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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7151065 No.7151065 [Reply] [Original]

>Soup in a bread bowl

Good or bad, /ck/?

>> No.7151070


>a bowl I can eat


>> No.7151075


It has the potential to be a meme food but it's not.

>> No.7151082

Only gripe about bread bowls is the bread to soup ratio is always like 3:1 and they're always stale. Have yet to find a place that hollows them out correctly or uses fresh bread.

>> No.7151084


Good. Great for clam chowder.

>> No.7151090

I thought you had to use stale bread because its tougher and less prone to having the soup seep through?

>> No.7151096


>> No.7151097

>Soup in a bread bowl
>a bowl I can eat

When will this meme end?

>> No.7151099


If they glaze the outside correctly it will lock in any soup leakage. Plus it won't rape your mouth like stale bread does. Also makes it easier to pull apart and won't flake all over you.

>> No.7151101

Fuck off retard.

>> No.7151104

>meme meme meme
Go the fuck back to /v/eddit

>> No.7151110


I'm European and love Panera bread, it's thr first thing I buy once in the states. Also marijuana.

>> No.7151112

check out the dumb ass here

>> No.7151118
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>Not onion soup in an onion bowl

Get on my level faggot

>> No.7151138
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>He's never heard of a trencher
get a load of this faggot, they've only been around as long around fucking bread has.

>be me
>900 AD
>decide to put my stew in a bowl made from day old bread
>looketh frynds I hath mymed

>> No.7151140
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Only if you get the ratios correct.

>> No.7151143
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>> No.7151145


God...just grab the top of that, dunk that motherfucker and chomp it like a drippy apple.

>> No.7151154

man that don't look too guud.

>> No.7151155


I honestly want to punch the chef that thought that was a good idea in the throat, and I'm really not a violent person.

>> No.7151159

How do you properly glaze it?

>> No.7151181


>> No.7151193

I prefer not because I like to dip my warm bread into my soup

>> No.7151200

the bread gets kind of soggy, I don't like it at all really, it's the same reason I dislike traditional french onion soup, I get really grossed out by soggy bread, I'd much rather just a nice few slices of sourdough on the side with butter that I can dip in when I want to.

>> No.7151223


Instead of using and egg and water wash for your glaze, use an olive oil glaze instead. Light coat before and after it comes out of the oven. The science behind it is pretty obvious, water and oil won't emulsify, thus the bread bowl will retain moisture and allow it not to leak soup. So long as it's a very light glaze it won't leave your bread too oily, and the olive oil will add an savory flavor to the bread which is a plus for many soups.

>> No.7151233

It's right up there with people who drown their food in siracha

>> No.7151242

Best breadbowls I had were from a street vendor in San Fran. Chowder in a breadbowl was fucking delish.

>> No.7151245

Did you get a side of feminine tranny dick with that too?

>> No.7151248

Indeed. It made the chowder even creamier.

>> No.7151268
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My friends and I got into a debate today over the difference between sauces and condiments. Do you guys think there is one?
Personally, I think condiments are what goes on a sandwich or similar food item and sauces are things that go with other dishes, Also, sauces like ketchup can be condiments, but not all condiments, like onion, pickles, and salt, can be sauces.
One of my friends thinks all sauces that would be found in sandwiches like mayo, ketchup, and mustard are just condiments no matter what, and my girlfriend just thinks everything is a sauce, no matter what it goes on.
What does /ck/ think about this? Do the semantics mean anything? Am I just a fucking idiot?

>> No.7151272

Holy FUCK I meant to make this a thread, sorry

>> No.7151273

I wouldn't bother if I were you....

>> No.7151277
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tasty bacon bowl > shitty bread bowl

>> No.7151278

I enjoy it occasionally, maybe twice a year. Almost exclusively for chowders instead of soup or stew.

>> No.7151280

Doesn't the bread melt? How does it not end up a gloopy mess?

>> No.7151293

Bread bowls typically use creamy and/or hearty soups, the viscosity of which is much too thick to seep through rapidly.

>> No.7151294

You use stale bread and hollow them out almost completely. The stale bread softens when it absorbs the soup, but shouldn't fall apart.

>> No.7151297

>>715109 or you could use a harder bread like a sour dough for a harder crust and leave more of the bread in which is what I do desu

>> No.7151298

fuck useless carbs.

>> No.7151303

Found the guy who wasn't around in the 90s

>> No.7151306

How do you eat this? The soup first, then the bread? Or alternate between the two? When I eat soup and bread with the soup in a normal bowl I usually alternate. But I worry that with a bread bowl alternating would compromise its structural integrity.

>> No.7151307

Is this from California?

>> No.7151319



>> No.7151336

Use a creamy soup because it's the best. Dip the lid into it and eat the lid that way. Use a spoon the rest of the way and eat the bowl as the soup gets below it.

>> No.7151340

>everything is a meme

Shut the fuck up and go shitpost somewhere else if you don't like it

>> No.7151365

shitposting elsewhere is a meme

>> No.7151439

New England you uncultured swine

>> No.7151443

>New England

Yankee çuck

>> No.7151448

I can't hear you over being buried in snow, miserable, and eating my soup and the bowl

>> No.7151469

I went to a college where they served bread bowl soup at a cafe. So great.

>> No.7151473


Fuck off foreigner, who the fuck uses acccent marks in English? Especially a ç, are you come commie fuck?

>> No.7151480

You enjoying your first day?

