

>> No.7162277

I have this gay friend who is an absolute bitch to waiters or any service workers

I mean we had a poor girl with a lisp serving us, she was cute even, but a terrible lisp, he was talking shit about her where she could hear him.

I can't remember the specifics because it's been a few years between some of these, but I remember other incidents similar.

>> No.7162288

If I was supervisor I literally would have made your friend leave.

>> No.7162352

>be 4
>out in upscale restaurant with parents, uncles, aunts etc and grandparents
>Sitting there being all happy and shit
>everyone has to walk out for a bit, for some reason, grandparents and me stay
>i pick up a spoon and i start drumming on an empty coffee plate
>grandpa picks up a spoon too, drums with me on his own plate, smiling wildly
>fancy restaurant, people get uncomfortable, look at us
>were obviously very wealthy, so people just find it funny and cute for some reason
>I get a little too exited from all this encouragement, I break the fucking plate
>look at grandpa, about to start crying
>He forcefully mashes his own plate, breaking it
>He just laughs and says "oops"
>My frown gets turned upside down, I start giggling
>My grandpa snaps his finger in the air, asks for two new plates
>staff actually obliges him
>it's all on tape, my grandma taped the entire thing

We used to watch that video every year, god I miss that magnificent man. Always felt uncomfortable when he snapped his fingers at staff though. He never did it with ill intent though, he was from a different time.

>> No.7162372

>I do hope nothing happens to spoil this fancy dinner party

>> No.7162396

I've just started abusing xanax last week. So far so good, anxiety is gone. I know this is going to end badly, the only question is, how bad? Currently on 2 mg a day, trying to only drink with it when I'm inside my house.

>> No.7162401
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Nothing was spoiled though, it was good fun.

>> No.7162579

Don't fall for this stupid meme.

15% is standard, 20% is generous. I'm sick of entitled waiters who keep upping the percentage of the "standard" by 5 every few years. Glad I am a harsh judge and my tipping reflects this. (not always bad, have tipped 35% on big ones before)

>> No.7162585

why don't you just get a job up front? I'm not screwing over your coworkers just so you can feel less left behind

cooks should have got a real job

>> No.7162592

If I told a waiter that I wasn't going to pay for my meal, and instead was going to give him a 100% tip, do you think he'd do it?

>> No.7162633
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Yeah? Why don't you try it? We'll start at doing 100 covers an hour.

>> No.7162636

No that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You'd get spit in your food

>> No.7162641 [DELETED] 

>Complaining about getting into an awful career path

Glad I work in specialized corporate I.T., we hate all people in food service unless it's a sports bar

>> No.7162650

he would use the tip to pay for your food so he doesnt get in troub le

>> No.7162656

Good thing I have multiple Cisco and Red Hat certifications and work as a systems administrator. I never said I still worked in the food services.

>> No.7162672 [DELETED] 

>Red hat certs
>Cisco certs
>"systems admin"

Pfft,Senior Storage Consultant specializing in netapp and EMC storage. I probably make way more for much, MUCH less work.

>> No.7162688

>thinks the bitch gave a single shit about you sitting across from her
>instead she just laughed at you when she got what she wanted and you moved to another table like the beta you are

>> No.7162690

>tell waiter this
>enjoy nice meal
>bill comes
>haha I told you I wans't gonna pay this
>but for your hard work, I'm gonna give you a 100% tip

>> No.7162705

Because I finished school and have a real job

>> No.7162713

>Ambulance rides are expensive
Kucked amerifag detected

>> No.7162724


>> No.7162744

yay socialism

>> No.7162807

Gin is also a neutral spirit, and so is rum and tequila, and those sure as fuck don't mix with everything
learn the correct terminology next time you feeble minded cow

>> No.7162818

Why would you think an ambulance was coming when nobody had called an ambulance? You were 15. You should have known better than that. Hopefully you've smartened up since then.

>> No.7162822

Gin is flavoured.

>> No.7162844


dude that's so bad

i'm so so sorry

>> No.7162848

Good, waiting staff should be abused and mistreated, they are the scum of society.

