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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7150701 No.7150701 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7150705

Needs to shave

>> No.7150707


>> No.7150732

I actually liked it back in the day tee bee aych

>> No.7150749

Implying every pop shouldn't adhere to this "gimmick"

all of that petroleum runoff in it to make it more aesthetically pleasing is needlessly helping kill people who probably don't need it

>> No.7150762

who even drinks soda anymore
seltzer and water 4 lyfe

>> No.7150767

I drank it back when it was originally out.

Im better then all of you and I never have to drinking it again.

>> No.7150813

Fuckers should bring back Josta instead.

>> No.7150822 [DELETED] 

I still enjoy a can of coca-cola every once in a while

>> No.7150824

>implying soda with colouring removed is any healthier

>> No.7150830

you're a retarded fishfrog

>> No.7150836


Wait, did he actually do it? Are they bringing it back?

>> No.7150874


>> No.7150884

I'd put my hoohoodilly in his chacha, if you know what I mean.
No idea who he is, why he's on /ck/ or why I should care.

>> No.7150893

there having a contest with their pepsi app where you can enter to win a 6 pack and they're choosing winners. that's it

>> No.7150906
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>> No.7150916

So that's LA Beast's "victory"? What a joke.

>> No.7150917

fucking hippie needs a haircut

>> No.7150923


Gay. Feel bad for LA Beast.

>> No.7150929
File: 68 KB, 720x960, 12299401_1070660166317565_6167282861099349240_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, he seems pretty content personally.

>> No.7150958

he said he's not drinking one until everyone who participated in the campaign has one in their hand.

Willing to bet he's already drank a few.

>> No.7150974
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>> No.7150980

eventually LA Beast is gonna annoy them to a point where they get a restraining order from him

>> No.7150994

80s kids are the worst. Get over it, your stupid decade is over.

>> No.7151042

Didn't he used to be employed by pepsi?

>> No.7151066


>> No.7151078

>getting butthurt over not having artificial color in your coke
>literal autism

>> No.7151139

>>getting butthurt over not having artificial color in your coke
Pepsi clear actually taste different

>> No.7151144

only because caramel has a flavor

>> No.7151194

this tbqh

>> No.7151217

This and juice (because I am still a child deep inside)

>> No.7151231

crystal pepsi is a 90s thing

>> No.7151251

I would have laughed if they brought back Crystal from Pepsi instead. But Pepsi aren't cool like that.

>> No.7151354

His Chacha has seen horrors beyond the realm of mortals.

You couldn't handle it.

>> No.7151362

Nah, but his dad was some kind of relatively big cheese at Pepsi.

>> No.7151396

He's a good natured guy, I like him.

>> No.7151405

He seems more erratic and drug fucked than he used to be.

>> No.7151467

So is my dick

>> No.7151994

Suck my dick, Pepsi.

>> No.7152000

A 15+ year old manchild who still drinks soda. Pathetic.

>> No.7152023

he aint got shit on shoenice.

>> No.7152625

Yeah, that was kind of a dick move.

>> No.7152628


Clearly didn't watch the video.
States more than once that it's returning for the public S9 (out of 13) next year.

>> No.7152635

I only watch if he vomits or shits.


The end of this video starting at about 12:30 is the best.

>> No.7152666

So, soda water.

>> No.7152678
File: 39 KB, 350x392, paul-bearer-mustache1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone say soda?

>> No.7152696

Don't pretend to know my hoohoodilly and what he can handle. You've never even shaken hands.

>> No.7152697

Satan speaks truth, wtf?

>> No.7152712

They just had to go and fuck it up. Why is PepsiCo such a terrible company?

>> No.7152931
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They know:


>> No.7153010

best LA Beast video is that really old one where he tries to dodge fireworks

>> No.7153013

I'd rather have Pepsi Blue back desu.

>> No.7153314

that's because the video wasn't out yet when we made our comments you dumbass

>> No.7153321

It'll probably come back in a few years when early 00s nostalgia is a thing

>> No.7153337

it is a thing senpai

>> No.7153403

It'll get more popular in about 8 years

>> No.7153456

I really don''t understand why they got rid of this in the first place. Wasn't it pretty popular? I know I liked it. I think the big issue with it was the fact that people thought it was just gonna be a blue version of pepsi, when it was nothing like pepsi. They should have called it something else.

the only bad criticism I've heard about it is that it tasted to some people like cleaning products, which is obviously an over exaggeration on their part. If you think about it, all sodas taste chemically, so it's a weak complaint.

>> No.7153478
File: 20 KB, 243x240, george smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The item you've requested is not currently available in the Canadian store.
eat my ass pepsi

>> No.7153759

Somebody will probably sell them on eBay don't worry

>> No.7153781

Didn't it explicitly say that it had a berry flavor anyway?

>> No.7153923
File: 14 KB, 320x240, pepsiwhite[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semen Pepsi outside Japan when?

>> No.7153926


It's yogurt and cucumber flavored...it's also disgusting like most food from Japan.

>> No.7154042

though I guess people thought it would be pepsi with a berry flavor, which it wasn't. It's an entirely different soda.

>> No.7154449


They could have rode that nostalgia train all the way to money town, what a shit-ass company.

>> No.7154456

HUUUUUR HAVE A NICE DAY? *starts puking to opera music intense* OH IM SO HARDCORE YEAAAAAAAAH

>> No.7154769


>> No.7154801

I kind of like LA Beast because he proves to hamplanets that you can have unhumanly big binges and still maintain a (relatively) healthy weight/body fat %

>> No.7154802

Oh, so you just jumped to that conclusion then because you wanted to be first to post about it?

>> No.7154804

Have you seen his gut?
He's not healthy, mane.

>> No.7155173

>Pepsi Exec 1:"Well, it appears there is quite the online following of a "Crystal Pepsi revival."
>Pepsi Exec 2:"But we'll actually lose money if we even do a small release."
>Pepsi Exec 1:"Let's just make a 100 cases of the shit and sell it in a sweepstakes at a ridiculous price for because of muh nostalgia"
>Pepsi Exec 2:"Brilliant."

>> No.7155270

More hardcore than you, to be honest.

Get back to us when you slip on some melted butter and cut open your toe.

>> No.7155994

Beast says they'll bring it back to stores by late next year.

>> No.7156849

A lot of people jumped to that conclusion considering the last pepsi product that came out was an annoying fiasco. You don't remember pepsi perfect?

>> No.7157504

I just want Fruitopia back.

>> No.7159271


>> No.7159585

I think he describes himself as "half buff, half fat".

>> No.7159936

>drinking anything other than acqua panna or water

>> No.7159994

How is sugar water any better than soda?

>> No.7160030

>sugar bad
When will these meme end
You know your brain needs glucose right?