>> No.7151512


>> No.7151516


>> No.7151518


>> No.7151523


>I'm European and love Panera bread

I don't believe you.

>> No.7151776

>Soup in a bread bowl
you just made a shitty goulash, congatulations

>> No.7151785

Why not just get a loaf of bread and eat it with the soup that way you don't have to wait till eating all the soup and make a mess eating the bowl. Also what if you don't finish all your soup?

>> No.7151805

tee bee h I pretty much expected that response

>> No.7151811

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.7152394

Usually you're getting less soup for more money, so hopefully you love the shit out of the bread

>> No.7152408

All the litter on the edge of the plate is what gets me. It's nonsense. Also it seems like these would be mildly annoying to prep. Then, how do they fire it for service?
>Place precooked onion bowl in convection oven to heat up
>Meanwhile pile rock salt onto plate and regurgitate chopped herbs onto everything
>Onion is done. Ladle in soup from steamtable or sauce pan and garnish some more
Meh I guess it's easy enough to assemble. Still seems gay af though

>> No.7152460

>Be drunk as shit
>Go to good restaurant with a few friends
>order this bread bowl soup thing
>hyped as shit and amazed for it
>cant stop talking about it
>telling other diners about what i ordered
>get kicked out
>we go to another place
>they dont have soup in bread bowl
>tell them its easy to make
>order soup, and asked for bread
>they only had baguettes, i asked for the whole one anyway
>cut out all the bread down the line
>hardly a hole just rips in the bread and crumbs everywhere
>waiter serves my soup and is hesitating whether or not to kick me out
>before he can say anything i pour my soup onto the baguette
>whole table overflows in soup
>giant mess of ripped up baguette and soup everywhere
>tell them i needed another type of bread
>get kicked out

>> No.7152464

Just had chili in a bread bowl. Shit was cash, but my diet is ruined for tonight. Bet I went WAY over my cals for the day.

nah just /fat/ trying to be less /fat/

>> No.7152486

eh, it's cool once in a while. there was a pretty good street vendor out in pier 39 in SF that was good.

>> No.7152491

I usually get kicked out for fighting or something similarly boring and stupid. You've taken getting kicked out while drunk to a whole new level.

>> No.7154507

The bread bowl really is a meme.

>> No.7154671

Are bread bowls dishwasher safe or do I have to hand wash it? If so is it like le creuset where I can't scrub it with steel wool?

>> No.7154683



>> No.7154696

You give it a tongue bath while making lewd noises.

>> No.7154730

That HAS to be black out levels of drunk, yet you remember it. Worst I've done is trying to literally pick up a fat chick. Felt so bad after words.

How the fuck you do that.

>> No.7154734

>you remember it.
Or he was told about it by his friends, always a possibility just sayin'

Also careful trying to pick up fat chicks you might throw your back out

>> No.7154747

You cannot remember being blackout drunk because your brain isn't recording. If you remember it happening, you weren't blackout drunk.

>> No.7154762

Picking people up is my party trick. I'm 5'4" bagina style and I can pick up my 6' and above friends with ease thanks to diddylifts, but I couldn't pick this chick up. Only knew it happened after coming to singing total eclipse of the heart on the train home. She's getting married January 1st so I'm sure that's good enough revenge for her.

Anyway, bread bowls are the kind of food you eat when you plan to have only one meal in a day. 4000 calorie meal right there. I'd rather drink beer.

>> No.7154787

sourdough bread bowl is a San Francisco thing you sperg

>> No.7154805

Are you a fucking retard?

>Dude you were so drunk you did X and Y last night!

>"I don't remember at all man"

>Shit man you blacked out

Wa La

Fucking idiot

>> No.7154882
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>> No.7154898

nigga is that a bacon spoon?

>> No.7154905

dont forget bacon spoon

>> No.7154921

A bread bowl is neither good not bad, but it is excessive, and living in 2015 America where excess has spilled over into commonplace it's probably better avoided.

Would not eat.

>> No.7155190
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>> No.7155197
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>Get bread bowl clam chowder at diner
>Eat majority of soup and see moldy bottom of bread bowl

>> No.7155203
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>> No.7155211

>New England
>San Francisco

You're all wrong, it's from heaven.

>> No.7155213
File: 243 KB, 800x1200, IMG_20151210_030153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon spoon is probably a good idea. I just ruined my noodles with a stainless steel spoon. I can't eat this shit.

>> No.7155218

This looks sad. Do you have major depression? I recommend going on antidepressants like lexapro. It helps man. It gets better. This too shall pass.

>> No.7155233

I picked up the bowl and tried to drink the soup but the spoon became lodged in my mouth. I am going to go throw all my pyrex stuff in the trash, woe is the day my spoon falls again like a lamb to the slaughter in the bottom of a pyrex baking dish. This is an outrage.

>> No.7155248

tell that fat fuck to get his hands off my waifu!

>> No.7155252

"Guy Fieyeiyei rolling out"
-Guy Fieyeiyei circa 2008

>> No.7156149


>> No.7156327

had a bread bowl soup at panera bread yesterday and this >>7151082 was my complaint. i had soaked up all the soup with just the bread they gutted from it and couldn't eat anymore. the dull butter knife they gave me wasn't strong enough to cut through it, since it was really hard bread, so i couldn't eat the bowl. also for some reason they still served me a sizable piece of sour dough bread with it. i rate panera bread bowl soups unenjoyable/100.

>> No.7157027

Wtf is that. Chef was on meth.