>go to Europe on holiday
>50€ meal
>tip just 1€, all the change that was left
>waiter thanks me and looks honest about it too
>had this been the US she'd have "thanked me" and made a mental note to spit in my food next time I visit

Self centered, self important, and selfish assholes the lot of them. If I'm going to tip someone it would be the guy who works in a hot kitchen to make me the food, not the high school dropout that picked it up and carried it 10 feet to my table.

>> No.7162858


you used "ingratiating" wrong, you uneducated superfaggot

>> No.7162894

Only cheap gin is, but I wouldn't be surprised if a stupid cunt like you didn't even know what the words you''re speaking mean

>> No.7162911

>drink on Xanax
>decide to take more Xanax
>decide to leave the house
potentially very badly

>> No.7162943

You're likely to
>wreck your car
>drunk dial/text/facebook with extremely embarassing results
>injure yourself
>lose/misplace important things
>accidentally break things (phone, most likely)
>waste money and really regret it
>make some of the worst decisions of your life

It's fun, haha

>> No.7162970

Do you fuck them?

>> No.7163027

Alright rain man, no one cares about your crazy

>> No.7163058

That's awesome, especially in 'murrica where you have that pathetic tipping culture.

>> No.7163066

All gin is. That's what the botanicals are.

>> No.7163074


>looks far too try-hard

Who gives a shit what literal slaves who are dumb enough to be waiters think?

>> No.7163084


I agree. Cooks are actually essential, unlike school drop-outs known as waiters.

>> No.7163367

>Being desperate enough to fuck a woman twice your age, especially one with that level of class.
Were you drunk when you read this story?

>> No.7163384

It's called "having fun."

Try it sometime.

>> No.7163411

>He said before ctrl-tabbing back onto animu
If I want to "have fun" I don't pick up some hag from a restaurant in the middle of the afternoon

>> No.7163419

Paella não é portuguesa, seu paneleiro filho da puta! Vai mas é lamber a piça à puta da tua tia, seu corno enrabado.

>> No.7163425

You pick no other kind of woman/girl, either, though.

>> No.7163440
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Found the wizard

>> No.7163494

If this weren't online, and if I actually cared about your opinion, I would make you jealous

>He doesn't settle for hambeasts and skanks like I am forced to
>Oh god what an autist

>> No.7163502

Wow, you really are a virgin. I was just joking, m8.

>> No.7163514

Actually, you wouldn't. I'm sure I pulled more women (pretty, of course, no fatties nor oldies) than you, before having a girlfriend. Try again, little waiter.

>> No.7163516

Some ppl are legit into that m8

>> No.7163538
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I would get a $19 tip in the end, because no body is perfect.

>> No.7163549

Exactly, especially when you don't even know the difference between nobody and no body.

>> No.7163584


Can you and will you stop being a solute faggots and ruining good threads? It would be appreciated by everyone else who isnt a faggot.

Please and thanks.

>> No.7163596

Eat a dick, you faggot waiter piece of shit. It's your own fault you are human scum.

>> No.7163880
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my life

>> No.7163884

>good threads
This fucking guy

>> No.7163926

>being in awe at the menu items
>the menu offers a hamburger

unless you live in abject poverty, choose one.

>> No.7164068

nig i work at one now and i swear old fucks and their requests are completely retarded

>> No.7164423

R u sure? R u sure u don't have dimensia?

>> No.7165115 [DELETED] 

When I was a busboy I remember the catering hall I was working had a very large party.200-300 people. It was some sorta celebration and whatever. So anyways one of the table things was a little bell to ring when the time was to celebrate.
>Patrons ended up using it to summon staffers
>I ignored because you can say excuse me and I will gladly come and help you.
>Instead "rapid bell ringing".."HEY YOU" "YOU! COME HERE".."I NEED SOMETHING ..COME HERE"
>Table complains to my maitre d
>Maitre d is not having it
>ejects entire table
>Tells planner to remove all bells or dinner is off and they can leave.
I was kinda glad they did it , I mean it was a high end venue and they were acting like degenerates as well as berating staff.

>> No.7165159
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>deleting your post
not on my watch

>> No.7165161


Haha that's brilliant

>> No.7165278

>eat at a 'fancy' burger restaurant
>suddenly, my insides turn to liquid
>go to the bathroom as fast as I can without running
>the only stall has shit already on the toilet seat
>barely get my pants pulled down before I rapidly hover-shit semi-liquid crap all over the toilet and floor because fuck sitting on someone elses shit
>immediately felt 100x better

I felt so bad for the people that had to clean that bathroom afterwards. It was an emergency but I still fucked up that stall worse than it already was

I generally just feel bad for anyone who has to clean a bathroom considering how fucking terrible most bathrooms get treated.

Is cleaning public restrooms as bad as I imagine it to be?

>> No.7165303

>tfw dishy/kitchenhand
>tfw don't get any of those sweet, sweet tips and have to listen to bitch waiters complain 24/7

>> No.7165370

If someone says "boyfriend" they're going to get harassed for being an open homosexual or a woman. SO is a good way around it.

>> No.7165377

I'm 20 and I don't like my dad. I don't like hanging out with my parents because of that. He has an extremely short temper and probably some kind of mental disorder. You really can't tell him anything because you never know what will make him fly off the handle. For example, a few weeks ago I went home to visit them (I live alone a few miles away) and when I was leaving my mom gave me some chicken cutlets she made for me. She didn't cook them, just cut up the chicken and breaded and froze a big batch so I could fry them up and have them fresh. This caused my dad to become furious. "HOW COULD YOU GIVE OUR SON RAW MEAT?? HOW IS HE GOING TO COOK THAT??" I tried calmly explaining to him that I've been living on my own for almost two years, and have been cooking for myself almost every day, but he wouldn't believe it. He made my mom throw the chicken cutlets away. She looked like she wanted to cry.

I really hate him, he's a real piece of shit and I worry pretty regularly that I'll grow up and become that way without realizing it. I can't wait for him to die so my poor mother can have peace in her house.

>> No.7165379

> your dad grabs a bus boy and tells him he's ready to order
I'm not sure I understand?

>> No.7165400

Get a load of this alcoholic

>> No.7165414

clearly it did not because saying SO brought more attention to it

>> No.7165419


>> No.7165426
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>> No.7165437
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For some reason that last sentence hit hard.
You take care out there, Anon.

>> No.7165439


A real alcoholic would know that cola/vodka/cream is great. An advanced alcoholic is putting lemonade and vodka in their thermos.

>> No.7165689
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Dad addresses waitress as, "Madame."

>> No.7165823
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If you guys don't have obese parents then you don't understand real humiliation in eatery establishments

>Father is 340lbs
>Mother is 260lbs but much shorter
>Once a month they force me to go out and eat with them
>They always try to be cute
>They are proud of their obesity
>They have 'props' they bring with them to every restaurant
>For example, they find the restaurants menu online then write it down on a huge piece of card and pull it out at the restaurant and start saying ''big menu for big people!'' and laughing while everyone else is silent
>at the end of the meal my dad always squats and rips his pants causing change to fall out because he hides it there then says ''we tip with a rip!''
>they always laugh at me for ordering normal portions

LITERALLY humiliates me every time and they don't care.

>> No.7165835

Ha, nice one

>> No.7165840

parents aren't some magical beings without flaws. They're humans too, and sometimes you don't get along with them or even like them. Some people come from broken homes or were raised by daycares and nannys.

>> No.7165843

are you...

are you me?

>> No.7165846

What's with all the spoiled rich kids on /ck/?
I'm jealous.

>> No.7165851

No one cares if you take it in the ass. As long as you aren't being a faggot about it.

>> No.7165852


My grandmother does a similar thing. She'll frantically wave at any passing staff when she wants the bill or a box, instead of just waiting a few minutes for our actual waiter to come. And then she gets all pissy when they ignore her.

>> No.7165864
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>Go on cruise ship for grandparent's anniversary
>Grandpa orders lobster
>starts ringing his hands like a fucking madman before he eats (always does this shit for some reason)
>becomes distraught, demanding more melted butter
>suddenly waiters come out 2 by 2 carrying Italian flags and cakes
>look over at grandpa
>he's fucking standing on his chair twirling a napkin in the air screaming unintelligible shit.

>> No.7165910


No it isn't you fucking idiot you got called on it immediately

>> No.7165914

>Eating out with degenerate fucking 'picky eaters' who think they can order something and ask for it without this and without that but with that instead
>DON'T WORRY, WE TIP WELL, they say, as if it's the server that's going to give a fuck about the extra work the cook has to put in, and implying that if their food isn't right because of the cook, they won't tip the server
Fuck you people, I pay the same amount for my food, and if I don't want something, I pick it off my own god damn self, because I'm not a child.
Why do you think your money is worth more than mine and you can ask for special service while paying the exact same price?

What do you call it if you're intending to cleanse the gene pool of picky eaters by way of violence? It's not an ethnic cleansing. Is there a term for this sort of thing?

>> No.7165939
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>> No.7165943

I want to pet the kot

>> No.7165955

This is hilarious even though I know it's not

>> No.7165957


>> No.7165978
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>> No.7165994

>being this beta

>> No.7165996

haha epic bro!!

>> No.7166125

Did you at least score with that other girl?

>> No.7166172

>drunk boyfriend of my mother's is visibly stumbling around
Thank god he wasn't invisible

>> No.7166232

A mac is the right choice in that case

>> No.7166415

what a lad

>> No.7166496

It's an opportunity to do something fuckin nice for your mom, man & let her know your life and interests a little. That's the point of having relationships with people that are different from you.

Ignore that other fuck who claims it'd be a waste. Even if she doesn't 'get it' she'll prolly enjoy the time.

Fuck. I wish I could do something nice for my mom still

>> No.7166667

Exact same fucking thing over here

>> No.7166715

No. Fucking nobody is you. Stop posting this shit.

>> No.7167764

Huh, I thought I was alone on this. How old are you guys? Did you do anything about it like try to talk to him, or did you just leave home and forget about it?

>> No.7167851

Mom and dad both worked shitty service jobs before getting real jobs so I was taught how to act in restaurants at a very young age.
Worst case Ontario, if you don't like the wait staff just say please and thank you and don't make further conversation, most waiters will pick up on it and leave you alone.

>> No.7168068
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>Worst case Ontario
I know you meant scenario but I kek'd because I live in Ontario.

>> No.7168161

People like that often have undiagnosed mental illnesses.

>> No.7168213

like what?
He's also a huge conspiracy theorist. UFO and chemtrail stuff, global warming is a hoax, power lines cause cancer, the whole nine yards. Recently he's been thinking the family is conspiring against him.

Another thing that happened on the same day as the previous story, concerned a tub of ice cream that was in the freezer. The night before, I asked my mom if I could take the ice cream since it was unopened and neither of my parents eat it. She said it was fine. The next morning, my little sister (16) ate some of the ice cream and my dad flipped on her. "HOW COULD YOU EAT ANON'S ICE CREAM? HE WANTED IT TO BE UNOPENED! HE CAN'T TAKE IT NOW!" he then made my sister get fully dressed and was going to make her walk 10 blocks to the nearest store to get another half gallon. Mind you, this was early in the morning, while I was still asleep. Before she left, she suggested that they just ask me whether I cared, so they had my mom wake me up and ask if my sister could have any. I replied that I didn't mind, and went back to bed. Later that day my dad confronted me about it, asking why I always consciously do the opposite of whatever he says. When I replied that I was asleep and could not have had any idea he and my sister were even having the argument at the time, he called me an ungrateful shit and accused my mother and me of "always trying to prove him wrong even though he's right"

I think he has some kind of delusions but what can I even do? and how can I make sure if I become delusional when I'm older, I will figure it out?

>> No.7168223

Oh, and he didn't let me take the ice cream in the end either. He had the epiphany that the ice cream would melt in my car on the 30 minute drive back to my apartment, and threw it away because he couldn't let that happen.

>> No.7168229

you gotta kick his ass

>> No.7168277

I realize this is a nonserious reply, but I should add that any confrontation would be for him and my mom and sister, not for me. He doesn't really have any influence on my life at all anymore, since I moved out. I just feel bad because he wasn't always like this. I think he might be going insane because he doesn't have any friends. He doesn't trust his coworkers and has no hobbies or really ever go outside for any reason. Though I'm not sure if that's the problem or a symptom.

>> No.7168300

no i was completely serious when i said you have to kick his ass
he needs to learn his place